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Year-round continuous reproduction in tropical regions is an established paradigm in marine ecology. In this study, we tested this paradigm using the ghost shrimp Callichirus seilacheri from the tropical eastern Pacific as a model species. We also examined size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment cycle to contribute to the biological knowledge of this species. To this end, a total of 456 individuals of C. seilacheri were collected during 12 months of sampling. Population structure was symmetrical for both sexes, and the overall sex ratio did not differ from evenness. Males outnumbered females in smaller size classes, though, revealing a potential sex-dependent mortality in small individuals. The breeding pattern followed the well-marked seasonal regime of the region, with ovigerous females registered during the rainy season. While natural variation in the seawater temperature had no influence on reproduction of this species, changes in water salinity possibly triggered the appearance of egg-bearing females in the population. Recruitment occurred throughout the year but was more intense during the dry season, following the appearance of ovigerous females. The adaptability of the life cycle of C. seilacheri to the seasonal climate provides further evidence that reproduction in tropical species is not always continuous.  相似文献   
IntroductionPure Neural Leprosy (PNL) is a rare clinical form of leprosy in which patients do not present with the classical skin lesions but have a high burden of the disability associated with the disease. Clinical characteristics and follow up of patients in PNL are still poorly described in the literature.ObjectiveThis paper aims to describe the clinical, electrophysiological and histopathological characteristics of PNL patients, as well as their evolution after multidrug therapy (MDT).MethodsFifty-two PNL patients were selected. Clinical, nerve conduction studies (NCS), histopathological and anti-PGL-1serology were evaluated. Patients were also assessed monthly during the MDT. At the end of the MDT, all of the patients had a new neurological examination and 44 were submitted to another NCS.ResultsParesthesia was the complaint most frequently reported by patients, and in the neurological examination the most common pattern observed was impairment in sensory and motor examination and a mononeuropathy multiplex. Painful nerve enlargement, a classical symptom of leprosy neuropathy, was observed in a minority of patients and in the motor NCS axonal injuries, alone or in combination with demyelinating features, were the most commonly observed. 88% of the patients did not present any leprosy reaction during MDT. There was no statistically significant difference between the neurological examinations, nor the NCS pattern, performed before and after the MDT.DiscussionThe classical hallmarks of leprosy neuropathy are not always present in PNL making the diagnosis even more challenging. Nerve biopsy is an important tool for PNL diagnosis as it may guide therapeutic decisions. This paper highlights unique characteristics of PNL in the spectrum of leprosy in an attempt to facilitate the diagnosis and management of these patients.  相似文献   
The action of substances with non-permeable cryoprotectant potential, besides glucose, has not yet been studied for the species Prochilodus brevis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the action of four non-permeable cryoprotectants on this species sperm cryopreservation. Five pools were cryopreserved in a solution of 5% glucose and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) associated or not (control) with cryoprotectants egg yolk (5, 10 or 12%), soy lecithin (2.5, 7.5 or 10%), sucrose (5, 10 or 20%) and lactose (5, 8 or 15%). After thawing, samples were evaluated for sperm kinetics (total motility, motility duration, velocities, and wobble - WOB), morphology and membrane and DNA integrity. The treatments containing egg yolk improved significantly (P<0.05) results when compared the control for the membrane integrity parameter. When compared to other treatments, egg yolk, at any concentration, presented higher results (P<0.05) for membrane integrity, total motility, curvilinear velocity (VCL) and average path velocity (VAP) parameters. Egg yolk also showed the best results for WOB, but it did not differ from 5% and 8% lactose and 5% and 20% sucrose. Soy lecithin had the lowest percentages of morphologically normal sperm (P<0.05), while the other treatments did not differ from each other. There was no difference regarding DNA integrity data. Thus, 5% egg yolk is indicated as a non-permeable cryoprotectant for P. brevis, in association with 5% glucose and 10% Me2SO.  相似文献   
