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Different variants of hepatitis C virus core protein (HCcAg) have proved to self-assemble in vitro into virus-like particles (VLPs). However, difficulties in obtaining purified mature HCcAg have limited these studies. In this study, a high degree of monomeric HCcAg purification was accomplished using chromatographic procedures under denaturing conditions. Size exclusion chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation of renatured HCcAg (in the absence of structured RNA) under reducing conditions suggested that it assembled into empty capsids. The electron microscopy analysis of renatured HCcAg showed the presence of spherical VLPs with irregular shapes and an average diameter of 35nm. Data indicated that HCcAg monomers assembled in vitro into VLPs in the absence of structured RNA, suggesting that recombinant HCcAg used in this work contains all the information necessary for the assembly process. However, they also suggest that some cellular factors might be required for the proper in vitro assembly of capsids.  相似文献   
Questions: To what degree do biological soil crusts (BSCs), which are regulators of the soil surface boundary, influence associated microbial communities? Are these associations important to ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean semi‐arid environment? Location: Gypsum outcrops near Belmonte del Tajo, Central Spain. Methods: We sampled a total of 45 (50 cm × 50 cm) plots, where we estimated the cover of every lichen and BSC‐forming lichen species. We also collected soil samples to estimate bacterial species richness and abundance, and to assess different surrogates of ecosystem functioning. We used path analysis to evaluate the relationships between the richness/abundance of above‐ and below‐ground species and ecosystem functioning. Results: We found that the greatest direct effect upon the ecosystem function matrix was that of the biological soil crust (BSC) richness matrix. A few bacterial species were sensitive to the lichen community, with a disproportionate effect of Collema crispum and Toninia sedifolia compared to their low abundance and frequency. The lichens Fulgensia subbracteata and Toninia spp. also had negative effects on bacteria, while Diploschistes diacapsis consistently affected sensitive bacteria, sometimes positively. Despite these results, very few of the BSC effects on ecosystem function could be ascribed to changes within the bacterial community. Conclusion: Our results suggest the primary importance of the richness of BSC‐forming lichens as drivers of small‐scale changes in ecosystem functioning. This study provides valuable insights on semi‐arid ecosystems where plant cover is spatially discontinuous and ecosystem function in plant interspaces is regulated largely by BSCs.  相似文献   
Leaf collection from the field, labeling and tracking back to the source plants after genotyping are rate limiting steps in leaf DNA-based genotyping. In this study, an optimized genotyping method using endosperm DNA sampled from single maize seeds was developed, which can be used to replace leaf DNA-based genotyping for both genetic studies and breeding applications. A similar approach is likely to be suitable for all plants with relatively large seeds. Part of the endosperm was excised from imbibed maize seeds and DNA extracted in 96-tube plates using individuals from eight F2 populations and seven inbreds. The quality of the resultant DNA was functionally comparable to DNA extracted from leaf tissue. Extraction from 30 mg of endosperm yields 3–10 μg DNA, which is sufficient for analysis of 200–400 agarose-gel PCR-based markers, with the potential for several million chip-based SNP marker analyses. By comparing endosperm DNA and leaf DNA for individuals from an F2 population, genotyping errors caused by pericarp contamination and hetero-fertilization were found to average 3.8 and 0.6%, respectively. Endosperm sampling did not affect germination rates under controlled conditions, although under normal field conditions the germination rate, seedling establishment, and growth vigor were significantly lower than that of non-sampled controls for some genotypes. However, careful field management can compensate for these effects. Seed DNA-based genotyping lowered costs by 24.6% compared to leaf DNA-based genotyping due to reduced field plantings and labor costs. A substantial advantage of this approach is that it can be used to select desirable genotypes before planting. As such it provides an opportunity for dramatic improvements in the efficiency and selective gain of breeding systems based on optimum combinations of marker-assisted selection and phenotypic selection within and between generations.  相似文献   
We report the cloning of the pykA and pykF genes from Escherichia coli, which code for the two pyruvate kinase isoenzymes (ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferases; EC in this microorganism. These genes were insertionally inactivated with antibiotic resistance markers and utilized to interrupt one or both pyk genes in the E. coli chromosome. With these constructions, we were able to study the role of these isoenzymes in pyruvate biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Most temperate forests are accumulating carbon (C) and may continue to do so in the near future. However, the situation may be different in water‐limited ecosystems, where the potentially positive effects of C and N fertilization and rising temperatures interact with water availability. In this study, we use the extensive network of plots of two consecutive Spanish national forest inventories to identify the factors that determine the spatial variation of the C stock change, growth, and mortality rate of forests in Peninsular Spain (below‐ and aboveground). We fitted general linear models to assess the response of C stock change and its components to the spatial variability of climate (in terms of water availability), forest structure (tree density and C stock), previous forest management, and the recent warming trend. Our results show that undisturbed forests in Peninsular Spain are accumulating C at a rate of ~1.