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A high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantitative determination of telithromycin in biological fluids is described. The method is suitable for plasma and microdialysates from the interstitial space fluid of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Plasma samples were deproteinised with trichloroacetic acid and neutralised with sodium hydroxide. Microdialysates were analysed without further preparation step. Telithromycin was separated isocratically on a reverse-phase column using acetonitrile-0.03 M ammonium acetate, pH 5.2 (43:57, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.8 mlmin(-1), and fluorescence detection (excitation 263 nm, emission 460 nm). The calibration curve was linear from 0.01 to 5 microgml(-1). Within- and between-day imprecision and inaccuracy was < or =10%. The limits of quantification were 0.02 and 0.015 microgml(-1) for plasma and microdialysates, respectively. Since telithromycin is decomposed in aqueous solution at ambient temperature, it is strongly recommended to store samples frozen at -80 degrees C, to maintain the temperature at 4 degrees C during all preparation steps, and to analyse samples within 120 min after thawing.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial diseases may be caused by numerous mutations that alter proteins of the respiratory chain and of other metabolic pathways in the mitochondrium. For clinicians this disease group poses a considerable diagnostic challenge due to ambiguous genotype-phenotype relationships. Until now, only 30% of the mitochondriopathies can be diagnosed at the molecular level. We therefore need a new diagnostic tool that offers a wide view on the mitochondrial proteins. Here, we present a method to generate a high-resolution, large-gel two-dimensional gel electrophoretic (2-DE) map of a purified fraction of mitochondrial proteins from Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL). LCLs can be easily obtained from patients and control subjects in a routine clinical setting. They often express the biochemical phenotype and can be cultured to high cell numbers, sufficient to gain enough purified material for 2-DE. In total we identified 166 mitochondrial proteins. Thirteen proteins were earlier not known to be of mitochondrial origin. Thirty-nine proteins were associated with human diseases ranging from respiratory chain enzyme deficiencies to disorders of beta-oxidation and amino acid metabolism. This 2-DE map is intended to be the first step to diagnose mitochondrial diseases at the proteomic level.  相似文献   
The human Plasma Proteome Project pilot phase aims to analyze serum and plasma specimens to elucidate specimen characteristics by various proteomic techniques to ensure sufficient sample quality for the HUPO main phase. We used our proprietary peptidomics technologies to analyze the samples distributed by HUPO. Peptidomics summarizes technologies for visualization, quantitation, and identification of the low-molecular-weight proteome (<15 kDa), the "peptidome." We analyzed all four HUPO specimens (EDTA plasma, citrate plasma, heparin plasma, and serum) from African- and Asian-American donors and compared them to in-house collected Caucasian specimens. One main finding focuses on the most suitable method of plasma specimen collection. Gentle platelet removal from plasma samples is beneficial for improved specificity. Platelet contamination or activation of platelets by low temperature prior to their removal leads to distinct and multiple peptide signals in plasma samples. Two different specimen collection protocols for platelet-poor plasma are recommended. Further emphasis is placed on the differences between plasma and serum on a peptidomic level. A large number of peptides, many of them in rather high abundance, are only present in serum and not detectable in plasma. This ex vivo generation of multiple peptides hampers discovery efforts and is caused by a variety of factors: the release of platelet-derived peptides, other peptides derived from cellular components or the clot, enzymatic activities of coagulation cascades, and other proteases. We conclude that specimen collection is a crucial step for successful peptide biomarker discovery in human blood samples. For analysis of the low-molecular-weight proteome, we recommend the use of platelet-depleted EDTA or citrate plasma.  相似文献   