A new thermophilic strain of Bacillus SPS-0 which produces thermostable xylanases was isolated from a hot spring in Portugal. Xylanase production was 50 nkat/ml in the presence of wheat bran arabinoxylan. The temperature and pH for optimum activity were 75°C and 6–9, respectively. The hydrolysis patterns demonstrated that crude xylanases yield mainly xylose and xylobiose from xylan, whereas xylose and arabinose were produced from destarched wheat bran. An increase in xylose release was observed when SPS-0 xylanase was supplemented by a ferulic acid esterase. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
The cell surface hydrophobicity of 60 isolates and three reference strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis was assayed by means of bacterial aggregation in liquid broth, phosphate-buffered saline, and in ammonium sulfate, as well as by affinity of the bacteria to n-hexadecane and polystyrene surfaces. In order to better characterize the isolates, the influence of bacterial growth time and enzyme treatment on cell hydrophobicity and the analysis of the slime production were also investigated. The strains presented the following profiles when assayed by the ammonium sulfate aggregation test (SAT): SAT < 1M, SAT 1M - <2M, SAT 2M - <4M, and SAT >or=4M. When SAT < 1M, the strains showed positive results for most of the cell surface hydrophobicity tests. None of the strains belonging to the groups with SAT >or= 1M showed spontaneous aggregation (SA), auto-aggregation (AA), or glass adherence, albeit 32 (62.7%) strains were polystyrene adherent and 42 (82.3%) presented weak adherence to n-hexadecane (>20%). The best correlation of the results was found among the AA and glass adherence tests (100%), followed by SA/ glass adherence (98%) and SA/ AA test (98%). The polystyrene adherence test and microbial adherence to n-hexadecane test (MATH) showed 78% correlation. Proteinase K treatment reduced bacterial adherence to polystyrene, but did not influence the SAT values. Three distinct groups of strains were distinguished by the polystyrene micromethod and glass tube adherence assay: 0.0-0.4 O.D. group, including non-glass adherent isolates; 0.5-0.7 O.D. group, including strains with variable profiles (adherent or non-adherent); and 0.8-1.3 O.D. group, composed of glass-adherent strains. Evaluation by a single method seemed not to reliably determine the surface hydrophobicity characteristics of S. epidermidis clinical isolates. Auto-aggregation properties of the strains that adhered to glass seemed related to slime expression, rather than cell surface hydrophobicity. Data also suggested involvement of protein components in adherence to polystyrene, but not in auto-aggregation properties assayed by SAT.  相似文献   
The physiological function of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) remains controversial. It was recently suggested that this membrane-bound enzyme has a role in the modulation of transmembranar transport systems into hepatocytes and Caco-2 cells. ALP activity expressed on the apical surface of blood-brain barrier cells, and its relationship with (125)I-insulin internalization were investigated under physiological conditions using p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) as substrate. For this, an immortalized cell line of rat capillary cerebral endothelial cells (RBE4 cells) was used. ALP activity and (125)I-insulin internalization were evaluated in these cells. The results showed that RBE4 cells expressed ALP, characterized by an ecto-oriented active site which was functional at physiological pH. Orthovanadate (100 microM), an inhibitor of phosphatase activities, decreased both RBE4-ALP activity and (125)I-insulin internalization. In the presence of L-arginine (1 mM) or adenosine (100 microM) RBE4-ALP activity and (125)I-insulin, internalization were significantly reduced. However, D-arginine (1 mM) had no significant effect. Additionally, RBE4-ALP activity and (125)I-insulin internalization significantly increased in the presence of the bioflavonoid kaempferol (100 microM), of the phorbol ester PMA (80 nM), IBMX (1 mM), progesterone (200 microM and 100 microM), beta-estradiol (100 microM), iron (100 microM) or in the presence of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) (10 microM). The ALP inhibitor levamisole (500 microM) was able to reduce (125)I-insulin internalization to 69.1 +/- 7.1% of control. Our data showed a positive correlation between ecto-ALP activity and (125)I-insulin incorporation (r = 0.82; P < 0.0001) in cultured rat brain endothelial cells, suggesting that insulin entry into the blood-brain barrier may be modulated through ALP.  相似文献   
