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Two cDNA clones, encoding cytosolic and chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases (GAPDH) from mustard (Sinapis alba), have been identified and sequenced. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences with one another and with the GAPDH sequences from animals, yeast and bacteria demonstrates that nucleus-encoded subunit A of chloroplast GAPDH is distinct from its cytosolic counterpart and the other eukaryotic sequences and relatively similar to the GAPDHs of thermophilic bacteria. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the nuclear gene for subunit A of chloroplast GAPDH is of prokaryotic origin. They are in puzzling contrast with a previous publication demonstrating that Escherichia coli GAPDH is relatively similar to the eukaryotic enzymes [Eur. J. Biochem. 150, 61-66 (1985)].  相似文献   
The sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial tRNA Arg1, tRNA Arg2, tRNA Gly, tRNA Lys2, tRNA Leu amd tRNA Pro are reported. Special structural features were found in tRNA Pro, which has A8, C21, A48 instead of the constant residues U8, A21 and pyrimidine 48, and in tRNA Lys2, which has a U excluded from base-paring and bulging out from the TpsiC stem. The tRNA Arg1, tRBA Lys2 and tRNA Leu, which belong to two-codon families ending in a purine, have a modified uridine in the wobble position, which prevents misreading of C and U. It is likely to be 5-carboxymethylaminomethyluridine. tRNA Gly and tRNA Pro have an unmodified uridine in the wobble position allowing the reading of all four codons of a four-codon family. However, tRNA Arg2, which is a minor species and belongs to the CGN four-codon family, has an unmodified A in the wobble position. This unusual feature raises the problem of the mechanism by which the codons CGA, CGG and CGC are recognized.  相似文献   
In 56-day-old plants, Leucaena leucocephala and its hybrid with L. diversifolia showed 100% more total N than did L. diversifolia. Significant (P < 0.01) host-inoculation interaction in total N was 14.4% of the total phenotypic variation. The most effective and competitive Rhizobium sp. for the leucaenas was TAL 1145. Three-strain mixed inoculation was inferior to TAL 1145 alone.  相似文献   
Rat cortical astrocytes in primary culture were examined for their capacity to transport and metabolize exogenous L-[U-14C]glutamate. After incubation for time periods up to 120 min, cells and incubation media were analyzed for labelled and endogenous glutamate and its metabolic products by HPLC coupled with fluorescence detection and liquid scintillation counting. Glutamine was the major labelled metabolite after 120 min, accounted for 38% of the original glutamate label, and was found primarily in the incubation medium. A further 13.5% of the label was recovered in deaminated metabolites of glutamate, 1.2% was associated with aspartate, 23% remained in glutamate, and 10.2% was found in an acid-precipitated cell fraction. More than 84% of the label was recovered in these fraction. suggesting that the maximum possible formation and loss of 14CO2 was 16%. The rate of total glutamine synthesis was 1.1 nmol X mg protein-1 X min-1 when 9 microM exogenous glutamate was present. The total amount of glutamine synthesized greatly exceeded the consumption of glutamate, indicating that a substantial proportion of glutamine was synthesized from other carbon sources. Almost all of the newly formed glutamine was exported into the medium. These results indicate that astrocytes in primary culture, by accumulating glutamate, producing glutamine, and exporting it, are capable of carrying out the glial component of the glutamine cycle.  相似文献   
We have derived hybridization probes from analogous 100-base-pair segments located within the N-terminal region of gp70 coding sequences which differentiate xenotropic from mink cell focus-forming (MCF)-related murine leukemia virus (MuLV) DNAs. The MCF probe annealed to the integrated proviruses of all six MCF MuLV isolates tested; the xenotropic probe hybridized to the DNAs of all four xenotropic proviral isolates examined. No cross-hybridization was observed, and neither probe reacted with the env segments of amphotropic or ecotropic MuLV DNAs. Southern blot analysis of HindIII- or EcoRI-digested genomic DNAs from a variety of inbred laboratory mice demonstrated the presence of more MCF- than xenotropic MuLV-related segments in every strain tested.  相似文献   
Summary The digestive tract of the common woodlouse, Tracheoniscus rathkei Brandt (Isopoda: Oniscoidea), contains digestive enzymes active against -1,4-glucans, which are the chief storage polysaccharides of vascular plants, algae, fungi, and animals, and -1,3-glucans, which are present in algae and fungi. Digestive tract extracts also exhibit significant activity toward xylan and carboxymethyl-cellulose but negligible activity toward microcrystalline cellulose, substrates representative of the major structural polysaccharides of vascular plants. Low activity was detected toward pectin, and no activity was detected toward chitin. Activity toward xylan is due in part to microbial enzymes acquired from the leaf litter which was the isopod's normal food. Although ingested microbial xylanases are stable and active in the gut fluid, they do not make a quantitatively significant contribution to the isopod's ability to assimilate the hemicellulosic component of its diet. However, the assimilation of carbon from labeled plant fiber is enhanced in isopods which have acquired a cellulase by ingestion of leaf litter amended with a commercial preparation of the cellulase complex from the fungus, Penicillium funiculosum. This result demonstrates the potential contribution of acquired enzymes to the digestion of plant fiber in terrestrial detritivores. We urge caution, however, in assigning an important digestive function to ingested enzymes on the basis of evidence that only indicates that such enzymes are present in the gut fluid without additional evidence that their presence results in an enhancement of digestive efficiency.  相似文献   
