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The symbioses between plants of the Rubiaceae and Primulaceae families with Burkholderia bacteria represent unique and intimate plant–bacterial relationships. Many of these interactions have been identified through PCR-dependent typing methods, but there is little information available about their functional and ecological roles. We assembled 17 new endophyte genomes representing endophytes from 13 plant species, including those of two previously unknown associations. Genomes of leaf endophytes belonging to Burkholderia s.l. show extensive signs of genome reduction, albeit to varying degrees. Except for one endophyte, none of the bacterial symbionts could be isolated on standard microbiological media. Despite their taxonomic diversity, all endophyte genomes contained gene clusters linked to the production of specialized metabolites, including genes linked to cyclitol sugar analog metabolism and in one instance non-ribosomal peptide synthesis. These genes and gene clusters are unique within Burkholderia s.l. and are likely horizontally acquired. We propose that the acquisition of secondary metabolite gene clusters through horizontal gene transfer is a prerequisite for the evolution of a stable association between these endophytes and their hosts.  相似文献   
In this paper it is argued that an expert system requires morethan factual knowledge before it can display expertise in agiven domain. The additional knowledge consists of the heuristicsor ‘rules of thumb’ used by an expert to manipulateand interpret the factual knowledge. The knowledge acquisitionphase of an expert system project involves determining the factualknowledge (which may be obtained from published sources) andthe heuristics used by an expert to manipulate that knowledge-theseheuristics can only be obtained from an expert. In reviewingexisting biological expert systems it is apparent that manycontain only the factual knowledge relating to the domain, andlack the heuristics that enable such systems to show expertise.This paper reviews a number of knowledge acquisition techniqueswhich could be used for acquiring heuristic knowledge and discusseswhen their use is appropriate. The knowledge acquisition techniquesdiscussed are those suitable for the development of small-scaleexpert systems as these are most likely to be of interest tobiologists. The techniques include the use of questionnaires,interview techniques and protocol analysis; particular emphasisis placed on a mod cation to the ‘twenty questions’interview technique which was developed specifically to elicittaxonomic knowledge relating to water mite identification.  相似文献   
A general amino acid permease cDNA ( AAP2 ) was isolated from Arabidopsis by complementation of a yeast mutant defective in citrulline uptake. Direct transport measurements in yeast show that the protein mediates uptake of l -[14C]-citrulline and l -[14C]-proline. Detailed analyses of the substrate specificity by competition studies demonstrate that all proteogenic amino acids are recognized by the carrier, including those that represent the major transport forms of reduced nitrogen in many species, i.e. glutamine, glutamate and asparagine. Thus, AAP2 is less selective as compared with AAP1 and transports basic amino acids such as histidine as shown by expression in a histidine transport-deficient yeast strain. The predicted polypeptide of 53 kDa is highly hydrophobic with 12 putative membrane-spanning regions and shows significant homologies to the Arabidopsis broad specificity permease AAP1, and a limited homology to bacterial branched chain amino acid transporters, but not to any other known proteins. Alterations in the charged residues as compared with AAP1 in four regions might be involved in the difference in selectivity towards basic amino acids. Both genes are highly expressed in developing pods indicating a role in supplying the developing seeds with reduced nitrogen. AAP2 is selectively expressed in the stem and might therefore play a role in xylem-to-phloem transfer of amino acids during seed filling. Furthermore in situ hybridization shows that both genes are expressed in the vascular system of cotyledons in developing seedlings.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of proline in defining β turn conformations within cyclic hexa- and pentapeptides we synthesized and determined the conformations of a series of L - and D -proline-containing peptides by means of 2D NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics simulations. Due to cis/trans isomerism the L -proline peptides adopt at least two different conformations that are analyzed and compared to the structures of the corresponding D -proline peptides. The cis conformations of the compounds cyclo(-Pro-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-Ala-), cyclo(-Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe-Pro-Gly-), cyclo(-Arg-Gly-Asp-Phe-Pro-Ala-), cyclo(-Pro-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala--), and cyclo(-Pro-Ala-Pro-Ala-Ala-) form uncommon βVI turns that mimic the turn geometries found in crystallographically refined protein structures at such a detailed level that even preferred side chain orientations are reproduced. The ratios of the cis/trans isomers are analyzed in terms of the steric demand of the proline-following residue. The conformational details derived from this study illustrate the importance of the examination of small model compounds derived from protein loop regions, especially if bioactive recognition sequences, such as RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp), are incorporated. