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Transformants of Arabidopsis thaliana can be generated without using tissue culture techniques by cutting primary and secondary inflorescence shoots at their bases and inoculating the wound sites with Agrobacterium tumefaciens suspensions. After three successive inoculations, treated plants are grown to maturity, harvested and the progeny screened for transformants on a selective medium. We have investigated the reproducibility and the overall efficiency of this simple in planta transformation procedure. In addition, we determined the T-DNA copy number and inheritance in the transformants and examined whether transformed progeny recovered from the same Agrobacterium-treated plant represent one or several independent transformation events. Our results indicate that in planta transformation is very reproducible and yields stably transformed seeds in 7–8 weeks. Since it does not employ tissue culture, the in planta procedure may be particularly valuable for transformation of A. thaliana ecotypes and mutants recalcitrant to in vitro regeneration. The transformation frequency was variable and was not affected by lower growth temperature, shorter photoperiod or transformation vector. The majority of treated plants gave rise to only one transformant, but up to nine siblings were obtained from a single parental plant. Molecular analysis suggested that some of the siblings originated from a single transformed cell, while others were descended from multiple, independently transformed germ-line cells. More than 90% of the transformed progeny exhibited Mendelian segregation patterns of NPTII and GUS reporter genes. Of those, 60% contained one functional insert, 16% had two T-DNA inserts and 15% segregated for T-DNA inserts at more than two unlinked loci. The remaining transformants displayed non-Mendelian segregation ratios with a very high proportion of sensitive plants among the progeny. The small numbers of transformants recovered from individual T1 plants and the fact that none of the T2 progeny were homozygous for a specific T-DNA insert suggest that transformation occurs late in floral development.  相似文献   
Summary Explants and dissociated cells from normal adult spinal cord and regenerating cord of the teleostApteronotus albifrons were grown in vitro for periods of 8 to 12 wk. During this time the neurons showed extensive neurite outgrowth. Neurite outgrowth from tissue explants and dissociated cells of regenerated spinal cord starts sooner and is more profuse than that from normal (unregenerated) cord. Neurite outgrowth is maximized by using adhesive substrata and a high density of explants or dissociated cells. Inasmuch asApteronotus does regenerate its spinal cord naturally after injury, whereas mammals do not, this culture system will be useful to study factors that control (permit) regeneration of spinal neurons in this adult vertebrate.  相似文献   
Medium chain hydrolase (MCH) is an enzyme which regulates the chain length of fatty acid synthesis specifically in the mammary gland of the rat. During lactation, MCH interacts with fatty acid synthase (FAS) to cause premature release of acyl chains, thus providing medium chain fatty acids for synthesis of milk fat. In this study we have investigated the ability of rat MCH to interact with the phylogenetically more distant FAS structure present in plant systems and to cause a perturbation of fatty acid synthesis. Inin vitro experiments, addition of purified MCH to rapeseed homogenates was found to cause a significant perturbation of fatty acid synthesis towards medium chain length products. The rat MCH gene was expressed in transgenic oilseed rape using a seed specific rape acyl carrier protein (ACP) promoter and a rape ACP plastid targeting sequence. Western analysis showed MCH protein to be present in transgenic seed and for its expression to be developmentally regulated in concert with storage lipid synthesis. The chimaeric preprotein was correctly processed and immunogold labelling studies confirmed MCH to be localized within plastid organelles. However, fatty acid analysis of oil from MCH-expressing rape seed showed no significant differences to that from control seed.  相似文献   
Date seeds were sampled at regular intervals from pollination (March) to mature fruit (September) and processed for light microscopy and SDS-PAGE. Seed fresh weight rose until early June and then declined slightly through September due to a continuous decrease in water content. Cell wall formation started in May in the free nuclear endosperm and proceeded centripetally from the inner integument to the seed center. Wall thickening in each cell started in cell corners and showed a layered appearance with calcofluor white staining. It started in early June in the center of the seed and proceeded centrifugally such that the outer cells showed cell wall thickening in late June. Thickened cell walls were soft and PAS positive at inception, but staining disappeared and hardness increased during wall maturation. Cell elongation in the radial direction accompanied wall thickening. Protein body formation started after cell wall thickening and followed the same centrifugal developmental pattern. Mature protein bodies occurred in even the outermost cells by early July. No further structural changes occurred after this time. The high molecular weight storage proteins appeared in late June, which is when protein bodies had formed in all but the outer endosperm cells; however, these proteins did not appear simultaneously and minor changes in protein bands continued until maturation. α-Galactosidase activity was present in the developing endosperm and peaked at 13 wk after pollination. The data suggest that the thickened wall is deposited as a highly substituted galactomannan, but that most of the galactose side branches are clipped off presumably by α-galactosidase during cell wall polymerization.  相似文献   
