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The steroid sulfatase (STS) levels in mature oocytes of XX and XO mice were assayed along with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an autosomal marker, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), a known X-linked gene. LDH levels in XX and XO oocytes were equal, whereas STS and G6PD levels were approximately twice as high in XX oocytes as in XO oocytes. These results indicate that the STS gene is X-linked in the mouse just as it is in humans. Assays of STS in kidney tissue of XX and XO mice indicated dosage compensation for the gene, which is different from that observed in humans.  相似文献   
A mutant strain AA-522, temperature-sensitive for protein synthesis, was isolated from a stringent strain (CP-78) of Escherichia coli K-12. The mutant strain has a relaxed phenotype at the nonpermissive growth temperature. Protein synthesis stops completely at 42 C, whereas the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis is maintained at 20% of the 30 C rate. Sucrose-gradient centrifugation analysis of RNA-containing particles formed at 42 C indicated the presence of “relaxed particles.” These particles possess 16S and 23S RNA and are precursors to normal 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits. A search for the temperature-sensitive protein responsible for the halt in protein synthesis implicated phenylalanyl transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetase. Essentially no enzyme activity is detected in vitro at 30 or 40 C. Analysis of phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase activity in revertants of strain AA-522 indicated the presence of intragenic suppressor mutations. Revertants of strain AA-522 analyzed for the relaxed response at 42 C were all stringent; strain AA-522 was stringent at 30 C. These data indicate that a single mutation in phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase is responsible for both a block in protein synthesis and the relaxed phenotype at 42 C.  相似文献   
Acridine Sensitivity of Bacteriophage T2H in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Normally acridine-sensitive, Escherichia coli-T2H complexes are rendered acridine-resistant if the infecting bacteriophage mutant is either pr or q. If these pr or q mutants are treated to produce sensitive revertants, one obtains a mutation at any of several dye-sensitizing (ds) sites in the early enzyme region of the T2 map. The ds mutants are nonspecific suppressors because they reduce the resistance of complexes containing either pr or q to proflavine. The ds mutants are not identical in action, since some make pr or q sensitive to proflavine and quinacrine, and others, to proflavine alone. Two ds mutants have r to r(+) mutation patterns which differ, depending upon whether or not the ds is coupled with r7 (an rII mutant). The mutation patterns of r(+) to r are the same for both ds mutants and for wild type. We suggest that dye sensitization may consist of alterations of early enzymes so as to produce slightly different forms of deoxyribonucleic acid which are in turn dyesensitive.  相似文献   
Blood-Free Medium for the Rapid Growth of Pasteurella tularensis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A medium composed of (in g/100 ml) Tryptose broth with thiamine (Difco), 2.6; cysteine-HCl, 0.12; glucose, 1; FeSO4, 7H2O, 0.005; KCl, 0.02; histidine, 0.1; tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (tris) buffer, 0.3; and agar, 1; will support rapid growth of the fully virulent SCHU-S4 strain of Pasteurella tularensis. Although the test organism grew rapidly on medium from which KCl and tris buffer were omitted, these two components increased the stability of the medium upon storage at 4 C. It was necessary to (i) control carefully the relative concentration of the ferrous iron and cysteine-HCl, (ii) incubate the prepared medium overnight prior to use, and (iii) incubate the inoculated plates in an atmosphere of high relative humidity. Rapid growth of the organism was obtained also from very small inocula in the liquid form of the medium. Biochemical studies designed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the enhancement of growth of P. tularensis in this relatively simple blood-free medium were initiated.  相似文献   
Overby, L. R. (University of Illinois, Urbana), G. H. Barlow, R. H. Doi, Monique Jacob, and S. Spiegelman. Comparison of two serologically distinct ribonucleic acid bacteriophages. II. Properties of the nucleic acids and coat proteins. J. Bacteriol. 92:739-745. 1966.-The ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules and coat proteins of two RNA coliphages, MS-2 and Qbeta, have been characterized. MS-2 RNA shows an S(20,w) of 25.8 and a molecular weight by light scattering of 10(6). The corresponding parameters for Qbeta-RNA were 28.9 and 0.9 x 10(6). A difference in base composition was reflected in the adenine-uracil ratio, which was 0.95 for MS-2 and 0.75 for Qbeta. The two RNA preparations are readily separated by chromatography on columns of methylated albumin. Both gave identical bouyant densities in cesium sulfate of 1.64 g/ml. The coat protein subunits were of similar molecular weights: 15,500 (Qbeta) and 14,000 (MS-2). They differed, however, in that the Qbeta-protein lacked tryptophan and histidine, whereas the MS-2 protein lacked only histidine.  相似文献   
Summary Cell-attached patch clamp recordings from unfertilized oocytes of the ascidianBoltenia villosa reveal an ion channel which is activated by mechanical deformation of the membrane. These channels are seen when suction is applied to the patch pipette, but not in the absence of suction or during voltage steps. The estimated density of these stretch-activated channels is about 1.5/m2, a figure equal to or greater than the density of known voltage-dependent channels in the oocyte. Ion substitution experiments done with combined whole-cell and attached patch recording, so absolute potentials are known, indicate that the channel passes Na+, Ca2+ and K+, but not Cl. The channel has at least two open and two closed states, with the rate constant that leaves the longer-lived closed state being the primary site of stretch sensitivity. External Ca2+ concentration affects channel kinetics: at low calcium levels, long openings predominate, whereas at high calcium virtually all openings are to the short-lived open state. In multiple channel patches, the response to a step change in suction is highly phasic, with channel open probability decreasing over several hundred milliseconds to a nonzero steady-state level after an initial rapid increase. This channel may play a role in the physiological response of cells of the early embryo to the membrane strains associated with morphogenetic events.  相似文献   
Adipsin expression at the protein and mRNA levels is greatly reduced in several distinct syndromes of obesity in the mouse: genetic obesity due to the db/db and ob/ob genes, and a chemically induced model secondary to neonatal exposure to monosodium glutamate. We considered first the possibility that the adipsin gene might be identical to the db or ob locus and the lowered expression of this protein might result from a mutation in this gene. We show here that the adipsin structural gene is located on chromosome 10 and hence is physically distinct from any obesity genes so far identified in the mouse. A major role for the adrenal gland and adrenal glucocorticoids in the aberrant regulation of adipsin in these models of obesity is indicated by several experiments. Adrenalectomy of the ob/ob mouse raises the circulating levels of adipsin protein and the amount of this mRNA in epididymal fat pads (5-fold), although neither is increased to the levels seen in lean controls. Exogenous administration of corticosterone completely blocks the effects of adrenalectomy on adipsin, suggesting that the effect of this endocrine ablation is through reduction of adrenal glucocorticoids. Corticosterone administration also causes suppression in the levels of adipsin mRNA and protein in lean mice, although this decrease is never as severe as that seen in obese mice. The effect of exogenous corticosterone in lean mice occurs within 2 days and hence is not secondary to the obesity which these hormones eventually elicit. These results indicate that glucocorticoids can regulate adipsin expression in vivo and strongly suggest that the hyperglucocorticoid state seen in certain obese models plays a significant role in lowering adipsin mRNA and protein levels. Quantitative analysis of these experiments suggests that other as yet unknown neuroendocrine factors also function to suppress adipsin in obesity.  相似文献   
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