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The about 31 species of Fosterella L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae) are terrestrial herbs with a centre of diversity in the central South American Andes. To resolve infra- and intergeneric relationships among Fosterella and their putative allies, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data from four chloroplast DNA regions (matK gene, rps16 intron, atpB-rbcL and psbB-psbH intergenic spacers). Sequences were generated for 96 accessions corresponding to 60 species from 18 genera. Among these, 57 accessions represented 22 of the 31 recognized Fosterella species and one undescribed morphospecies. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods yielded well-resolved phylogenies. The monophyly of Fosterella was strongly supported, as was its sister relationship with a clade comprising Deuterocohnia, Dyckia and Encholirium. Six distinct evolutionary lineages were distinguished within Fosterella. Character mapping indicated that parallel evolution of identical character states is common in the genus. Relationships between species and lineages are discussed in the context of morphological, ecological and biogeographical data as well as the results of a previous amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) study.  相似文献   
Carcasses of large herbivores are pulsed resources whose impact on animal communities and ecological processes is poorly understood. In temperate forests, long-lasting ungulate carcasses are a prime resource for many species of birds and mammals during winter. Facultative carrion-eaters also consume live prey, thus potentially leading to unexpected secondary effects on populations of species not directly linked to carcass exploitation. By snow-tracking and direct observations we investigated in Bia?owie?a Forest (E. Poland) whether large ungulate carcasses elicit spatial responses in facultative scavengers and their prey. We found that in the vicinity of carcass sites the probability of the presence of common ravens Corvus corax, jays Garrulus glandarius and red foxes Vulpes vulpes increased significantly. Indeed, large groups of the two bird species were exclusively found in those places. Because of these aggregations, the probability of predator–prey encounters (red foxes and brown hares Lepus europaeus) was significantly higher near carcass sites. Accordingly, the abundance of hares and other live prey such as red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris decreased at their vicinities, probably as a consequence of direct killing and/or predator avoidance. This study provides the first evidence of carrion pulses permeating into apparently distant trophic levels, such as herbivores, via facultative scavengers, thus highlighting some unnoticed but relevant effects of carrion resources on community structure.  相似文献   
To study the structure-activity relationships of aromatic cytokinins, the cytokinin activity at both the receptor and cellular levels, as well as CDK inhibitory and anticancer properties of 38 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) derivatives were compared in various in vitro assays. The compounds were prepared by the condensation of 6-chloropurine with corresponding substituted benzylamines. The majority of synthesised derivatives exhibited high activity in all three of the cytokinin bioassays employed (tobacco callus, wheat senescence and Amaranthus bioassay). The highest activities were obtained in the senescence bioassay. For some compounds tested, significant differences of activity were found in the bioassays used, indicating that diverse recognition systems may operate and suggesting that it may be possible to modulate particular cytokinin-dependent processes with specific compounds. Position-specific steric and hydrophobic effects of different phenyl ring substituents on the variation of biological activity were confirmed. In contrast to their high activity in bioassays, the BAP derivatives were recognised with much lower sensitivity than trans-zeatin in both Arabidopsis thaliana AHK3 and AHK4 receptor assays. The compounds were also investigated for their effects on cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) and for antiproliferative properties on cancer and normal cell lines. Several of the tested compounds showed stronger inhibitory activity and cytotoxicity than BAP. There was also a significant positive correlation of the inhibitory effects on human and plant CDKs with cell proliferation of cancer and cytokinin-dependent tobacco cells, respectively. This suggests that at least a part of the antiproliferative effect of the new cytokinins was due to the inhibition of CDK activity.  相似文献   
