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We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct DNA sequencing to study genetic variation within and among populations of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua , in the western North Atlantic. In a 307 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, 24 variable nucleotide positions define 24 genotypes, which differ by from one to six nucleotide substitutions. Greenland cod ( G. ogac ) differs from the most similar G. morhua genotype by an additional 12 nucleotide substitutions. Silent transitions dominate both intra- and interspecific comparisons, however four nucleotide substitutions within morhua result in amino acid replacements. Direct sequencing of DNA reveals substantially more of the genetic variation that exists within and between species than do previous indirect methods based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and thus has far greater potential to quantify such differences as may exist among fish stocks. Preliminary experiments also indicate that automation of DNA sequencing provides an efficient, rapid, and accurate means for detection of genetic variation in natural populations offish.  相似文献   
The production of a hemolytic exotoxin (Hly) termed listeriolysin O (LLO) is a major determinant of the virulence of the Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. As determined by lethal inoculum size, LLO- strains of L. monocytogenes generally are several orders of magnitude less virulent than their LLO+ counterparts. The generation of protective anti-Listeria T cell immunity also has been shown to depend on the LLO phenotype of the bacteria present during primary infection, although the cellular basis of this observation is not known. The experiments described here address the role of LLO in regulation of the expression of class II MHC (Ia) molecules by murine macrophages. Because Ia expression by macrophages and other APC is thought to be a central factor in the generation of T cells specific for bacterial Ag, we have tested the hypothesis that the failure of LLO- strains to elicit anti-Listeria T cell responses might be secondary to an inability of these strains to stimulate increases in macrophage Ia levels. Our results show that the macrophage Ia response after i.p. injection of L. monocytogenes correlates strongly with the LLO phenotype of the bacteria. The presence of LLO+ organisms, even at very small numbers (as few as 10), elicits a striking increase in Ia expression by peritoneal macrophages. In contrast, even at very high numbers (up to 10(6) per mouse), LLO- bacteria fail to stimulate a strong Ia response. We also have analyzed macrophage Ia expression after injection of lysates of Escherichia coli expressing recombinant LLO protein. Similar to the results obtained with LLO+ and LLO- L. monocytogenes, we have observed Ia induction only with LLO+ lysates. Ia induction by this crude recombinant LLO preparation can be inhibited by cholesterol or heat. Furthermore, supernatants derived from cultures of LLO+ (but not LLO-) L. monocytogenes can cause Ia induction when administered via i.p. injection. Taken together, these findings suggest that the failure of macrophages to respond to LLO- organisms with an increase in Ia expression may be a major underlying cause of the failure of these bacteria to induce Listeria-specific protective T cell immunity. Furthermore, we propose that the induction of macrophage Ia expression in response to bacterial toxins such as Hly may represent one component of a set of early, innate immune mechanisms, and that this induction may provide a critical "bridge" to later, acquired, Ag-specific immune processes.  相似文献   
In the present communication, an experimental approach is utilized that facilitates the study of biochemical processes induced in B cells after their interaction with Th cells. In this approach, Th cell clones are stimulated for 18 h upon anti-CD3-coated plates, fixed with paraformaldehyde, and added at a 2 to 3:1 ratio to small, resting B cells (isolated from Percoll gradients). Th cells not stimulated on anti-CD3-coated plates, but fixed with paraformaldehyde, serve as controls for these experiments. The activated, fixed Th cells induce a transient, sixfold increase in B cell levels of cAMP, as well as an increase in B cell expression of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. This enzyme initiates the synthesis of polyamines and has been shown to be increased as cells enter the growth phase. In addition, previous studies have shown that the cellular levels of ODC activity are controlled by a multi-tiered regulatory cascade. To examine this aspect, polyclonally stimulated B cells were studied. Such cells demonstrated a gradual increase in ODC mRNA levels that peaked between 6 and 15 h and can be partially explained by a three- to fourfold increase in mRNA stability but not by changes in the enzyme affinity for substrate. The increase in ODC mRNA occurs in the absence of protein synthesis, suggesting that the ODC gene is a member of the immediate/early gene family. Finally, the early increase in ODC mRNA was enhanced in cells in which cAMP levels were artificially elevated, suggesting the possibility that the cAMP-dependent signaling pathway participates during the regulation of this gene expression. The significance of these experimental results concerning the process of B cell activation is discussed.  相似文献   
