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Studies on mutagenesis and repair induced by platinum analogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutagenesis and cytotoxicity were studied in Escherichia coli by iproplatin and carboplatin, two analogs of cisplatin (CDDP) currently undergoing clinical trial. As with CDDP, mutagenesis by these agents was mediated by the umuDC gene product. In contrast to CDDP, however, mismatch repair did not substantially contribute to survival of cells after exposure to these agents since dam-3 E. coli were not more sensitive than wild type E. coli. UvrA- E. coli, however were more sensitive to these analogs demonstrating that as with CDDP, uvr endonuclease-mediated excision contributes to the repair of DNA damage induced by platinum compounds.  相似文献   
Location of DNA methylation genes on the Escherichia coli K-12 genetic map   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
Summary The genes responsible for DNA adenine methylation (dam) and DNA cytosine methylation (dcm) have been mapped on the E. coli K-12 genetic map. The dam gene is situated at min 65 and the gene order cysG-(trpS, dam)-aro B inferred. The dcm gene is located at min 37.5 and the gene order is supD-dcm-flaA1. In F merodiploids, the dam and dcm alleles are recessive.  相似文献   
Copper (Cu) chaperones constitute a family of small Cu+-binding proteins required for Cu homeostasis in eukaryotes. The ATX1 family of Cu chaperones specifically delivers Cu to heavy metal P-type ATPases. The plant Arabidopsis thaliana expresses the ATX1-like Cu chaperone CCH, which exhibits a plant-specific carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) with unique structural properties. We show that CCH homologues from other higher plants contain CTDs with structural properties similar to Arabidopsis CCH. Furthermore, we identify a new ATX1-like Cu chaperone in Arabidopsis, AtATX1, which functionally complements yeast atx1Delta and sod1Delta associated phenotypes, and localizes to the cytosol of Arabidopsis cells. Interestingly, AtATX1, but not full-length CCH, interacts in vivo with the Arabidopsis RAN1 Cu-transporting P-type ATPase by yeast two-hybrid. We propose that higher plants express two types of ATX1-like Cu chaperones: the ATX1-type with a predominant function in Cu delivery to P-type ATPases, and the CCH-type with additional CTD-mediated plant-specific functions.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nitrogen availability on susceptibility of tomato leaves to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Plants with varying nitrogen availability were grown by adding N daily in exponentially increasing amounts to a nutrient solution at different rates. Leaves of plants grown at low nitrogen availability had a high leaf C/N ratio (21 g g-1) and were about 2.5 times more susceptible to primary lesion formation by B. cinerea compared to plant grown at high nitrogen availability, which had a low leaf C/N ratio (11 g g-1). Leaf C/N ratio accounted for 95% of variation in susceptibility. This relationship between C/N ratio and susceptibility persisted when plants were grown with exponential P addition and optimal N supply, and was thus independent of plant growth rate or related factors. We could not explain the effect of nitrogen availability by variation in the most obvious N-based resistance compound α-tomatine because more susceptible leaves with a high C/N ratio contained more α-tomatine. These leaves also contained more soluble carbohydrates. The level of soluble carbohydrates correlated positively with susceptibility, independent of the growth method. We therefore suggest that the effect of N availability on susceptibility must be explained by variation in levels of soluble carbohydrates and speculate about the role of these carbohydrates in the infection process. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Methylating agents such as N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) produce a wide variety of N- and O-methylated bases in DNA, some of which can block replication fork progression. Homologous recombination is a mechanism by which chromosome replication can proceed despite the presence of lesions. The two major recombination pathways, RecBCD and RecFOR, which repair double-strand breaks (DSBs) and single-strand gaps respectively, are needed to protect against toxicity with the RecBCD system being more important. We find that recombination-deficient cell lines, such as recBCD recF, and ruvC recG, are as sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of MMS and MNNG as the most base excision repair (BER)-deficient (alkA tag) isogenic mutant strain. Recombination and BER-deficient double mutants (alkA tag recBCD) were more sensitive to MNNG and MMS than the single mutants suggesting that homologous recombination and BER play essential independent roles. Cells deleted for the polA (DNA polymerase I) or priA (primosome) genes are as sensitive to MMS and MNNG as alkA tag bacteria. Our results suggest that the mechanism of cytotoxicity by alkylating agents includes the necessity for homologous recombination to repair DSBs and single-strand gaps produced by DNA replication at blocking lesions or single-strand nicks resulting from AP-endonuclease action.  相似文献   


Hemodialysis (HD) patients have a high risk of infections. The uremic milieu has a negative impact on several immune responses. Online hemodiafiltration (HDF) may reduce the risk of infections by ameliorating the uremic milieu through enhanced clearance of middle molecules. Since there are few data on infectious outcomes in HDF, we compared the effects of HDF with low-flux HD on the incidence and type of infections.

Patients and Methods

We used data of the 714 HD patients (age 64 ±14, 62% men, 25% Diabetes Mellitus, 7% catheters) participating in the CONvective TRAnsport STudy (CONTRAST), a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of HDF as compared to low-flux HD. The events were adjudicated by an independent event committee. The risk of infectious events was compared with Cox regression for repeated events and Cox proportional hazard models. The distributions of types of infection were compared between the groups.


