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Koen Martens 《Hydrobiologia》1995,306(2):173-174
Orobates pabsti, a basal diadectid from the lower Permian, is a key fossil for the understanding of early amniote evolution. Quantitative analysis of anatomical information suffers from fragmentation of fossil bones, plastic deformation due to diagenetic processes and fragile preservation within surrounding rock matrix, preventing further biomechanical investigation. Here we describe the steps taken to digitally reconstruct MNG 10181, the holotype specimen of Orobates pabsti, and subsequently use the digital reconstruction to assess body mass, position of the centre of mass in individual segments as well as the whole animal, and study joint mobility in the shoulder and hip joints. The shape of most fossil bone fragments could be recovered from micro-focus computed tomography scans. This also revealed structures that were hitherto hidden within the rock matrix. However, parts of the axial skeleton had to be modelled using relevant isolated bones from the same locality as templates. Based on the digital fossil, mass of MNG 10181 was estimated using a model of body shape that was varied within a plausible range to account for uncertainties of the dimension. In the mean estimate model the specimen had an estimated mass of circa 4 kg. Varying of the mass distribution amongst body segments further revealed that Orobates carried most of its weight on the hind limbs. Mostly unrestricted joint morphology further suggested that MNG 10181 was able to effectively generate propulsion with the pelvic limbs. The digital reconstruction is made available for future biomechanical studies.  相似文献   
Identification of in-vivo vibration modes of human tibiae by modal analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When attempting to evaluate the mechanical properties of human bones in vivo by mechanical vibration analysis, some essential requirements must be met. A quantitative relation between measured vibration parameters (e.g., natural frequency) and mechanical bone properties must be available, in-vivo vibration modes should correctly be identified and the associated natural frequencies reproducibly and accurately measured, the influence of joints and soft tissues must be known. These problems were addressed by modal analysis (i.e., experimental determination of natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios) of human tibiae in the following situations: 1) dry excised tibiae, 2) fresh excised tibiae, 3) in-vivo tibiae, 4) tibiae in an amputated leg, in different steps of dissection. In the in-vivo measuring conditions used by the authors, the tibia vibration is practically free-free. Two single bending modes (at +/- 270 Hz and +/- 340 Hz, respectively), each of them corresponding with one principal direction for bending, were identified. The difference between the natural frequencies observed in vivo and those of fresh excised tibiae is almost completely caused by the effect of muscles (added mass and damping), whereas joints and skin play only a minor role. Frequency differences between fresh and dry excised tibiae are largely accounted for by the absence of bone marrow in the latter.  相似文献   
Nickel hyperaccumulating plants have more than 1000 mg Ni kg–1 dry weight when grown on nickel-bearing soils. We hypothesized that Ni hyperaccumulation could serve as a chemical defense against herbivores In feeding experiments with potential insect herbivores and Ni hyperaccumulating plants, only those inseets fed leaves from plants grown on non-nickel-bearing soil survived or showed a weight gain. Among chemical parameters measured, only Ni content of plants was sufficient to explain this result. When subjected to herbivory by lepidopteran larvae, plants grown on Ni-amended soil showed greater survival and yield than plants on unamended soil. Ni hyperaccumulation may be an effective plant chemical defense against herbivores because of its high lethality, apparent low cost, and broad spectrum of toxicity.  相似文献   
A comparison of summer nutrients obtained during the investigation periods 1979–1983 and 1990–1992 was made, to elucidate whether or not changes have occurred in Königshafen Bay during the last decade. In both the flood current as well as in the ebb current, concentrations of silicate, phosphate, nitrite and nitrate have decreased. Ammonia, however, has increased by a factor of two in the flood current waters, but was similar in both investigation periods in the ebb current waters. In addition, a significant increase of salinity has been observed. The differences between flood and ebb current median nutrient concentrations suggest that the bay was a source of nutrients during the 1979–1983 period, exporting large amounts of silicate, nitrite and ammonia with the ebb current. Today, the bay appears to be more a sink than a source of nutrients. Export rates of silicate and nitrite are greatly reduced and phosphate and ammonia are imported nowadays. Nitrate fluxes were in balance during both periods. Reasons for the observed changes are discussed.  相似文献   
