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Streptomyces lividans TK24 is a strain that naturally produces antibiotics at low levels, but dramatic overproduction of antibiotics occurs upon interruption of the ppk gene. However, the role of the Ppk enzyme in relation to the regulation of antibiotic biosynthesis remains poorly understood. In order to gain a better understanding of the phenotype of the ppk mutant, the proteomes of the wild-type (wt) and ppk mutant strains, grown for 96 h on R2YE medium limited in phosphate, were analyzed. Intracellular proteins were separated on two-dimensional (2D) gels, spots were quantified, and those showing a 3-fold variation or more were identified by mass spectrometry. The expression of 12 proteins increased and that of 29 decreased in the ppk mutant strain. Our results suggested that storage lipid degradation rather than hexose catabolism was taking place in the mutant. In order to validate this hypothesis, the triacylglycerol contents of the wt and ppk mutant strains of S. lividans as well as that of Streptomyces coelicolor M145, a strain that produces antibiotics at high levels and is closely related to S. lividans, were assessed using electron microscopy and thin-layer chromatography. These studies highlighted the large difference in triacylglycerol contents of the three strains and confirmed the hypothetical link between storage lipid metabolism and antibiotic biosynthesis in Streptomyces.  相似文献   
According to theories on cave adaptation, cave organisms are expected to develop a lower metabolic rate compared to surface organisms as an adaptation to food scarcity in the subterranean environments. To test this hypothesis, we compared the oxygen consumption rates of the surface and subterranean populations of a surface‐dwelling species, the newt Calotriton asper, occasionally found in caves. In this study, we designed a new experimental setup in which animals with free movement were monitored for several days in a respirometer. First, we measured the metabolic rates of individuals from the surface and subterranean populations, both maintained for eight years in captivity in a natural cave. We then tested individuals from these populations immediately after they were caught and one year later while being maintained in the cave. We found that the surface individuals that acclimated to the cave significantly reduced their oxygen consumption, whereas individuals from the subterranean population maintained in the cave under a light/dark cycle did not significantly modify their metabolic rates. Second, we compared these metabolic rates to those of an obligate subterranean salamander (Proteus anguinus), a surface aquatic Urodel (Ambystoma mexicanum), and a fish species (Gobio occitaniae) as references for surface organisms from different phyla. As predicted, we found differences between the subterranean and surface species, and the metabolic rates of surface and subterranean C. asper populations were between those of the obligate subterranean and surface species. These results suggest that the plasticity of the metabolism observed in surface C. asper was neither directly due to food availability in our experiments nor the light/dark conditions, but due to static temperatures. Moreover, we suggest that this adjustment of the metabolic level at a temperature close to the thermal optimum may further allow individual species to cope with the food limitations of the subterranean environment.  相似文献   
对渤海莱州湾海域240个站位表层沉积物中底栖有孔虫群落进行了分析,共鉴定常见的底栖有孔虫42种。结果表明,莱州湾表层沉积物中底栖有孔虫主要以玻璃质壳为主(平均丰度达70.9%),瓷质壳含量次之,胶结壳含量最低;玻璃质壳占有孔虫全群的百分含量,随水深的增加而增加;从黄河口向外海方向,有孔虫分异度和丰度都逐渐增大。该海域底栖有孔虫平面分布的主要控制因素为盐度和底质沉积物类型,大体可分为两个组合分区,I区为Ammonia beccarii-Quinqueloculina spp.组合,代表盐度较低的近岸海陆过渡浅水环境;II区为Cribrononionsub-incertum-Protelphidium tuberculatum组合,代表盐度较高的远岸内陆架环境。  相似文献   
The chemical composition and sulfur (S) speciation of developing chick corneas at embryonic days 12, 14, and 16 were investigated using synchrotron scanning x-ray fluorescence microscopy and x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. The aim was to develop techniques for the analysis of bulk tissue and identify critical physicochemical variations that correlate with changes in corneal structure-function relationships. Derived data were subjected to principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis, which highlighted differences in the elemental and S species composition at different stages of embryonic growth. Notably, distinct elemental compositions of chlorine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and S altered with development during the transition of the immature opaque cornea to a mature transparent tissue. S  structure spectroscopy revealed developmentally regulated alterations in thiols, organic monosulfides, ester sulfate, and inorganic sulfate species. The transient molecular structures and compositional changes reported here provide a deeper understanding of the underlying basis of corneal development during the acquisition of transparency. The experimental and analytical approach is new, to our knowledge, and has wide potential applicability in the life sciences.  相似文献   