Thirty one percent of the patients suffered from one or more infections leading to hospitalization during the study (median follow-up 1.96 years). The risk for infections during the entire follow-up did not differ significantly between treatment arms (HDF 198 and HD 169 infections in 800 and 798 person-years respectively, hazard ratio HDF vs. HD 1.09 (0.88–1.34), P = 0.42. No difference was found in the occurrence of the first infectious event (either fatal, non-fatal or type specific). Of all infections, respiratory infections (25% in HDF, 28% in HD) were most common, followed by skin/musculoskeletal infections (21% in HDF, 13% in HD).


HDF as compared to HD did not result in a reduced risk of infections, larger studies are needed to confirm our findings.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00205556  相似文献   
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) refers to the correlation among neighboring alleles, reflecting non-random patterns of association between alleles at (nearby) loci. A better understanding of LD in the porcine genome is of direct relevance for identification of genes and mutations with a certain effect on the traits of interest. Here, 215 SNPs in seven genomic regions were genotyped in individuals of three breeds. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium was calculated for all marker pairs. To estimate the extent of LD, all pairwise LD values were plotted against the distance between the markers. Based on SNP markers in four genomic regions analyzed in three panels from populations of Large White, Dutch Landrace, and Meishan origin, useful LD is estimated to extend for approximately 40 to 60 kb in the porcine genome.  相似文献   
It has long been recognised that polyploid species do not always neatly fall into the categories of auto‐ or allopolyploid, leading to the term ‘segmental allopolyploid’ to describe everything in between. The meiotic behaviour of such intermediate species is not fully understood, nor is there consensus as to how to model their inheritance patterns. In this study we used a tetraploid cut rose (Rosa hybrida) population, genotyped using the 68K WagRhSNP array, to construct an ultra‐high‐density linkage map of all homologous chromosomes using methods previously developed for autotetraploids. Using the predicted bivalent configurations in this population we quantified differences in pairing behaviour among and along homologous chromosomes, leading us to correct our estimates of recombination frequency to account for this behaviour. This resulted in the re‐mapping of 25 695 SNP markers across all homologues of the seven rose chromosomes, tailored to the pairing behaviour of each chromosome in each parent. We confirmed the inferred differences in pairing behaviour among chromosomes by examining repulsion‐phase linkage estimates, which also carry information about preferential pairing and recombination. Currently, the closest sequenced relative to rose is Fragaria vesca. Aligning the integrated ultra‐dense rose map with the strawberry genome sequence provided a detailed picture of the synteny, confirming overall co‐linearity but also revealing new genomic rearrangements. Our results suggest that pairing affinities may vary along chromosome arms, which broadens our current understanding of segmental allopolyploidy.  相似文献   
In temperate regions, evergreen species are exposed to large seasonal changes in air temperature and irradiance. They change photosynthetic characteristics of leaves responding to such environmental changes. Recent studies have suggested that photosynthetic acclimation is strongly constrained by leaf anatomy such as leaf thickness, mesophyll and chloroplast surface facing the intercellular space, and the chloroplast volume. We studied how these parameters of leaf anatomy are related with photosynthetic seasonal acclimation. We evaluated differential effects of winter and summer irradiance on leaf anatomy and photosynthesis. Using a broad-leaved evergreen Aucuba japonica , we performed a transfer experiment in which irradiance regimes were changed at the beginning of autumn and of spring. We found that a vacant space on mesophyll surface in summer enabled chloroplast volume to increase in winter. The leaf nitrogen and Rubisco content were higher in winter than in summer. They were correlated significantly with chloroplast volume and with chloroplast surface area facing the intercellular space. Thus, summer leaves were thicker than needed to accommodate mesophyll surface chloroplasts at this time of year but this allowed for increases in mesophyll surface chloroplasts in the winter. It appears that summer leaf anatomical characteristics help facilitate photosynthetic acclimation to winter conditions. Photosynthetic capacity and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency were lower in winter than in summer but it appears that these reductions were partially compensated by higher Rubisco contents and mesophyll surface chloroplast area in winter foliage.  相似文献   
Dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS) are considered the most important arthropod-borne viral diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality. The emergency and severity of dengue (Den) infections increase the necessity of an early, quick and effective dengue laboratory diagnostic. Viral isolation is considered a gold standard for diagnosis of dengue infection using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as a tool for determining serotype specificity. Alternatives have been used to improve sensitivity and time to dengue diagnosis. Based on the early expression of dengue C protein in the life cycle, we focused our study on the application of an anti-dengue 2 virus capsid protein mAb in dengue diagnosis. The kinetic expression of dengue-2 capsid in mosquito cells and its immuno-localization in experimentally infected suckling albin Swiss (OF-1) mice brain tissues was established. The results demonstrate the possible utility of this mAb in early dengue diagnosis versus traditional isolation. In addition, a preliminary study of an enzyme immunoassay method using 8H8 mAb for specific detection of dengue C protein antigen was performed, making possible recombinant C protein quantification. The results suggest that detection of dengue capsid protein could be useful in the diagnosis of early dengue infection.Key words: monoclonal antibodies, capsid protein, dengue virus, diagnosis, immunoassays  相似文献   
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