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L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs, Cav1) open readily during membrane depolarization and allow Ca2+ to enter the cell. In this way, LTCCs regulate cell excitability and trigger a variety of Ca2+-dependent physiological processes such as: excitation–contraction coupling in muscle cells, gene expression, synaptic plasticity, neuronal differentiation, hormone secretion, and pacemaker activity in heart, neurons, and endocrine cells. Among the two major isoforms of LTCCs expressed in excitable tissues (Cav1.2 and Cav1.3), Cav1.3 appears suitable for supporting a pacemaker current in spontaneously firing cells. It has steep voltage dependence and low threshold of activation and inactivates slowly. Using Cav1.3−/− KO mice and membrane current recording techniques such as the dynamic and the action potential clamp, it has been possible to resolve the time course of Cav1.3 pacemaker currents that regulate the spontaneous firing of dopaminergic neurons and adrenal chromaffin cells. In several cell types, Cav1.3 is selectively coupled to BK channels within membrane nanodomains and controls both the firing frequency and the action potential repolarization phase. Here we review the most critical aspects of Cav1.3 channel gating and its coupling to large conductance BK channels recently discovered in spontaneously firing neurons and neuroendocrine cells with the aim of furnishing a converging view of the role that these two channel types play in the regulation of cell excitability.  相似文献   
The innate immune system is of vital importance for protection against infectious pathogens. Inflammasome mediated caspase-1 activation and subsequent release of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β and IL-18 is an important arm of the innate immune system. Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium, SL1344) is an enteropathogenic bacterium causing diarrheal diseases. Different reports have shown that in macrophages, S. Typhimurium may activate caspase-1 by at least three different types of stimuli: flagellin, the type III secretion system 1 (T1) and the T1 effector protein SopE. However, the relative importance and interdependence of the different factors in caspase-1 activation is still a matter of debate. Here, we have analyzed their relative contributions to caspase-1 activation in LPS-pretreated RAW264.7 macrophages. Using flagellar mutants (fliGHI, flgK) and centrifugation to mediate pathogen-host cell contact, we show that flagellins account for a small part of the caspase-1 activation in RAW264.7 cells. In addition, functional flagella are of key importance for motility and host cell attachment which is a prerequisite for mediating caspase-1 activation via these three stimuli. Using site directed mutants lacking several T1 effector proteins and flagellin expression, we found that SopE elicits caspase-1 activation even when flagellins are absent. In contrast, disruption of essential genes of the T1 protein injection system (invG, sipB) completely abolished caspase-1 activation. However, a robust level of caspase-1 activation is retained by the T1 system (or unidentified T1 effectors) in the absence of flagellin and SopE. T1-mediated inflammasome activation is in line with recent work by others and suggests that the T1 system itself may represent the basic caspase-1 activating stimulus in RAW264.7 macrophages which is further enhanced independently by SopE and/or flagellin.  相似文献   
Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) is a member of the ENA/VASP-protein family. VASP is considered to be a crucial factor in the regulation of actin dynamics, which involves processes such as motility and cell adhesion, e.g. in filopodia or growth cones. In these processes zyxin acts as an important partner of VASP and is particularly concentrated at sites where VASP-dependent actin dynamics occur. Based on indirect evidence that actin-mediated dynamics may effect the mechanical properties of the cochlea, we have investigated expression of VASP and zyxin in the postnatal and adult rat cochlea using polymerase chain reaction and Western blot approaches, as well as immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Besides an expected expression in vessels and fibroblasts, VASP and zyxin expression was also observed in pillar cells. Here, the staining was restricted to the head and foot plate of the pillar cells. Onset of VASP expression in pillar cells coincided with the beginning of hearing. In pillar cells, VASP and zyxin were co-localised with pan-actin, suggesting actin-based dynamics in these cochlear cells, which until now were rather presumed to form a highly rigid bridge between the inner and outer sensory cells. Thus, pillar cells may be more dynamically involved in controlling longer-lasting mechanical properties of the cochlea as hitherto presumed.  相似文献   
Small conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels (SK channels) couple the membrane potential to fluctuations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration in many types of cells. SK channels are gated by Ca2+ ions via calmodulin that is constitutively bound to the intracellular C terminus of the channels and serves as the Ca2+ sensor. Here we show that, in addition, the cytoplasmic N and C termini of the channel protein form a polyprotein complex with the catalytic and regulatory subunits of protein kinase CK2 and protein phosphatase 2A. Within this complex, CK2 phosphorylates calmodulin at threonine 80, reducing by 5-fold the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity and accelerating channel deactivation. The results show that native SK channels are polyprotein complexes and demonstrate that the balance between kinase and phosphatase activities within the protein complex shapes the hyperpolarizing response mediated by SK channels.  相似文献   
