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Calibration of nucleotide sequence divergence rates provides an important method by which to test many hypotheses of evolution. In the absence of an adequate fossil record, geological events, rather than the first appearances of sister taxa in the geological record, are often used to calibrate molecular clocks. The formation of the Isthmus of Panama, which isolated the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans, is one such event that is frequently used to infer rates of nucleotide sequence divergence. Isthmian calibrations assume that morphologically similar "geminate" species living now on either side of the isthmus were isolated geographically by the latest stages of seaway closure 3.1-3.5 MYA. Here, I have applied calibration dates from the fossil record to cytochrome c oxidase-1 (CO1) and nuclear histone-3 (H3) divergences among six pairs of geminates in the Arcidae to test this hypothesis. Analysis of CO1 first and third positions yield geminate divergences that predate final seaway closure, and on the basis of CO1 first positions, times for all six geminates are significantly greater than 3.5 Myr. H3 sequences produce much more recent geminate divergences, some that are younger than 3.1 Myr. But H3-derived estimates for all arcid geminates are not significantly different from both 0 and 15 Myr. According to CO1, one of the two most divergent pairs, Arca mutabilis and A. imbricata, split more than 30 MYA. This date is compatible with the fossil record, which indicates that these species were morphologically distinct at least 16-21 MYA. Across all CO1 nucleotide sites, divergence rates for arcids are slower than the rates reported for other taxa on the basis of isthmian calibrations, with the exception of rates determined from the least divergent species pair in larger surveys of multiple transisthmian pairs. Rate differences between arcids and some taxa may be real, but these data suggest that divergence rates can be greatly overestimated when dates corresponding to final closure of the Central American Seaway are used to calibrate the molecular clocks of marine organisms.  相似文献   
The action of a potent tricyclic cholinesterase inhibitor ethopropazine on the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine by purified horse serum butyrylcholinesterase (EC was investigated at 25 and 37 degrees C. The enzyme activities were measured on a stopped-flow apparatus and the analysis of experimental data was done by applying a six-parameter model for substrate hydrolysis. The model, which was introduced to explain the kinetics of Drosophila melanogaster acetylcholinesterase [Stojan et al. (1998) FEBS Lett. 440, 85-88], is defined with two dissociation constants and four rate constants and can describe both cooperative phenomena, apparent activation at low substrate concentrations and substrate inhibition by excess of substrate. For the analysis of the data in the presence of ethopropazine at two temperatures, we have enlarged the reaction scheme to allow primarily its competition with the substrate at the peripheral site, but the competition at the acylation site was not excluded. The proposed reaction scheme revealed, upon analysis, competitive effects of ethopropazine at both sites; at 25 degrees C, three enzyme-inhibitor dissociation constants could be evaluated; at 37 degrees C, only two constants could be evaluated. Although the model considers both cooperative phenomena, it appears that decreased enzyme sensitivity at higher temperature, predominantly for the ligands at the peripheral binding site, makes the determination of some expected enzyme substrate and/or inhibitor complexes technically impossible. The same reason might also account for one of the paradoxes in cholinesterases: activities at 25 degrees C at low substrate concentrations are higher than at 37 degrees C. Positioning of ethopropazine in the active-site gorge by molecular dynamics simulations shows that A328, W82, D70, and Y332 amino acid residues stabilize binding of the inhibitor.  相似文献   
We have quantitatively studied the space-time dynamics of mitotic chromosome compaction in cultured amphibian cells. After collecting digital phase-contrast images we have done digital image analysis to study spatial correlations in density. We find a characteristic distance at which the strongest correlations occur, which provides a quantitative measure of the size of patches of dense chromatin during interphase and early prophase. Later in mitosis, this length corresponds to the thickness of prophase and metaphase chromosomes. We find that during interphase strong correlations exist at a few-micrometer length; during prophase this correlation length progressively drops as the chromosomes are compacted. Our data are explained by a model based on assembly of chromatin loops onto already fiberlike interphase chromosomes. To test this model we have microinjected cobalt hexamine trichloride into interphase nuclei and have observed the rapid condensation of the interphase chromatin into thick fibers with a spacing similar to the native-state interphase correlation length determined from our image analysis.  相似文献   
