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Animal feeding, which directly affects growth and metabolism, is an important physiological process. However, the contribution of PIWI proteins and PIWI‐interacting RNAs (piRNAs) to the regulatory mechanism of animal feeding is unknown. Here, we report a novel function of Piwi and piRNAs in regulating food intake in locusts. Our study shows that the locust can serve as a representative species for determining PIWI function in insects. Knockdown of Piwi1 expression suppresses anabolic processes and reduces food consumption and body weight. The reduction in food intake by knockdown of Piwi1 expression results from decreased expression of neuropeptide NPF1 in a piRNA‐dependent manner. Mechanistically, intronic piRNAs might enhance RNA splicing of NPF1 by preventing hairpin formation at the branch point sites. These results suggest a novel nuclear PIWI/piRNA‐mediated mechanism that controls food intake in the locust nervous system.  相似文献   
Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella for swimming or pili for twitching. By contrast, gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages to move on solid surfaces. Flavobacterium johnsoniae and other bacteria in the Bacteroidetes phylum use adhesins whose movement on the cell surface supports motility. In F. johnsoniae, secretion and helicoidal motion of the main adhesin SprB are intimately linked and depend on the type IX secretion system (T9SS). Both processes necessitate the proton motive force (PMF), which is thought to fuel a molecular motor that comprises the GldL and GldM cytoplasmic membrane proteins. Here, we show that F. johnsoniae gliding motility is powered by the pH gradient component of the PMF. We further delineate the interaction network between the GldLM transmembrane helices (TMHs) and show that conserved glutamate residues in GldL TMH2 are essential for gliding motility, although having distinct roles in SprB secretion and motion. We then demonstrate that the PMF and GldL trigger conformational changes in the GldM periplasmic domain. We finally show that multiple GldLM complexes are distributed in the membrane, suggesting that a network of motors may be present to move SprB along a helical path on the cell surface. Altogether, our results provide evidence that GldL and GldM assemble dynamic membrane channels that use the proton gradient to power both T9SS-dependent secretion of SprB and its motion at the cell surface.

Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella or pili, but gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages for their movement. This study shows that bacteria in the phylum Bacteroidetes use proton-dependent motors to power protein secretion and gliding motility.  相似文献   
Invasive alien species are a major threat to ecosystems. Invasive terrestrial plants can produce allelochemicals which suppress native terrestrial biodiversity. However, it is not known if leached allelochemicals from invasive plants growing in riparian zones, such as Impatiens glandulifera, also affect freshwater ecosystems. We used mesocosms and laboratory experiments to test the impact of I. glandulifera on a simplified freshwater food web. Our mesocosm experiments show that leachate from I. glandulifera significantly reduced population growth rate of the water flea Daphnia magna and the green alga Acutodesmus obliquus, both keystone species of lakes and ponds. Laboratory experiments using the main allelochemical released by I. glandulifera, 2‐methoxy‐1,4‐naphthoquinone, revealed negative fitness effects in D. magna and A. obliquus. Our findings show that allelochemicals from I. glandulifera not only reduce biodiversity in terrestrial habitats but also pose a threat to freshwater ecosystems, highlighting the necessity to incorporate cross‐ecosystem effects in the risk assessment of invasive species.  相似文献   
本研究运用组织分离法对采自贵州省都匀市斗篷山景区的地衣进行内生真菌分离,乙酸乙酯萃取菌株液体发酵物,通过打孔法筛选地衣内生真菌提取物并对9株临床致病菌株及耐药菌株进行抑菌活性实验.结果表明一株分离自星点梅衣属地衣Puncteliasp.的内生真菌DPS-165-9对其中的6株显示抑制活性.此6株菌为金黄色葡萄球菌Sta...  相似文献   
Nature experiences have been linked to mental and physical health. Despite the importance of understanding what determines individual variation in nature experience, the role of genes has been overlooked. Here, using a twin design (TwinsUK, number of individuals = 2,306), we investigate the genetic and environmental contributions to a person’s nature orientation, opportunity (living in less urbanized areas), and different dimensions of nature experience (frequency and duration of public nature space visits and frequency and duration of garden visits). We estimate moderate heritability of nature orientation (46%) and nature experiences (48% for frequency of public nature space visits, 34% for frequency of garden visits, and 38% for duration of garden visits) and show their genetic components partially overlap. We also find that the environmental influences on nature experiences are moderated by the level of urbanization of the home district. Our study demonstrates genetic contributions to individuals’ nature experiences, opening a new dimension for the study of human–nature interactions.

Nature experiences have been linked to mental and physical health. This twin study reveals genetic influences on an individual’s orientation towards nature and nature experiences, opening a new dimension to understanding human-nature interactions.  相似文献   
Development of multicellular organisms is a complex process involving precise coordination of growth among individual cells. Understanding organogenesis requires measurements of cellular behaviors over space and time. In plants, such a quantitative approach has been successfully used to dissect organ development in both leaves and external floral organs, such as sepals. However, the observation of floral reproductive organs is hampered as they develop inside tightly closed floral buds, and are therefore difficult to access for imaging. We developed a confocal time-lapse imaging method, applied here to Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which allows full quantitative characterization of the development of stamens, the male reproductive organs. Our lineage tracing reveals the early specification of the filament and the anther. Formation of the anther lobes is associated with a temporal increase of growth at the lobe surface that correlates with intensive growth of the developing locule. Filament development is very dynamic and passes through three distinct phases: (1) initial intense, anisotropic growth, and high cell proliferation; (2) restriction of growth and proliferation to the filament proximal region; and (3) resumption of intense and anisotropic growth, displaced to the distal portion of the filament, without cell proliferation. This quantitative atlas of cellular growth dynamics provides a solid framework for future studies into stamen development.  相似文献   
以‘窄叶藤本月季花’( Rosa chinensis ‘Zhaiye Tengben Yuejihua’)ב月月粉’( R. chinensis ‘Old Blush’)杂交群体为材料, 分析其花瓣数量的分离特点, 对单瓣花与重瓣花的花芽分化过程进行观察, 并对花瓣、雄蕊及瓣化雄蕊进行表皮细胞超微结构的观察.结果显示...  相似文献   
狂犬病作为一种急性人畜共患疾病,其致死率接近100%.而湖北省作为我国中部狂犬病高发地之一,开展该省狂犬病的流行病学调查不仅有助于了解我国当前面临的狂犬病疫情风险,还能为当地及全国狂犬病防控工作提供有效的参考意见.首先运用描述性分析发现湖北省狂犬病发病人数随时间呈下降趋势,而狂犬病暴露人数则呈上升趋势,且近年来中西部地...  相似文献   
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