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The uncultured miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group (MCG) archaea comprise one of the most abundant microbial groups in the Earth''s subsurface environment. However, very little information is available regarding the lifestyle, physiology, and factors controlling the distribution of members of this group. We established a novel method using both cultivation and molecular techniques, including a pre-PCR propidium monoazide treatment, to investigate viable members of the MCG in vitro. Enrichment cultures prepared from estuarine sediment were provided with one of a variety of carbon substrates or cultivation conditions and incubated for 3 weeks. Compared with the samples from time zero, there was an order-of-magnitude increase in the number of MCG 16S rRNA genes in almost all cultures, indicating that MCG archaea are amenable to in vitro cultivation. None of the tested substrates or conditions significantly stimulated growth of MCG archaea more than the basal medium alone; however, glycerol (0.02%) had a significantly inhibitory effect (P < 0.05). Diversity analysis of populations resulting from four culture treatments (basal medium, addition of amino acids, H2-CO2 as the gas phase, or initial aerobic conditions) revealed that the majority of viable MCG archaea were affiliated with the MCG-8 and MCG-4 clusters. There were no significant differences in MCG diversity between these treatments, also indicating that some members of MCG-4 and MCG-8 are tolerant of initially oxic conditions. The methods outlined here will be useful for further investigation of MCG archaea and comparison of substrates and cultivation conditions that influence their growth in vitro.  相似文献   
In ruminants, gastrointestinal recycling of urea is acutely enhanced by fibre-rich diets that lead to high ruminal concentration of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), while high ammonia has inhibitory effects. This study attempted to clarify if urea flux to the porcine cecum is similarly regulated. Thirty-two weaned piglets were fed diets containing protein (P) of poor prececal digestibility and fibre (F) at high (H) or low levels (L) in a 2 × 2 factorial design. After slaughter, cecal content was analyzed and the cecal mucosa incubated in Ussing chambers to measure the effect of pH, SCFA and NH4 + on the flux rates of urea, short-circuit current (I sc) and tissue conductance (G t). NH4 + significantly enhanced I sc (from 0.5 ± 0.2 to 1.2 ± 0.1 μEq cm?2 h?1). No acute effects of SCFA or ammonia on urea flux were observed. Tissue conductance was significantly lower in the high dietary fibre groups irrespective of the protein content. Only the HP-LF group emerged as different from all others in terms of urea flux (74 ± 6 versus 53 ± 3 nmol cm?2 h?1), associated with higher cecal ammonia concentration and reduced fecal consistency. The data suggest that as in the rumen, uptake of ammonia by the cecum may involve electrogenic transport of the ionic form (NH4 +). In contrast to findings in the rumen, neither a high fibre diet nor acute addition of SCFA enhanced urea transport across the pig cecum. Instead, a HP-LF diet had stimulatory effects. A potential role for urea recycling in stabilizing luminal pH is discussed.  相似文献   
Growth regulation in adult Atlantic salmon (1.6 kg) was investigated during 45 days in seawater at 13, 15, 17, and 19 °C. We focused on feed intake, nutrient uptake, nutrient utilization, and endocrine regulation through growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors (IGF), and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP). During prolonged thermal exposure, salmon reduced feed intake and growth. Feed utilization was reduced at 19 °C after 45 days compared with fish at lower temperatures, and body lipid storage was depleted with increasing water temperature. Although plasma IGF-1 concentrations did not change, 32-Da and 43-kDa IGFBP increased in fish reared at ≤17 °C, and dropped in fish reared at 19 °C. Muscle igf1 mRNA levels were reduced at 15 and 45 days in fish reared at 15, 17, and 19 °C. Muscle igf2 mRNA levels did not change after 15 days in response to increasing temperature, but were reduced after 45 days. Although liver igf2 mRNA levels were reduced with increasing temperatures after 15 and 45 days, temperature had no effect on igf1 mRNA levels. The liver igfbp2b mRNA level, which corresponds to circulating 43-kDa IGFBP, exhibited similar responses after 45 days. IGFBP of 23 kDa was only detected in plasma in fish reared at 17 °C, and up-regulation of the corresponding igfbp1b gene indicated a time-dependent catabolic response, which was not observed in fish reared at 19 °C. However, higher muscle ghr mRNA levels were detected in fish at 17 and 19 °C than in fish at lower temperatures, indicating lipolytic regulation in muscle. These results show that the reduction of muscle growth in large salmon is mediated by decreased igf1 and igf2 mRNA levels in addition to GH-associated lipolytic action to cope with prolonged thermal exposure. Accordingly, 13 °C appears to be a more optimal temperature for the growth of adult Atlantic salmon at sea.  相似文献   
