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Flowers of Malpighiaceae have a flag petal with a sturdy base that Centridini bees clasp with their mandibles to free their legs and thus be able to harvest oil. We found that the yellow, nectariferous flowers of Schizolobium parahyba (Fabaceae) have a forward-flexed upper petal with a sturdy claw and an adnate filament. Two Centris species were among the most frequent bee visitors to S. parahyba flowers. These bees clasped the adnate filament and the claw of the upper petal with their mandibles and extended their mouthparts into the corolla to take nectar. During the visit they leaned on, or loosely grabbed, the stamens. Blooming in the same area and period were two yellow-flowered Stigmaphyllon species (Malpighiaceae) whose pollen was also found on loads carried by the Centris bees. The flexion and the sturdiness of the upper petal claw of Schizolobium parahyba flowers may be viewed as a trait that suits the mandible clasp of Centris bees. Although this clasp is not needed when the bees visit S. parahyba flowers, it is vital when the bees exploit flowers of the Malpighiaceae. We suggest that the sturdy claw and the adnate filament of S. parahyba may be viewed as an instance of presumed functional convergence with the upper petal of Malpighiaceae.  相似文献   
Rett syndrome is an X-linked neurodevelopmental condition mainly characterized by loss of spoken language and a regression of purposeful hand use, with the development of distinctive hand stereotypies, and gait abnormalities. Gait initiation is the transition from quiet stance to steady-state condition of walking. The associated motor program seems to be centrally mediated and includes preparatory adjustments prior to any apparent voluntary movement of the lower limbs. Anticipatory postural adjustments contribute to postural stability and to create the propulsive forces necessary to reach steady-state gait at a predefined velocity and may be indicative of the effectiveness of the feedforward control of gait. In this study, we examined anticipatory postural adjustments associated with gait initiation in eleven girls with Rett syndrome and ten healthy subjects. Muscle activity (tibialis anterior and soleus muscles), ground reaction forces and body kinematic were recorded. Children with Rett syndrome showed a distinctive impairment in temporal organization of all phases of the anticipatory postural adjustments. The lack of appropriate temporal scaling resulted in a diminished impulse to move forward, documented by an impairment in several parameters describing the efficiency of gait start: length and velocity of the first step, magnitude and orientation of centre of pressure-centre of mass vector at the instant of (swing-)toe off. These findings were related to an abnormal muscular activation pattern mainly characterized by a disruption of the synergistic activity of antagonistic pairs of postural muscles. This study showed that girls with Rett syndrome lack accurate tuning of feedforward control of gait.  相似文献   


Buruli ulcer is a stigmatising disease treated with antibiotics and wound care, and sometimes surgical intervention is necessary. Permanent limitations in daily activities are a common long term consequence. It is unknown to what extent patients perceive problems in participation in social activities. The psychometric properties of the Participation Scale used in other disabling diseases, such as leprosy, was assessed for use in former Buruli ulcer patients.


Former Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana and Benin, their relatives, and healthy community controls were interviewed using the Participation Scale, Buruli Ulcer Functional Limitation Score, and the Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue to measure stigma. The Participation Scale was tested for the following psychometric properties: discrimination, floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, inter-item correlation, item-total correlation and construct validity.


In total 386 participants (143 former Buruli ulcer patients with their relatives (137) and 106 community controls) were included in the study. The Participation Scale displayed good discrimination between former Buruli ulcer patients and healthy community controls. No floor and ceiling effects were found. Internal consistency (Cronbach''s alpha) was 0.88. In Ghana, mean inter-item correlation of 0.29 and item-total correlations ranging from 0.10 to 0.69 were found while in Benin, a mean inter-item correlation of 0.28 was reported with item-total correlations ranging from −0.08 to 0.79. With respect to construct validity, 4 out of 6 hypotheses were not rejected, though correlations between various constructs differed between countries.


The results indicate the Participation Scale has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used for Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana and Benin. Future studies can use this Participation Scale to evaluate the long term restrictions in participation in daily social activities of former BU patients.  相似文献   
Cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) terminally differentiate prior to the onset of hearing. During this time period, thyroid hormone (TH) dramatically influences inner ear development. It has been shown recently that TH enhances the expression of the motor protein prestin via liganded TH receptor β (TRβ) while in contrast the expression of the potassium channel KCNQ4 is repressed by unliganded TRα1. These different mechanisms of TH regulation by TRα1 or TRβ prompted us to analyse other ion channels that are required for the final differentiation of OHCs. We analysed the onset of expression of the Ca2+ channel CaV1.3, and the K+ channels SK2 and BK and correlated the results with the regulation via TRα1 or TRβ. The data support the hypothesis that proteins expressed in rodents prior to or briefly after birth like CaV1.3 and prestin are either independent of TH (e.g. CaV1.3) or enhanced through TRβ (e.g. prestin). In contrast, proteins expressed in rodents later than P6 like KCNQ4 (∼P6), SK2 (∼P9) and BK (∼P11) are repressed through TRα1. We hypothesise that the precise regulation of expression of the latter genes requires a critical local TH level to overcome the TRα1 repression. Harald Winter and Claudia Braig contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
BackgroundBuruli ulcer may induce severe disabilities impacting on a person''s well-being and quality of life. Information about long-term disabilities and participation restrictions is scanty. The objective of this study was to gain insight into participation restrictions among former Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana and Benin.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, former Buruli ulcer patients were interviewed using the Participation Scale, the Buruli Ulcer Functional Limitation Score to measure functional limitations, and the Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue to measure perceived stigma. Healthy community controls were also interviewed using the Participation Scale. Trained native interviewers conducted the interviews. Former Buruli ulcer patients were eligible for inclusion if they had been treated between 2005 and 2011, had ended treatment at least 3 months before the interview, and were at least 15 years of age.ResultsIn total, 143 former Buruli ulcer patients and 106 community controls from Ghana and Benin were included in the study. Participation restrictions were experienced by 67 former patients (median score, 30, IQR; 23;43) while 76 participated in social life without problems (median score 5, IQR; 2;9). Most restrictions encountered related to employment. Linear regression showed being female, perceived stigma, functional limitations, and larger lesions (category II) as predictors of more participation restrictions.ConclusionPersisting participation restrictions were experienced by former BU patients in Ghana and Benin. Most important predictors of participation restrictions were being female, perceived stigma, functional limitations and larger lesions.  相似文献   
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