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The genus Rosa has a complex evolutionary history caused by several factors, often in conjunction: extensive hybridization, recent radiation, incomplete lineage sorting, and multiple events of polyploidy. We examined the applicability of AFLP markers for reconstructing (species) relationships in Rosa, using UPGMA clustering, Wagner parsimony, and Bayesian inference. All trees were well resolved, but many of the deeper branches were weakly supported. The cluster analysis showed that the rose cultivars can be separated into a European and an Oriental cluster, each being related to different wild species. The phylogenetic analyses showed that (1) two of the four subgenera (Hulthemia and Platyrhodon) do not deserve subgeneric status; (2) section Carolinae should be merged with sect. Cinnamomeae; (3) subsection Rubigineae is a monophyletic group within sect. Caninae, making sect. Caninae paraphyletic; and (4) there is little support for the distinction of the five other subsections within sect. Caninae. Comparison of the trees with morphological classifications and with previous molecular studies showed that all methods yielded reliable trees. Bayesian inference proved to be a useful alternative to parsimony analysis of AFLP data. Because of their genome-wide sampling, AFLPs are the markers of choice to reconstruct (species) relationships in evolutionary complex groups.  相似文献   
Pollen of the European and Asian white birch (Betula pendula and B. platyphylla) causes hay fever in humans. The allergenic potency of other birch species is largely unknown. To identify birch trees with a reduced allergenicity, we assessed the immunochemical characteristics of 15 species and two hybrids, representing four subgenera within the genus Betula, while focusing on the major pollen allergen Bet v 1. Antigenic and allergenic profiles of pollen extracts from these species were evaluated by SDS-PAGE and Western blot using pooled sera of birch-allergic individuals. Tryptic digests of the Bet v 1 bands were analyzed by LC-MS(E) to determine the abundance of various Bet v 1 isoforms. Bet v 1 was the most abundant pollen protein across all birch species. LC-MS(E) confirmed that pollen of all species contained a mixture of multiple Bet v 1 isoforms. Considerable differences in Bet v 1 isoform composition exist between birch species. However, isoforms that are predicted to have a high IgE-reactivity prevailed in pollen of all species. Immunoblotting confirmed that all pollen extracts were similar in immune-reactivity, implying that pollen of all birch species is likely to evoke strong allergic reactions.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO(.)) is critical to numerous biological processes, including signal transduction and macrophage-mediated immunity. In this study, we have explored the biological effects of NO(.)-induced DNA damage on Escherichia coli. The relative importance of base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair (NER), and recombinational repair in preventing NO(.)-induced toxicity was determined. E. coli strains lacking either NER or DNA glycosylases (including those that repair alkylation damage [alkA tag strain], oxidative damage [fpg nei nth strain], and deaminated cytosine [ung strain]) showed essentially wild-type levels of NO(.) resistance. However, apyrimidinic/apurinic (AP) endonuclease-deficient cells (xth nfo strain) were very sensitive to killing by NO(.), which indicates that normal processing of abasic sites is critical for defense against NO(.). In addition, recA mutant cells were exquisitely sensitive to NO(.)-induced killing. Both SOS-deficient (lexA3) and Holliday junction resolvase-deficient (ruvC) cells were very sensitive to NO(.), indicating that both SOS and recombinational repair play important roles in defense against NO(.). Furthermore, strains specifically lacking double-strand end repair (recBCD strains) were very sensitive to NO(.), which suggests that NO(.) exposure leads to the formation of double-strand ends. One consequence of these double-strand ends is that NO(.) induces homologous recombination at a genetically engineered substrate. Taken together, it is now clear that, in addition to the known point mutagenic effects of NO(.), it is also important to consider recombination events among the spectrum of genetic changes that NO(. ) can induce. Furthermore, the importance of recombinational repair for cellular survival of NO(.) exposure reveals a potential susceptibility factor for invading microbes.  相似文献   
The isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli mutator genes have led to a better understanding of DNA replication fidelity mechanisms and to the discovery of important DNA repair pathways and their relationship to spontaneous mutagenesis. Mutator strains in a population of cells can be beneficial in that they allow rapid selection of variants during periods of stress, such as drug exposure.  相似文献   
The area of wet grasslands on peat soil in the Netherlands is slowly increasing at the expense of drained, agriculturally used grasslands. This study aimed (i) to assess the contribution of wet grasslands on peat soil to methane (CH4) emissions, and (ii) to explain differences among sites and between years in order to improve our understanding of controlling factors. For these purposes, a field study was conducted in the period 1994–1996 in the nature preserve Nieuwkoopse Plassen, which is a former peat mining and agricultural area. Net CH4 emissions were measured weekly to monthly with vented closed flux chambers at three representative sites, and at ditches near these sites. Three-years average of CH4 emissions was 7.9 g CH4 m–2 yr–1 for Drie Berken Zudde, 13.3 for Koole, and 20.4 for Brampjesgat. Ditches near the sites emitted 4.2–22.5 g CH4 m–2 yr–1. The time-course of CH4 emissions for all experimental sites and years was fit with a multiple linear regression model with ground water level and soil temperature as independent variables. Lowering or raising the ground water level by 5 cm could decrease or increase CH4 emissions by 30–50%. Therefore, ground water level management of these grasslands should be done with care.  相似文献   