Single-stage nitritation–anammox combines the growth of aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) in one reactor. The necessary compromise of their milieu conditions often leads to the growth of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). For this study, a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for nitritation–anammox was operated for 180 days with sewage sludge reject water (removal capacity, 0.4 kg?N?m?3?day?1). The growth of NOB was favored by enhanced oxygen supply rather than extended aerobic phases. Suspended-type biomass from this SBR was taken regularly and sieved into three size fractions (all of them <1,000 μm). Batch experiments as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization were performed to study the distribution and activity of AnAOB, AOB, and NOB within those size fractions. Both the measured conversion rates and detected abundances decreased with increasing size fraction. The highest anammox conversion rates (15 g NH4 +–N per kilogram VSS per hour) and the highest abundances of Brocadia fulgida were found in the medium size fraction (100–315 μm). The batch experiments proved to be accurate tools for the monitoring of multiple processes in the reactor. The results were representative for reactor performance during the 6 months of reactor operation.  相似文献   
The mechanical properties of living cells are essential for many processes. They are defined by the cytoskeleton, a composite network of protein fibers. Thus, the precise control of its architecture is of paramount importance. Our knowledge about the molecular and physical mechanisms defining the network structure remains scarce, especially for the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. Here, we investigate the effect of small heat shock proteins on the keratin 8/18 intermediate filament cytoskeleton using a well-controlled model system of reconstituted keratin networks. We demonstrate that Hsp27 severely alters the structure of such networks by changing their assembly dynamics. Furthermore, the C-terminal tail domain of keratin 8 is shown to be essential for this effect. Combining results from fluorescence and electron microscopy with data from analytical ultracentrifugation reveals the crucial role of kinetic trapping in keratin network formation.  相似文献   
The tyrosine‐sulfated peptides PSKα and PSY1 bind to specific leucine‐rich repeat surface receptor kinases and control cell proliferation in plants. In a reverse genetic screen, we identified the phytosulfokine (PSK) receptor PSKR1 as an important component of plant defense. Multiple independent loss‐of‐function mutants in PSKR1 are more resistant to biotrophic bacteria, show enhanced pathogen‐associated molecular pattern responses and less lesion formation after infection with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. By contrast, pskr1 mutants are more susceptible to necrotrophic fungal infection with Alternaria brassicicola, show more lesion formation and fungal growth which is not observed on wild‐type plants. The antagonistic effect on biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogen resistance is reflected by enhanced salicylate and reduced jasmonate responses in the mutants, suggesting that PSKR1 suppresses salicylate‐dependent defense responses. Detailed analysis of single and multiple mutations in the three paralogous genes PSKR1, ‐2 and PSY1‐receptor (PSY1R) determined that PSKR1 and PSY1R, but not PSKR2, have a partially redundant effect on plant immunity. In animals and plants, peptide sulfation is catalyzed by a tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST). Mutants lacking TPST show increased resistance to bacterial infection and increased susceptibility to fungal infection, mimicking the triple receptor mutant phenotypes. Feeding experiments with PSKα in tpst‐1 mutants partially restore the defense‐related phenotypes, indicating that perception of the PSKα peptide has a direct effect on plant defense. These results suggest that the PSKR subfamily integrates growth‐promoting and defense signals mediated by sulfated peptides and modulates cellular plasticity to allow flexible adjustment to environmental changes.  相似文献   
