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Selective ring opening reaction of the N-cyclopropylmethyl group in naltrexone (1d) was effected in the presence of platinum (IV) oxide and hydrobromic acid under a hydrogen atmosphere at rt to selectively afford N-isobutyl derivative 10. The binding affinity of N-i-Bu derivative 10 for opioid receptors was 11-17 times less than that of the corresponding N-CPM compound, naltrexone (1d). However, compound 10 showed dose-dependent analgesic effects. Contrary to expectations based on previous structure-activity relationship studies for a series of N-substituted naltrexone derivatives that compound 10 would be an opioid antagonist, 10 showed dose-dependent analgesia in the mouse acetic acid writhing test (ED(50): 5.05 mg/kg, sc), indicating it was an opioid agonist. This finding may have a great influence on the drug design of opioid agonists.  相似文献   
Delayed luminescence (DL), also termed delayed fluorescence or delayed light emission, is the phenomenon of long-lived light emission by plants and cyanobacteria after being illuminated with light and put into darkness. Culture growth of three Prorocentrum minimum strains was studied with DL measurements. DL decay kinetics was measured from 1–60 s after a pulse of white light. The strains used were from the Adriatic Sea (PmK), from Chesapeake Bay, USA (D5), and from the Baltic Sea (BAL), cultured at salinity of 32, 16, and 8 (practical salinity scale), respectively. The strains differed in cell size and chlorophyll a content (PmK > D5 > BAL), as well as in DL parameters. The DL results were compared to standard measurements of culture density and carbon content (calculated from biovolumes). DL decay curves had a specific peak, which changed with culture growth and showed more similarities between the strains PmK and D5. The DL intensity increased with cell density and carbon content in a two-stage process, corresponding to the lag and exponential phases of growth. DL intensity was best correlated with carbon content irrespective of strain and is proposed as an estimate of biomass and for differentiating between lag and exponential phases of growth.  相似文献   
The conformational properties of the homo oligomers of increasing chain length Boc-(Asn)(n)-NHMe (n = 2, 4, 5), (GlcNAc-beta-Asn)(n)-NHMe (n = 2, 4, 5, 8) and Boc-[GlcNAc(Ac)(3)-beta-Asn](n)-NHMe (n = 2, 4, 5) were studied by using NOE experiments and molecular dynamic calculations (MD). Sequential NOEs and medium range NOEs, including (i,i+2) interactions, were detected by ROESY experiments and quantified. The calculated inter-proton distances are longer than those characteristic of beta-turn secondary structures. Owing to the large conformational motions expected for linear peptides, MD simulations were performed without NMR constraints, with explicit water and by applying different treatments of the electrostatic interactions. In agreement with the NOE results, the simulations showed, for all peptides, the presence of both folded and unfolded structures. The existence of significant populations of beta-turn structures can be excluded for all the examined compounds, but two families of structures were more often recognized. The first one with sinusoidal or S-shaped forms, and another family of large turns together with some more extended conformations. Only the glycosylated pentapeptide shows in vacuo a large amount of structures with helical shaped form. The results achieved in water and in DMSO are compared and discussed, together with the effect of the glycosylation.  相似文献   
The relationship between efferents of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and neurons of the thalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVT) projecting to the amygdala was investigated in the rat using tract tracing in light and electron microscopy. Biotinylated dextran amine was used to label anterogradely SCN efferents. These fibers were found to reach the thalamic midline, terminating in PVT, through three pathways: anterodorsally through the preoptic region, dorsally through the periventricular hypothalamus, and through the contralateral medial hypothalamic and preoptic areas after crossing the midline in the optic chiasm. Preterminal and terminal-like elements labeled from the SCN were distributed throughout the rostrocaudal extent of PVT, with an anteroposterior gradient of density. Labeled terminal elements were densest in the dorsal portion of PVT beneath the ependymal lining and some of them entered the ependyma. Anterograde tracing of SCN fibers was combined with injections of retrograde tracers in the amygdala. Numerous retrogradely labeled cell bodies were seen throughout PVT, with a prevalence in its anterodorsal portion. Overlap was detected between puncta labeled from the SCN and retrogradely labeled neurons, especially in the anterodorsal sector of PVT, where numerous puncta were in close apposition to thalamo-amygdaloid cells. Electron microscopy revealed that boutons labeled from the SCN established synaptic contacts with dendritic profiles of PVT neurons labeled from the amygdala. The findings demonstrate that information processed in the biological clock is conveyed to the amygdala through PVT, indicating that this nucleus plays a role in the transfer of circadian timing information to the limbic system.  相似文献   