To explain photoperiodic induction of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae a new theoretical model was developed which took into account both the hourglass and rhythmic elements shown to be present in the photoperiodic reaction of these mites. It is emphasized that photoperiodic induction is the result of time measurement as well as the summation and integration of a number of successive photoperiodic cycles: the model, therefore, consists of separate ‘clock’ and ‘counter’ mechanisms. In current views involvement of the circadian system in photoperiodism is interpreted in terms of the hypothesis that the photoperiodic clock itself is based on one or more circadian oscillators. Here a different approach has been chosen as regards the role of the circadian system in photoperiodism: the possibility, previously put forward by other authors, that some aspect of the photoperiodic induction mechanism other than the clock is controlled by the circadian system was investigated by assuming a circadian influence on the photoperiodic counter mechanism. The derivation of this ‘hourglass timer oscillator counter’ model of photoperiodic induction in T. urticae is described and its operation demonstrated on the basis of a number of diel and nondiel photoperiods, with and without light interruptions.  相似文献   
The ability of a ciliate to inactivate bacteriophage was studied because these viruses are known to influence the size and diversity of bacterial populations, which affect nutrient cycling in natural waters and effluent quality in sewage treatment, and because ciliates are ubiquitous in aquatic environments, including sewage treatment plants. Tetrahymena thermophila was used as a representative ciliate; T4 was used as a model bacteriophage. The T4 titer was monitored on Escherichia coli B in a double-agar overlay assay. T4 and the ciliate were incubated together under different conditions and for various times, after which the mixture was centrifuged through a step gradient, producing a top layer free of ciliates. The T4 titer in this layer decreased as coincubation time increased, but no decrease was seen if phage were incubated with formalin-fixed Tetrahymena. The T4 titer associated with the pellet of living ciliates was very low, suggesting that removal of the phage by Tetrahymena inactivated T4. When Tetrahymena cells were incubated with SYBR gold-labeled phage, fluorescence was localized in structures that had the shape and position of food vacuoles. Incubation of the phage and ciliate with cytochalasin B or at 4°C impaired T4 inactivation. These results suggest the active removal of T4 bacteriophage from fluid by macropinocytosis, followed by digestion in food vacuoles. Such ciliate virophagy may be a mechanism occurring in natural waters and sewage treatment, and the methods described here could be used to study the factors influencing inactivation and possibly water quality.  相似文献   
Food sharing with immatures is an important and relatively well studied aspect of infant care in many cooperative species. A key point that has not yet been fully addressed, however, is how increasing the difficulty of obtaining food influences the willingness of breeders and helpers to provision immature offspring. We used captive golden headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) to examine how breeders and helpers differ in provisioning juvenile individuals according to the level of difficulty of obtaining food. The level of difficulty in obtaining food was varied by placing the food inside tubes that allowed access only by adults. When food acquisition became more difficult, food sharing with juveniles and breeding females increased significantly. Begging calls by breeding females and juveniles increased during the experimental condition, which probably led to increases in food sharing. Breeders and helpers did not differ in their contribution to provisioning when food was easily available, nor did they differ in their contribution when food was difficult to obtain. Breeding males in callitrichids have a prominent role in transferring food to offspring, but contrary to our expectations, they did not increase food transfer in the experimental condition. An unexpected result was the increased investment of the breeding female into her current offspring when the level of difficulty of obtaining food was higher. We suggest that breeding lion tamarin females are not as constrained by reproductive costs as breeding females of other callitrichids. Degree of reproductive skew is hypothesized as a factor affecting the contribution of breeders and helpers to offspring care in cooperative breeding mammals, though we suggest that more studies are needed to validate such a generalization.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - This study evaluated the effect of saline water irrigation (4.5 dS m−1) on growth, gas exchange and mineral nutrient content in eight melon accessions and...  相似文献   
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