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Biomimetic membrane models tethered on solid supports are important tools for membrane protein biochemistry and biotechnology. The supported membrane systems described up to now are composed of a lipid bilayer tethered or not to a surface separating two compartments: a ”trans” side, one to a few nanometer thick, located between the supporting surface and the membrane; and a “cis” side, above the synthetic membrane, exposed to the bulk medium. We describe here a novel biomimetic design composed of a tethered bilayer membrane that is assembled over a surface derivatized with a specific intracellular protein marker. This multilayered biomimetic assembly exhibits the fundamental characteristics of an authentic biological membrane in creating a continuous yet fluid phospholipidic barrier between two distinct compartments: a “cis” side corresponding to the extracellular milieu and a “trans” side marked by a key cytosolic signaling protein, calmodulin.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We established and validated the experimental conditions to construct a multilayered structure consisting in a planar tethered bilayer assembled over a surface derivatized with calmodulin. We demonstrated the following: (i) the grafted calmodulin molecules (in trans side) were fully functional in binding and activating a calmodulin-dependent enzyme, the adenylate cyclase from Bordetella pertussis; and (ii) the assembled bilayer formed a continuous, protein-impermeable boundary that fully separated the underlying calmodulin (trans side) from the above medium (cis side).


The simplicity and robustness of the tethered bilayer structure described here should facilitate the elaboration of biomimetic membrane models incorporating membrane embedded proteins and key cytoplasmic constituents. Such biomimetic structures will also be an attractive tool to study translocation across biological membranes of proteins or other macromolecules.  相似文献   
Using a human fibroblast strain deficient in glutathione synthetase and a related proficient control strain, the role of glutathione (GSH) in repair of potentially lethal damage (PLD) has been investigated in determining survival by plating cells immediately or 24 h after irradiation. After oxic or hypoxic irradiation, both cell strains repair radiation-induced damage. However, under hypoxic conditions, the proficient cells repair PLD as well as under oxic conditions while the deficient cells repair less PLD after irradiation under hypoxic than under oxic conditions. Therefore, the oxygen enhancement ratio (o.e.r.) for proficient cells is similar whether the cells are plated immediately or 24 h later (2.0 and 2.13, respectively). In contrast, the o.e.r. for deficient cells is lower when the cells are plated 24 h after irradiation than when they are plated immediately thereafter (1.16 as compared to 1.55). The results indicate that GSH is involved in PLD repair and, in particular, in the repair of damage induced by radiation delivered under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
The role of intracellular non-protein bound sulphydryl compounds (NPSH), and in particular that of glutathione (GSH), in the response of cells to ionizing radiation under different O2 concentrations has been assessed using cell strains deficient in glutathione synthetase and exhibiting different NPSH levels. The cell strains used originated from patients with 5-oxoprolinuria and from their relatives (heterozygotes and proficient homozygotes). No correlation has been found between NPSH and GSH concentrations and radiosensitivity under oxic, aerobic and hypoxic conditions. However, a highly significant correlation has been observed between radiosensitivity under hypoxic conditions (and therefore the oxygen enhancement ratio) and the glutathione synthetase activity, suggesting that synthesis of GSH is required after irradiation. In order to explain our results we postulated, beside radical processes, the existence of a GSH-dependent enzymatic repair mechanism for N2 type damage. Hypoxic radio-sensitivity measured with survival curves would result from the interaction of both competition and biochemical repair processes.  相似文献   
Using a human cell strain deficient in glutathione synthetase and a related control, the role of glutathione in repair mechanisms has been investigated. UV light has been used in order to avoid the interaction between thiols and free radicals. When potentially lethal damage repair is completed, deficient cells in plateau phase exhibit smaller surviving fractions than do control cells. The ratio of surviving fractions in control/deficient cells is about 2 for the same radiation dose. These results indicate that thiols and especially GSH are involved in repair mechanisms.  相似文献   