Measurements of precaecal amino acid digestibility with digesta sampled from slaughtered animals may be affected by the chosen length of the sampled section. The length needs standardization, therefore, when digestibility is understood to be a measure of feedstuff potential. It was our objective to study the change in the net disappearance of amino acids from the lower small intestine of broiler chicken. The section between Meckel's diverticulum and 2 cm anterior of the ileo-caeco-colonic junction was cut into three subsections of equal length: proximal, medial, and terminal. The contents of each subsection were pooled within the birds of each pen (12 in Experiment 1 and 10 in Experiment 2). TiO2 was used as an indigestible marker. Prior to digesta sampling, broilers had been fed the experimental diets for seven days. In Experiment 1, two diets with either soybean meal or a mix of soybean meal and peas as the main protein sources were used. Each diet was allocated to eight pens and feeding commenced on day 14 of age. Net disappearance was significantly affected by diet only in regard to aspartic acid and methionine. No significant interaction between diet and subsection occurred. Net disappearance was significantly affected by subsection for all amino acids. It ranged from 74-92% for individual amino acids without significant differences in the medial and terminal subsections. Net disappearance was, however, between 3% and 9% lower in the proximal subsection. In Experiment 2, diets contained soybean meal as the main protein source and were given to 18 pens from day 22 of age. Again, the effect of subsection on net disappearance was significant for all amino acids. Net disappearance was significantly lower in the proximal than in the middle subsection, and differences ranged from 5-10%. Significant differences in the net disappearance were also found for most of the amino acids between the middle and the terminal subsection ranging from 2-4%. In conclusion, when precaecal amino acid digestibility should be used as a measure for a protein source's potential, digesta sampling should not consider the proximal third of the section between Meckel's diverticulum and the end of the ileum.  相似文献   
N-Glycosylation in the endoplasmic reticulum is an essential protein modification and highly conserved in evolution from yeast to man. Here we identify and characterize two essential yeast proteins having homology to bacterial glycosyltransferases, designated Alg13p and Alg14p, as being required for the formation of GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichol (Dol), the second step in the biosynthesis of the unique lipid-linked core oligosaccharide. Down-regulation of each gene led to a defect in protein N-glycosylation and an accumulation of GlcNAc(1)-PP-Dol in vivo as revealed by metabolic labeling with [(3)H]glucosamine. Microsomal membranes from cells repressed for ALG13 or ALG14, as well as detergent-solubilized extracts thereof, were unable to catalyze the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine from UDP-GlcNAc to [(14)C]GlcNAc(1)-PP-Dol, but did not impair the formation of GlcNAc(1)-PP-Dol or GlcNAc-GPI. Immunoprecipitating Alg13p from solubilized extracts resulted in the formation of GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol but required Alg14p for activity, because an Alg13p immunoprecipitate obtained from cells in which ALG14 was down-regulated lacked this activity. In Western blot analysis it was demonstrated that Alg13p, for which no well defined transmembrane segment has been predicted, localizes both to the membrane and cytosol; the latter form, however, is enzymatically inactive. In contrast, Alg14p is exclusively membrane-bound. Repression of the ALG14 gene causes a depletion of Alg13p from the membrane. By affinity chromatography on IgG-Sepharose using Alg14-ZZ as bait, we demonstrate that Alg13-myc co-fractionates with Alg14-ZZ. The data suggest that Alg13p associates with Alg14p to a complex forming the active transferase catalyzing the biosynthesis of GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol.  相似文献   
Despite the introduction of new surgical techniques, the treatment of cartilage defects remains challenging. Delay or complete failure of cartilage healing is associated with problems in biological regeneration. The influence of mechanical conditions on this process, however, remains unevaluated. Osteochondral defects were generated on the left femoral condyle in 18 Yucatan minipigs. After 4, 6 and 12 weeks the defect filling, trabecular orientation and bone density were compared to the intact contralateral side. The mechanical straining during this period was then analyzed using an adaptive finite element technique. Histologically, the osteochondral defects showed bone resorption at the base and bone formation from the circumference. At 12 weeks, the macroscopically healed specimens showed fibrous cartilage formation, a minimally organized trabecular structure and increased trabecular volume fraction compared to the controls (p < 0.002). The amount of cancellous, cartilagineous, and fibrous tissue and the defect size as measured in histomorphometric analysis for the three time points (4, 6 and 12 weeks) was comparable in magnitude to that predicted by finite element analysis. The simulated osteochondral healing process was not fully capable of re-establishing a hyaline-like cartilage layer. The correlation between simulation and histology allows identification of mechanical factors that appear to have a larger impact on the healing of osteochondral defects than previously considered.  相似文献   
