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Various studies have been performed using the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM), though none has been developed with stroke patients. Stroke is a pathology that provokes a strong physical and social impact caused by an abnormality in cerebral circulation. Consequently, we performed two studies to validate the SRM and translate it into Portuguese, and to evaluate the regularity of the daily activities of stroke patients. Both healthy individuals and patients with unilateral cerebral lesions were evaluated. Subjects were of both sexes and between 45 and 65 yrs of age. Participants underwent clinical evaluation and recorded the time of 17 daily activities on the SRM for two weeks. Data were analyzed by the Pearson correlation and Fisher tests. After conceptual translation into Portuguese, corrections were made to arrive at the final version. Normative SRM scores varied from 3.2 to 7.0, suggesting that the activities presented in SRM adequately represented the daily routines of the patients. A correlation was found in SRM between the weeks (r=0.84; p=0.0001), indicating instrument reliability. The mean (±SD) score of the stoke patients was 4.8 (±1.0), and the correlation between the SRM and level of neurological damage showed that patients with lower SRM values were more physically compromised (r=?0.29; p=0.04), suggesting that SRM may be a clinical predictor. Activities related to eating and the sleep‐wake cycle were rated by most patients. In all, 71% of the patients did not work, while 84% of healthy individuals did (p=0.001). Only 64% of patients left home compared to 90% of the healthy subjects (p=0.001), and 59% of patients recorded the activity of going home compared to 82% of healthy individuals (p=0.001). According to the results, there is evidence of the validity and reliability of the SRM, enabling it to be reliably used in chronobiological studies of stroke patients. Given that a less regular lifestyle may be associated with neurological compromise and a decrease in social activities, we suggest new studies with the repeated application of this instrument over the clinical evolution of the disease to better define improvement or worsening of the patient's condition in terms of their social and health aspects.  相似文献   
Marine microalgae and cyanobacteria are very rich in several chemical compounds and, therefore, they may be used in several biological applications related with health benefits, among others. This review brings the research up-to-date on the bioactive compounds produced by marine unicellular algae, directly or indirectly related to human health. It covers and goes through the most studied applications of substances such as PUFA, sterols, proteins and enzymes, vitamins and pigments, in areas so diverse as human and animal nutrition, therapeutics, and aquaculture. The great potential of marine microalgae and the biocoumpounds they produce are discussed in this review.  相似文献   
Mild, mitochondrial uncoupling increases energy expenditure and can reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Activation of cellular, adaptive stress response pathways can result in an enhanced capacity to reduce oxidative damage. Together, these strategies target energy imbalance and oxidative stress, both underlying factors of obesity and related conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Here we describe a metabolomics-driven effort to uncover the anti-obesity mechanism(s) of xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated flavonoid from hops. Metabolomics analysis of fasting plasma from obese, Zucker rats treated with XN revealed decreases in products of dysfunctional fatty acid oxidation and ROS, prompting us to explore the effects of XN on muscle cell bioenergetics. At low micromolar concentrations, XN acutely increased uncoupled respiration in several different cell types, including myocytes. Tetrahydroxanthohumol also increased respiration, suggesting electrophilicity did not play a role. At higher concentrations, XN inhibited respiration in a ROS-dependent manner. In myocytes, time course metabolomics revealed acute activation of glutathione recycling and long term induction of glutathione synthesis as well as several other changes indicative of short term elevated cellular stress and a concerted adaptive response. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that XN may ameliorate metabolic syndrome, at least in part, through mitochondrial uncoupling and stress response induction. In addition, time course metabolomics appears to be an effective strategy for uncovering metabolic events that occur during a stress response.  相似文献   
The ecological interaction between microorganisms and seaweeds depends on the production of secondary compounds that can influence microbial diversity in the water column and the composition of reef environments. We adapted the 3H-leucine incorporation technique to measure bacterial activity in biofilms associated with the blades of the macroalgae Sargassum spp. We evaluated (1) if the epiphytic bacteria on the blades were more active in detritus or in the biofilm, (2) substrate saturation and linearity of 3H-leucine incorporation, (3) the influence of specific metabolic inhibitors during 3H-leucine incorporation under the presence or absence of natural and artificial light, and (4) the efficiency of radiolabeled protein extraction. Scanning electron microscopy showed heterogeneous distribution of bacteria, diatoms, and polymeric extracellular secretions. Active bacteria were present in both biofilm and detritus on the blades. The highest 3H-leucine incorporation was obtained when incubating blades not colonized by macroepibionts. Incubations done under field conditions reported higher 3H-leucine incorporation than in the laboratory. Light quality and sampling manipulation seemed to be the main factors behind this difference. The use of specific metabolic inhibitors confirmed that bacteria are the main group incorporating 3H-leucine but their association with primary production suggested a symbiotic relationship between bacteria, diatoms, and the seaweed.  相似文献   
