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In this paper the fluorescence-excitation spectra of individual LH1-RC complexes (Rhodopseudomonas acidophila) at 1.2 K are presented. All spectra show a limited number of broad bands with a characteristic polarization behavior, indicating that the excitations are delocalized over a large number of pigments. A significant variation in the number of bands, their bandwidths, and polarization behavior is observed. Only 30% of the spectra carry a clear signature of delocalized excited states of a circular structure of the pigments. The large spectral variety suggests that besides site heterogeneity also structural heterogeneity determines the optical spectrum of the individual LH1-RC complexes. Further research should reveal if such heterogeneity is a native property of the complex or induced during the experimental procedures.  相似文献   
In the framework of rehabilitation efforts to enhance the ecological value of closed-off estuaries, we studied the effects of restoring a tidal movement and seawater incursion on soil nitrogen conversion rates and vegetation response of semi-natural and agricultural grasslands in an outdoor mesocosm experiment. Intact soil monoliths including vegetation were collected in June 2004 on two locations on the shores of the Haringvliet lagoon in the south-western part of the Netherlands, which used to be a well-developed estuary before closure in 1970. For more than 1 year, soil monoliths were continuously subjected to a full-factorial combination of tidal treatment [stagnant/tidal (0.20 m amplitude)] and water type [(freshwater, oligohaline (salinity = 3)]. Soil, soil moisture and water nitrogen concentrations were monitored for a year, as well as vegetation response and nitrogen conversion rates in the soil. As expected, nitrogen mineralization rates were enhanced by the tidal treatment in comparison with the stagnant treatment. Denitrification rates however, were much less affected by tide and were even lower in the tidal treatments after 3 months in the agricultural grassland soils, implying that in general, soils were more oxic in the tidal treatments. Oligohaline treatments had virtually no effect on soil nitrogen conversion rates compared to freshwater treatments. Vegetation performance, however, was lower under saline conditions, especially in the semi-natural grassland. No further significant differences in response to the tidal and oligohaline treatments were found between the two soils although they differed strongly in soil characteristics. We conclude that if the rehabilitation measures in the former Haringvliet estuary are carried out as planned, drastic changes in soil nitrogen processes and vegetation composition will not occur.  相似文献   
In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non-mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settlement patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.  相似文献   
Unisexual vertebrates typically form through hybridization events between sexual species in which reproductive mode transitions occur in the hybrid offspring. This evolutionary history is thought to have important consequences for the ecology of unisexual lineages and their interactions with congeners in natural communities. However, these consequences have proven challenging to study owing to uncertainty about patterns of population genetic diversity in unisexual lineages. Of particular interest is resolving the contribution of historical hybridization events versus post formational mutation to patterns of genetic diversity in nature. Here we use restriction site associated DNA genotyping to evaluate genetic diversity and demographic history in Aspidoscelis laredoensis, a diploid unisexual lizard species from the vicinity of the Rio Grande River in southern Texas and northern Mexico. The sexual progenitor species from which one or more lineages are derived also occur in the Rio Grande Valley region, although patterns of distribution across individual sites are quite variable. Results from population genetic and phylogenetic analyses resolved the major axes of genetic variation in this species and highlight how these match predictions based on historical patterns of hybridization. We also found discordance between results of demographic modelling using different statistical approaches with the genomic data. We discuss these insights within the context of the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that generate and maintain lineage diversity in unisexual species. As one of the most dynamic, intriguing, and geographically well investigated groups of whiptail lizards, these species hold substantial promise for future studies on the constraints of diversification in unisexual vertebrates.  相似文献   