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disorder in which complex genetic factors play an important role. Several strains of gene-targeted mice have been reported to develop SLE, implicating the null genes in the causation of disease. However, hybrid strains between 129 and C57BL/6 mice, widely used in the generation of gene-targeted mice, develop spontaneous autoimmunity. Furthermore, the genetic background markedly influences the autoimmune phenotype of SLE in gene-targeted mice. This suggests an important role in the expression of autoimmunity of as-yet-uncharacterised background genes originating from these parental mouse strains. Using genome-wide linkage analysis, we identified several susceptibility loci, derived from 129 and C57BL/6 mice, mapped in the lupus-prone hybrid (129 × C57BL/6) model. By creating a C57BL/6 congenic strain carrying a 129-derived Chromosome 1 segment, we found that this 129 interval was sufficient to mediate the loss of tolerance to nuclear antigens, which had previously been attributed to a disrupted gene. These results demonstrate important epistatic modifiers of autoimmunity in 129 and C57BL/6 mouse strains, widely used in gene targeting. These background gene influences may account for some, or even all, of the autoimmune traits described in some gene-targeted models of SLE.  相似文献   
Dispersing individuals can use conspecifics as indicators of habitat quality and aggregate at traditionally occupied sites, leaving other favourable patches unoccupied. Here we test the predictions of the conspecific-based habitat selection hypothesis on a Spanish great bustard (Otis tarda) metapopulation, currently fragmented due to recent human-induced habitat changes. The number of birds had increased by 23% between 1988 and 1998, but not consistently among leks. Leks that were large in 1988 increased, while those that were small decreased, which suggests that dispersing individuals used the numbers of conspecifics as cues for breeding-site selection. Moreover, leks with high productivity increased, while those with low productivity decreased. Finally, lek distribution was markedly stable throughout the decade, with no establishment of new leks, and suitable habitat patches remained unoccupied, as predicted by the conspecific attraction hypothesis. These results were corroborated by a simulation model which incorporated natal dispersal rates between leks as obtained through radio-tracking of 15 birds that survived throughout their 4-year dispersal period. In conclusion, in spite of the apparent increase in total numbers throughout the decade, both conspecific attraction and local differences in reproductive success contributed to a more aggregated distribution, increasing the species' vulnerability to local catastrophes, and the risks of reduced genetic diversity and extinction of small leks.  相似文献   
A central problem in relating disturbance to community structure lies in determining how community structure is affected by the size of disturbance events. In soft-bottom habitats, recovery rate and patterns of macrobenthic community are usually affected by the spatial scale of disturbance. Thus far, no studies have explicitly addressed these issues for meiobenthic copepods. To test the effects of the size of hypoxia/anoxia disturbance on the recovery of meiobenthic copepod communities in a vegetated (Ruppia cirrhosa) sediment, a field experiment was set up in Valle Smarlacca, a brackish lagoon on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy. Plots of three different sizes—small (40×40 cm), medium (80×80 cm) and large (160×160 cm)—were exposed to experimentally induced hypoxia/anoxia for 5 days. Control plots of 40×40 cm were added, for comparison with ambient abundance. Recolonisation and community recovery were then observed for 12 days, with samplings on days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12. Sampling was designed to focus on the distance from source pools of colonists. The induced anoxia had a severe impact on the copepods, but the impact of the disturbance was independent of plot size. Copepod abundance increased linearly