Numerous hormones are known to rapidly activate polyphosphoinositide turnover in target cells by promoting phosphodiesteratic cleavage of the phospholipids; however, little is known about the enzymology of receptor-mediated phosphoinositide breakdown. In the present study, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation of polyphosphoinositide turnover has been characterized in electrically permeabilized, [3H]myoinositol-labeled GH3 cells. The permeable cells allow the influence of small molecular weight (Mr less than or equal to 1000) cofactors to be determined. We present evidence for the following: 1) TRH stimulates inositol phosphate generation in permeable cells; 2) optimal hormone-stimulated inositol phosphate generation requires Mg2+, ATP, and Ca2+; 3) Mg2+ and ATP requirements reflect polyphosphoinositide kinase reactions; 4) in the absence of MgATP, TRH stimulates the phosphodiesteratic breakdown of pre-existing polyphosphoinositides in a reaction which requires only low Ca2+ (10(-7) M); 5) hormone activation is potentiated in the presence of the stable guanine nucleotide, GTP gamma S; neither TRH-stimulated nor GTP gamma S-potentiated hydrolysis is inhibited by cholera or pertussis toxin treatment. These results demonstrate that hormone-induced phospholipid hydrolysis involves activation of a phosphoinositide phosphodiesterase; activation results in lowering the Ca2+ requirement of the phosphodiesterase such that maximal activity is observed at Ca2+ levels characteristic of a resting cell (10(-7) M). Furthermore, TRH regulation of polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis is modulated by guanine nucleotides; however, nucleotide regulation appears to involve a GTP-binding factor (Np) other than Ns or Ni.  相似文献   
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) inhibits phagocytosis of certain negatively charged particulates and also inhibits subsequent cellular secretory and oxidative responses to these particulates. In the present work, we have defined the structural features of LDL involved in this activity. Starch-heptane extraction depleted greater than 95% of neutral lipids but had little effect on the capacity of LDL to inhibit monosodium urate crystal- or polystyrene latex bead-induced neutrophil chemiluminescence (CL). Liposomes containing gamma-palmitoyl-beta-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (PC) with unesterified cholesterol (PC:cholesterol = 2:1), PC and sphingomyelin (PC:sphingomyelin = 2.3:1), or PC alone lacked the capacity to inhibit urate-induced CL. However, incorporation of apoB-100 into liposomes via cholate dialysis rendered them nearly as inhibitory for urate-induced neutrophil CL as LDL on a protein weight basis. Moreover, delipidated apoB-100, containing less than 3% residual phospholipid, inhibited neutrophil responses to urate crystals or latex beads (degranulation and superoxide anion release) in a stimulus-specific manner. Modifications of the lysine residues of apoB (e.g. acetylation) reduced both the capacity of LDL to inhibit urate crystal-induced CL and to bind to urate crystals. The effects of apoB lysine residue modification were reversible, proportional to the extent of modification, and were not attributable to alteration of the net charge of apoB. Thus, the apoB-100 of LDL both mediates and shares the capacity of native LDL to inhibit certain neutrophil responses to particulates.  相似文献   
The trm1 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a single nuclear mutation that affects a specific base modification of both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial tRNA. Transfer RNA isolated from trm1 cells lacks the modified base N2,N2-dimethylguanosine, and extracts from these cells do not have detectable N2,N2-dimethylguanosine-specific tRNA methyltransferase activity. As part of our efforts to determine how this mutation affects enzyme activities in two different cellular compartments we have isolated the TRM1 locus by genetic complementation. The TRM1 locus restores the N2,N2-dimethylguanosine modification to both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial tRNA in trm1 cells. An open reading frame in this TRM1 gene is essential for complementation of the trm1 phenotype. Expression of this open reading frame in Escherichia coli converts the organism from one that neither makes N2,N2-dimethylguanosine nor has N2,N2-dimethylguanosine-specific tRNA methyltransferase activity into one that does. This result suggests that the TRM1 locus is the structural gene for the tRNA modification enzyme and that both nuclear/cytoplasmic and mitochondrial forms of the methyltransferase are produced from the same gene.  相似文献   
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