We previously have found that the endotoxin (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria is a major determinant of macrophage Ia induction during infection with these organisms. Specifically, i.p. injection of Gram-negative bacteria elicits a striking macrophage Ia response in LPS-responder mice but virtually no response in LPS-low-responder mice. As an extension of these findings, in this report we have tested the hypothesis that the inability of LPS-low responder mice to mount an Ia response during Gram-negative infection may in turn impair their capacity for generation of appropriate antibacterial T cell responses. Our results demonstrate that for a variety Gram-negative organisms (Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella minnesota, and Escherichia coli), both macrophage Ia induction and the generation of Ag-specific T cell responses are controlled by the lps gene. We also have asked whether the expression of additional toxins (other than LPS) by infecting Gram-negative organisms can "override" this lps gene control of macrophage and T cell responses. We have found that infection of LPS-low-responder mice with an E. coli strain that expresses a hemolytic exotoxin (Hly) leads to the induction of macrophage Ia expression as well as the generation of T cell responses to both the Hly molecule and to other E. coli-associated Ag, whereas no responses are generated during infection with a Hly- strain. This result suggests that LPS-low responder mice have no inherent defect in T cell responsiveness to Gram-negative bacterial Ag but rather that these mice fail to receive an LPS-mediated signal required for the induction of Ia expression and subsequent generation of peritoneal T cell immunity. These findings, when taken together with results presented in the accompanying paper, strengthen the argument that bacterial toxin production (and the ability of the host to respond to the toxin) can represent a critical determinant of the induction of macrophage Ia expression and in turn, of Ag-specific T cell responses during bacterial infection.  相似文献   
Summary An immunocytochemical method using an antibody against 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine has been applied to the study of the kinetics of osteoclast nuclei on intact mouse parietal bones. Osteoclasts containing tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase show nuclei that are positive for the thymidine analogue within 24 hours of injection into four-day old mice. Labelled osteoclast nuclei decline in number with a half-life of 1.3 days, compatible with a random mechanism of cell death rather than a fixed lifespan. This is shorter than has previously been reported and the possible reasons for this are suggested. The main advantages compared with autoradiography are the shortened processing time and the large number of osteoclasts that can be examined per parietal bone.  相似文献   
CD4 is the principal receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We have isolated and studied CD4-expressing tumor cell clones made by expressing CD4 in the T-cell tumor line HSB. Two clones, one designated HSBCD4, a clone expressing low levels of CD4, and the other, HSB10xCD4, a high-expresser CD4+ clone, were studied for their ability to bind and replicate HIV. In contrast to many other CD4+ cells that down-modulate CD4 following HIV infection, the HSB10xCD4 clones continued to express high levels of surface CD4 following infection with HIV. Unlike infection of HSBCD4 or many other human CD4+ cells, HIV infection of HSB10xCD4 clone was short lived: p24 antigen, provirus, or coculturable virus was present for less than 14 days following infection with several strains of HIV-1 or with HIV-2. When infection was initiated by transfection of proviral DNA, high and low CD4 expressers initially produced p24 antigen at approximately the same level. However, high CD4 expressers produced coculturable virus only during the first few days following transfection, whereas low CD4 expressers transfected with HIV continued to produce virus beyond 6 weeks. Monoclonal antibody-mediated down-modulation of CD4 surface expression on HSB10xCD4 clones permitted these formerly HIV-resistant cells to become persistently infected with HIV. Thus, high concentrations of CD4 on the surface of an HIV-infected cell prevent persistent HIV infection of CD4+ cells.  相似文献   
J H Kim  A G Marshall 《Biopolymers》1992,32(9):1263-1270
