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The growth properties of hamster cells transformed by wild-type Simian virus 40 (SV40), by early SV40 temperature-sensitive mutants of the A complementation group, and by spontaneous revertants of these mutants were studied. All of the tsA mutant-transformed cells were temperature sensitive in their ability to form clones in soft agar and on monolayers of normal cells except for CHLA-30L1, which was not temperature sensitive in the latter property. All cells transformed by stable revertants of well-characterized tsA mutants possessed certain growth properties in common with wild-type-transformed cells at both temperatures. Virus rescued from tsA transformants including CHLA30L1 was temperature sensitive for viral DNA replication, whereas that rescued from revertant and wild-type transformants was not thermolabile in this regard. T antigen present in crude extracts of tsA-transformed cells including CHLA30L1, grown at 33 degreeC, was temperature sensitive by in vitro immunoassay, whereas that from wild-type-transformed cells was relatively stable. T antigen from revertant transformants was more stable than the tsA protein. Partially purified T antigen from revertant-transformed cells was nearly as stable as wild-type antigen in its ability to bind DNA after heating at 44 degrees C, whereas T antigen from tsA30 mutant-transformed cells was relatively thermolabile. These results further indicate that T antigen is a product of the SV40 A gene. Significantly more T antigen was found in extracts of CHLA30L1 grown to high density at the nonpermissive temperature than in any other tsA-transformed cell similarly grown. This is consistent with the suggestion that the amount of T antigen synthesized in CHLA30L1 is large enoughto allow partial expression of the transformed phenotype at the restrictive temperature. Alternatively, the increase in T antigen concentration may be secondary to one or more genetic alterations that independently affect the transformed phenotype of these cells.  相似文献   
Thyrotopin releasing hormone (TRH) produces “wet dog shakes” in rats similar to those observed during morphine withdrawal. The shaking behavior precipitated by morphine abstinence can be exacerbated by TRH administration while the other components of the morphine withdrawal syndrome remain unchanged. Morphine, chlorpromazine, apomorphine, and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol effectively block shakes induced by either TRH administration or morphine withdrawal. These results suggest the possibility that endogenous TRH may be associated with the “wet dog shakes” observed as a portion of morphine's abstinence syndrome in rats. However, TRH is unable to alter the stereospecific binding of morphine invivo or invitro, and naloxone fails to potentiate the number of TRH-induced shakes. TRH has no antinociceptive properties, and it cannot alter those of morphine. These data suggest that more than one neuromechanism may be responsible for shaking behavior in rats.  相似文献   
The long-lasting opiate antagonist, naltrexone (NTX), was examined for its effects on various types of consummatory behavior in male golden hamsters and rats. Rat, but not hamster, 24 hr food and water intakes were significantly decreased by four daily NTX (10.0 mg/kg) injections. Hamsters displayed a minimal night to day feeding ratio compared to rats. hamsters increased food intake following insulin (50 U/kg) administration, but not after 24 hr food deprivation (FD) or 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG; 800 mg/kg) injections. NTX (1.0 and 10 mg/kg) had no effect on feeding, but markedly attenuated hamster drinking induced by 48 hr water deprivation or hypertonic saline injection. Dexamethasone (DEX), a glucocorticoid which depletes pituitary β-endorphin and produces anorexia in rats, had no effect on daily hamster intake. Since the normal feeding profile of the hamster is similar to that of naloxone and DEX-treated rats, hamsters appear to lack an opiate-sensitive feeding system. In contrast, stimulated drinking behavior of hamsters operates through an opiate-sensitive mechanism. Thus, there are marked species differences concerning the involvement of endogenous opioids is consummatory behavior.  相似文献   
From the mycelium of Penicillium cyclopium a biologically active fraction (P-factor) was isolated, which increases conidiation and the formation of the benzodiazepine alkaloids cyclopenin and cyclopenol. Its activity was determined by measuring the increase of alkaloid formation in strain SM 72. On a preparative scale P-factor preparations were obtained from fermenter-grown hyphae of mutant dev 63 by extraction with water at 120°. P-factor is strongly hydrophilic but it is not a protein. It was active if added during conidiospore germination and early growth phase, causing an acceleration of protein biosynthesis. The action on alkaloid biosynthesis and sporulation is indirect and resembles that of a developmental hormone.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An 1047 Silbermöwen-Nestern auf den Watteninseln Mellum und Memmert wurden 1979/80 ermittelt (Abb. 1): Grenzrichtungen der Vegetationsstände 1–3 (1: Vegetationsstand größter Winkelgröße) und Nest-Zugänge 1–3, ihre Winkelgrößen und mittleren Richtungen. Mehr als 80% der Nester waren zu 40–90% von Vegetation umstanden (Abb. 2). Die Winkelgröße des Gesamtvegetationsstandes betrug auf Mellum 212°, auf Memmert 205° (Tab. 1). Die Nestzugänge hatten eine geringere Winkelgröße als die Vegetationsstände (Tab. 1, Abb. 3). Die Silbermöwe bevorzugte demnach Nestplätze, die von Vegetation schützend umgeben sind. Der Vegetationsstand 1 befand sich bevorzugt auf der westlichen (= Hauptwindrichtung), der Zugang 1 auf der östlichen Nestseite (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Die Verteilung der Gesamtvegetation zeigte entsprechende Vorzugsrichtungen (Abb. 6). Im Vergleich zu 1979 war 1980 eine Verlagerung der Vorzugsrichtung des Vegetationsstandes 1 um 50–60° von West nach Nord festzustellen (Tab. 2, Abb. 4). Ein Vergleich der mittleren Windrichtungen beider Jahre zeigte eine gleichsinnige Richtungsänderung (Abb. 5). Auf den zwei untersuchten Probeflächen Mellums ließ sich eine Auswahl des Nestplatzes im Hinblick auf Sichtschutz gegen Nachbarn nicht nachweisen (Tab. 3). Die mögliche Funktion der nestumgebenden Vegetation als Wind- und Wetterschutz wird diskutiert.
Vegetation surrounding Herring Gulls'(Larus argentatus) nests in relation to wind direction
Summary The following measurements were taken for a total of 1047 Herring Gulls' nests on the North Sea islands Mellum and Memmert (West Germany) in 1979 and 1980 (cf. Fig. 1 for terminology): limiting directions, angular sizes, and mean directions of the surrounding vegetation-stands 1 to 3 (1 = vegetation-stand with largest angular size), and of the entrances 1 to 3. For more than 80% of the nests, 40–90% of the circumference were surrounded by vegetation (Fig. 2). The mean angular size of the total vegetation-stand was 212° on Mellum and 205° on Memmert (Tab. 1). The nest entrances had a smaller angular size than the vegetation-stands (Tab. 1, Fig. 3). This shows the Herring Gull's preference for nest sites protected by surrounding vegetation.Vegetation-stand 1 was preferably orientated towards the west (= main wind direction), nest entrance 1 towards the east (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). The distribution of the total vegetation showed corresponding preferred directions (Fig. 6). A comparison of the years 1979 and 1980 revealed a shift of 50°–60°, from west to north, for the preferred direction of vegetation-stand 1 (Tab. 2, Fig. 4). A similar shift could be found for the mean wind direction (Fig. 5). For the two study plots on Mellum, a nest site selection favouring visual isolation from neighbours' nests could not be demonstrated (Tab. 3). The possible function of nest-surrounding vegetation as a shelter against wind and weather is discussed.

