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Urbanisation affects indigenous fauna in many ways; some species persist and even increase in urban areas, whereas others are lost. The causative mechanisms determining changes in distributions and community structure remain elusive. We investigated three hypothesized mechanisms, which influence success or failure of the insectivorous bat assemblage across the urban landscape of Sydney, Australia; landscape heterogeneity (diversity of land uses), productivity (as indexed by landscape geology) and trait diversity. We present data on species richness and activity (bat passes per night) collected systematically using ultrasonic bat detectors from randomly selected landscapes (each 25 km2). Landscapes were categorized into classes including ‘urban’, ‘suburban’ and ‘vegetated’, where suburban sites were additionally stratified based on geology, as a proxy for productivity. Four landscape elements were sampled within each landscape, including remnant bushland (>2 ha), riparian areas, open space/parkland and residential/built space. We found that there was significantly greater bat activity and more species of bat in areas on fertile shale geologies (p<0.05), supporting the productivity, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. Within landscapes, there was no significant effect of the landscape element sampled, although bushland and riparian sites recorded greater bat activity than open space or backyard sites. Using general linear mixed models we found bat activity and species richness were sensitive to landscape geology and increasing housing density at a landscape scale. Using an RLQ analysis a significant relationship was found between these variables and species traits in structuring the community present (p<0.01). Specifically, open‐adapted bats were associated with areas of greater housing density, while clutter‐adapted bats were uncommon in urban areas and more associated with greater amounts of bushland in the landscape. Overall we found greater support for the productivity and traits hypotheses, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. The degree of urbanisation and amount of bushland remaining, in combination with landscape geology, influenced bat activity and mediated the trait response. Our findings reflect global trends of species diversity and abundance in urban landscapes, suggesting that processes affecting bat species distribution in urban ecosystems may be predictable at a landscape scale.  相似文献   
Diversity in life history tactics contributes to the persistence of a population because it helps to protect against stochastic environments by varying individuals in space and time. However, some life history tactics may not be accounted for when assessing the demographic viability of a population. One important factor in demographic viability assessments is cohort replacement rate (CRR), which is defined as the number of future adults produced by an adult. We assessed if precocial resident males (<age‐3) and adfluvial Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), adults that reside in freshwater their entire lives, contributed offspring to a reintroduced population from 2008 to 2013. We found that 9 ± 5% of offspring with an unassigned parent remained unexplained after accounting for sources of human error. Using grandparentage assignments, we identified 31 precocial resident males and 48 probable adfluvial Chinook salmon produced by anadromous mate pairs from 2007 to 2012. Previously published CRR estimates for the 2007 and 2008 reintroduced adults, based on only anadromous returning adult offspring, were 0.40 and 0.31, respectively. By incorporating adfluvial females, we found CRR estimates increased by 17% (CRR: 0.46) and 13% (CRR: 0.35) for the 2007 and 2008 cohorts, respectively.  相似文献   
During DNA replication the helicase (DnaB) recruits the primase (DnaG) in the replisome to initiate the polymerization of new DNA strands. DnaB is attached to the τ subunit of the clamp-loader that loads the β clamp and interconnects the core polymerases on the leading and lagging strands. The τ–DnaB−DnaG ternary complex is at the heart of the replisome and its function is likely to be modulated by a complex network of allosteric interactions. Using a stable ternary complex comprising the primase and helicase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus and the τ subunit of the clamp-loader from Bacillus subtilis we show that changes in the DnaB–τ interaction can stimulate allosterically primer synthesis by DnaG in vitro . The A550V τ mutant stimulates the primase activity more efficiently than the native protein. Truncation of the last 18 C-terminal residues of τ elicits a DnaG-stimulatory effect in vitro that appears to be suppressed in the native τ protein. Thus changes in the τ–DnaB interaction allosterically affect primer synthesis. Although these C-terminal residues of τ are not involved directly in the interaction with DnaB, they may act as a functional gateway for regulation of primer synthesis by τ-interacting components of the replisome through the τ–DnaB−DnaG pathway.  相似文献   