Efficient targeting of plant disease resistance loci using NBS profiling   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The conserved sequences in the nucleotide-binding sites of the nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class of disease resistance (R) genes have been used for PCR-based R-gene isolation and subsequent development of molecular markers. Here we present a PCR-based approach (NBS profiling) that efficiently targets R genes and R-gene analogs (RGAs) and, at the same time, produces polymorphic markers in these genes. In NBS profiling, genomic DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme, and an NBS-specific (degenerate) primer is used in a PCR reaction towards an adapter linked to the resulting DNA fragments. The NBS profiling protocol generates a reproducible polymorphic multilocus marker profile on a sequencing gel that is highly enriched for R genes and RGAs. NBS profiling was successfully used in potato with several restriction enzymes, and several primers targeted to different conserved motifs in the NBS. Across primers and enzymes, the NBS profiles contained 50–90% fragments that were significantly similar to known R-gene and RGA sequences. The protocol was similarly successful in other crops (including tomato, barley, and lettuce) without modifications. NBS profiling can thus be used to produce markers tightly linked to R genes and R-gene clusters for genomic mapping and positional cloning and to mine for new alleles and new sources of disease resistance in available germplasm.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   
A photosynthetic microbial mat was investigated in a large pond of a Mediterranean saltern (Salins-de-Giraud, Camargue, France) having water salinity from 70 per thousand to 150 per thousand (w/v). Analysis of characteristic biomarkers (e.g., major microbial fatty acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols and alkenones) revealed that cyanobacteria were the major component of the pond, in addition to diatoms and other algae. Functional bacterial groups involved in the sulfur cycle could be correlated to these biomarkers, i.e. sulfate-reducing, sulfur-oxidizing and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. In the first 0.5 mm of the mat, a high rate of photosynthesis showed the activity of oxygenic phototrophs in the surface layer. Ten different cyanobacterial populations were detected with confocal laser scanning microscopy: six filamentous species, with Microcoleus chthonoplastes and Halomicronema excentricum as dominant (73% of total counts); and four unicellular types affiliated to Microcystis, Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa, and Synechocystis (27% of total counts). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments confirmed the presence of Microcoleus, Oscillatoria, and Leptolyngbya strains (Halomicronema was not detected here) and revealed additional presence of Phormidium, Pleurocapsa and Calotrix types. Spectral scalar irradiance measurements did not reveal a particular zonation of cyanobacteria, purple or green bacteria in the first millimeter of the mat. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments of bacteria depicted the community composition and a fine-scale depth-distribution of at least five different populations of anoxygenic phototrophs and at least three types of sulfate-reducing bacteria along the microgradients of oxygen and light inside the microbial mat.  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare the suitability of various bacterial and viral indicators to assess the removal of faecal micro-organisms by primary and secondary wastewater treatment processes. METHODS AND RESULTS: The numbers of several bacterial indicators [faecal coliforms (FC), enterococci (ENT) and sulphite-reducing clostridia (SRC)] and bacteriophages (somatic coliphages, F-specific RNA phages and bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis strain RYC2056) were determined in incoming raw sewage and effluents from various primary and secondary wastewater treatment processes in several geographical areas. Reductions in the numbers of indicators were calculated as log10 reductions. Processes based on removal and mild disinfection, showed no significant differences in the elimination of any of the indicators tested or between geographical areas. In contrast, treatment processes that include strong microbial inactivation, such as lime-aided flocculation and lagooning, showed significant differences between the log10 reductions of the various micro-organisms studied, FC showing the highest reduction and spores of SRC and phages infecting B. fragilis the lowest. CONCLUSIONS: The microbial elimination performance of treatment processes based principally on removal and mild disinfection can be evaluated with a single indicator. In contrast, processes with additional disinfecting capabilities require more than one indicator for accurate evaluation of the treatment; bacteriophages are good candidates for use as second indicators. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bacteriophages provide additional information for the evaluation of microbial elimination in some treatment plants. The easy, fast and cheap methods available for phage determination are feasible both in industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   
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