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A protein purified from cytoskeletal fractions of Dictyostelium discoideum proved to be a member of the fimbrin/plastin family of actin-bundling proteins. Like other family members, this Ca(2+)-inhibited 67-kDa protein contains two EF hands followed by two actin-binding sites of the alpha-actinin/beta-spectrin type. Dd plastin interacted selectively with actin isoforms: it bound to D. discoideum actin and to beta/gamma-actin from bovine spleen but not to alpha-actin from rabbit skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescence labeling of growth phase cells showed accumulation of Dd plastin in cortical structures associated with cell surface extensions. In the elongated, streaming cells of the early aggregation stage, Dd plastin was enriched in the front regions. To examine how the bundled actin filaments behave in myosin II-driven motility, complexes of F-actin and Dd plastin were bound to immobilized heavy meromyosin, and motility was started by photoactivating caged ATP. Actin filaments were immediately propelled out of bundles or even larger aggregates and moved on the myosin as separate filaments. This result shows that myosin can disperse an actin network when it acts as a motor and sheds light on the dynamics of protein-protein interactions in the cortex of a motile cell where myosin II and Dd plastin are simultaneously present.  相似文献   
Anti-idiotypic antibodies have been successfully used to identify and isolate the receptor for several cell ligands. To prepare an immunologic probe for identification of the polyomavirus receptor on mouse kidney cells, polyclonal antisera against antipolyomavirus antibodies were prepared in rabbits. Fab fragments of the previously characterized monoclonal antibody E7, which neutralizes polyomavirus infection, were used for immunization (S. J. Marriott and R. A. Consigli, J. Virol. 56:365-372, 1985). Sera containing the greatest anti-idiotype activity were identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and purified by a series of affinity columns. The anti-idiotypic antibodies recognized the E7 idiotope in an ELISA, and anti-idiotype binding could be inhibited by preincubation of E7 monoclonal antibody with polyomavirus virions. When mixed with anti-idiotype immunoglobulin G (IgG), E7 was no longer capable of binding or immunoprecipitating polyomavirus virions or neutralizing polyomavirus infection. Direct immunofluorescence showed anti-idiotype IgG reactivity with a cell surface component of mouse kidney cells. Anti-idiotype F(ab')2 effectively competed with polyomavirus for binding to mouse kidney cells and displayed binding kinetics similar to those of polyomavirus. Virus infection of mouse kidney cells was blocked in a dose-dependent manner following treatment of the cells with anti-idiotype IgG. The anti-idiotype identified several proteins (95, 50, and 24 to 31 kilodaltons) in an immunoblot of mouse kidney cell membrane proteins but reacted predominantly with a single 50-kilodalton protein in a radioimmunoassay. The anti-idiotype failed to react with virus proteins in three assays, including ELISA, immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting. The implications of this work for future identification and characterization of the polyomavirus receptor on mouse kidney cells are discussed.  相似文献   
Polyomavirus receptor moieties were extracted from the surfaces of mouse kidney cells with the nonionic detergent octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Following extraction with this detergent, mouse kidney cells were refractory to polyomavirus infection. Binding studies demonstrated that this loss of susceptibility resulted from extraction of a peripheral membrane protein or proteins required for proper virus attachment to and infection of mouse kidney cells. Infection of extracted mouse kidney cells returned following a 2-h recovery period. However, the presence of cycloheximide or tunicamycin in the recovery media interfered with recovery from infection. Cells could be infected immediately after extraction by supplying them with the extracted moieties prior to or concomitant with infection. A complex of polyomavirus and the extracted receptor protein was formed by in vitro incubation and was stable in sucrose gradient analysis. Functional receptor moieties were prepared in the form of liposomes from the detergent extract. The virus-receptor complex was immunoprecipitated with anti-polyomavirus immunoglobulin G, and the portion of the complex contributed by the cell was identified. Immunoblot analysis of the mouse kidney cell detergent extract with a receptor-specific 125I-labeled anti-idiotypic antibody or 125I-labeled polyomavirus demonstrated several reactive proteins. Attachment of polyomavirus to mouse kidney cells, followed by extraction of the virus-receptor complex, identified polyomavirus-binding proteins similar to those observed in in vitro binding. Proteins with molecular weights of approximately 95,000, 50,000 and 25,000 to 30,000 were consistently observed in all receptor assays. The relationship between these proteins and their possible involvement as the cell receptor for polyomavirus are discussed.  相似文献   
