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Retinal bipolar cells constitute the output stage of the outer layer of the retina. There are several constraints on the ability of the bipolar cell array to respond to the different spatial frequency components of the visual image, including (i) electrical coupling in the dendritic tree receiving receptor input; (iii) the "lateral inhibition" mediated by horizontal cells. Using simple mathematical models, we derive analytical expressions for the spatial frequency response of the bipolar cell array for the case in which horizontal cells are presynaptic to bipolar cells (feedforward model) and also for the case in which horizontal cells are presynaptic to receptors (feedback model). The results illustrate the importance of the three factors mentioned in determining the bipolar cells' properties. The optimal spatial frequency for stimulating the bipolar cell array, and the range of spatial frequencies transmitted onward to the inner plexiform layer, are thus related to the anatomical and electrical properties of the cells in the outer plexiform layer.  相似文献   
Gene fusion vectors based on the gene for staphylococcal protein A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two plasmid vectors, containing the gene coding for staphylococcal protein A and adapted for gene fusion, have been constructed. These vectors will allow fusion of any gene to the protein A gene, thus giving hybrid proteins which can be purified, in a one-step procedure, by IgG affinity chromatography. As an example of the practical use of such vectors, the protein A gene has been fused to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. E. coli strains containing such plasmids produce hybrid proteins with both IgG binding and β-galactosidase activities. The hybrid protein(s) can be immobilized on IgG-Sepharose by its protein A moiety with high efficiency without losing its enzymatic activity and they can be eluted from the column by competitive elution with pure protein A. The fused protein(s) also binds to IgG-coated microtiter wells which means that the in vivo product can be used as an enzyme conjugate in ELISA tests.  相似文献   
Extreme variability in the size, shape and spacing of skeletal spines ofPocillopora damicornis has been demonstrated both within single colonies and also between colonies from different environments. Preliminary studies indicated that the majority of spines from branch tips at the apex of the colony display a ‘fasciculate’ growth surface in contrast to partly fasciculate or ‘smooth’ growth surfaces exhibited by spines from branch tips at the base of the colony. No significant differences in the height and width of costal spines from apical and basal branch tips within a single colony were observed, although spines from colonies exposed to strong wave action tended to be significantly shorter and narrower than those from more sheltered environments. Both costal and coenosteal spines from wave-exposed colonies displayed branching and divided extremities while those from sheltered environments consisted of simple cones. Spines develop as an outgrowing of the calicoblastic ectoderm which secretes the skeleton. Growing costal and coenosteal spines are enveloped by a layer of calicoblastic ectoderm which penetrates through mesogloea, aboral gastroderm, coelenteron, oral gastroderm, mesogloea and finally oral ectoderm. Spines within the corallite are surrounded by calicoblastic ectoderm, mesogloea and aboral gastroderm only. A scheme for the growth of the spines is discussed.  相似文献   
Studies on DNA polymers, restriction fragments, and recombinant plasmids have revealed the following: A) A family of left-handed DNA conformations exists for (dC-dG)n.(dC-dG)n. The observation of a particular conformation is dependent on the salt, the salt concentration and dehydrating agent. B) In sodium acetate solutions, (dC-dG)n.(dC-dG)n forms left-handed, psi(+)-condensed structures as detected by Raman spectroscopy and circular dichroism. C) (dT-dG)n.(dC-dA)n undergoes a right-to-left-handed transition only when reacted with AAF and at high salt concentrations. D) Transitions observed for polymer DNAs also are observed for restriction fragments containing both (dC-dG).(dC-dG) and (dT-dG).(dC-dA) sequences, but the transitions in the fragments generally require higher salt concentrations than observed for the polymers. E) Studies with recombinant plasmids containing (dC-dG) sequences from 10 to 58 bp in length demonstrate that left-handed Z-DNA segments can exist contiguous to B-DNA segments. F) Negative supercoil density (sigma less than or equal to -0.072) is sufficient to convert the (dC-dG) regions in those plasmids into left-handed structures under physiological ionic conditions (200 mM NaCl). G) The favorable free energy contribution of methylation in stabilizing the Z form in fragments and plasmids is approximately offset by the unfavorable free energy contributions of the B/Z junctions. H) Sl and BAL 31 nucleases recognize aberrant structural features at the confluence of the B and Z regions. I) Detailed mapping of Sl nuclease cleavage on supercoiled plasmids shows that the nuclease sensitive regions extend over at least five to ten bp. J) Even though the (dT-dG)n.(dC-dA)n polymer requires base modification and high salt conditions to undergo the R----L transition, supercoiling (sigma less than or equal to -0.07) can supply enough energy to allow a plasmid containing the intervening sequence of a human fetal globin gene with (dT-dG).(dC-dA) sequences to undergo a R----L transition.  相似文献   