MARCO is a type II transmembrane protein of the class A scavenger receptor family. It has a short N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane domain, and a large extracellular part composed of a 75-residue long spacer domain, a 270-residue collagenous domain, and a 99-residue long scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domain. Previous studies have indicated a role for this receptor in anti-microbial host defense functions. In this work we have produced the extracellular part of MARCO as a recombinant protein, and analyzed its binding properties. The production of this protein, soluble MARCO (sMARCO), has made it possible for the first time to study MARCO and its binding properties in a cell-free system. Using circular dichroism analyses, a protease-sensitive assay, and rotary shadowing electron microscopy, sMARCO was shown to have a triple-helical collagenous structure. Rotary shadowing also demonstrated that the molecules often associate with each other via the globes. sMARCO was found to bind avidly both heat-killed and living bacteria. Lipopolysaccharide, an important component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, was shown to be a ligand of MARCO. Studies with different bacterial strains indicated that the O-side chain of lipopolysaccharide is not needed for the bacterial recognition. Finally, the C-terminal SRCR domain was also produced as a recombinant protein, and its bacteria-binding capability was studied. Although the transfection experiments with transmembrane MARCO variants have indicated a crucial role for this domain in bacterial binding, the monomeric domain exhibited low, barely detectable bacteria-binding activity. Thus, it is possible that cooperation between the SRCR domain and the collagenous domain is needed for high-affinity bacterial binding, or that the SRCR domain has to be in a trimeric form to effectively bind to bacteria.  相似文献   
Blebs and apoptotic bodies are B cell autoantigens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mounting evidence suggests that systemic lupus erythematosus autoantigens are derived from apoptotic cells. To characterize the potential interactions between apoptotic cells and B cells, the D56R/S76R variant of 3H9, a murine autoantibody that binds to DNA, chromatin, and anionic phospholipids, was compared with DNA4/1, a human anti-DNA autoantibody. Flow cytometry revealed that only D56R/S76R bound to Jurkat cells treated with either of three distinct proapoptotic stimuli, Ab binding was dependent on caspase activity, and immunoreactivity developed subsequent to annexin V binding. Confocal microscopy established a structural basis for the distinct kinetics of binding. D56R/S76R preferentially bound to membrane blebs of apoptotic cells, whereas annexin V binding did not require blebs. Inhibition of ROCK I kinase, an enzyme that stimulates nuclear fragmentation and fragment distribution into blebs, significantly reduced Ab binding. Because members of the collectin and pentraxin families of serum proteins bind to blebs on apoptotic cells and assist in the clearance of cellular remains, our results suggest that Abs to blebs could affect the recognition of apoptotic cells by cells of the innate immune system and thus modify tolerance to nuclear Ags.  相似文献   
Jirds (Meriones unguiculatus) were vaccinated with irradiated L3 third-stage larvae (L3) of Acanthocheilonema viteae, and the time required for killing of the challenge L3 was determined. The number of parasites recovered from vaccinated jirds was reduced to about 10% of the control values on the second day after challenge infection and later on. Histological studies revealed an eosinophil-rich infiltrate containing macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells in the vicinity of the L3 on day 2 after challenge and destruction of the worms by day 4 after challenge. Ultrastructural studies confirmed these data and showed that eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells were close to the L3 on day 2 after challenge. Flattening of the eosinophils onto the surface of the worms, degranulation of electron-dense material, and rupture of the L3 surface was observed on day 4 after challenge, followed by invasion of the inner of the worms by phagocytic cells. These data show that immune attack against the challenge L3 in vaccinated jirds is initiated between the first and the second day after challenge and that killing occurs around the fourth day after challenge, before the worms undergo their first molt.  相似文献   