The permeability of astomatous leaf cuticular membranes of Hedera helix L. was measured for uncharged hydrophilic (octanol/water partition coefficient log K(O/W) < or =0) and lipophilic compounds (log K(O/W) >0). The set of compounds included lipophilic plant protection agents, hydrophilic carbohydrates, and the volatile compounds water and ethanol. Plotting the mobility of the model compounds versus the molar volume resulted in a clear differentiation between a lipophilic and a hydrophilic pathway. The size selectivity of the lipophilic pathway was described by the free volume theory. The pronounced tortuosity of the diffusional path was caused by cuticular waxes, leading to an increase in permeance for the lipophilic compounds after wax extraction. The size selectivity of the hydrophilic pathway was described by hindered diffusion in narrow pores of molecular dimensions. A distinct increase in size selectivity was observed for hydrophilic compounds with a molar volume higher than 110 cm3 mol(-1). Correspondingly, the size distribution of passable hydrophilic pathways was interpreted as a normal distribution with a mean pore radius of 0.3 nm and a standard deviation of 0.02 nm. The increased permeance of the hydrophilic compounds by the removal of cuticular waxes was attributed to an increase in the porosity, a decrease in the tortuosity, and a widening of the pore size distribution. Cuticular transpiration resulted from the permeation of water across the hydrophilic pathway. The far-reaching implications of two parallel pathways for the establishment of correlations between cuticular structure, chemistry, and function are discussed.  相似文献   
Covalently cross-linked proteins are among the major modifications caused by the advanced Maillard reaction. In the present study, the formation pathway of the dideoxyosone N6-(2,3-dihydroxy-5,6-dioxohexyl)-L-lysine is shown. To elucidate the formation of this glucose-derived dideoxyosone D-lactose (O-beta-D-galp-(1-->4)-D-glcp) and D-glucose-6-phosphate were incubated with lysine in the presence of the trapping reagent o-phenylenediamine (OPD). Synthesis and unequivocal structural characterization were reported for the quinoxalines of the dideoxyosones N6-(5,6-dihydroxy-2,3-dioxohexyl)-L-lysine and N6-(2,3-dihydroxy-4,5-dioxohexyl)-L-lysine, respectively. Additionally, dicarbonyl compounds derived from D-erythrose, D-glycero-D-mannoheptose, and D-gluco-L-talooctose were synthesized and structurally characterized.  相似文献   
Higher plants are generally unable to synthesize arachidonic acid, and thus, do neither form prostaglandins nor C20-isoprostanes. Instead, plants utilize linolenic acid for the synthesis of prostaglandin-like compounds of the jasmonate type via the lipoxygenase/allene oxide synthase pathway and C18-isoprostanoids, termed phytoprostanes, via a nonenzymatic, free radical catalyzed pathway analogous to the isoprostane pathway in animals. Both pathways are constitutively present in many if not all plants. Formation of jasmonates can be triggered by specific stimuli interacting with membrane receptors while phytoprostane synthesis can be induced by ROS and heavy metals. Jasmonates are established plant signal compounds that induce defense responses including accumulation of antimicrobial secondary metabolites (phytoalexins). Preliminary data indicates that phytoprostanes also induce phytoalexins in a variety of plant species suggesting a possible function of phytoprostanes as mediators of defense reactions in response to oxidative stress in plants.  相似文献   
Plasmodium sporozoites are transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes and invade hepatocytes as a first and obligatory step of the parasite life cycle in man. Hepatocyte invasion involves proteins secreted from parasite vesicles called micronemes, the most characterized being the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP). Here we investigated the expression and function of another microneme protein recently identified in Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1). P. falciparum AMA-1 is expressed in sporozoites and is lost after invasion of hepatocytes, and anti-AMA-1 antibodies inhibit sporozoite invasion, suggesting that the protein is involved during invasion of hepatocytes. As observed with TRAP, AMA-1 is initially mostly sequestered within the sporozoite. Upon microneme exocytosis, AMA-1 and TRAP relocate to the sporozoite surface, where they are proteolytically cleaved, resulting in the shedding of soluble fragments. A subset of serine protease inhibitors blocks the processing and shedding of both AMA-1 and TRAP and inhibits sporozoite infectivity, suggesting that interfering with sporozoite proteolytic processing may constitute a valuable strategy to prevent hepatocyte infection.  相似文献   
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