It is now generally accepted that the cell surface is involved in the interaction of the cells with the extracellular matrix. To identify and characterize cell-surface-associated components of corneal fibroblasts, several monoclonal antibodies were developed. Hybridomas were developed by fusing mouse myeloma cells SP2/OAg14 with spleen cells from mice immunized with membrane fractions of corneal fibroblasts grown in culture. Twenty-five hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies to cell-surface components were selected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using corneal fibroblasts grown in microtiter plates as the substrate. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that the antigenic determinants recognized by these antibodies were not present on corneal epithelial cells, but were present on skin fibroblasts. The antigenic determinants recognized by two of these antibodies, designated 10D2 and 716, were matrix components of the corneal stroma. Immunochemical characterization of the antigens was carried out by indirect precipitation of the radioactively labeled cellular proteins with the monoclonal antibodies and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of the precipitates. Four antibodies were able to precipitate antigens from cell extract in detectable amounts. Antibodies designated 5E2, 9G2, and 10D2 recognized antigens consisting of polypeptides of approximate molecular weights 105K and 110K, while antibody 716 recognized an antigen of 100K molecular weight. However, based on the tissue distribution and cell-surface distribution, these antibodies reacted with different antigenic determinants. The antigen recognized by 716 was also secreted by cells in culture but consisted of 220K and 200K polypeptide chains. It was tentatively identified as cellular fibronectin, based on the reaction of this antigen with polyclonal antibodies to plasma fibronectin.  相似文献   
The apparent incidence of hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is low in pregnancy but will likely increase now that more asymptomatic HPT is being diagnosed. However, since the serum calcium levels are decreased in pregnant women, mild primary HPT may go unrecognized. In untreated cases of HPT, complications during pregnancy or during the neonatal period have included spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, neonatal death, neonatal tetany and hypercalcemia. A review of the literature indicates a substantial improvement in fetal outcome when parathyroidectomy is done during pregnancy, as in the case reported here. Therefore, parathyroidectomy is the treatment of choice when the diagnosis is made during pregnancy, although oral phosphate therapy may be an alternative if surgery is contraindicated.  相似文献   
Bursting terminal buds and subtending stems of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. plants were examined at several stages to determine the pattern of xylary union between the 1st- and 2nd-yr growth increments. Metaxylem vessels differentiated first in traces serving the basalmost leaf in the bud. As successively younger leaves began growth, metaxylem vessels differentiated in their traces. The site of metaxylem reactivation was in the second or third internode beneath the bud (i.e., in the 1st-yr stem), and subsequent differentiation progressed bidirectionally in each set of traces as the leaves they served expanded. Traces leading either to abscised leaf positions on the 1st-yr stem or to bud-scale leaf positions were reactivated by the tangential “spread” of activity from adjacent traces serving expanding leaves. The new elements were all secondary xylem vessels, as were those of the basipetal trace components, although they were functionally continuous with the metaxylem vessels that differentiated acropetally. Xylem fibers were initiated in the same position and differentiated in the same sequence as vessels. However, fiber differentiation lagged behind that of vessels. Whereas vessel differentiation was associated with leaf expansion, fiber differentiation was associated with leaf maturation. As each leaf matured in sequence, the primary-secondary transition zone advanced acropetally to the bud base and then in the new shoot until it attained a positional relation with leaf maturation comparable to that of 1st-yr plants.  相似文献   
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