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Hemmi H  Studts JM  Chae YK  Song J  Markley JL  Fox BG 《Biochemistry》2001,40(12):3512-3524
Toluene 4-monooxygenase (T4MO) from Pseudomonas mendocina catalyzes the NADH- and O(2)-dependent hydroxylation of toluene to form p-cresol. The complex consists of an NADH oxidoreductase (T4moF), a Rieske ferredoxin (T4moC), a diiron hydroxylase [T4moH, with (alphabetagamma)(2) quaternary structure], and a catalytic effector protein (T4moD). The solution structure of the 102-amino acid T4moD effector protein has been determined from 2D and 3D (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N NMR spectroscopic data. The structural model was refined through simulated annealing by molecular dynamics in torsion angle space (DYANA software) with input from 1467 experimental constraints, comprising 1259 distance constraints obtained from NOEs, 128 dihedral angle constraints from J-couplings, and 80 hydrogen bond constraints. Of 60 conformers that met the acceptance criteria, the 20 that best satisfied the input constraints were selected to represent the solution structure. With exclusion of the ill-defined N- and C-terminal segments (Ser1-Asn11 and Asp99-Met102), the atomic root-mean-square deviation for the 20 conformers with respect to the mean coordinates was 0.71 A for the backbone and 1.24 A for all non-hydrogen atoms. The secondary structure of T4moD consists of three alpha-helices and seven beta-strands arranged in an N-terminal betaalphabetabeta and a C-terminal betaalphaalphabetabetabeta domain topology. Although the published NMR structures of the methane monooxygenase effector proteins from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) have a similar secondary structure topology, their three-dimensional structures differ from that of T4moD. The major differences in the structures of the three effector proteins are in the relative orientations of the two beta-sheets and the interactions between the alpha-helices in the two domains. The structure of T4moD is closer to that of the methane monooxygenase effector protein from M. capsulatus (Bath) than that from M. trichosporium OB3b. The specificity of T4moD as an effector protein was investigated by replacing it in reconstituted T4MO complexes with effector proteins from monooxygenases from other bacterial species: Pseudomonas pickettii PKO1 (TbuV, toluene 3-monooxygenase); Pseudomonas species JS150 (TbmC, toluene 2-monooxygenase); and Burkeholderia cepacia G4 (S1, toluene 2-monooxygenase). The results showed that the closely related TbuV effector protein (55% sequence identity) provided partial activation of the complex, whereas the more distantly related TbmC (34% sequence identity) and S1 (29% sequence identity) did not. The (1)H NMR chemical shifts of the side-chain amide protons of Asn34, a conserved, structurally relevant amino acid, were found to be similar in spectra of effector proteins T4moD and TbuV but not in the spectrum of TbmC. This suggests that the region around Asn34 may be involved in structural aspects contributing to functional specificity.  相似文献   
Monomeric solution structure of the prototypical 'C' chemokine lymphotactin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphotactin, the sole identified member of the C class of chemokines, specifically attracts T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. This 93-residue protein lacks 2 of the 4 conserved cysteine residues characteristic of the other 3 classes of chemokines and possesses an extended carboxyl terminus, which is required for chemotactic activity. We have determined the three-dimensional solution structure of recombinant human lymphotactin by NMR spectroscopy. Under the conditions used for the structure determination, lymphotactin was predominantly monomeric; however, pulsed field gradient NMR self-diffusion measurements and analytical ultracentrifugation revealed evidence of dimer formation. Sequence-specific chemical shift assignments were determined through analysis of two- and three-dimensional NMR spectra of (15)N- and (13)C/(15)N-enriched protein samples. Input for the torsion angle dynamics calculations used in determining the structure included 1258 unique NOE-derived distance constraints and 60 dihedral angle constraints obtained from chemical-shift-based searching of a protein conformational database. The ensemble of 20 structures chosen to represent the structure had backbone and heavy atom rms deviations of 0.46 +/- 0.11 and 1.02 +/- 0.14 A, respectively. The results revealed that human lymphotactin adopts the conserved chemokine fold, which is characterized by a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and a C-terminal alpha-helix. Two regions are dynamically disordered as evidenced by (1)H and (13)C chemical shifts and [(15)N]-(1)H NOEs: residues 1-9 of the amino terminus and residues 69-93 of the C-terminal extension. A functional role for the C-terminal extension, which is unique to lymphotactin, remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
