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Life-history theory assumes a trade-off between current reproductive effort and future reproductive success. There are a large number of studies demonstrating reproductive trade-offs in different animal taxa, particularly in birds. Most bird studies have focused on the costs of chick rearing in altricial species. These costs have been assumed to be low in precocial species, but this aspect has been little studied. We used long-term individual reproductive data from the common goldeneye Bucephala clangula , an iteroparous precocial duck with uniparental female care, to examine whether brood rearing carries costs that affect future reproductive performance. All females were experienced breeders, and possible differences in female quality were ruled out. We compared within-individual (between-year) changes in clutch size, hatching date and body mass between females that had reared a brood in the previous year and females that had not. It turned out that brood rearing involved a cost in terms of clutch size and hatching date the next year, but not in terms of body mass: females that had reared a brood in the previous year laid relatively smaller clutches and laid relatively later than females that had not reared a brood. Our results show that normal brood rearing in a precocial species involves costs that affect future reproduction.  相似文献   
The chlorophenol degradation pathway in Sphingobium chlorophenolicum is initiated by the pcpB gene product, pentachlorophenol-4-monooxygenase. The distribution of the gene was studied in a phylogenetically diverse group of polychlorophenol-degrading bacteria isolated from contaminated groundwater in Kärkölä, Finland. All the sphingomonads isolated were shown to share pcpB gene homologs with 98.9 to 100% sequence identity. The gene product was expressed when the strains were induced by 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol. A comparative analysis of the 16S rDNA and pcpB gene trees suggested that a recent horizontal transfer of the pcpB gene was involved in the evolution of the catabolic pathway in the Kärkölä sphingomonads. The full-length Kärkölä pcpB gene allele had approximately 70% identity with the three pcpB genes previously sequenced from sphingomonads. It was very closely related to the environmental clones obtained from chlorophenol-enriched soil samples (M. Beaulieu, V. Becaert, L. Deschenes, and R. Villemur, Microbiol. Ecol. 40:345-355, 2000). The gene was not present in polychlorophenol-degrading nonsphingomonads isolated from the Kärkölä source.  相似文献   
In studies on the Finnish Twin Cohort, we investigate genetic and environmental determinants of common, complex diseases, and their behavioral risk factors in Finland, a genetically unique and culturally homogenous population. We have formed the following databases: 1) Like-sexed twin pairs (13,888 pairs of known zygosity) form the older Twin Cohort. They have participated since 1975 in mail surveys, in clinical examinations for subsamples, and have been followed-up for morbidity using national medical registers; 2) The older Twin Cohort was expanded in 1996 to include opposite-sex pairs born 1938-1957 (c. 8000 pairs); 3) Two, new longitudinal studies of adolescent twins and their families, form a complementary, ongoing study base described in more detail in an accompanying article. Genetic and environmental effects vary over the life-span, and only longitudinal studies in genetically informative data sets permits the evaluation of such effects. Finally, the inclusion of DNA-based genetic information in a phenotypically rich family data base will offer a unique resource for research in genetic epidemiology and behavioral medicine.  相似文献   
Biopsy samples were taken from the vastus lateralis of 18- to 84-yr-old male sprinters (n = 91). Fiber-type distribution, cross-sectional area, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content were identified using ATPase histochemistry and SDS-PAGE. Specific tension and maximum shortening velocity (V(o)) were determined in 144 single skinned fibers from younger (18-33 yr, n = 8) and older (53-77 yr, n = 9) runners. Force-time characteristics of the knee extensors were determined by using isometric contraction. The cross-sectional area of type I fibers was unchanged with age, whereas that of type II fibers was reduced (P < 0.001). With age there was an increased MHC I (P < 0.01) and reduced MHC IIx isoform content (P < 0.05) but no differences in MHC IIa. Specific tension of type I and IIa MHC fibers did not differ between younger and older subjects. V(o) of fibers expressing type I MHC was lower (P < 0.05) in older than in younger subjects, but there was no difference in V(o) of type IIa MHC fibers. An aging-related decline of maximal isometric force (P < 0.001) and normalized rate of force development (P < 0.05) of knee extensors was observed. Normalized rate of force development was positively associated with MHC II (P < 0.05). The sprint-trained athletes experienced the typical aging-related reduction in the size of fast fibers, a shift toward a slower MHC isoform profile, and a lower V(o) of type I MHC fibers, which played a role in the decline in explosive force production. However, the muscle characteristics were preserved at a high level in the oldest runners, underlining the favorable impact of sprint exercise on aging muscle.  相似文献   
