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The early phases of biological invasions are poorly understood. In particular, during the introduction, establishment, and possible lag phases, it is unclear to what extent evolution must take place for an introduced species to transition from established to expanding. In this study, we highlight three disparate data sources that can provide insights into evolutionary processes associated with invasion success: biological control organisms, horticultural introductions, and natural history collections. All three data sources potentially provide introduction dates, information about source populations, and genetic and morphological samples at different time points along the invasion trajectory that can be used to investigate preadaptation and evolution during the invasion process, including immediately after introduction and before invasive expansion. For all three data sources, we explore where the data are held, their quality, and their accessibility. We argue that these sources could find widespread use with a few additional pieces of data, such as voucher specimens collected at certain critical time points during biocontrol agent quarantine, rearing, and release and also for horticultural imports, neither of which are currently done consistently. In addition, public access to collected information must become available on centralized databases to increase its utility in ecological and evolutionary research.  相似文献   
  1. Insects are highly underrepresented in the phylogeographic literature of the coastal plain region of the southeastern U.S., but they may contribute much to understanding the phylogeographic history of the area.
  2. The present study uses Melitara prodenialis Walker, a cactus‐boring moth, to test two alternative hypotheses: Pleistocene changes in environment and coastline associated with population geographic change resulted in (i) a homogeneous Florida, USA, population of M. prodenialis or (ii) isolated subpopulations that gave rise to genetic divergence between regions.
  3. Melitara prodenialis larvae were collected from 23 sites (n = 42 larvae sampled). For each larva, a 791 bp sequence of the COI mitochondrial gene was sequenced. Bayesian and parsimony approaches were used to investigate relationships among haplotypes. Phylogeographic and demographic analyses were conducted to identify geographic patterns in haplotype diversity distribution and infer population dynamics over time. Bioclim climate variables from the last interglacial period and the present were used to assess the potential contribution of environmental conditions to phylogeographic patterns observed.
  4. Melitara prodenialis populations in the Florida panhandle and peninsula are distinct, and the geographic segregation between these regions is correlated with current and historic climate patterns.
  5. Results suggest that populations of M. prodenialis in the Florida peninsula have more recently expanded than those in the panhandle. These findings are consistent with M. prodenialis populations changing in size and distribution following land area and climatic shifts associated with North American cycles of glaciation, with panhandle and peninsula populations remaining segregated over the relevant timeframes.
The regulation of intragenic miRNAs by their own intronic promoters is one of the open problems of miRNA biogenesis. Here, we describe PROmiRNA, a new approach for miRNA promoter annotation based on a semi-supervised statistical model trained on deepCAGE data and sequence features. We validate our results with existing annotation, PolII occupancy data and read coverage from RNA-seq data. Compared to previous methods PROmiRNA increases the detection rate of intronic promoters by 30%, allowing us to perform a large-scale analysis of their genomic features, as well as elucidate their contribution to tissue-specific regulation. PROmiRNA can be downloaded from http://promirna.molgen.mpg.de.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Objectives : Both interleukin-6 (IL-6) and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) are crucially involved in fibrotic events that characterize interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate in primary cultures of normal and fibrotic human lung fibroblasts (HLF), exposed to either IL-6 or TGF-β1, the effects on phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and cell growth of IL-6 signalling inhibition, performed by the IL-6 receptor superantagonist Sant7. Materials and methods : MAPK phosphorylation was detected by Western blotting, HLF viability and proliferation were evaluated using the trypan blue staining and the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, respectively. Results : Sant7, at a concentration of 1 µg/mL, was capable of significantly inhibiting HLF proliferation and MAPK phosphorylation induced by cell exposure to IL-6 (100 ng/mL) or TGF-β1 (10 ng/mL), whose actions were more evident in fibrotic cells. Conclusions : These findings suggest that, in HLFs derived from patients with ILDs, the proliferative mechanisms activated by TGF-β1 are at least in part mediated by an increased release of IL-6, leading to phosphorylation-dependent MAPK activation. Such preliminary findings may thus open new therapeutic perspectives for fibrogenic ILDs, based on inhibition of signal transduction pathways stimulated by the IL-6 receptor.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although chronic total occlusions are encountered frequently in patients with coronary artery disease, an effective strategy to deal with them has yet to be devised. Various new guidewires have been designed in an attempt to negotiate chronic occlusions successfully. The authors have analysed the impact of the Athlete guidewire on procedural success in this lesion subset. METHODS: Sixty-two consecutive patients undergoing percutaneous intervention for chronic total occlusions over a two-year period were retrospectively studied. For the initial attempt, conventional guidewires were used. In case of failure, further attempts were made using the Athlete guidewire. Procedural success rates with the use of conventional and Athlete guidewires were assessed. RESULTS: Failure of the first attempt with the conventional guidewire occurred in 32 (51.6%) patients and success was achieved in 30 (48.4%) patients. In the former patients, a second attempt was made using the Athlete guidewire to cross the occlusion. The second attempt was successful in 20 patients (60%) in whom the first attempt was unsuccessful, while in the remaining 12 (40%) patients the occlusion could not be crossed even during the second attempt and the procedure was then terminated. Following the use of the Athlete guidewire, the success rate increased to 62% (p < 0.001). No complication occurred during the first attempt, while one patient had a coronary perforation using the Athlete guidewire, which was managed successfully without the need for bypass surgery. CONCLUSION: The use of the Athlete guidewire is feasible and safe, and enhances the chances of successfully treating chronic total occlusions during percutaneous coronary revascularization procedures.  相似文献   

Non-native organisms have invaded novel ecosystems for centuries, yet we have only a limited understanding of why their impacts vary widely from minor to severe. Predicting the impact of non-established or newly detected species could help focus biosecurity measures on species with the highest potential to cause widespread damage. However, predictive models require an understanding of potential drivers of impact and the appropriate level at which these drivers should be evaluated. Here, we used non-native, specialist herbivorous insects of forest ecosystems to test which factors drive impact and if there were differences based on whether they used woody angiosperms or conifers as hosts. We identified convergent and divergent patterns between the two host types indicating fundamental similarities and differences in their interactions with non-native insects. Evolutionary divergence time between native and novel hosts was a significant driver of insect impact for both host types but was modulated by different factors in the two systems. Beetles in the subfamily Scolytinae posed the highest risk to woody angiosperms, and different host traits influenced impact of specialists on conifers and woody angiosperms. Tree wood density was a significant predictor of host impact for woody angiosperms with intermediate densities (0.5–0.6 mg/mm3) associated with highest risk, whereas risk of impact was highest for conifers that coupled shade tolerance with drought intolerance. These results underscore the importance of identifying the relevant levels of biological organization and ecological interactions needed to develop accurate risk models for species that may arrive in novel ecosystems.