Brazzein is a small, heat-stable, intensely sweet protein consisting of 54 amino acid residues. Based on the wild-type brazzein, 25 brazzein mutants have been produced to identify critical regions important for sweetness. To assess their sweetness, psychophysical experiments were carried out with 14 human subjects. First, the results suggest that residues 29-33 and 39-43, plus residue 36 between these stretches, as well as the C-terminus are involved in the sweetness of brazzein. Second, charge plays an important role in the interaction between brazzein and the sweet taste receptor.  相似文献   
Song J  Laskowski M  Qasim MA  Markley JL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2847-2856
From the larger set of 191 variants at all the variable contact positions in the turkey ovomucoid third domain, we selected a subset that consists of Asp, Glu, His, and Lys residues at eight of the nine contiguous P6-P3' positions (residues 13-21), the exception being P3-Cys16 which is involved in a conserved disulfide bridge. Two-dimensional [1H,1H]-TOCSY data were collected for each variant as a function of sample pH. This allowed for the evaluation of 31 of the 32 pK(a) values for these residues, the exception being that of P5-Lys14, whose signals at high pH could not be resolved from those of other Lys residues in the molecule. Only two of the titrating residues are present in the wild-type protein (P6-Lys13 and P1'-Glu19); hence, these measurements complement earlier measurements by A. D. Robertson and co-workers. This data set was supplemented with results from the pH dependence of NMR spectra of four additional single mutants, P1-Leu18Gly, P1-Leu18Ala, P2-Thr17Val, and P3'-Arg21Ala, and two double mutants, P2-Thr17Val/P3'-Arg21Ala and P8-Tyr11Phe/P6-Lys13Asp. Probably the most striking result was observation of a P2-Thr17...P1'-Glu19 hydrogen bond and a P1'-Glu19-P3'-Arg21 electrostatic interaction within the triad of P2, P1', and P3' (residues 17, 19, and 21, respectively). In several cases, the pK(a) of a particular residue was sensed by resonances not only in that residue but also in residue(s) with which it interacts. Remarkably, in several interacting systems, resonances from different protons within the same residue yielded different pHmid values.  相似文献   
Responses to brazzein, 25 brazzein mutants and two forms of monellin were studied in two types of experiments: electrophysiological recordings from chorda tympani S fibers of the rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta, and psychophysical experiments. We found that different mutations at position 29 (changing Asp29 to Ala, Lys or Asn) made the molecule significantly sweeter than brazzein, while mutations at positions 30 or 33 (Lys30Asp or Arg33Ala) removed all sweetness. The same pattern occurred again at the beta-turn region, where Glu41Lys gave the highest sweetness score among the mutants tested, whereas a mutation two residues distant (Arg43Ala) abolished the sweetness. The effects of charge and side chain size were examined at two locations, namely positions 29 and 36. The findings indicate that charge is important for eliciting sweetness, whereas the length of the side-chain plays a lesser role. We also found that the N- and C-termini are important for the sweetness of brazzein. The close correlation (r = 0.78) between the results of the above two methods corroborates our hypothesis that S fibers convey sweet taste in primates.  相似文献   
A recent workshop discusses the progress toward integrating NMR data into a unifying data model.  相似文献   
The gene coding for APG8a (At4g21980), a protein from Arabidopsis thaliana, is involved in the autophagy process. The protein is an interesting candidate for structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. Toward this end, APG8a fused to an N-terminal His-tag has been expressed in Escherichia coli under a T7 expression system, refolded in vitro, and kept soluble by slight destabilization. The expressed protein appeared in both the soluble and the insoluble fractions. The whole-cell lysate was denatured by the addition of guanidinium chloride. The protein was immobilized on nickel-agarose resin and refolded by stepwise decrement of the denaturant. The elution buffer was 20 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, with 1% glycerol, 0.5 M urea, 300 mM NaCl, and 1 M imidazole. After the removal of imidazole by ultrafiltration, the His-tag was cleaved with biotinylated thrombin. The protein product was kept in 20 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, with 1% glycerol, 0.5 M urea, and 300 mM NaCl. The protein was found to aggregate extensively over time if any one of the three ingredients (sodium chloride, urea, or glycerol) was omitted. The yield of the protein was around 20 mg/L Luria-Bertani culture medium. The (1)H-(15)N NMR correlation spectrum of (15)N-labeled APG8a showed the characteristic signature of a folded protein; thus, the solutes appear to have no deleterious effect on the sample. These solution conditions kept the protein soluble and unaggregated for at least 2 days (enough time for NMR data collection). This approach of balanced stabilization-destabilization may offer a general approach for structural investigations of proteins that tend to aggregate.  相似文献   