cDNA molecules encoding rabbit IgA alpha-heavy chains have been synthesized and six of these have been characterized. The complete nucleotide sequence of one cDNA, p 19 (942bp), showed that it encoded all but the N-terminal 57 amino acid residues of the constant region of alpha-chains. The cDNA molecules were subcloned into the expression vector pUC8 and E. coli were transformed. Radioimmunoassay of the molecules synthesized by these clones showed that all six cDNA molecules encoded alpha-chains of the IgA-g subclass. Comparison of the amino acids encoded by the alpha-cDNA with the amino acid sequence of mouse and human alpha-chains showed that although all of the intradomain disulfide bonds appear to be conserved, some positions, probably involved in interchain disulfide bonds, are not conserved. We propose that secretory component is covalently bound to cysteine 299 and/or cysteine 301 of the CH2 domain of mouse and human alpha-chains. The results from Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA with 32P-cDNA suggests that the rabbit genome has multiple C alpha genes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp. lebt im Areal der beiden anderenPnoepyga-Artenalbiventer (Hodgson 1837) undpusilla Hodgson 1845 und wurde durch ihren markant abweichenden Territorialgesang entdeckt. Sie besitzt eine kurze silberhelle Strophe aus kurzen, in gleichmäßigen Abständen gereihten Pfiff-Elementen, die in der Frequenz leicht abfällt. Neben der Stimme liegen die wesentlichen diagnostischen Merkmale nach jetzigem Kenntnisstand gegenüber sympatrischenalbiventer in wenig größerem Schnabel, der Fleckenlosigkeit von Oberseite, Kopf und Flügeldecken, gegenüberpusilla in den größeren Körperabmessungen, gegenüber sympatrischenalbiventer undpusilla im schwachen grünlichen Schimmer der Oberseite und in der länglichen Schuppung der Unterseite. Es bestehen keine Proportionsunterschiede zwischenimmaculata undalbiventer/pusilla einerseits wie auch nicht zwischen diesen beiden andererseits. Bis jetzt wurden 4 Belegstücke (SammlungenKoelz, Diesselhorst, Martens) und eine durch Bandaufnahme gesicherte Beobachtung zwischen Dhaulagiri in Mittelwest-Nepal bis nahe der Ost-Grenze Nepals bekannt.P. immaculata lebt zur Brutzeit in enger Nachbarschaft mitP. albiventer undP. pusilla, ist jedoch vonalbiventer vertikal getrennt bei nachgewiesenem Kontakt, vonpusilla durch Bevorzugung trockeneren Waldunterwuchses abseits von Bächen. Schon jetzt mußimmaculata als gefährdete Art eingestuft werden, da Waldvegetation in der zur Brutzeit bevorzugten Höhenstufe zwischen 2100 und 3100 m in Nepal weitgehend vernichtet worden ist.
Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp., a new ground living wren-babbler from the Nepal Himalayas (Timaliidae)
Summary P. immaculata n. sp. was discovered by its voice which strongly differs from the two other sympatric species,albiventer (Hodgson 1837) andpusilla Hodgson 1845. As a territorial song, it displays a silvery strophe arranged of short, more or less regularly spaced whistling notes (fig. 7a–d), slightly descending in pitch. The strophe is about 2 s long. Besides the distinct voice, the essential diagnostic characters in comparison toP. albiventer are the slightly larger bill, plain head, upper side and wing coverts (fig. 1a–d, 2, 4a–d), in comparison topusilla the larger body size (fig. 1i–m), in comparison to sympatricalbiventer andpusilla the slightly olive tinge of the upper side (against warm dark brown in both others, fig. 1e–m), and the more longish scaly feathers of the lower side (against stout scaly appearance in both others, fig. 1 a–d). These characters hold true at least in Central and Eastern Himalayan populations of the respective species. There do not exist proportional differences in the relations of any part of the body betweenimmaculata andpusilla and not between the latter ones as well. Heretofore, 4 museum specimens are known (Koelz Coll.,Diesselhorst Coll.,Martens Coll.) from West-central (Thakkhola, type locality) and East Nepal (Ting Sang La), 3 of them from the presumed breeding grounds (2100–3100 m), one from the winter quarters in the Terai lowlands. A field observation close to the Darjeeling border in far East Nepal is verified by a tape-recording.P. immaculata embarasses the biologist and systematist because it lives in close neighbourhood of the similar speciesalbiventer andpusilla. It must have been overlooked by its apparent scarcity and overall similarity to both other species of the genus. Slight ecological differences rather correspond to the vertical distribution ofalbiventer, which populates a higher forest belt. But both have already been found on territory at close range.P. pusilla inhabits different microbiotopes, especially the close proximity of running water in the same altitudinal belt asimmaculata. When discovered,P. immaculata is to be classified already as an endangered species. Forest vegetation of its preferred altitude is already greatly reduced in the Central and Eastern Nepal Himalayas. To get a more detailed information on its general distribution and biology in order to quickly arrange protected areas and thus to guarantee the survival ofP. immaculata, should be the urgent next step.

Results of the Himalaya Expeditions ofJ. Martens, No. 163. — For No. 162 see: Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkde. (A) 453: 1–46, 1990.  相似文献   
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