Abstract: SR 57746A {1-[2-(naphth-2-yl)ethyl]-4-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine hydrochloride} exhibits neurotrophic activities in vivo and in vitro. We used the rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cell line to investigate in vitro cellular changes induced by SR 57746A. A significant increase in the percentage of cells bearing neurite-like processes was obtained in cells treated by SR 57746A and nerve growth factor (NGF) compared with NGF treatment alone. SR 57746A added alone, however, had no effect on morphogenesis or on survival of cells in serum-free medium. In contrast, SR 57746A induced a "priming" effect on PC12 cells for neurite outgrowth within 6 h of addition of the protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. An increase in α-actinin content resulted from treatment with SR 57746A. Expression of NGF-mediated acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase was enhanced within 5 days by SR 57746A. The molecule also induced rapid F-actin redistribution. Within 2 min of incubation, outgrowth of F-actin-containing filopodia was clearly visible at the cell periphery, as previously shown with NGF. It is interesting that this effect of SR 57746A could be mimicked by protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors and abolished by preincubation with sodium orthovanadate, a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor.  相似文献   
Using tritium as a radiolabel marker of interspecific fluid transfer, we present experimental evidence that the heteromorphic deutonymph of an astigmatid mite (Hemisarcoptes cooremani) acquires materials (at least water) directly from the haemolymph of its beetle host (Chilocorus cacti). This acquisition is above that obtained from atmospheric vapour. The material acquired from the host is necessary for the completion of the ontogeny of H. cooremani and is likely procured through the action of the caudal ventral suckers of the heteromorphic deutonymph (hypopus). On gross morphological criteria, this mite-beetle relationship was previously defined as phoretic (for dispersal). Scanning electron photomicrographs of the physical relationship between the hypopodes and the heetles shed light on the parasitic nature of the hypopus of H. cooremani. Our findings are discussed in terms of the evolution of parasitism from a free-living astigmatid form. This transition into parasitism is facilitated by the heteromorphic hypopus and represents a classic wolf-insheep's-clothing strategy. The heteromorph retains the characteristic phoretic morphology while exploiting the host in transit.  相似文献   
The trafficking of Src family proteins after biosynthesis is poorly defined. Here we studied the role of dual fatty acylation with myristate and palmitate in biosynthetic transport of p59fyn. Metabolic labeling of transfected COS or NIH 3T3 cells with [35S]methionine followed by analysis of cytosolic and total membrane fractions showed that Fyn became membrane bound within 5 min after biosynthesis. Newly synthesized Src, however, accumulated in the membranes between 20– 60 min. Northern blotting detected Fyn mRNA specifically in soluble polyribosomes and soluble Fyn protein was only detected shortly (1–2 min) after radiolabeling. Use of chimeric Fyn and Src constructs showed that rapid membrane targeting was mediated by the myristoylated NH2-terminal sequence of Fyn and that a cysteine at position 3, but not 6, was essential. Examination of Gαo-, Gαs-, or GAP43-Fyn fusion constructs indicated that rapid membrane anchoring is exclusively conferred by the combination of N-myristoylation plus palmitoylation of cysteine-3. Density gradient analysis colocalized newly synthesized Fyn with plasma membranes. Interestingly, a 10–20-min lag phase was observed between plasma membrane binding and the acquisition of non-ionic detergent insolubility. We propose a model in which synthesis and myristoylation of Fyn occurs on soluble ribosomes, followed by rapid palmitoylation and plasma membrane anchoring, and a slower partitioning into detergent-insoluble membrane subdomains. These results serve to define a novel trafficking pathway for Src family proteins that are regulated by dual fatty acylation.  相似文献   
Jacobsen syndrome is caused by segmental aneusomy for the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 11. Typical features include mild to moderate psychomotor retardation, trigonocephaly, facial dysmorphism, cardiac defects, and thrombocytopenia, though none of these features are invariably present. To define the critical regions responsible for these abnormalities, we studied 17 individuals with de novo terminal deletions of 11q. The patients were characterized in a loss-of-heterozygosity analysis using polymorphic dinucleotide repeats. The breakpoints in the complete two-generation families were localized with an average resolution of 3.9 cM. Eight patients with the largest deletions extending from 11q23.3 to 11qter have breakpoints, between D11S924 and D11S1341. This cytogenetic region accounts for the majority of 11q patients and may be related to the FRA11B fragile site in 11q23.3. One patient with a small terminal deletion distal to D11S1351 had facial dysmorphism, cardiac defects, and thrombocytopenia, suggesting that the genes responsible for these features may lie distal to D11S1351. Twelve of 15 patients with deletion breakpoints as far distal as D11S1345 had trigonocephaly, while patients with deletions distal to D11S912 did not, suggesting that, if hemizygosity for a single gene is responsible for this dysmorphic feature, the gene may lie distal to D11S1345 and proximal to D11S912.  相似文献   
The organization of the mucomicrovillar complex of the vomeronasal sensory epithelium of adult rats was examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy. In specimens labeled with the FITC-conjugated isolectin B4 of Bandeiraea simplicifolia, which recognizes terminal -galactose sugar residues of glycoconjugates, we demonstrated that the mucomicrovillar complex was composed of islet-like structures with a high-density -galactose core. The mucomicrovillar complex was further resolved into sensory and mucoid components in double-labeling and dual scanning experiments. The sensory component, which consists of the dendritic terminals of olfactory marker protein-immunoreactive vomeronasal receptor neurons, contained cytosolic glycoconjugates with terminal -galactose sugar residues. The extracellular mucoid component consisted of glycoconjugates containing terminal -galactose derived from the glands associated with the vomeronasal organ. These results demonstrated the complex microchemical organization of the sensory and mucoid components of the mucomicrovillar complex.  相似文献   
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