Biologicals can be defined as products that are derived from living organisms or are produced by them. They include vaccines, hormones, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, blood products and rDNA products. The production of conventionally produced biologicals requires an extensive batch-related quality control, to ensure that these products are both safe and potent. As several of the control tests rely on animal models, it is inevitable that the large numbers of animals are used. Many initiatives have been undertaken in the last few decades to reduce and refine the use of animals in this area. ECVAM has been involved in many activities to support the development, validation and implementation of these Three Rs methods. The role that ECVAM has played in a number of validation studies is summarised. It is concluded that ECVAM should continue to support the activities that have been shown to be successful, preferably in collaboration with the regulatory bodies.  相似文献   
Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) crabs were recorded on 31.5 percent of Aechmea pectinata inflorescences, a common ornithofilous bromeliad in rain forests of southeastern Brazil. Crabs foraged mainly in the morning and used newly opened flowers, usually damaging the corolla, consuming the stamens and stigma, and interfering with hummingbird visits. This florivory may reduce the reproductive success of A. pectinata, both directly through consumption of flowers and indirectly by reducing pollinator visits.  相似文献   
Open Science calls for transparent science and involvement of various stakeholders. Here are examples of and advice for meaningful stakeholder engagement. Subject Categories: Economics, Law & Politics, History & Philosophy of Science

The concepts of Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation call for a more transparent and collaborative science, and more participation of citizens. The way to achieve this is through cooperation with different actors or “stakeholders”: individuals or organizations who can contribute to, or benefit from research, regardless of whether they are researchers themselves or not. Examples include funding agencies, citizens associations, patients, and policy makers (https://aquas.gencat.cat/web/.content/minisite/aquas/publicacions/2018/how_measure_engagement_research_saris1_aquas2018.pdf). Such cooperation is even more relevant in the current, challenging times—even apart from a global pandemic—when pseudo‐science, fake news, nihilist attitudes, and ideologies too often threaten social and technological progress enabled by science. Stakeholder engagement in research can inform and empower citizens, help render research more socially acceptable, and enable policies grounded on evidence‐based knowledge. Beyond, stakeholder engagement is also beneficial to researchers and to research itself. In a recent survey, the majority of scientists reported benefits from public engagement (Burns et al, 2021). This can include increased mutual trust and mutual learning, improved social relevance of research, and improved adoption of results and knowledge (Cottrell et al, 2014). Finally, stakeholder engagement is often regarded as an important factor to sustain public investment in the life sciences (Burns et al, 2021).
Stakeholder engagement in research can inform and empower citizens, help render research more socially acceptable and enable policies grounded on evidence‐based knowledge
Here, we discuss different levels of stakeholder engagement by way of example, presenting various activities organized by European research institutions. Based on these experiences, we propose ten reflection points that we believe should be considered by the institutions, the scientists, and the funding agencies to achieve meaningful and impactful stakeholder engagement.  相似文献   
Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and mammalian-enabled protein (MENA) share similar cellular localisation and functions (signal transduction pathways, regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics). Functional substitution and compensation among Ena/VASP proteins have been proposed as the reason for the absence of major morphological and functional deficits in VASP–/– mice. The aim of this study was to investigate VASP expression in the mouse cochlea, to analyse cochlear function in VASP–/– mice compared with wildtype mice, and to analyse cochlear MENA distribution taking into account that MENA protein might compensate VASP loss in the cochlea of VASP–/– mice. We confirmed specific VASP expression in the pillar cells of the mice organ of Corti as previously reported for rat cochlea. By analysing the hearing function in VASP–/– mice, we found no differences in auditory brainstem responses and distortion product otoacoustic emissions from those of wildtype mice but evidence for an increased noise sensitivity at lower frequencies. When MENA protein levels in cochlea tissue were tested in mutant and wildtype mice by Western blot analysis, no significant differences were found, as was also seen with regard to MENA mRNA levels in laser-microdissected single pillar cells. Most surprisingly, however, MENA protein was absent in pillar cells of VASP–/– mice, whereas it was detected in other cochlear cells. The finding of a cell-specific, and not organ-specific, redundancy of MENA protein expression noted for the first time in VASP–/– mice is proposed as the reason for the observed distinct cochlear phenotype.  相似文献   
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