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The general hypothesis that morphological, physiological, and ecological adaptations of macro algal functional-form groups can be related to the level of disturbance encountered in a natural environment was examined. Two articulated calcareous coralline algae (Amphiroa van-bosseae Lemoine, 24% cover and Corallina frondescens Post. & Rupr. 20%) and one non-articulated coralline alga (Lithophyllum sp., 16%), all late-successional predation-tolerant strategists, comprise most of the community cover on stable bedrock substrata at Punta Las Cuevitas, Sonora, Mexico. Conversely, Ulva rigida C. ag. (26% cover) and a ralfsioid crust (23%), shows to be early-successional opportunistic strategists, cover more of the disturbed boulder habitat. Porolithon sonorense Daws., a stress-tolerant strategist, is uniquely abundant on both substratum types (13% cover on boulders, 10% on bedrock). The sheet-like and filamentous algae, prevalent in the temporally unstable habitat, generally show greater productivity (>2×) than the thicker and calcareous forms conspicuous in the more constant environment. It appears that selection for delicate thalli with high productivities, as well as selection for tougher morphologies having lower photosynthetic rates due to greater proportions of structural tissues, are widespread, divergent evolutionary forces among marine algae. Experiments with captive sea urchins (Echinometra vanbrunti Agassiz), in conjunction with fish-preference data published for some of the same algae studied here, offer strong support for the functional-form model. Parrotfishes, rudderfishes, surgeonfishes, damselfishes and E. vanbrunti, in the Gulf of California, preferentially feed on delicate, early-successional, sheet-like, and filamentous algae, while rejecting or ignoring the more structured, late-successional and calcareous algae. There is no significant (P > 0.05) gradation in calorific content between the first four of the six functional groups (i.e., Sheet-, Filamentous-, Coarsely Branched- and Thick Leathery-Groups), but the mean value for these fleshy forms (2.6 kcal · g ash-free dry wt?1) is significantly greater than that for the last two groups (0.3 kcal, Jointed Calcareous- and Crustose-Groups). The approach used in this study demonstrates a realistic technique for predicting macrophyte community composition from knowledge of the disturbance levels in a given habitat or the reverse. The form group-disturbance relationship has important implications for future biological monitoring of rocky-inter-tidal and subtidal systems.  相似文献   
From the data presented in this report, the human LDHC gene locus is assigned to chromosome 11. Three genes determine lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in man. LDHA and LDHB are expressed in most somatic tissues, while expression of LDHC is confined to the germinal epithelium of the testes. A human LDHC cDNA clone was used as a probe to analyze genomic DNA from rodent/human somatic cell hybrids. The pattern of bands with LDHC hybridization is easily distinguished from the pattern detected by LDHA hybridization, and the LDHC probe is specific for testis mRNA. The structural gene LDHA has been previously assigned to human chromosome 11, while LDHB maps to chromosome 12. Studies of pigeon LDH have shown tight linkage between LDHB and LDHC leading to the expectation that these genes would be syntenic in man. However, the data presented in this paper show conclusively that LDHC is syntenic with LDHA on human chromosome 11. The terminology for LDH genes LDHA, LDHB, and LDHC is equivalent to Ldhl, Ldh2, and Ldh3, respectively.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequences of cytochrome c553 from the eukaryotic red alga Porphyridium cruentum and from the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have been determined from the tryptic and cyanogen bromide peptides. The results indicate that a charged region of these proteins has evolved with special rapidity to accomodate a rapid evolution of a binding site in the P700 electron acceptor complex.  相似文献   
Medicine's inability to humanely respond to the concerns of its patients has often been attributed to its Cartesian dualism of mind and body. More recently, this inability has been ascribed to medicine's penchant for isolating biological disease as its sole proper concern to the exclusion of experienced illness. This dualism of disease and illness is claimed to be an outgrowth of the Cartesian dualism but the differences and similiarities between these two forms of dualism is not clear. This paper seeks to clarify their relationship through an examination of their historical origins.Disease is currently identified and characterized by a process of clinico-pathological correlation. By this means clinical impressions are corrected in light of autopsy findings. Our current mode of clinico-pathological correlation originated in Paris in the early nineteenth century with the work of Xavier Bichat and others. The theory of knowledge implicit within this clinico-pathological approach to the body is described and compared to that of Descartes. Though medicine does pursue certain Cartesian goals for knowledge, such as knowledge of the patient that does not rely upon his candor, it ultimately espouses neither a Cartesian theory of knowledge nor a Cartesian theory of the body. With pathological inquiry modeled after the autopsy as the final word in the identification and characterization of disease, the patient's capacity for self-knowledge and interpretation — not an entity called mind — is isolated away from his body. This approach to the body means that objective evidence of disease is valued to the exclusion of subjective evidence.If the shortcomings of modern biomedicine are to be effectively addressed, not only must the interdependence of disease and illness be acknowledged. The very canons of medical evidence must be revised. Subjective evidence must be rehabilitated and rejuvenated with better methods of subjective clinical investigation. Host factors relevant to the healing and knowing of sickness must be elucidated so that medicine may rediscover the sentience of its patients. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Summary Human cancers express organ-specific cancer neoantigens (OSN) as determined by in vitro leukocyte responses to extracts of cancers by the tumor host. In this study, we determined whether the OSNs were normal developmental proteins that were expressed by fetal organs and re-expressed with oncogenesis. Fetal extracts, principally of lung and colon but also of liver and kidney, were tested for their ability to induce leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) as compared to extracts from adult tissues of the same organ. Leukocytes from lung cancer patients showed positive LAI responses to 13- and 19-week fetal lung tissue. Likewise, leukocytes from colon cancer patients showed positive LAI responses to 14- and 19-week fetal colon tissue, whereas leukocytes from control subjects did not. Neither group responded positively to 21-week fetal organs. Criss-cross experiments showed that the fetal antigen was organ specific. Multiparous pregnant women showed positive LAI responses to cancer extracts but not to extracts from normal tissues of the same organ. The pattern of the LAI response was bell-shaped. Positive LAI responses to lung and breast cancer were detected at 4 to 7 months gestation and peaked at 5 months. To the fetal colon, LAI positive responses were detected at 5 to 8 months gestation, with the peak response at 6 months. The results indicate that OSN of cancers are also expressed by fetal organs and sufficient antigen is shed by fetal organs to sensitize pregnant women. Older fetal organs (21 weeks) and adult organs do not express an immunogenic or antigenic OSN.Supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada  相似文献   
Noxious cutaneous stimulation of anterior sites on Aplysia californica causes withdrawal and turning followed by escape locomotion. Stimulation of anterior sites causes significantly larger turning responses than does stimulation of posterior sites, so that escape locomotion is always directed away from a site of 'attack'. Later phases of escape locomotion are often the same, regardless of the site of the triggering stimulus. The defensive secretions, ink and opaline, are directed along the anterior-posterior axis at the source of noxious stimulation. Ink and opaline ejections are directed to the front or back of the animal by characteristic responses of the siphon, mantle, and parapodia. Ink and opaline are ejected by a series of coordinated pumping movements of the mantle, gill, and parapodia that closely resemble triggered 'respiratory pumping' or 'Interneuron II' episodes (Kupfermann and Kandel 1969; Byrne and Koester 1978; Hening 1982). The directed ejection of secretions from the mantle cavity in response to noxious stimulation suggests a number of potential defensive functions for these secretions including aggressive retaliation, startle display, diversion, and alarm signalling (Edmunds 1975). Taken together, our results and others' suggest an integrated scheme for the functional organization of overt defensive behavior in Aplysia, and begin to suggest testable hypotheses about the integration of defensive responses on the cellular level in this animal.  相似文献   
Polycation binding to the negatively charged surface of chloroplast thylakoid membranes is known to cause an inhibition of photosystem I activity. It also interferes with the cation-dependent rearrangement of chlorophyll proteins in the thylakoid membrane. It was shown that added anions prevented or reversed the inhibition of photosystem I by polylysine without decreasing its binding to the membranes. Anions also caused a change in the interaction of the chlorophyll proteins in polylysine-treated thylakoids as indicated by an increase in the relative fluorescence intensity from photosystem II. In both cases, the relative effectiveness of the anions tested depended on their valence; for example, the tetravalent species Fe(CN)64t- was effective at a concentration at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than the divalent species SO42?. These results suggest that anions act by screening the positive charge of the polylysine-coated membrane surface. Measurements of the response of the anionic fluorescent probe 1-anilinonapthalene-8-sulfonate to an addition of anions to polylysine-treated thylakoids supported this contention. It was concluded that the action of polylysine on photosystem I and on the chlorophyll proteins is mediated by changes of the electrical properties of the thylakoid membrane and may not involve a direct binding of the polycation to the affected membrane proteins.  相似文献   
Long-term changes of sedimentary particle-size distribution in two tropical lowland lakes were compared with changes of human population sizes, estimated archaeologically, in the drainage basins. Mean particle size of silt and clay fractions (<64 µm) varied between 3 and 15 µm. High positive skewness and kurtosis of the distributions were associated with smaller particle sizes; hence small mean size resulted from greater influx of small particles while influx of larger particles was probably constant. An inverse correlation between mean particle size and human population size is interpreted to mean that disturbance-induced erosion results in delivery of very fine inorganic particles at higher rates. Within any one basin, particle-size stratigraphy is more precisely related to archaeological time periods than is pollen stratigraphy. An absolute chronology still eludes us, owing to the failure of 14C dating of calcareous, colluvial sediments, but our relative chronology is now more precise than before. If certain assumptions about past hydrologic relations can be met, particle-size analysis is a way of comparing the histories of geographically very different lakes, including lakes from tropical, temperate, and arctic regions.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the rapid enzymatic determination of acetate in spent bacterial culture supernatants. The assay is based on a previously published assay for acetate kinase [Bergmeyer et al. (1974) in Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (Bergmeyer, H. V., ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 425-426, Verlag Chemie-Academic Press, New York/London], and is sufficiently sensitive to detect acetate levels of 50 microM. The assay is cheaper than commercially available assays and is particularly useful for occasional use by laboratories not equipped for routine acetate analysis using gas chromatography. The application of the assay to the measurement of acetate in bacterial cultures is described, though it should also be applicable to other biological fluids and foodstuffs.  相似文献   
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