Interactions between microtubules and viruses play important roles in viral infection. The best-characterized examples involve transport of animal viruses by microtubules to the nucleus or other intracellular destinations. In plant viruses, most work to date has focused on interaction between viral movement proteins and the cytoskeleton, which is thought to be involved in viral cell-to-cell spread. We show here, in Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)-infected plant cells, that viral electron-lucent inclusion bodies (ELIBs), whose only known function is vector transmission, require intact microtubules for their efficient formation. The kinetics of the formation of CaMV-related inclusion bodies in transfected protoplasts showed that ELIBs represent newly emerging structures, appearing at late stages of the intracellular viral life cycle. Viral proteins P2 and P3 are first produced in multiple electron-dense inclusion bodies, and are later specifically exported to transiently co-localize with microtubules, before concentrating in a single, massive ELIB in each infected cell. Treatments with cytoskeleton-affecting drugs suggested that P2 and P3 might be actively transported on microtubules, by as yet unknown motors. In addition to providing information on the intracellular life cycle of CaMV, our results show that specific interactions between host cell and virus may be dedicated to a later role in vector transmission. More generally, they indicate a new unexpected function for plant cell microtubules in the virus life cycle, demonstrating that microtubules act not only on immediate intracellular or intra-host phenomena, but also on processes ultimately controlling inter-host transmission.  相似文献   
The ionic liquid, l-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]amide ([Bmim] [NTf2]), was used as a reaction medium for the kinetic resolution of rac-2-pentanol catalyzed by free Candida antarctica lipase B, using vinyl propionate at 2% (v/v) water content. The synthetic activity of lipase in [Bmim] [NTf2] was up 2.5-times greater than in hexane, and showed high enantioselectivity (ee > 99.99%). The optimal temperature and pH were 60 degrees C and 7, respectively. A decrease in water activity (aw) produced a decay in synthetic activity, and an exponential increase in selectivity.  相似文献   
HLA-D typing, primed lymphocyte test (PLT), and DR (Ia-like) serology were compared in a population and family study. A significant positive correlation was observed between theHLA-D region products detected by these three techniques. The strongest correlation observed was between PLT and DR serology, indicating a very close functional similarity between PL and DRw antigens. The DRw antigens and/or PL products appear to be mainly responsible for secondary proliferation. Data are presented which suggest that DRw and/or PL products could be distinct from the Dw products, involved in primary MLR. Nevertheless, a DRw disparity associated with a Dw incompatability is able to increase the intensity of a primary MLR, suggesting that DRw antigens also influence a primary proliferative response.  相似文献   
Viral recombination can dramatically impact evolution and epidemiology. In viruses, the recombination rate depends on the frequency of genetic exchange between different viral genomes within an infected host cell and on the frequency at which such co-infections occur. While the recombination rate has been recently evaluated in experimentally co-infected cell cultures for several viruses, direct quantification at the most biologically significant level, that of a host infection, is still lacking. This study fills this gap using the cauliflower mosaic virus as a model. We distributed four neutral markers along the viral genome, and co-inoculated host plants with marker-containing and wild-type viruses. The frequency of recombinant genomes was evaluated 21 d post-inoculation. On average, over 50% of viral genomes recovered after a single host infection were recombinants, clearly indicating that recombination is very frequent in this virus. Estimates of the recombination rate show that all regions of the genome are equally affected by this process. Assuming that ten viral replication cycles occurred during our experiment—based on data on the timing of coat protein detection—the per base and replication cycle recombination rate was on the order of 2 × 10−5 to 4 × 10−5. This first determination of a virus recombination rate during a single multi-cellular host infection indicates that recombination is very frequent in the everyday life of this virus.  相似文献   
The best described function of the adaptor complex-1 (AP-1) is to participate in the budding of clathrin-coated vesicles from the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. Here, we show that AP-1 is also localized to phagocytic cups in murine macrophages as well as in Dictyostelium amoebae. AP-1 is recruited to phagosomal membranes at this early stage of phagosome formation and rapidly dissociates from maturing phagosomes. To establish the role of AP-1 in phagocytosis, we made used of Dictyostelium mutant cells (apm1(-) cells) disrupted for AP-1 medium chain. In this mutant, phagocytosis drops by 60%, indicating that AP-1 is necessary for efficient phagocytosis. Furthermore, phagocytosis in apm1(-) cells is more affected for large rather than small particles, and cells exhibiting incomplete engulfment are then often observed. This suggests that AP-1 could participate in the extension of the phagocytic cup. Interestingly, macropinocytosis, a process dedicated to fluid-phase endocytosis and related to phagocytosis, is also impaired in apm1(-) cells. In summary, our data suggest a new role of AP-1 at an early stage of phagosome and macropinosome formation.  相似文献   
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