Apically enriched Rab11-positive recycling endosomes (Rab11-REs) are important for establishing and maintaining epithelial polarity. Yet, little is known about the molecules controlling trafficking of Rab11-REs in an epithelium in vivo. Here, we report a genome-wide, image-based RNA interference screen for regulators of Rab11-RE positioning and transport of an apical membrane protein (PEPT-1) in C. elegans intestine. Among the 356 screen hits was the 14-3-3 and partitioning defective protein PAR-5, which we found to be specifically required for Rab11-RE positioning and apicobasal polarity maintenance. Depletion of PAR-5 induced abnormal clustering of Rab11-REs to ectopic sites at the basolateral cortex containing F-actin and other apical domain components. This phenotype required key regulators of F-actin dynamics and polarity, such as Rho GTPases (RHO-1 and the Rac1 orthologue CED-10) and apical PAR?proteins. Our data suggest that PAR-5 acts as a regulatory hub for a polarity-maintaining network required for apicobasal asymmetry of F-actin and proper Rab11-RE positioning.  相似文献   
Herbivory has long been recognized as a significant driver of plant population dynamics, yet its effects along environmental gradients are unclear. Understanding how weather modulates plant–insect interactions can be particularly important for predicting the consequences of exotic insect invasions, and an explicit consideration of weather may help explain why the impact can vary greatly across space and time. We surveyed two native prickly pear cactus species (genus Opuntia) in the Florida panhandle, USA, and their specialist insect herbivores (the invasive South American cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, and three native insect species) for five years across six sites. We used generalized linear mixed models to assess the impact of herbivory and weather on plant relative growth rate (RGR) and sexual reproduction, and we used Fisher's exact test to estimate the impact of herbivory on survival. Weather variables (precipitation and temperature) were consistently significant predictors of vital rate variation for both cactus species, in contrast to the limited and varied impacts of insect herbivory. Weather only significantly influenced the impact of herbivory on Opuntia humifusa fruit production. The relationships of RGR and fruit production with precipitation suggest that precipitation serves as a cue in determining the trade‐off in the allocation of resources to growth or fruit production. The presence of the native bug explained vital rate variation for both cactus species, whereas the invasive moth explained variation only for Ostricta. Despite the inconsistent effect of herbivory across vital rates and cactus species, almost half of Ostricta plants declined in size, and the invasive insect negatively affected RGR and fruit production. Given that fruit production was strongly size‐dependent, this suggests that Ostricta populations at the locations surveyed are transitioning to a size distribution of predominantly smaller sizes and with reduced sexual reproduction potential.  相似文献   
Leptin enhances,via AP-1, expression of aromatase in the MCF-7 cell line   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Leptin, a product of adipocytes, is involved in the regulation of body weight and results strongly correlated to body fat content. An excess of fat mass represents a breast cancer risk factor particularly in postmenopausal women, where estrogen production by adipose tissue through its own aromatase activity stimulates tumor progression. Leptin stimulates estrogen production through the increase of aromatase expression and activity in human luteinized granulosa cells and adipose stromal cells. In the present study, we have examined the possible link that exists between leptin and breast cancer, focusing our attention on the direct effect of leptin on aromatase activity, which may enhance estrogen production and induce tumor cell growth stimulation. We have shown that leptin enhances aromatase mRNA expression, aromatase content, and its enzymatic activity in MCF-7. Aromatase expression appears to be regulated by tissue-specific promoter. It has been demonstrated that promoters II and 1.3 are the major promoters that drive aromatase expression in MCF-7. Transient transfection experiments using vector containing human aromatase promoters II and 1.3 sequence fused with luciferase reporter gene demonstrated that leptin is able to activate this promoter. In the presence of either mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor PD 98059 or ERK2 dominant negative as well as in the presence of STAT3 dominant negative, the stimulatory effects of leptin on aromatase promoter, enzymatic activity, and aromatase protein content were inhibited. Functional studies of mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that the AP-1 motif is important in determining the up-regulatory effects induced by leptin on aromatase expression in MCF-7.  相似文献   
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