over time, and no differences in recolonisation rate among the differently sized plots were observed. Recolonisation comprised two phases: until day 3, abundances were low and very similar in all plot sizes; from day 5 onwards, abundances of the dominant species (which were the same in control and disturbed plots) increased, and a more diversified pattern among disturbance sizes was observed. Multivariate analyses showed a gradual response of community structure to disturbance size: copepod assemblages in small plots attained the same structure of the control plots at day 5, while for larger-sized plots this occurred later and was observed on the following sampling date. However, clear differences among the three disturbance sizes were never detected. Variability in community structure seemed to respond more to the overall impact of disturbance than to the size of the disturbed area. In the seagrass meadows of the Valle Smarlacca, several factors seem to influence the structural organisation of meiobenthic copepod communities during recolonisation processes. Among others, the recovery of the vegetated habitat to suitable conditions seems to play a much more relevant role than the size of the disturbed patches.  相似文献   
Blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo is a potential candidate species for southern European aquaculture. A 12‐week feeding trial was then conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary protein level on growth performance, body composition and feed use efficiency of blackspot seabream juveniles (22·7 g each). Five isolipidic diets (12·5%) with graded levels of protein (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%) were hand‐distributed, twice a day, to duplicate groups of fish (120 fish per tank), until satiation. Growth (DGC), survival and feed utilization (FCR) were recorded through monthly sampling. Growth performance was significantly affected by dietary protein level ( P  < 0·05), and fish fed at the 50% protein level exhibited the highest final body mass. Feed conversion ratio decreased with increasing levels of dietary protein, fish fed 60% protein being the most efficient. No significant differences were found in whole body composition among treatments ( P > 0·05). Financed by FCT (Project POCTI/CVT/39239/2001, PhD Grant SFRH‐BD‐14068–2003)  相似文献   
A novel photo protective mycosporine was isolated from the lichenized ascomycete Collema cristatum. Biological activity was measured in terms of protection against UV-B induced membrane destruction and pyrimidine dimer formation in cultured human keratinocytes, and prevention of UV-B induced erythema. It was found that the pure isolated compound prevented UV-B induced cell destruction in a dose-dependent manner, that the compound partially prevented pyrimidine dimer formation and completely prevented UV-B induced erythema when applied to the skin prior to irradiation.  相似文献   
The primary structures of N-terminal 19-mer peptides, released by limited trypsin treatment of coat protein (CP) subunits in intact virions of three potato virus X (PVX) isolates, were analyzed. Two wild-type PVX strains, Russian (Ru) and British (UK3), were used and also the ST mutant of UK3 in which all 12 serine and threonine residues in the CP N-terminal segment were replaced by glycine or alanine. With the help of direct carbohydrate analysis and MS, it was found that the acetylated N-terminal peptides of both wild-type strains are glycosylated by a single monosaccharide residue (galactose or fucose) at NAcSer in the first position of the CP sequence, whereas the acetylated N-terminal segment of the ST mutant CP is unglycosylated. Fourier transform infrared spectra in the 1000-4000 cm(-1) region were measured for films of the intact and in situ trypsin-degraded PVX preparations at low and high humidity. These spectra revealed the presence of a broad-band in the region of valent vibrations of OH bonds (3100-3700 cm(-1)), which can be represented by superposition of three bands corresponding to tightly bound, weakly bound, and free OH groups. On calculating difference ('wet' minus 'dry') spectra, it was found that the intact wild-type PVX virions are characterized by high water-absorbing capacity and the ability to order a large number of water molecules on the virus particle. This effect was much weaker for the ST mutant and completely absent in the trypsin-treated PVX. It is proposed that the surface-located and glycosylated N-terminal CP segments of intact PVX virions induce the formation of a columnar-type shell from bound water molecules around the virions, which probably play a major role in maintaining the virion surface structure.  相似文献   
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