The structures of the helices II-III region and the helix IV region of B. megaterium 5S rRNA have been examined by means of energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations. Calculated distances between neighboring hydrogen-bonded imino protons in helices II, III, and IV were between 3.5 and 4.5 A. The overall axis for the helices II-III region is warped rather than straight. Formation of additional Watson-Crick base pairs in loop B and loop C was not evident from the atomic positions calculated by molecular dynamics. Bases in loop C are well stacked, showing no significant change during dynamics. Bulge migration in helix III does not seem to be possible; the helices II-III region prefers one conformation. Helix II is more stable than helix III. Five base pairs in helix IV were sufficiently stable to establish that helix IV is terminated by a hairpin loop of three nucleotides. U87 protrudes from loop D. Structures of the helices II-III segment and the helix IV segment of B. megaterium 5S rRNA obtained by molecular dynamics were generally consistent with the solution structure inferred from high-field proton nmr spectroscopy.  相似文献   
The binding of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to its specific cell-surface receptor (uPAR) localises the proteolytic cascade initiated by uPA to the pericellular environment. Inhibition of uPA activity or prevention of uPA binding to uPAR might have a beneficial effect on disease states wherein this activity is deregulated, e.g. cancer and some inflammatory diseases. To this end, a bifunctional hybrid molecule consisting of the uPAR-binding growth-factor domain of uPA (amino acids 1-47; GFuPA) at the N-terminus of plasminogen-activator inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2) was produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The purified protein inhibited uPA with kinetics similar to placental or recombinant PAI-2 and was also found to bind to U937 cells and to FL amnion cells. GFuPA-PAI-2 competed with uPA, the N-terminal fragment of uPA and a proteolytic fragment of uPA (amino acids 4-43) in cell binding experiments, indicating that the molecule bound to the cells via uPAR. Hence, both the uPA-inhibitory and uPAR-binding domains of the hybrid molecule were functional, demonstrating the feasibility of the novel concept of introducing an unrelated, functional domain onto a member of the serine-protease-inhibitor superfamily.  相似文献   
Ras GTPase-activating protein (GAP) has been implicated in mitogenic signal transduction downstream of oncogenic and receptor tyrosine kinases. Previous studies have suggested that GAP is phosphorylated by oncogenic viral Src (v-Src) and that GAP is associated with a complex containing normal cellular Src (c-Src) in vertebrate fibroblasts. To investigate molecular interactions between the Src kinases and GAP, we developed an in vitro system for reconstituting Src-GAP complexes. For this purpose, we constructed recombinant baculovirus vectors that direct expression of Rous sarcoma virus v-Src, chicken c-Src, and bovine GAP in infected Sf9 insect cells. In vitro reconstitution experiments using baculovirus-expressed proteins demonstrate that both v-Src and c-Src associate in complexes with GAP. In addition, in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation analyses indicate that GAP serves as a substrate for both the v-Src and c-Src tyrosine kinases. To determine which structural features of GAP are involved in interactions with the Src kinases, we constructed recombinant baculoviruses that encode deletion mutants of bovine GAP. Deletion of the GAP amino-terminal portion containing Src homology 2 regions, which are highly conserved structural motifs postulated to mediate interactions among proteins, diminishes GAP phosphorylation and association with Src. This reconstitution system should facilitate further studies of molecular interactions between the Src kinases and GAP.  相似文献   
Our studies assessed the effects of increases in intracellular calcium concentrations [( Ca2+]i) on leukotriene synthesis and membrane translocation of 5-lipoxygenase (5LO). The calcium ionophore ionomycin and the tumor promoter thapsigargin stimulated leukotriene production and translocation of 5-lipoxygenase to the membrane. Both agents elicited prolonged rises in [Ca2+]i. Leukotriene C4 production associated with [Ca2+]i in cells stimulated with various concentrations of ionomycin and thapsigargin suggests that a threshold [Ca2+]i level of approximately 300-400 nM is required. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, both the ionomycin- and thapsigargin-induced rises in [Ca2+]i were transient, indicating that the prolonged [Ca2+]i elevation is due to an influx of extracellular Ca2+. Addition of EGTA to the external medium before, or at different times during, the treatment with ionomycin or thapsigargin instantaneously inhibited 5LO translocation and leukotriene synthesis, indicating that Ca2+ influx plays an essential role in 5LO membrane translocation and leukotriene synthesis. No leukotriene production was detected when cells were stimulated by a physiological stimulus of leukotriene D4. The addition of 100 nM leukotriene D4 triggered peak rises in [Ca2+]i that were comparable to those achieved by the ionomycin and thapsigargin. However, the leukotriene D4 induced rise was transient and rapidly declined to a lower but still elevated steady-state level, which was attributed to Ca2+ influx. Stimulation with 100 nM leukotriene D4 for 15 s increased the cellular levels of 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate (IP3), 1,3,4-IP3, and 1,3,4,5-inositol tetraphosphate (IP4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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