The faithful repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential to safeguard genome stability. DSBs elicit a signaling cascade involving the E3 ubiquitin ligases RNF8/RNF168 and the ubiquitin-dependent assembly of the BRCA1-Abraxas-RAP80-MERIT40 complex. The association of BRCA1 with ubiquitin conjugates through RAP80 is known to be inhibitory to DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR). However, the precise regulation of this mechanism remains poorly understood. Through genetic screens we identified USP26 and USP37 as key de-ubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) that limit the repressive impact of RNF8/RNF168 on HR. Both DUBs are recruited to DSBs where they actively remove RNF168-induced ubiquitin conjugates. Depletion of USP26 or USP37 disrupts the execution of HR and this effect is alleviated by the simultaneous depletion of RAP80. We demonstrate that USP26 and USP37 prevent excessive spreading of RAP80-BRCA1 from DSBs. On the other hand, we also found that USP26 and USP37 promote the efficient association of BRCA1 with PALB2. This suggests that these DUBs limit the ubiquitin-dependent sequestration of BRCA1 via the BRCA1-Abraxas-RAP80-MERIT40 complex, while promoting complex formation and cooperation of BRCA1 with PALB2-BRCA2-RAD51 during HR. These findings reveal a novel ubiquitin-dependent mechanism that regulates distinct BRCA1-containing complexes for efficient repair of DSBs by HR.  相似文献   
The genes ACUT1, ACUT2, and ACUT3, encoding cutinases, were selected from the genomic DNA of Arxula adeninivorans LS3. The alignment of the amino acid sequences of these cutinases with those of other cutinases or cutinase-like enzymes from different fungi showed that they all had a catalytic S-D-H triad with a conserved G-Y-S-Q-G domain. All three genes were overexpressed in A. adeninivorans using the strong constitutive TEF1 promoter. Recombinant 6× His (6h)-tagged cutinase 1 protein (p) from A. adeninivorans LS3 (Acut1-6hp), Acut2-6hp, and Acut3-6hp were produced and purified by immobilized-metal ion affinity chromatography and biochemically characterized using p-nitrophenyl butyrate as the substrate for standard activity tests. All three enzymes from A. adeninivorans were active from pH 4.5 to 6.5 and from 20 to 30°C. They were shown to be unstable under optimal reaction conditions but could be stabilized using organic solvents, such as polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200), isopropanol, ethanol, or acetone. PEG 200 (50%, vol/vol) was found to be the best stabilizing agent for all of the cutinases, and acetone greatly increased the half-life and enzyme activity (up to 300% for Acut3-6hp). The substrate spectra for Acut1-6hp, Acut2-6hp, and Acut3-6hp were quite similar, with the highest activity being for short-chain fatty acid esters of p-nitrophenol and glycerol. Additionally, they were found to have polycaprolactone degradation activity and cutinolytic activity against cutin from apple peel. The activity was compared with that of the 6× His-tagged cutinase from Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi (FsCut-6hp), also expressed in A. adeninivorans, as a positive control. A fed-batch cultivation of the best Acut2-6hp-producing strain, A. adeninivorans G1212/YRC102-ACUT2-6H, was performed and showed that very high activities of 1,064 U ml−1 could be achieved even with a nonoptimized cultivation procedure.  相似文献   
As part of the E-cadherin–β-catenin–αE-catenin complex (CCC), mammalian αE-catenin binds F-actin weakly in the absence of force, whereas cytosolic αE-catenin forms a homodimer that interacts more strongly with F-actin. It has been concluded that cytosolic αE-catenin homodimer is not important for intercellular adhesion because E-cadherin/αE-catenin chimeras thought to mimic the CCC are sufficient to induce cell–cell adhesion. We show that, unlike αE-catenin in the CCC, these chimeras homodimerize, bind F-actin strongly, and inhibit the Arp2/3 complex, all of which are properties of the αE-catenin homodimer. To more accurately mimic the junctional CCC, we designed a constitutively monomeric chimera, and show that E-cadherin–dependent cell adhesion is weaker in cells expressing this chimera compared with cells in which αE-catenin homodimers are present. Our results demonstrate that E-cadherin/αE-catenin chimeras used previously do not mimic αE-catenin in the native CCC, and imply that both CCC-bound monomer and cytosolic homodimer αE-catenin are required for strong cell–cell adhesion.  相似文献   
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