Several previous studies have demonstrated increased synthesis of cerebral prostaglandins (PGs) following convulsive activity. In addition, it has been proposed that endogenous prostanoids have anticonvulsive properties and may act to attenuate or limit seizure activity in vivo. In this study we have used focal injections of prostaglandins (PGs) to examine their potential modulatory effects on electrically kindled seizure activity. We report that the intra-amygdaloid administration of PGD2, PGE2 or PGF2a, (1-10 micrograms) showed no significant effects on any of the kindled seizure parameters studied. The highest dose of PGF2a was ineffective at all pretreatment times between 2-30 mins. Our data is inconsistent with the view that PGs exert protective effects against seizure activity, at least within the amygdala against electrically kindled seizures.  相似文献   
We demonstrate that purified HTLV-I Tax1 protein can be taken up by 70Z/3 lymphoid cells and localized in both the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Introduction of the Tax1 protein into the growth medium of 70Z/3 cells resulted in the rapid and transient induction of NF-kappa B binding activity in the nuclear fraction. Tax1 activation of NF-kappa B was not sensitive to either staurosporin or prolonged stimulation with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, suggesting that Tax1-dependent NF-kappa B activation did not require the protein kinase C pathway. Purified Tax1 did not directly increase NF-kappa B binding activity in 70Z/3 cytoplasmic extracts, suggesting that NF-kappa B induction may require cellular factors. Western blot and competitive radioimmunoassays demonstrated that Tax1 protein was present in the tissue culture media of HTLV-I-transformed cell lines. These results show that extracellular Tax1 may regulate cellular gene expression in noninfected cells.  相似文献   
1. Collagens were extracted from bovine cartilage by 4 M-guanidinium chloride in the presence of proteinase inhibitors and identified by immunoblotting with specific anti-collagen sera. 2. The collagens retained their native conformations (shown by the resistance of their triple-helical domains to pepsin digestion), and the molecular masses of their component alpha-chains indicated that the chains were intact. 3. Type VI collagen was extracted as a large-molecular-mass disulphide-bonded aggregate composed of components of molecular mass 140 kDa and 200-240 kDa, and was therefore similar to type VI collagen identified in noncartilaginous tissues. Immunoblotting established the 200-240 kDa components as intact forms of the alpha 3(VI) chain. 4. Type IX collagen consisted of three clearly separable components of molecular mass 84 kDa, 72 kDa and 66 kDa, which were assigned to the alpha 1(IX)-, alpha 3(IX)- and alpha 2(IX)-chains respectively, and a large proportion of this collagen had no covalently bound glycosaminoglycan attached to the alpha 2(IX)-chain. 5. Differences between the type IX collagen extracted from bovine cartilage and that identified in biosynthetic studies on chick cartilage are discussed.  相似文献   
The direct addition of Cu2+ to unfertilized eggs of Mytilus edulis results in a stimulation of respiration with maximal stimulation occurring at a Cu2+ concentration of ca 0.5 mM. By contrast, the addition of Zn2+ has no effect on egg respiration. The uncoupler CCCP produces a 5/6 fold stimulation of egg respiration but the addition of ADP leads to only a small release of respiration. In contrast, sperm respiration is unaffected by Cu2+, inhibited by Zn2+ and CCCP produces only a small respiratory stimulation. The addition of Cu2+ to respiring Mytilus mantle tissue mitochondria produces an initial stimulation of State 4 oxidation which is then followed by a progressive inhibition. It is suggested that respiration in the unfertilized egg may be inhibited by a high ATP/ADP ratio in the cytosol. Respiration can, therefore, be released by either the addition of a H+-translocating uncoupler or by Cu2+ which may act by stimulating mitochondrial K+ influx.  相似文献   
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