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The social environment affects both behavioral and physiological responses to separation from the mother. Less information is available on the impact of the social environment on the response to separation in peer-reared infant monkeys. This study reports the responses of peer-reared pigtail macaque infants to repeated separations, and the impact of social versus isolation housing during the separation. The responses of two pairs of monkeys were studied during four three-day separations. One of each pair was housed in isolation during the separation, and the other was with another pair of peers, with whom they had been living for one month prior to the separation. The isolation-housed peer responded to the separation with behavioral agitation, but no depression. The socially-housed peer's behavior did not differ from baseline during the separation. During successive reunions, all the separated monkeys, regardless of housing condition, exhibited declining levels of behaviors related to maintaining proximity to their attachment figure. Although the number of subjects is small, the results suggest that the presence of social support, in the form of a familiar peer, can ameliorate the response to separation, and that with repeated separations the responses of the monkeys changes significantly.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to elucidate the genetic fine structure of the central portion of mouse chromosome (Chr) 2. Seven Chr 2 congenic mouse strains [B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t , B10.PA(L)-pa A w , B10.PA(L)-we un a t , B10.PA(J)-pa a, B10.FS-we A w , B10.C-we A w , and B10.YBR-a] were produced. Breeding studies were carried out using strains B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t and B10.LP-H-13 b to accurately determine the recombination frequencies between marker genes pa and we (1.9%±0.3), we and un (8.8%±0.5), and un and a t (4.5%±0.4) of strain B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t . These strains and other Chr 2 congenic strains were typed for immunologically defined loci using monoclonal antibody (mAb) C23 reactive with the gene product of B2m b T-lymphocyte clone C1 reactive with the gene product of H-3 a and H-3 c , and lymphocyte clone H1.8 reactive with the gene product of Hd-1 a . B2m and H-3 typing located a recombinational event separating [pa B2m H-3] from we (the order of bracketed genes is not known). Hd-1 typing indicated that Hd-1 maps distal to [H-42, H-44] and proximal to un. The gene order [pa, B2m, H-3], we, [H-42, H-45], Hd-1, un, H-13, a t , with H-44 mapping centromeric to Hd-1, is indicated by the data. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: R. J. Graff.  相似文献   
Summary Drosophila imaginal disc cell lines show a characteristic pattern of aggregation in culture, which appears to be due to cell-cell rather than cell-substrate interactions. We have examined the distribution of PS integrins in wing and leg cell lines, and find that these integrin homologues are expressed preferentially in aggregates. Cell sheets, small cell clumps and chains of cells express antigen at points of cell-cell contact only.  相似文献   
Populations ofTococa occidentalis (Melastomataceae) and the inhabiting ants (Myrmelachista sp.) were observed for more than eight months in the Peruvian Amazon (Sira mountains). They represent a complex coevolutionary system: the plants offer shelter (leaf domatia, hollow stems) and food (leaf glands), whereas the ants kill all surrounding plants, including large trees up to 10 m, by chemical weapons. Experiments with exposed plants revealed a highly specialized way to attack meristematic tissue and leaf nervature, which leads to a quick decay of the plant individuals. The clearing of the vegetation by the ants allows theTococa population to expand mostly by vegetative shoots to large monocultures (up to 30 m in diameter) free from any other plant species. Artificially introduced plant individuals, from differentT. occidentalis populations, are regarded as a foreign species by the ants.The succession of such aTococa-Myrmelachista system begins with one or a few founder plants on a light place in the midst of the vegetation.Myrmelachista soon inhabits their host plants which otherwise would not survive and begin to clear the place from all foreign plant species.Tococa expands quickly, forming circle shaped populations. Distantly situated canopy trees shade theTococa population after a number of years and cause their decay. The whole place appears contaminated for years and no other plant can establish itself. Some of the consequences of these open places are erosion and a severe influence on the regeneration of the forest.  相似文献   
Summary A gene encoding -glucanase activity from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens was subcloned in both orientations into plasmid shuttle vector pSA3. In only one orientation could a co-integrate be generated with the conjugative plasmid pVA797. The plasmid co-integrate was conjugated into Lactobacillus helveticus strain CNRZ450, where it was stably maintained without antibiotic selection and exhibited -glucanase activity. This method of introducing cloned DNA into thermophilic lactobacilli will facilitate the study of heterologous gene expression in non-transformable species. Offprint requests to: J. K. Thompson  相似文献   
The LINE-1 repeat family is interspersed throughout mammalian genomes and is thought to be the result of duplicative transposition of LINE-1 sequences via an RNA intermediate. This report describes a ribonucleoprotein particle with LINE-1 RNA in the mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line F9. This ribonucleoprotein particle is a potential intermediate in the transposition of LINE-1 in the mouse genome.  相似文献   
1. Gamma-aminobutryic acid (GABA), a major inhibitory transmitter of the vertebrate retina, is synthesized from glutamate by L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and mediates neuronal inhibition at GABAA receptors. GAD consists of two distinct molecular forms, GAD65 and GAD67, which have similar distribution patterns in the nervous system (Feldblum et al., 1990; Erlander and Tobin, 1991). GABAA receptors are composed of several distinct polypeptide subunits, of which the GABAA alpha 1 variant has a particularly extensive and widespread distribution in the nervous system. The aim of this study was to determine the cellular localization patterns of GAD and GABAA alpha 1 receptor mRNAs to define GABA- and GABAA receptor-synthesizing neurons in the rat retina. 2. GAD and GABAA alpha 1 mRNAs were localized in retinal neurons by in situ hybridization histochemistry with 35S-labeled antisense RNA probes complementary to GAD67 and GABAA alpha 1 mRNAs. 3. The majority of neurons expressing GAD67 mRNA is located in the proximal inner nuclear layer (INL) and ganglion cell layer (GCL). Occasional GAD67 mRNA-containing neurons are present in the inner plexiform layer. Labeled neurons are not found in the distal INL or in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). 4. GABAA alpha 1 mRNA is expressed by neurons distributed to all regions of the INL. Some discretely labeled cells are present in the GCL. Labeled cells are not observed in the ONL. 5. The distribution of GAD67 mRNA demonstrates that numerous amacrine cells (conventional, interstitial, and displaced) and perhaps interplexiform cells synthesize GABA. These cells are likely to employ GABA as a neurotransmitter. 6. The distribution of GABAA alpha 1 mRNA indicates that bipolar, amacrine, and perhaps ganglion cells express GABAA receptors having an alpha 1 polypeptide subunit, suggesting that GABA acts directly upon these cells.  相似文献   
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