A paradigm regarding rhamnogalacturonans II (RGII) is their strictly conserved structure within a given plant. We developed and employed a fast structural characterization method based on chromatography and mass spectrometry, allowing analysis of RGII side chains from microgram amounts of cell wall. We found that RGII structures are much more diverse than so far described. In chain A of wild‐type plants, up to 45% of the l –fucose is substituted by l –galactose, a state that is seemingly uncorrelated with RGII dimerization capacity. This led us to completely reinvestigate RGII structures of the Arabidopsis thaliana fucose‐deficient mutant mur1, which provided insights into RGII chain A biosynthesis, and suggested that chain A truncation, rather than l –fucose to l –galactose substitution, is responsible for the mur1 dwarf phenotype. Mass spectrometry data for chain A coupled with NMR analysis revealed a high degree of methyl esterification of its glucuronic acid, providing a plausible explanation for the puzzling RGII antibody recognition. The β–galacturonic acid of chain A exhibits up to two methyl etherifications in an organ‐specific manner. Combined with variation in the length of side chain B, this gives rise to a family of RGII structures instead of the unique structure described up to now. These findings pave the way for studies on the physiological roles of modulation of RGII composition.  相似文献   
Calcareous grasslands are among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe with a particularly high nature conservation value. During the past centuries their distribution has markedly decreased, at least partly due to urbanization. Thus we investigated the effects of urbanization on species diversity along a spatio-temporal urbanization gradient from traditionally managed grassland to areas affected by urban developments, which was situated in the plains northwest of Munich, Germany. Both a RLQ analysis linking species and environmental traits, and a redundancy analysis of the plant community features showed that soil disturbance, soil sealing and mean temperature explained most of the environmental variation along the gradient. The species in urban habitats showed increased insect pollination, earlier flowering and prolonged seed longevity. While urbanization favored short-lived species with dysochorous dispersal, the reference grasslands harbored more wind-pollinated perennials with effective vegetative spread and relatively large, short-lived seeds. Compared to the urban sites, traditionally used grasslands had a higher species diversity, more threatened species and a lower proportion of non-natives. We conclude that even under conservation management, urban habitats are not capable of maintaining the original biodiversity. However, we also found threatened species occurring exclusively in urban sites. Hence, urbanization decreased the area and diversity of traditional calcareous grasslands, but it also established niches for endangered species which are not adapted to the living conditions in calcareous grasslands.  相似文献   
Climate change has direct and indirect impacts on forest ecosystems worldwide. In this context, changing site conditions and altered disturbance regimes as well as forest management responses are challenging the conservation of biodiversity in forests. Climate-induced dynamics and uncertainties related to future forest ecosystem development are calling into question current conservation strategies and concepts. Given the longevity of trees, slow development rates of forest ecosystems and slow migration rates of many forest species, the planning of adaptation measures in response to climate change are especially difficult though highly important for forest biodiversity conservation. This paper introduces a special issue with eight contributions which deal with a variety of aspects of forest biodiversity conservation in the face of climate change. More specifically, the papers address direct impacts of climate change on forest biodiversity, adaptation measures for forest and conservation management, as well as resulting challenges for conservation strategies and concepts. In conclusion, adaptation measures that enhance diversity and provide different options for future action, thereby maintaining ecosystems’ resilience, as well as conservation management operating on a landscape level, are promoted as being beneficial for coping with uncertainties related to climate change. Adaptive management, which constantly reviews conservation goals and measures, and which takes into account both science-based and local ecological knowledge on climate change can be a valuable tool to inform decisions for forest biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
The effect of three different nutrient depletions (nitrogen, sulphur and magnesium) on the growth and pigment accumulation of the haptophyte Isochrysis aff. galbana (clone T-ISO) has been studied. Pigments were quantified based on RP-UHPLC-PDA-MSn analysis. All nutrient depletions led to reduced maximal biomass concentrations. Besides, all nutrient-depleted cultures accumulated 3-hydroxyechinenone. To our knowledge, this is the first time that 3-hydroxyechinenone has been found in I. aff. galbana T-ISO. Most 3-hydroxyechinenone, as well as the most echinenone and diatoxanthin, were found in the nitrogen-limited culture in which a more severe limitation resulted in higher cellular contents. Similar to accumulation of diatoxanthin, accumulation of 3-hydroxyechinenone and echinenone may be part of a global (stress) response mechanism to oversaturating light conditions.  相似文献   
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