Objective Epigenetics, particularly DNA methylation, has recently been shown to be important in breast cancer initiation. We investigated the clinical and prognostic importance of whole blood breast cancer early onset gene 1 (BRCA1) DNA methylation in sporadic breast cancer. Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood cells (PBCs) of 902 breast cancer patients at diagnosis, with no BRCA1 mutation, and 990 control women. DNA methylation was measured by quantitative analysis of methylated alleles (QAMA) to estimate the extent of methylation of 2 CpG sites in the promoter region of BRCA1 oncosuppressor. Results BRCA1 promoter methylation rate in PBCs was 47.1% with a 95% confidence interval [46.1; 48.1] in breast cancer patients, and 45.9% with a 95% confidence interval [45.0; 46.8] in controls. We found a trend toward BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation in PBCs of sporadic breast cancer patients compared with controls. Association between methylation and clinicopathological features was evaluated using statistical tests. BRCA1 promoter methylation in PBCs increased significantly in breast cancer patients compared with controls, for age over 70 years (p = 0.022), in post-menopausal status (p = 0.013), for a body mass index (BMI) <20 (p = 0.0095) or a waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) ≤76.8 (p = 0.0027). We also found an association of increased BRCA1 promoter methylation in PBCs with ACA/ACA genotype for the SNP Thr594Thr in ESR (estrogen receptor gene), known to be associated with breast cancer risk (p = 0.092), reflecting the reduced presence of this genotype in this breast cancer case-control study. Conclusion Analysis of site-specific DNA methylation in PBCs by QAMA provides quantitative DNA methylation values that may serve as important prognostic indicators.  相似文献   
Lascaux Cave in France was discovered in 1940. Since being opened to visitors the cave has suffered three major microbial outbreaks. The current problem is the fast dissemination of black stains which are threatening the Palaeolithic paintings. Previous data pointed to the involvement of new fungal species in the formation of black stains on the rock walls and ceiling. However, it appears that there could be other reasons for the formation of different and extensive black stains coating the surface of the clayey sediments. Our analyses reveal that black stains on clayey sediments are mainly produced by Acremonium nepalense, a manganese oxide‐depositing fungus, widely distributed in the cave. Thus, in Lascaux Cave, the black stains have a dual origin: on limestone rocks they are mainly produced by the accumulation of fungal melanins, and on clayey sediments by the biogenic deposition of black manganese oxides.  相似文献   
Dealing effectively with space to find important resources in a natural environment is a fundamental ability necessary for survival. Evidence has already been provided that wild gray mouse lemurs revisit stationary feeding sites regularly. In this study, we explore to what extent two sympatric mouse lemur species, Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis, revisited artificial feeding sites during a period of food scarcity. As the tested populations are marked with individual transponders, we built up artificial feeding platforms equipped with a transponder reader at nine different locations where mouse lemurs had been previously caught. We baited them with a liquid reward and recorded the visitors' ID, the time and frequency of their visits, as well as all encounters that occurred on the platforms. Only mouse lemurs visited platforms and a total of sixteen individuals across both species were identified. Mouse lemurs visited a platform with a frequency of 2.02 (+/-0.95, range: 1-3.4) times in a night and they revisited it on several consecutive nights following their first visit (percentage of revisits 90.6%+/-11.7, range: 73.3-100%). First visits on a platform occurred on average 44 min (+/-35; range: 13-131) after sunset. We identified encounters between mouse lemurs on platforms: all of them were agonistic and within a species. Within a dyad, chasers were significantly heavier than chasees (N=7 dyads). Our design of platform experiments offers the advantage of observing wild individually known small primates in their natural environment and of setting up controlled experiments to gain insight into their sensory and cognitive abilities.  相似文献   
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