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The extracts of five invasive plants were investigated for antifungal and antibiofilm activities against Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, and C. parapsilosis. The antifungal activity was evaluated using the microdilution assay and the antibiofilm effect by measurement of the metabolic activity. Ethanol and ethanol-water extracts of Reynoutria japonica leaves inhibited 50 % of planktonic cells at 250 μg mL−1 and 15.6 μg mL−1, respectively. Ethanol and ethanol-water extracts of Baccharis halimifolia inhibited >75 % of the mature biofilm of C. albicans at 500 μg mL−1. The essential oil (EO) of B. halimifolia leaves was the most active (50 % inhibition (IC50) at 4 and 74 μg mL−1against the maturation phase and 24 h old-biofilms of C. albicans, respectively). Oxygenated sesquiterpenes were the primary contents in this EO (62.02 %), with β-caryophyllene oxide as the major component (37 %). Aromadendrene oxide-(2), β-caryophyllene oxide, and (±)-β-pinene displayed significant activities against the maturation phase (IC50=9–310 μ mol l−1) and preformed 24 h-biofilm (IC50=38–630 μ mol l−1) of C. albicans with very low cytotoxicity for the first two compounds. C. albicans remained the most susceptible species to this EO and its components. This study highlighted for the first time the antibiofilm potential of B. halimifolia, its EO and some of its components.  相似文献   
Social relationships between female zoo elephants were analyzed on three different zoo groups. Interactions were defined as either affiliative or agonistic. The most frequent interactions were found to be touching of the partner's mouth, genital sinus, face and trunk. The calf was the individual involved in most social interactions. Placing the trunk tip into the partner's mouth is a well known behaviour, the correlation between this behaviour and aggression was analyzed and a further function is suggested. Aggressive behaviour was analyzed and the hypothesis derived that rank order has to be established and is flexible in a non-kin group. The hypothesis that Asian elephant females may form special relationships was tested and confirmed. The following behaviour patterns were determined as indicators of a special relationship: Spatial proximity, partner-specific reactions to arousal and to vocalizing, and omission of agonistic behaviour. An experiment confirmed the hypothesis that the removal of one member of a special relationship from the enclosure would elicit more arousal behaviour in the respective partner.  相似文献   
Summary Pimelea spicata R. Br. is a nationally listed endangered Australian shrub threatened with extinction by habitat fragmentation and environmental weed invasion. Bridal Creeper (Asparagus asparagoides L. W. Wight) is the primary weed threat to the largest remaining populations of P. spicata in the Cumberland Plain. Fire, as part of an integrated pest management program, offers the potential to stimulate P. spicata populations while controlling Bridal Creeper. It is important, therefore, to understand how the components of fire affect the germination and growth of both species. Using laboratory experiments we investigated the effects of smoke, heat, ash and/or light on the germination of P. spicata and Bridal Creeper. We found a significant promotive effect of smoke and indication of an inhibitory heat shock (90°C for 10 min) effect on the germination of P. spicata seeds. The response of Bridal Creeper seeds to the same factors was complex; while the results of one experiment suggested an inhibitory effect of smoke and a promotive effect of heat, subsequent trials were contradictory, implying that Bridal Creeper, like many weeds, is able to germinate under a wide range of environmental conditions. Other experiments investigated the optimal germination temperature and innate dormancy of P. spicata in the absence of fire‐related germination cues. Of the incubation temperatures investigated, the optimal diurnally fluctuating regime for P. spicata germinations was 10°C and 20°C in the night and day, respectively. The innate dormancy of freshly produced seeds disappeared after 3 months. In contrast to Bridal Creeper, we found a persistent germinable seed bank of about 97 P. spicata seeds/m2 located in the top 5 cm of the soil profile. While fire alone is unlikely to kill Bridal Creeper plants, fire may help to manage local infestations of the weed by limiting germination and providing opportunity for herbicide treatment of regrowth.  相似文献   
The proton pumping ATPase in the plasma membrane of Elodea canadensis is believed to play a major role in inorganic carbon acquisition. To investigate potentially different carbon uptake strategies within the same plant, plasma membrane H+-ATPase distribution and polar current patterns were investigated in Elodea leaves and stems. Specific activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in leaf microsomal fractions was tenfold higher than in stem derived microsomes. Probing western blots with a monoclonal antibody specific for plasma membrane H+-ATPase, yielded strongly visible double bands at 100 kDa in leaf microsome preparations, whereas little antigen was detected in analogous stem microsome preparations. Using the same plasma membrane H+-ATPase specific antibody on tissue sections, the enzyme was found almost exclusively localized at the border of cells at the lower leaf surface. A positive ion current leaving the lower leaf surface was measured, using a vibrating probe device. Part of this current entered the upper leaf surface and part of it the internodes of the stem. The experimental results support the view, that Elodea leaves have different means of inorganic carbon uptake than stem internodes.  相似文献   
Newly hatched young of the benthic, coastal-living octopod, Octopus vulgaris , enter the plankton and remain there for perhaps eight weeks. At hatching the arms are short and bear a few, large, primary suckers. The buccal mass is relatively large in proportion to the size of the animal. The eyes are large. The central nervous system has fairly well-defined lobes, some of which develop earlier than others. We shall follow the development of several features of O. vulgaris from hatching, through its life in the plankton until settlement and correlate them with changes in the brain and behaviour.  相似文献   
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