While malate and fumarate participate in a multiplicity of pathways in plant metabolism, the function of these organic acids as carbon stores in C3 plants has not been deeply addressed. Here, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants overexpressing a maize (Zea mays) plastidic NADP-malic enzyme (MEm plants) were used to analyze the consequences of sustained low malate and fumarate levels on the physiology of this C3 plant. When grown in short days (sd), MEm plants developed a pale-green phenotype with decreased biomass and increased specific leaf area, with thin leaves having lower photosynthetic performance. These features were absent in plants growing in long days. The analysis of metabolite levels of rosettes from transgenic plants indicated similar disturbances in both sd and long days, with very low levels of malate and fumarate. Determinations of the respiratory quotient by the end of the night indicated a shift from carbohydrates to organic acids as the main substrates for respiration in the wild type, while MEm plants use more reduced compounds, like fatty acids and proteins, to fuel respiration. It is concluded that the alterations observed in sd MEm plants are a consequence of impairment in the supply of carbon skeletons during a long dark period. This carbon starvation phenotype observed at the end of the night demonstrates a physiological role of the C4 acids, which may be a constitutive function in plants.Fumarate can accumulate to high levels in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and agronomically important C3 plants like soybean (Glycine max) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus; Chia et al., 2000; Fahnenstich et al., 2007). It is synthesized from malate through the action of fumarase (Gout et al., 1993). Malate is an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and a regulator of pH and nutrient uptake and stomatal function (Fernie and Martinoia, 2009). Malate also has an important role in photosynthesis in Crassulacean acid metabolism and C4 plants (Drincovich et al., 2010). In some C3 plants like Arabidopsis, malate and fumarate levels show diurnal changes similar to those of starch and Suc: They increase during the day and decrease during the night, suggesting that they function as transient carbon storage molecules (Fahnenstich et al., 2007). As fumarate is highly concentrated in stems (Stumpf and Burris, 1981) and phloem exudates (Chia et al., 2000), it was proposed that it might also be involved in carbon partitioning. There is variation in the extent to which C3 plants store photosynthates in the form of sugars and organic acids in leaves during carbon assimilation (Zeeman and Ap Rees, 1999; Chia et al., 2000; Zeeman et al., 2007). In Arabidopsis, approximately half of the photoassimilates are partitioned into starch (Sun et al., 1999; Zeeman and Ap Rees, 1999). Under short days (sd), the partitioning of assimilates to the formation of starch is greater than in long days (LD; Gibon et al., 2004). Thus, the longer the night, the higher is the proportion of photoassimilates stored as starch to provide carbon skeletons during the prolonged dark period.We recently established transgenic lines of Arabidopsis with decreased malate and fumarate levels by overexpressing a maize (Zea mays) plastidic NADP-malic enzyme (MEm plants; Fahnenstich et al., 2007). This enzyme catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of malate rendering pyruvate, CO2, and NADPH (Maurino et al., 1996). The MEm plants showed an accelerated dark-induced senescence that could be rescued by supplying Glc, Suc, or malate, suggesting that the lack of a readily mobilized carbon source is likely to be the initial factor leading to the premature induction of senescence in MEm plants. In line with these, malate and fumarate were the only two metabolites whose levels were significantly decreased in the MEm lines after dark incubation and whose levels recover to values similar to wild type after incubation with Glc (Fahnenstich et al., 2007).In this work we address the question whether malate and fumarate function as storage carbon molecules in the C3 plant Arabidopsis by analyzing the consequences of sustained low levels of these organic acids on the performance of MEm plants growing in different photoperiods. We demonstrate that low malate and fumarate levels do not alter morphology, photosynthetic functions, or growth parameters in LD plants. By contrast, MEm plants suffer from a marked decrease in photosynthetic performance and show reduced biomass and a pale-green phenotype in sd. When grown in sd at the end of the night the wild type showed a shift from carbohydrates as the main substrate for respiration to organic acids, while the MEm lines used more reduced substrates (e.g. fatty acids and proteins) to fuel respiration. The alterations observed in sd point to an impairment in the supply of energy and carbon skeletons during a long night, which supports the proposed physiological roles of malate and fumarate as essential storage carbon molecules in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