Estimated number of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus impacted annually by towboat entrainment in navigation pools of the Upper Mississippi River were compared against estimates of fishery harvest and ambient population densities to evaluate the relevance of entrainment at the population level. Mean number of sturgeon entrained per kilometer of navigation was estimated at 0.02, and mean number entrained annually considering towboat traffic was estimated at 0.38 sturgeon/ha. Losses associated with entrainment were mostly lower than fishery harvest, although differences were not large. The two sources of mortality combined could potentially reduce the mature adult population to a level where it no longer has the reproductive capacity to replenish itself. Thus, through a combination of entrainment and fishing mortality shovelnose sturgeon may be looming near unsustainable population levels. These estimates are preliminary considering the many uncertainties associated with quantifying entrainment and its effects. Additional research is needed not only to derive better estimates, but also to develop options for managing entrainment.  相似文献   
Betula pendula pollen, under laboratory conditions, was exposed to three atmospheric pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). Two levels of each pollutant were used; the first level corresponds to a concentration on the atmospheric hour-limit value acceptable for human health protection in Europe, the second level to a higher, at least more than double of the first, concentration level. Experiments were done under artificial solar light with controlled temperature and relative humidity. Our results indicate that, in urban areas, concentrations of CO, O3 and SO2 on the limits established for human protection, can affect pollen fertility. We verified a decrease in the viability and germination of the pollen, indicating damage to the pollen membrane system. Also, a general decreasing trend in the total protein content of the exposed samples when compared with the control samples was observed, which suggests alterations in the antigenic characteristics of pollen.  相似文献   
Based on a literature survey, we evaluated the periods of cyanobacterial dominance in Brazil. We hypothesized that variability of environmental forces along the country will promote or facilitate temporal and spatial mosaic in cyanobacterial dominance. The most striking outcomes are related to the dominance of Cylindrospermopsis, Dolichospermum, and Microcystis. Although they share important adaptive strategies (e.g., aerotopes, large size and toxins production), our findings suggest that they have different environmental preferences. Dolichospermum and Microcystis dominated mainly in warm-rainy periods whereas Cylindrospermopsis was more common during dry periods and in mixed systems, or formed perennial dominance. Maximum phosphorus concentrations were observed in reservoirs dominated by Cylindrospermopsis. Although the main genera reached high biomass levels individually, different abilities to form dominance and co-dominance were observed. The number of co-dominance of Chroococales and Nostocales was almost the same as the individual occurrence of the main genera from these groups. This dataset reveals patterns of dominance of these cyanobacteria and also indicates that physiological features will cause differences in the mechanisms of interactions between species. The understanding of these processes and their relationship to environmental conditions will promote better understanding of cyanobacterial dominance and increase our ability to predict and manage these events.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma cruzi infection leads to development of a chronic disease but the mechanisms that the parasite utilizes to establish a persistent infection despite activation of a potent immune response by the host are currently unknown. Unusual characteristics of T. cruzi are that it possesses cellular levels of pyrophosphate (PPi) at least 10 times higher than those of ATP and molar levels of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) within acidocalcisomes. We characterized an inorganic soluble EF‐hand containing pyrophosphatase from T. cruzi (TcVSP) that, depending on the pH and cofactors, can hydrolyse either pyrophosphate (PPi) or polyphosphate (polyP). The enzyme is localized to both acidocalcisomes and cytosol. Overexpression of TcVSP (TcVSP‐OE) resulted in a significant decrease in cytosolic PPi, and short and long‐chain polyP levels. Additionally, the TcVSP‐OE parasites showed a significant growth defect in fibroblasts, less responsiveness to hyperosmotic stress, and reduced persistence in tissues of mice, suggesting that PPi and polyP are essential for the parasite to resist the stressful conditions in the host and to maintain a persistent infection.  相似文献   
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