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Confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy coupled to image analysis was employed in order to develop and evaluate procedures for the appraisal at the single-cell level of: (1) protein-bound 4-hydroxynonenal, the specific product of membrane peroxidation (by means of immunocytochemistry with biotin-avidin revelation); (2) protein oxidation (by reaction of protein carbonyls with 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine followed by immunocytochemistry of dinitrophenyl moieties); and (3) cellular protein thiols (by direct alkylation of sulfhydryl groups with thiol-specific fluorescent reagents possessing different cell permeabilities). The procedures proved able to reveal the subcellular distribution of cytochemical parameters useful as indices of oxidative stress conditions, and may allow redox phenotyping of isolated cells, which would provide an efficient tool in selected experimental models.  相似文献   
A number of studies indicate that cell proliferation can be modulated by changes in the redox balance of (soluble and protein) cellular thiols. Free radical processes, including lipid peroxidation (LPO), can affect such a balance, and a role for LPO in multistage carcinogenesis has been envisaged. The present study was aimed to assess the relationships between the protein thiol redox status and the LPO process in chemically induced preneoplastic tissue. The Solt-Farber's initiation-promotion model of chemical carcinogenesis in the rat liver was used. In fresh cryostat sections, preneoplastic lesions were identified by the reexpression of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) activity. In serial sections, different classes of protein thiols were stained; in additional sections, LPO was elicited by various prooxidant mixtures and determined thereafter by the hydroxynaphthoic hydrazide-Fast Blue B procedure. The incubation of sections in the presence of chelated iron plus substrates for GGT activity leads to the development of LPO in selected section areas closely corresponding to GGT-positive lesions, indicating the ability of GGT activity to initiate LPO. Protein-reactive thiols, as well as total protein sulfur, were decreased by 20–25% in cells belonging to GGT-positive preneoplastic nodules, suggesting the occurrence of oxidative conditions in vivo. The incubation of additional adjacent sections with the prooxidant mixture H2O2 plus iron(II), in order to induce the complete oxidation of lipid present in the section, showed a decreased basal concentration of oxidizable lipid substrate in GGT-rich areas. The decreased levels of both protein thiols and lipid-oxidizable substrate in GGT-positive nodules suggest that the observed GGT-dependent path-way of LPO initiation can be chronically operative in vivo during early stages of chemical carcinogenesis, in cells expressing GGT as part of their transformed phenotype.  相似文献   
It has been previously reported that the three-dimensional structures of the NAD-binding and catalytic site of bacterial toxins with ADP-ribosylating activity are superimposable, and that the key amino acids for the enzymatic activity are conserved. The model includes an NAD-binding and catalytic site formed by an α-helix bent over a β-strand, surrounded by two β-strands bearing a Glu and a His, or Arg, that are required for catalysis. We show here that the model can be extended to comprise all proteins with ADP-ribosylating activity known to date, including all eukaryotic mono- and poly-ADP-ribosyltransferases, the bacterial ADP-ribosylating enzymes which do not have toxic activity, and the analogous enzymes encoded by T-even bacteriophages. We show that, in addition to the common Glu and Arg/His amino acids previously identified, the conserved motifs can be extended as follows: (i) the Arg/His motif is usually arom-His/Arg (where 'arom' is an aromatic residue); (ii) in the sequences of the CT group the β-strand forming part of the 'scaffold' of the catalytic cavity has an arom-ph-Ser-Thr-Ser-ph consensus (where 'ph' represents a hydrophobic residue); and (iii) the motif centred in the key glutamic residue is Glu/Gln-X-Glu; while (iv) in the sequences of the DT group the NAD-binding motif is Tyr-X10-Tyr. We believe that the model proposed not only accounts for all ADP-ribosylating proteins known to date, but it is likely to fit other enzymes (currently being analysed) which possess such an activity.  相似文献   
The mdr1 gene, first member of the human multidrug-resistance gene family, is a major gene involved in cellular resistance to several drugs used in anticancer chemotherapy. Its product, the drug-excreting P-glycoprotein, shows a bipartite structure formed by two similar adjacent halves. According to one hypothesis, the fusion of two related ancestral genes during evolution could have resulted in this structure. The DNA sequence analysis of the introns located in the region connecting the two halves of the human mdr1 gene revealed a highly conserved poly(CA) · poly (TG) sequence in intron 15 and repeated sequences of the Alu family in introns 14 and 17. These repeated sequences most likely represent molecular fossils of ancient DNA elements which were involved in such a recombination event. Correspondence to: M. Pauly  相似文献   