Fibrin sealants are a type of soft tissue adhesive that employs biochemical reactions from the late stages of the blood coagulation cascade. Intrinsic to these adhesives are a structural protein and a transglutaminase crosslinking enzyme. We are investigating an alternative biomimetic adhesive based on gelatin and a calcium-independent microbial transglutaminase (mTG). Rheological measurements show that mTG catalyzes the conversion of gelatin solutions into hydrogels, and gel times are on the order of minutes depending on the gelatin type and concentration. Tensile static and dynamic loading of the adhesive hydrogels in bulk form demonstrated that the Young's modulus ranged from 15 to 120 kPa, and these bulk properties were comparable to those reported for hydrogels obtained from fibrin-based sealants. Lap-shear adhesion tests of porcine tissue were performed using a newly published American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard for tissue adhesives. The gelatin-mTG adhesive bound the opposing tissues together with ultimate adhesive strengths of 12-23 kPa which were significantly higher than the strength observed for fibrin sealants. Even after failure, strands of the gelatin-mTG adhesive remained attached to both of the opposing tissues. These results suggest that gelatin-mTG adhesives may offer the benefits of fibrin sealants without the need for blood products.  相似文献   
Song J  Markley JL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(18):5186-5194
Standard mechanism protein inhibitors of serine proteinases bind as substrates and are cleaved by cognate proteinases at their reactive sites. The hydrolysis constant for this cleavage reaction at the P(1)-P(1)' peptide bond (K(hyd)) is determined by the relative concentrations at equilibrium of the "intact" (uncleaved, I) and "modified" (reactive site cleaved, I*) forms of the inhibitor. The pH dependence of K(hyd) can be explained in terms of a pH-independent term, K(hyd) degrees, plus the proton dissociation constants of the newly formed amino and carboxylate groups at the cleavage site. Two protein inhibitors that differ from one another by a single residue substitution have been found to have K(hyd) degrees values that differ by a factor of 5 [Ardelt, W., and Laskowski, M., Jr. (1991) J. Mol. Biol. 220, 1041-1052]: turkey ovomucoid third domain (OMTKY3) has K(hyd) degrees = 1.0, and Indian peafowl ovomucoid third domain (OMIPF3), which differs from OMTKY3 by the substitution P(2)'-Tyr(20)His, has K(hyd) degrees = 5.15. What mechanism is responsible for this small difference? Is it structural (enthalpic) or dynamic (entropic)? Does the mutation affect the free energy of the I state, the I* state, or both? We have addressed these questions through NMR investigations of the I and I forms of OMTKY3 and OMIPF3. Information about structure was derived from measurements of NMR chemical shift changes and trans-hydrogen-bond J-couplings; information about dynamics was obtained through measurements of (15)N relaxation rates and (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear NOEs with model-free analysis of the results. Although the I forms of each variant are more dynamic than the corresponding I forms, the study revealed no appreciable difference in the backbone dynamics of either intact inhibitor (OMIPF3 vs OMTKY3) or modified inhibitor (OMIPF3* vs OMTKY3*). Instead, changes in chemical shifts and trans-hydrogen-bond J-couplings suggested that the K(hyd) degrees difference arises from differential intramolecular interactions within the intact inhibitors (OMIPF3 vs OMTKY3) in a region of each protein that becomes disordered upon reactive site cleavage (to OMIPF3* and OMTKY3*).  相似文献   
A computing infrastructure (Sesame) has been designed to manage and link individual steps in complex projects. Sesame is being developed to support a large-scale structural proteomics pilot project. When complete, the system is expected to manage all steps from target selection to data-bank deposition and report writing. We report here on the design criteria of the Sesame system and on results demonstrating successful achievement of the basic goals of its architecture. The Sesame software package, which follows the client/server paradigm, consists of a framework, which supports secure interactions among the three tiers of the system (the client, server, and database tiers), and application modules that carry out specific tasks. The framework utilizes industry standards. The client tier is written in Java2 and can be accessed anywhere through the Internet. All the development on the server tier is also carried out in Java2 so as to accommodate a wide variety of computer platforms. The database tier employs a commercial database management system. Each Sesame application module consists of a simple user interface in the client tier, corresponding objects in the server tier, and relevant data stored in the centralized database. For security, access to stored data is controlled by access privileges. The system facilitates both local and remote collaborations. Because users interact with the system using Java Web Start or through a web browser, access is limited only by the availability of an Internet connection. We describe several Sesame modules that have been developed to the point where they are being utilized routinely to support steps involved in structural and functional proteomics. This software is available to parties interested in using it and assisting to guide its further development.Deceased, 30 August 2000  相似文献   
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