An open-top chamber experiment was carried out in Curno (Northern Italy) in 2004 and 2005 on seedlings of Fagus sylvatica (FS), Quercus robur (QR), and an ozone-sensitive Populus (POP) clone, to investigate the role of two stress factors: tropospheric ozone and water shortage. Treatments were filtered air to achieve a 50% reduction in the environmental ozone concentrations (charcoal filtered, CF); and non-filtered air, with a 5% reduction in the environmental ozone concentrations (non-filtered, NF). Overall ozone exposure (AOT40) in open air (April–September) was 26,995 ppb h in 2004 and 25,166 ppb h in 2005. The plants were either watered (W) or not watered (dry, D). We investigated the above-ground biomass, tree-ring growth, stable carbon isotopes ratio, i.e. δ13C of tree rings, and the photosynthetic parameter Driving forces (DFABS), derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis. Ozone-induced growth reduction (in terms of biomass) in POP, and that reduction was more pronounced in D plots. A synergistic effect of ozone and drought stress was evidenced by DFABS in POP and QR, but not in FS. The water availability was revealed as the main factor influencing the isotopic ratio δ13C. In drought-stressed seedlings, the increase in δ13C value was accompanied by the reduction in stomatal conductance and increased DFABS. Fast-growing plant species with high water requirements are more susceptible to ozone and drought stress.  相似文献   
The organisation of dinoflagellate chromosomes is exceptional among eukaryotes. Their genomes are the largest in the Eukarya domain, chromosomes lack histones and may exist in liquid crystalline state. Therefore, the study of the structural and functional properties of dinoflagellate chromosomes is of high interest. In this work, we have analysed the telomeres and telomerase in two Dinoflagellata species, Karenia papilionacea and Crypthecodinium cohnii. Active telomerase, synthesising exclusively Arabidopsis-type telomere sequences, was detected in cell extracts. The terminal position of TTTAGGG repeats was determined by in situ hybridisation and BAL31 digestion methods and provides evidence for the linear characteristic of dinoflagellate chromosomes. The length of telomeric tracts, 25–80 kb, is the largest among unicellular eukaryotic organisms to date. Both the presence of long arrays of perfect telomeric repeats at the ends of dinoflagellate chromosomes and the existence of active telomerase as the primary tool for their high-fidelity maintenance demonstrate the general importance of these structures throughout eukaryotes. We conclude that whilst chromosomes of dinoflagellates are unique in many aspects of their structure and composition, their telomere maintenance follows the most common scenario.  相似文献   
The COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex is critical for mammalian cell proliferation and survival, but it is not known how the CSN affects the cell cycle. In this study, MEFs lacking CSN5/Jab1 were generated using a CRE-flox system. MEFs ceased to proliferate upon elimination of CSN5/Jab1. Rescue experiments indicated that the JAMM domain of CSN5/Jab1 was essential. CSN5/Jab1-elimination enhanced the neddylation of cullins 1 and 4 and altered the expression of many factors including cyclin E and p53. CSN5/Jab1-elimination inhibited progression of the cell cycle at multiple points, seemed to initiate p53-independent senescence and increased the ploidy of cells. Thus, CSN5/Jab1 controls different events of the cell cycle, preventing senescence and endocycle as well as the proper progression of the somatic cell cycle.

Structured summary

MINT-8046253: Csn1 (uniprotkb:Q99LD4) physically interacts (MI:0914) with Csn5 (uniprotkb:O35864), Csn8 (uniprotkb:Q8VBV7), Csn3 (uniprotkb:O88543), Csn7b (uniprotkb:Q8BV13) and Csn6 (uniprotkb:O88545) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   
An α-2,8-linked polysialic acid (polySia) capsule confers immune tolerance to neuroinvasive, pathogenic prokaryotes such as Escherichia coli K1 and Neisseria meningitidis and supports host infection by means of molecular mimicry. Bacteriophages of the K1 family, infecting E. coli K1, specifically recognize and degrade this polySia capsule utilizing tailspike endosialidases. While the crystal structure for the catalytic domain of the endosialidase of bacteriophage K1F (endoNF) has been solved, there is yet no structural information on the mode of polySia binding and cleavage available. The crystal structure of activity deficient active-site mutants of the homotrimeric endoNF cocrystallized with oligomeric sialic acid identified three independent polySia binding sites in each endoNF monomer. The bound oligomeric sialic acid displays distinct conformations at each site. In the active site, a Sia3 molecule is bound in an extended conformation representing the enzyme-product complex. Structural and biochemical data supported by molecular modeling enable to propose a reaction mechanism for polySia cleavage by endoNF.  相似文献   
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