Activation of protein tyrosine kinases is one of the initial events following aggregation of the high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (Fc epsilon RI) on RBL-2H3 cells, a model mast cell line. The protein tyrosine kinase p72syk (Syk), which contains two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains, is activated and associates with phosphorylated Fc epsilon RI subunits after receptor aggregation. In this report, we used Syk SH2 domains, expressed in tandem or individually, as fusion proteins to identify Syk-binding proteins in RBL-2H3 lysates. We show that the tandem Syk SH2 domains selectively associate with tyrosine-phosphorylated forms of the gamma and beta subunits of Fc epsilon RI. The isolated carboxy-proximal SH2 domain exhibited a significantly higher affinity for the Fc epsilon RI subunits than did the amino-proximal domain. When in tandem, the Syk SH2 domains showed enhanced binding to phosphorylated gamma and beta subunits. The conserved tyrosine-based activation motifs contained in the cytoplasmic domains of the gamma and beta subunits, characterized by two YXXL/I sequences in tandem, represent potential high-affinity binding sites for the dual SH2 domains of Syk. Peptide competition studies indicated that Syk exhibits a higher affinity for the phosphorylated tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit than for that of the beta subunit. In addition, we show that Syk is the major protein in RBL-2H3 cells that is affinity isolated with phosphorylated peptides corresponding to the phosphorylated gamma subunit motif. These data suggest that Syk associates with the gamma subunit of the high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E through an interaction between the tandem SH2 domains of SH2 domains of Syk and the phosphorylated tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit and that Syk may be the major signaling protein that binds to Fc epsilon RI tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit and that Syk may be the major signaling protein that binds to Dc epsilon tyrosine activation motifs in RBL-2H3 cells.  相似文献   
Human myelin basic protein isolated from the brains of individuals who died with multiple sclerosis was more potent in inducing the aggregation of egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles than was the basic protein isolated from the brains of normal individuals. The portion of myelin basic protein which bound to egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was separated from the free protein by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Similar amounts of basic protein from normal or from multiple sclerosis brains are bound to the lipid and no consistent differences in the NG, NG dimethyl-arginine content of the protein fractions have been found.  相似文献   
A spontaneous mutant of Escherichia coli (strain AB2847), selected for resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic neamine, shows severe restriction of amber suppressors in vivo. Ribosomes isolated from the mutant exhibit only low misreading in vitro in the presence of the antibiotic. Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the neamine-resistant phenotype is the result of two distinct mutations. The first, res3128, appears to affect the gene (strA) coding for the ribosomal protein S12. Although it leads to a restrictive phenotype it does not, however, confer resistance to streptomycin. The second mutation, X3128, is located between the sirA and AROB loci and is lethal when segregated from the res3128 mutation. It may affect the ribosome at the level of a post-translational modification.  相似文献   
We compare a recombinant cDNA plasmid (pAF81) complementary to a fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA with a plasmid (pAM91) complementary to the actin mRNA expressed in adult skeletal muscle. The two mRNAs are significantly diverged in silent nucleotide positions; they are coexpressed in fetal skeletal muscle, and in differentiating muscle cell cultures their accumulation begins coordinately. The sequence of pAF81 shows that the amino acid sequence of mouse fetal skeletal muscle actin is almost identical to that of adult bovine cardiac actin. Hybridization of pAF81 to RNA from different mouse tissues shows that fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA is very homologous or identical to fetal and adult cardiac actin mRNA. Only one gene homologous to pAF81 is detected on blots of restricted mouse DNA. We conclude that this gene must be expressed both in fetal skeletal muscle and in fetal heart. Whereas mRNA transcribed from this gene is the major actin mRNA species in adult heart, it is present in low amounts, if at all, in adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
F1-ATPases are large multimeric proteins that can be isolated from the membrane bound system that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP by inorganic phosphate in bacteria, plants, and mitochondria. They can be visualized in electron micrographs of the inner mitochondrial membranes where they appear as large protruding spheres 90 Å in diameter. The purified F1-ATPases have a molecular weight of 320,000 to 400,000 daltons and are composed of five non-identical subunits (, , , and ). The stoichiometry of these subunits in the complex is still unknown but compositions of the type 33 and 22222 were found to be consistent with some of the available experimental data. This review discusses the recent data and the experimental approaches utilized for the structural characterization of F1-ATPases.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic technique primarily developed for use on samples from kidney perfusion studies is presented for simultaneous determination of prednisone, prednisolone and their 20β-hydroxylated metabolites. The technique employs 6β-hydroxycortisol as the internal standard. Samples are extracted with ethyl acetate, washed with sodium hydroxide and water and injected onto a silica gel column with UV detection at 254 nm. Inter- and intraday variability of the assay was determined at two concentrations of each steroid and was less than 10%. Assay steroid recovery ranged from 54.1% for prednisone to 63.2% for 20β-hydroxyprednisone. Sensitivity is 4–10 ng/ml for the steroids measured. The chromatographic conditions may be modified to permit quantitation of these steroids from plasma samples. This method may alternatively be used for quantitation of 6β-hydroxycortisol, an endogenous indicator of enzyme induction. A perfusate concentration-time profile is presented from a kidney perfusion study using prednisolone.  相似文献   
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