HAFFNER, STEVEN M., LEENA MYKKÄNEN, DAVID L. RAINWATER, PAULI KARHAPÄÄ, AND MARKU LAAKSO. Is leptin concentration associated with the insulin resistance syndrome in nondiabetic men? Obes Res. Objective Insulin resistance has been strongly associated with cardiovascular risk. Recently, leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite, has been associated with both obesity and insulin resistance. However, the possible relation of leptin to the insulin resistance syndrome has been controversial. Research Methods and Procedures To explore this issue, we examined the relation of leptin to blood pressure, lipid levels, low density lipoprotein (LDL) size, and glucose levels in 87 normoglycemic men. Results Leptin levels were significantly correlated with body mass index (BMI) (r = 0.494), fasting insulin (r = 0.576), whole-body glucose disposal rate (GDR) (r = ?0.566), fasting glucose (r = 0.510), total triglycerides (r= 0.294), apolipoprotein B 0 = 0.223), systolic blood pressure (r= O.223), and LDL size (r = ?0.244). After adjustment for BMI and GDR, leptin levels remained significantly correlated with fasting insulin, fasting glucose, triglyceride, apolipoprotein B, and systolic blood pressure. Leptin levels were also correlated with the number of metabolic risk factors (dyslipidemia, systolic blood pressure, and fasting glucose). Discussion We conclude that leptin concentrations may be associated with several cardiovascular risk factors related to insulin resistance syndrome. These associations are only partly explained by leptin's relationship with BMI and GDR.  相似文献   
We studied the influence of hydrocortisone (HC) on hyaluronan (HA) metabolism in explants of human skin, a model retaining normal three-dimensional architecture of dermal connective tissue and dynamic growth and stratification of epidermal keratinocytes. The synthesis of hyaluronan and proteoglycans (PGs), and DNA, were determined with 3H-glucosamine and 3H-thymidine labelings, respectively. The total content and histological distribution of hyaluronan was studied utilizing a biotinylated aggrecan-link protein complex. A low concentration of HC (10?9 M) stimulated the incorporation of 3H-glucosamine into hyaluronan in epidermis by 23% and reduced the disappearance rate of hyaluronan by 25% in chase experiments, resulting in a 74% increase in total hyaluronan (per epidermal dry weight) after a 5-day culture in 10?9 M HC. On the other hand, a high concentration of HC (10?5 M) reduced both synthesis (-42%) and degradation (-46%) of epidermal hyaluronan during 24 h labeling and chase periods. The cumulative effect of a 5-day treatment was a 24% decrease of total epidermal hyaluronan. The high dose (10?5 M) also reduced keratinocyte DNA synthesis and epidermal thickness. In dermis, only the high (10?5 M) concentration of HC was effective, inhibiting the incorporation of 3H-glucosamine into hyaluronan by 28%. No significant influences on total hyaluronan content or the disappearance rate of hyaluronan in dermal tissue was found. All HC concentrations lacked significant effects on newly synthesized PGs in epidermal and dermal tissues, but reduced the labeled PGs diffusing into culture medium. A low physiological concentration of HC thus maintains active synthesis and high concentration of hyaluronan in epidermal tissue, while high pharmacological doses of HC slows hyaluronan turnover and reduces its content in epidermis, an effect correlated with enhanced terminal differentiation, reduced proliferation rate and reduced number of vital keratinocyte layers. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Microorganisms encounter diverse stress conditions in their native habitats but also during fermentation processes, which have an impact on industrial process performance. These environmental stresses and the physiological reactions they trigger, including changes in the protein folding/secretion machinery, are highly interrelated. Thus, the investigation of environmental factors, which influence protein expression and secretion is still of great importance. Among all the possible stresses, temperature appears particularly important for bioreactor cultivation of recombinant hosts, as reductions of growth temperature have been reported to increase recombinant protein production in various host organisms. Therefore, the impact of temperature on the secretion of proteins with therapeutic interest, exemplified by a model antibody Fab fragment, was analyzed in five different microbial protein production hosts growing under steady-state conditions in carbon-limited chemostat cultivations. Secretory expression of the heterodimeric antibody Fab fragment was successful in all five microbial host systems, namely Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, Trichoderma reesei, Escherichia coli and Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis. In this comparative analysis we show that a reduction of cultivation temperature during growth at constant growth rate had a positive effect on Fab 3H6 production in three of four analyzed microorganisms, indicating common physiological responses, which favor recombinant protein production in prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic microbes.  相似文献   
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