Using a 400-kV cryoelectron microscope, we have obtained tomographic reconstructions of frozen-hydrated sea urchin axonemes with 8-10-nm resolution, as assessed by detection of characteristic components including doublet microtubules, radial spokes, central sheath projections, and outer dynein arms. We did not detect the inner dynein arms or the microtubule lattice. The 1/(8 nm) and 1/(16 nm) layer lines are consistently present in power spectra of both projection images and tomographic reconstructions. Strength and detection of the layer lines are dependent upon total electron dose and defocus. Both layer lines are surprisingly resistant to electron doses of up to 11000 electrons/nm(2). We present a summary of resolution considerations in cryoelectron tomography and conclude that the fundamental limitation is the total electron dose required for statistical significance. The electron dose can be fractionated among the numerous angular views in a tomographic data set, but there is an unavoidable fourth-power dependence of total dose on target resolution. Since higher-resolution features are more beam-sensitive, this dose requirement places an ultimate limit on the resolution of individual tomographic reconstructions. Instrumental and computational strategies to circumvent this limitation are discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the link between biochemical intracellular processes and mechanical contraction of the cardiac muscle. First, the regulation of intracellular energy fluxes between mitochondria and myofibrils is studied. It is shown, that the experimentally observed metabolic stability of the cardiac muscle is reproducible by a simple feedback regulation mechanism, i.e., ATP consumption in myofibrils and ATP production in mitochondria are balanced by the changes of the high energy phosphate concentrations. Second, an important property of energy transformation from biochemical form to mechanical work in the cardiac muscle, the linear relationship between the oxygen consumption and the stress-strain area, is replicated by a cross-bridge model. Third, by using the developed cross-bridge model, the correlation between ejection fraction of the left ventricle and heterogeneity of sarcomere strain, developed stress and ATP consumption in the left ventricular wall is established. Fourth, an experimentally observed linear relationship between oxygen consumption and the pressure-volume area can be predicted theoretically from a linear relationship between the oxygen consumption and the stress-strain area. Summing up, it is shown how the macrovariables of a cardiac muscle are interwoven with intracellular physiological processes into a whole.  相似文献   
Nikki M  Meriläinen J  Lehto VP 《Biochemistry》2002,41(20):6320-6329
FAP52 is a recently described focal adhesion-associated protein. It is a member of an emerging PCH (pombe Cdc15 homology) family of proteins characterized by a common domain organization and involvement in actin cytoskeleton organization, cytokinesis, and vesicular trafficking. Using gel filtration, surface plasmon resonance, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, combined with chemical cross-linking of both native and recombinant protein, we show that FAP52 self-associates in vitro and suggest that it occurs predominantly as a trimer also in vivo. Analysis of the various domains of FAP52 by surface plasmon resonance showed that the highly alpha-helical region in the N-terminal half of the protein provides the self-association interface. Overexpression of the oligomerization domain in cultured cells was accompanied by major alterations in cellular morphology, actin organization, and the structure of focal adhesions, suggesting that an orderly coming together of FAP52 molecules is crucial for a proper actin filament organization and cytoskeletal structure. Comparison of the primary structures shows that all of the members of the PCH family have, in their N-terminal halves, a similar, highly alpha-helical region, suggesting that they all have a capacity to self-associate.  相似文献   
MARCO is a bacteria-binding macrophage-specific scavenger receptor that plays a role in innate immune response. MARCO has short intracellular and transmembrane domains, as well as a large extracellular domain composed of a spacer domain, a long collagenous domain, and a C-terminal scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain (SRCR), domain V. As yet, no specific function has been assigned to the SRCR domain of scavenger receptors. In the present study, we generated several human and mouse MARCO variants with deletions or single amino acid substitutions and localized the primary bacteria-binding region to domain V. Furthermore, analysis of the MARCO variants containing only portions of domain V demonstrated a crucial role for an arginine-rich segment for this function. More precisely, the motif RXR was identified as an essential element for high-affinity bacterial binding. The results indicate that the binding properties of MARCO differ from those of the other class A scavenger receptors, SR-A and SRCL, whose ligand-binding function has been localized to the collagenous domain.  相似文献   
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