Herrn Dr. Friedrich Goethe zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres gewidmet  相似文献   
The qualitative and quantitative compositions of necines in plants of 20 Heliotropium species collected in Mexico and the U.S.A. and one species from Spain are reported. Trachelanthamidine, supinidine and retronecine were found in all species after hydrolysis of their alkaloids; lindelofidine was detected in most species, whereas heliotridine only in four. Trachelanthamidine, lindelofidine, and supinidine were dominant in four, two and one species, respectively; retronecine was dominant in 15 species, whereas heliotridine only in one. The dominant necine in H. ternatum was either retronecine or lindelofidine depending on the collection locality. Qualitative as well as quantitative differences depending on the collection locality were found in H. curassavicum. Plants from Oaxaca, Mexico, contained lindelofidine and a pyrrolizidine-diol as major necines, trachelanthamidine as minor, and traces of retronecine. Plants originating from two other localities contained trachelanthamidine (dominant), retronecine, and supinidine. The necine patterns found in the examined species differ significantly from those previously reported for 21 species mainly collected in Asia, the Middle East and Australia.  相似文献   
Hydroxycinnamic acid (HCA) amides in fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of maize were determined in reproductive organs, developing grains and cobs. HCA amides occurred in large amounts in the anthers of fertile plants (line F7N) and were absent from the anthers of cytoplasmic male sterile lines (lines F7T and F7C). Restoration of fertility was associated with the production of these compounds (line FC31). Considerable variations were observed in the concentrations of HCA amides at different stages of growth and grain maturation. Changes of HCA amides in the grains which were to produce sterile plants followed a pattern similar to that obtained with the grains which were to produce fertile plants. Accumulation of HCA amides was substantially higher in fertile lines whatever their genotype (F7N, FC31 and F7T x FC31) than in sterile lines. Marked changes occurred in the HCA amide content of embryo and endosperm during grain development. Many changes in HCA amides were observed in cobs during development and maturation, but no substantial differences could be observed between fertile and sterile lines.  相似文献   
Martin B  Ort DR 《Plant physiology》1982,70(3):689-694
Chilling tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers and cv. Floramerica) in the dark resulted in a sizable inhibition in the rate of light- and CO2-saturated photosynthesis. However, at low light intensity, the inhibition disappeared and the absolute quantum yield of CO2 reduction was diminished only slightly. The quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) electron flow was 18% lower when measured in chloroplasts isolated from chilled leaves than in chloroplasts isolated from unchilled leaves. Even though the maximum rate of PSII turnover in these chloroplasts was 12% lower subsequent to chilling, it was in all cases two or more times that required to support the light- and CO2-saturated rate of photosynthesis measured in the attached leaf. The concentration of active PSII centers in chloroplasts isolated from leaves either before or after chilling was determined by measurement of the products of water oxidation from a series of saturating flashes short enough to turnover the electron transport carriers only a single time. There was no significant change in the concentration of active PSII centers due to dark chilling.

It was concluded that PSII activity and water oxidation capacity are not significantly impaired in tomato by chilling in the dark and therefore are not primary aspects of the inhibition of CO2 reduction observed in attached leaves.

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