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This review highlights the key role that mycorrhizal fungi play in making phosphorus (Pi) more available to plants, including pathways of phosphorus absorption, phosphate transporters and plant-mycorrhizal fungus symbiosis, especially in conditions where the level of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) in the soil is low. Mycorrhizal fungi colonization involves a series of signaling where the plant root exudates strigolactones, while the mycorrhizal fungi release a mixture of chito-oligosaccharides and liposaccharides, that activate the symbiosis process through gene signaling pathways, and contact between the hyphae and the root. Once the symbiosis is established, the extraradical mycelium acts as an extension of the roots and increases the absorption of nutrients, particularly phosphorus by the phosphate transporters. Pi then moves along the hyphae to the plant root/fungus interface. The transfer of Pi occurs in the apoplectic space; in the case of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Pi is discharged from the arbuscular to the plant’s root symplasm, in the membrane that surrounds the arbuscule. Pi is then absorbed through the plant periarbuscular membrane by plant phosphate transporters. Furthermore, plants can acquire Pi from soil as a direct absorption pathway. As a result of this review, several genes that codify for high-affinity Pi transporters were identified. In plants, the main family is Pht1 although it is possible to find others such as Pht2, Pht3, Pho1 and Pho2. As in plants, mycorrhizal fungi have genes belonging to the Pht1 subfamily. In arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi we found L1PT1, GiPT, MtPT1, MtPT2, MtPT4, HvPT8, ZmPht1, TaPTH1.2, GmosPT and LYCes. HcPT1, HcPT2 and BePT have been characterized in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Each gene has a different way of expressing itself. In this review, we present diagrams of the symbiotic relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and the plant. This knowledge allows us to design solutions to regional problems such as food production in soils with low levels of Pi.

The vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) is a protein that canonically participates in the adhesion and transmigration of leukocytes to the interstitium during inflammation. VCAM-1 expression, together with soluble VCAM-1 (sVCAM-1) induced by the shedding of VCAM-1 by metalloproteinases, have been proposed as biomarkers in immunological diseases, cancer, autoimmune myocarditis, and as predictors of mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure (HF), endothelial injury in patients with coronary artery disease, and arrhythmias. This revision aims to discuss the role of sVCAM-1 as a biomarker to predict the occurrence, development, and preservation of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
Chromatin in the nucleus is organized in functional sites at variable level of compaction. Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) can be used to generate three-dimensional super-resolution (SR) imaging of chromatin by changing in phase and in orientation a periodic line illumination pattern. The spatial frequency domain is the natural choice to process SIM raw data and to reconstruct an SR image. Using an alternative approach, we demonstrate that the additional spatial information encoded in the knowledge of the position of the illumination pattern can be efficiently decoded using a generalized version of separation of photon by lifetime tuning (SPLIT) that does not require lifetime measurements. In the resulting SPLIT-SIM, the SR image is obtained by isolating a fraction of the intensity corresponding to the center of the diffraction-limited point spread function. This extends the use of the SPLIT approach from stimulated emission depletion microscopy to SIM. The SPLIT-SIM algorithm is based only on phasor analysis and does not require deconvolution. We show that SPLIT-SIM can be used to generate SR images of chromatin organizational motifs with tunable resolution and can be a valuable tool for the imaging of functional sites in the nucleus.  相似文献   
Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) play an important ecological role as top predators, yet knowledge of their reproductive ecology is scarce. Here, the authors report the first observation of a potential neonate G. cuvier at Cocos Island, a predator-dominated oceanic island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). The individual was detected using baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS). The cameras also detected female individuals potentially pregnant, suggesting that parturition may take place at or near the island. Nonetheless, it is still unclear if the presence of a single neonate is an isolated event or evidence that the species is using the island for reproduction.  相似文献   
Roadways may pose barriers to long-distance migrators such as some ungulates. Highway underpasses mitigate wildlife-vehicle collisions and can be an important management tool for protecting migration corridors. In northern California, 3 underpasses were built on United States Route 395 (Route 395) in Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area (HJWA) in the 1970s for a migratory mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd that had been negatively affected by highway traffic. To determine whether these underpasses were still reducing mule deer mortalities >40 years after construction, we investigated deer use of the underpasses from 2006–2019 using cameras, global positioning system (GPS) collars, and roadkill records. We used occupancy models, approximations of GPS-collared mule deer movement paths, and roadkill locations to estimate the highway crossing patterns of deer. From camera data, there was higher use of the underpasses by deer during migration (spring [Mar–Jun], fall [Oct–Dec]) than in summer (Jul–Sep), when only resident deer were present. Higher underpass usage occurred in the spring compared to fall migrations. Eleven of 21 GPS-collared migrating mule deer crossed Route 395. We estimated 30% of the crossings (by 7 of the 11 deer) occurred south of the underpasses where deer could easily access the highway because of short (1-m high) and deteriorating highway fencing. Roadkill data confirmed that deer-vehicle collisions were occurring south of the underpasses and at the underpasses. This was likely due to deteriorating infrastructure at the underpasses that allows wildlife access to the highway. Overall, our study indicated that although underpasses can provide safe passage for migratory deer decades (>40 yr) after their construction, deteriorating infrastructure such as fencing and gates can lead to wildlife mortalities on highways near underpasses. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Wide-range geographically discontinuous distributions have long intrigued scientists. We explore the role of ecology, geology, and dispersal in the formation of these large-scale disjunctions, using the angiosperm tribe Putorieae (Rubiaceae) as a case study. From DNA sequences of nuclear ITS and six plastid markers, we inferred a phylogeny with 65% of all known Putorieae species. Divergence times, ancestral ranges, and diversification rate shifts were then estimated using Bayesian inference. We further explored species climatic tolerances and performed ancestral niche reconstruction to discriminate among alternative speciation modes, including geographical and ecological vicariance, and ecogeographical, ecological, and dispersal-mediated speciation. As a result, we identified seven major clades in Putorieae, some of which exhibit striking geographical disjunctions, matching the Rand Flora pattern, with sister species in the Canary Islands andeastern and southern Africa. Initial diversification within the tribe occurred in the early Miocene, coincident with a period of climate warming; however, most clades diverged within the last 10 Myr. Aridification and high extinction rates, coupled with ecological vicariance, explain the oldest disjunctions. Adaptation to new environmental conditions, after allopatry, is observed in several clades. Dispersal, either long-distance or via corridors made available by mountain uplift, is behind the most recent disjunctions. Some of these events were followed by ecological speciation and rapid diversification, with species becoming adapted to xeric or increasingly colder continental climates. We show that an integrative approach may help discriminate among speciation modes invoked to explain disjunctions at macroevolutionary time scales, even when extinction has erased the signature of past events.  相似文献   
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