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1, and that forest structural variables are the main determinants of forest growth and C stock change. Water availability was positively related to growth and C accumulation. On the other hand, recent warming has reduced growth rate and C accumulation, especially in wet areas. Spatial variation in mortality (in terms of C loss) was mostly driven by differences in growth rate across plots, and was consistent with ‘natural’, self‐thinning dynamics related to the recent abandonment of forest management over large areas of Spain, with the consequent increase in tree density and competition. Interestingly, the negative effect of warming on forest C accumulation disappears if only managed stands are considered, emphasizing the potential of forest management to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, the effect of forest management was weak and, in some cases, not significant, implying the need of further research on its impact.  相似文献   
Elucidating how an organism''s characteristics emerge from its DNA sequence has been one of the great triumphs of biology. This triumph has cumulated in sophisticated computational models that successfully predict how an organism''s detailed phenotype emerges from its specific genotype. Inspired by that effort''s vision and empowered by its methodologies, a grand challenge is described here that aims to predict the biotic characteristics of an ecosystem, its metaphenome, from nucleic acid sequences of all the species in its community, its metagenome. Meeting this challenge would integrate rapidly advancing abilities of environmental nucleic acids (eDNA and eRNA) to identify organisms, their ecological interactions, and their evolutionary relationships with advances in mechanistic models of complex ecosystems. Addressing the challenge would help integrate ecology and evolutionary biology into a more unified and successfully predictive science that can better help describe and manage ecosystems and the services they provide to humanity.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of NO and O-2 on enzymatic components of cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway in peritoneal macrophages. Activation of murine peritoneal macrophages by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) resulted in time-dependent production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). This stimulation was also accompanied by the production of other reactive oxygen species such as superoxide (O-2), and by increased expression of COX-2. Our results provide evidence that O-2 may be involved in the pathways that result in arachidonate release and PGE2 formation by COX-2 in murine peritoneal macrophages stimulated by LPS. However, we were not able to demonstrate that NO participates in the regulation of PG production under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus acidophilus, like many other bacteria, harbors a surface layer consisting of a protein (S(A)-protein) of 43 kDa. S(A)-protein could be readily extracted and crystallized in vitro into large crystalline patches on lipid monolayers with a net negative charge but not on lipids with a net neutral charge. Reconstruction of the S-layer from crystals grown on dioleoylphosphatidylserine indicated an oblique lattice with unit cell dimensions (a=118 A; b=53 A, and gamma=102 degrees ) resembling those determined for the S-layer of Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC 12046. Sequence comparison of S(A)-protein with S-proteins from L. helveticus, Lactobacillus crispatus and the S-proteins encoded by the silent S-protein genes from L. acidophilus and L. crispatus suggested the presence of two domains, one comprising the N-terminal two-thirds (SAN), and another made up of the C-terminal one-third (SAC) of S(A)-protein. The sequence of the N-terminal domains is variable, while that of the C-terminal domain is highly conserved in the S-proteins of these organisms and contains a tandem repeat. Proteolytic digestion of S(A)-protein showed that SAN was protease-resistant, suggesting a compact structure. SAC was rapidly degraded by proteases and therefore probably has a more accessible structure. DNA sequences encoding SAN or Green Fluorescent Protein fused to SAC (GFP-SAC) were efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli. Purified SAN could crystallize into mono and multi-layered crystals with the same lattice parameters as those found for authentic S(A)-protein. A calculated S(A)-protein minus SAN density-difference map revealed the probable location, in projection, of the SAC domain, which is missing from the truncated SAN peptide. The GFP-SAC fusion product was shown to bind to the surface of L. acidophilus, L. helveticus and L. crispatus cells from which the S-layer had been removed, but not to non-stripped cells or to Lactobacillus casei.  相似文献   
Patients with dengue fever and comorbidities seem to be at higher risk of developing complications and/or severe dengue compared to healthier individuals. This study systematically reviews the evidence related to comorbidities and dengue. A systematic literature review was performed in five databases (EMBASE, PUBMED, Global Health, SciELO, Cochrane) and grey literature for full-text articles since its inceptions until October 10, 2015. A total of 230 articles were retrieved. Sixteen studies were analysed after applying all inclusion and exclusion criteria. Seven case control studies and nine retrospective cohort studies showed that comorbidities may contribute to severe dengue, especially 1) cardiovascular disease, 2) stroke, 3) diabetes, 4) respiratory disease and 5) renal disease, as well as old age. However, due to heterogeneity in studies, the real estimate effect of comorbidities as modifiers of dengue severity could not be established. Further research in regions with high prevalence of dengue infection would contribute to a better understanding of the relevance of comorbidities in severe dengue, especially with a standardised protocol, for outcomes, specific comorbidities, study design—best using prospective designs—and sample sizes.  相似文献   
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