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An algorithm to simulate DNA sequence evolution under a generalstochastic model, including as particular cases all the previouslyused schemes of nucleotide substitution, is described. The simulationis carried out on finite, variable length, DNA sequences througha strict stochastic process, according to the particular substitutionrates imposed by each scheme. Five FORTRAN programs, runningon an IBM PC and compatibles, carry out all the tasks neededfor the simulation. They are menu driven and interfaced to thesystem through a principal menu. All sequence data files usedand generated by the SDSE package conform to the standard GenBankdatabase format, thus allowing the use of any sequence retrievedfrom this databank, as well as the application of other packagesto analyse, manipulate or retrieve simulated sequences. Received on August 23, 1988; accepted on November 15, 1988  相似文献   
In a previous study, we purified three selenium-binding proteins (molecular masses 56, 14, and 12 kDa) from mouse liver using column chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The aim of the present study was to determine the amino acid sequence of the 14-kDa protein thereby establishing any relationship with known proteins. Although the amino terminus of the 14-kDa protein was blocked, separate in situ digestions of the protein with endoproteinases Glu-c and Lys-c gave overlapping peptides that provided a continuous sequence of 93 amino acids. This sequence exhibited a 92.5% sequence homology with rat liver fatty acid-binding protein. In situ enzymatic digestion and partial sequencing of a 12-kDa selenium-binding protein revealed identical homology to the 14-kDa protein. The 14-kDa protein bound specifically to an oleate-affinity column from which the protein and 75Se coeluted. Delipidation or sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment failed to remove 75Se from the protein, indicating that the selenium moiety was tightly bound to the protein. These observations confirm that the mouse liver selenium-binding 14-kDa protein is a fatty acid-binding protein. The nature of the selenium linkage to the protein still needs to be explored.  相似文献   
The presence of neuron-specific enolase (NSF) and neurofilament proteins (NFP) immunoreactivities (IR) was investigated in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of adult rats at cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral levels. All neurons display NSE-like IR with a variable intensity of immunostain which is not related to the neuronal size. Conversely, the antibody against all three proteic subunits of NFP no labelled the primary sensory neurons, whereas the intraganglionic axons and dorsal root of spinal nerves result positives. In the sciatic nerve the immunoreactivity was similar for NSE- and NFP-like IR. No regional differences were found among the different levels of DRG for NSE-like IR. The present results demonstrate heterogeneity in the neurons of the rat. DRG for NSE-like IR, and differences between sensory neurons and fibers in the distribution of NFP-like IR.  相似文献   
Abstract: Paired helical filaments isolated from the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease are composed of a major protein component, the microtubule-associated protein termed τ, together with other nonprotein components, including heparan, a glycosaminoglycan, the more extensively sulfated form of which is heparin. As some of these nonprotein components may modulate the assembly of τ into filamentous structures, we have analyzed the ability of the whole τ protein or some of its fragments to self-assemble in the presence of heparin. Different τ fragments, all of them containing some sequences of the tubulin-binding motif, can assemble in vitro into filaments. We have also found formation of polymers with the 18-residue-long peptide corresponding to the third tubulin-binding motif of τ. This suggests that the ability of τ for self-assembly could be localized in a short sequence of amino acids present in the tubulin-binding repeats of the τ molecule.  相似文献   
Mesophyll protoplasts from primary leaves of 2, 3, and 4 weekold Viciafaba L. plants and from not expanded leaves of 2 weekold plants were incubated with rabbit anti-ubiquitin antibodyand FITC labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. Dependent on age of theplant material, an increase in size and number of immunoreactivespots at protoplast surfaces were observed, when incubationswere performed after 16 h storage to allow protoplast to recover.A relationship between isolation stress and the intensity ofimmunolabeling was demonstrated for protoplasts from not expandedleaves. Furthermore, the surface of isolation stressed protoplastsshowed an increasing number of immunoreactive spots when plantswere previously exposed to water deficiency conditions for 1,2 or 4 days. Water deficiency conditions and isolation stressare therefore thought to induce ubiquitination of surface locatedproteins. A phenomenon, which seemed to be normally correlatedwith early events of senescence. (Received October 28, 1993; Accepted February 21, 1994)  相似文献   
Filamentous algae in eutrophic carp ponds in South Bohemia (Central Europe) were studied from 1988 to 1990. High biomass (490 g DW m-2) was attained by Cladophora fracta (O. F. Müll. ex Vahl) Kütz. after two months of growth. This marked growth depleted inorganic carbon in the water, but did not decrease the concentration of tissue nutrients. Laboratory measurements of final pH indicate that all the filamentous algae studied, except for Tribonema, are very efficient HCO3 - users. An extremely high pH of 11.6 and oxygen concentration of 32 mg l-1 were measured in the algal mats. High pH resulted in CaCO3 precipitation, visible as white incrustations on algal filaments. The amount of precipitated CaCO3 reached 134 kg ha-1. After reaching peak biomass, 90% of the Cladophora decomposed over the next 95 days.The highest net photosynthetic rate in C. fracta was measured between pH range 8.5–10.0 and oxygen concentrations of 7–12 mg l-1. Optimum temperature for photosynthesis was between 17–22°C.  相似文献   
The occurrence of 23 cyanobacterial species, belonging to 9 different genera and 5 cyanobacterial lichen species of 5 different genera on exposed, open rock surfaces of inselbergs and on soil in savannas of the Orinoco lowlands and the Guayana uplands is described. Their distribution patterns and frequency within the different habitats are given. The filamentous procaryotic blue-green algae/cyanobacteria Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, together with the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sanguinea were the most frequent species on rocks, whereas the filamentous cyanobacterium, Schizothrix telephoroides, dominated in cyanobacterial mats on the savanna soil. All species showed intensively coloured sheaths, either brown or yellow in the case of Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, or red in Gloeocapsa sanguinea and Schizothrix telephoroides. In addition, a number of cyanobacterial lichens occurred.  相似文献   
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