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A chloramphenicol resistant strain of Pediococcus acidilactici (NCIB 11432) was used in a work-simplified, whole-serum assay of L-methionine. The assay compared favourably with an extraction technique and was much simpler to perform.  相似文献   
It was previously shown that when concentrate was added to the diet of hay-fed sheep, there was a profound decrease of serum calcium. In the present study it was shown that 0.4 kg/day of concentrate was necessary to induce this drop in serum calcium. The same changes occurred in heifers fed 3 kg concentrate per day. Isotope studies showed that the fall in serum calcium was probably not caused by a reduced gastro-intestinal calcium uptake.  相似文献   
Xu X  Kim SK  Schürmann P  Hirasawa M  Tripathy JN  Smith J  Knaff DB  Ubbink M 《FEBS letters》2006,580(28-29):6714-6720
The reduction of ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase (FTR) by plant-type ferredoxin plays an important role in redox regulation in plants and cyanobacteria. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to map the binding sites on Synechocystis ferredoxin for FTR. A gallium-substituted structural analog of this [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin was obtained by reconstituting the apoprotein in a refolding buffer containing gallium. For the first time, the complete interaction interface of a [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin with a target enzyme has been mapped by NMR chemical shift perturbation with this diamagnetic structural analog.  相似文献   
Ronald J  Tang H  Brem RB 《Genetics》2006,174(1):541-544
As wild organisms adapt to the laboratory environment, they become less relevant as biological models. It has been suggested that a commonly used S. cerevisiae strain has rapidly accumulated mutations in the lab. We report a low-to-intermediate rate of protein evolution in this strain relative to wild isolates.  相似文献   
Exposure to a stressor (mild electrical shocks to foot, five times per episode, at 1800, 1830, 1900 and 1930 hrs of proestrus) coinciding with period of pre-ovulatory progesterone secretion in rats abolished estrous behavior as shown by the absence of lordosis response and a significant increase in rejection quotient compared to controls. These rats did not show spermatozoa in the vaginal smear next day morning in contrast to their presence in controls. On the other hand, rats treated with progesterone (a single injection, 500 microg in 0.1 ml olive oil at 1800 hr of proestrus) prior to exposure to stressor showed normal estrous behavior, as shown by significantly lower rejection quotient than rats exposed to stress alone, lordosis quotient similar to controls and presence of spermatozoa in the vaginal smear next day. The results, albeit indirectly, to the best of our knowledge, first time indicate that stress induced impaired steroidogenesis leads to suppression of estrous behavior.  相似文献   
Ustyugova SV  Lebedev YB  Sverdlov ED 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):261-272
LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons comprise about 17% of the human genome and include a recently transposed set of Ta-L1 elements that are polymorphic in humans. Although it is widely believed that L1s play an essential role in shaping and functioning of mammalian genomes, the understanding of the impact of L1 insertions on gene expression is far from being comprehensive. Here we compared hnRNA contents for allele pairs of genes heterozygous for Ta-L1 insertions in their introns in human cell lines of various origin. We demonstrated that some Ta-L1 insertions correlated with decreased content of the corresponding hnRNAs. This effect was characteristic of only nearly full-sized L1s and seemed to be tissue specific.  相似文献   
Large cytoplasmic domain (LCD) plasma membrane H+ -ATPase from S. cerevisiae was expressed as two fusion polypeptides in E. coli: a DNA sequence coding for Leu353-Ileu674 (LCDh), comprising both nucleotide (N) and phosphorylation (P) domains, and a DNA sequence coding for Leu353-Thr543 (LCDDeltah, lacking the C-terminus of P domain), were inserted in expression vectors pDEST-17, yielding the respective recombinant plasmids. Overexpressed fusion polypeptides were solubilized with 6 M urea and purified on affinity columns, and urea was removed by dialysis. Their predicted secondary structure contents were confirmed by CD spectra. In addition, both recombinant polypeptides exhibited high-affinity 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine-5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) binding (Kd = 1.9 microM and 2.9 microM for LCDh and LCDDeltah, respectively), suggesting that they have native-like folding. The gel filtration profile (HPLC) of purified LCDh showed two main peaks, with molecular weights of 95 kDa and 39 kDa, compatible with dimeric and monomeric forms, respectively. However, a single elution peak was observed for purified LCDDeltah, with an estimated molecular weight of 29 kDa, as expected for a monomer. Together, these data suggest that LCDh exist in monomer-dimer equilibrium, and that the C-terminus of P domain is necessary for self-association. We propose that such association is due to interaction between vicinal P domains, which may be of functional relevance for H+ -ATPase in native membranes. We discuss a general dimeric model for P-ATPases with interacting P domains, based on published crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy evidence.  相似文献   
A practical theoretical framework is presented for designing and classifying minimally strained nucleic acid nanotubes. The structures are based on the double crossover motif where each double-helical domain is connected to each of its neighbors via two or more Holliday-junction-like reciprocal exchanges, such that each domain is parallel to the main tube axis. Modeling is based on a five-parameter characterization of the segmented double-helical structure. Once the constraint equations have been derived, the primary design problem for a minimally strained N-domain structure is reduced to solving three simultaneous equations in 2N+2 variables. Symmetry analysis and tube merging then allow for the design of a wide variety of tubes, which can be tailored to satisfy requirements such as specific inner and outer radii, or multiple lobed structures. The general form of the equations allows similar techniques to be applied to various nucleic acid helices: B-DNA, A-DNA, RNA, DNA-PNA, or others. Possible applications for such tubes include nanoscale scaffolding as well as custom-shaped enclosures for other nano-objects.  相似文献   
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