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) plays a dominant role in the reduction of the quinone compound 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (duroquinone, DQ) to durohydroquinone (DQH2) on passage through the rat lung. Exposure of adult rats to 85% O2 for > or =7 days stimulates adaptation to the otherwise lethal effects of >95% O2. The objective of this study was to examine whether exposure of adult rats to hyperoxia affected lung NQO1 activity as measured by the rate of DQ reduction on passage through the lung. We measured DQH2 appearance in the venous effluent during DQ infusion at different concentrations into the pulmonary artery of isolated perfused lungs from rats exposed to room air or to 85% O2. We also evaluated the effect of hyperoxia on vascular transit time distribution and measured NQO1 activity and protein in lung homogenate. The results demonstrate that exposure to 85% O2 for 21 days increases lung capacity to reduce DQ to DQH2 and that NQO1 is the dominant DQ reductase in normoxic and hyperoxic lungs. Kinetic analysis revealed that 21-day hyperoxia exposure increased the maximum rate of pulmonary DQ reduction, Vmax, and the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for DQ reduction, Kma. The increase in Vmax suggests a hyperoxia-induced increase in NQO1 activity of lung cells accessible to DQ from the vascular region, consistent qualitatively but not quantitatively with an increase in lung homogenate NQO1 activity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs. The increase in Kma could be accounted for by approximately 40% increase in vascular transit time heterogeneity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs.  相似文献   
Arctic tundra regions have been responding to global warming with visible changes in plant community composition, including expansion of shrubs and declines in lichens and bryophytes. Even though it is well known that the majority of arctic plants are associated with their symbiotic fungi, how fungal community composition will be different with climate warming remains largely unknown. In this study, we addressed the effects of long‐term (18 years) experimental warming on the community composition and taxonomic richness of soil ascomycetes in dry and moist tundra types. Using deep Ion Torrent sequencing, we quantified how OTU assemblage and richness of different orders of Ascomycota changed in response to summer warming. Experimental warming significantly altered ascomycete communities with stronger responses observed in the moist tundra compared with dry tundra. The proportion of several lichenized and moss‐associated fungi decreased with warming, while the proportion of several plant and insect pathogens and saprotrophic species was higher in the warming treatment. The observed alterations in both taxonomic and ecological groups of ascomycetes are discussed in relation to previously reported warming‐induced shifts in arctic plant communities, including decline in lichens and bryophytes and increase in coverage and biomass of shrubs.  相似文献   
During sporting events, injured athletes often return to competition after icing because of the reduction in pain. Although some controversy exists, several studies suggest that cryotherapy causes a decrease in muscle activity, which may lead to a higher risk of injury upon return to play. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 20-min knee joint cryotherapy application on the electromyographic activity of leg muscles during a single-leg drop jump in twenty healthy subjects, randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. After the pre-tests, a crushed-ice bag was applied to the knee joint of the experimental group subjects for 20 min, while the control group subjects rested for 20 min. All subjects were retested immediately after this period and retested again after another 20 min of rest. Average electromyographic activity and ground contact time were calculated for the pre- and post-test sessions. Decreases in electromyographic activity of the lower extremity musculature were found in pre-activation, eccentric (braking), and concentric (push-off) phases immediately after the icing, and after 20 min of rest. The results lend support to the suggestion that cryotherapy during sporting events may place the individuals in a vulnerable position.  相似文献   
Interactions between CD44 and hyaluronan are implicated in the primary adhesion of lymphocytes to endothelium at inflammatory locations. Here we show that preincubation of hyaluronan with full-length recombinant TSG-6 or its Link module domain (Link_TSG6) enhances or induces the binding of hyaluronan to cell surface CD44 on constitutive and inducible cell backgrounds, respectively. These effects are blocked by CD44-specific antibodies and are absent in CD44-negative cells. Enhancement of CD44-mediated interactions of lymphoid cells with hyaluronan by TSG-6 proteins was seen under conditions of flow at shear forces that occur in post-capillary venules. Increases in the number of rolling cells were observed on substrates comprising TSG-6-hyaluronan complexes as compared with a substrate containing hyaluronan alone. In ligand competition experiments, cell surface-bound TSG-6-hyaluronan complexes were more potent than hyaluronan alone in inhibiting cell adhesion to immobilized hyaluronan. Link_TSG6 mutants with impaired hyaluronan binding function had a reduced ability to modulate ligand binding by cell surface CD44. However, some mutants that exhibited close to wild-type hyaluronan binding were found to have either reduced or increased activity, suggesting that some amino acid residues outside of the hyaluronan binding site might be involved in protein self-association, potentially leading to the formation of cross-linked hyaluronan fibers. In turn, cross-linked hyaluronan could increase the binding avidity of CD44 by inducing receptor clustering. The ability of TSG-6 to modulate the interaction of hyaluronan with CD44 has important implications for CD44-mediated cell activity at sites of inflammation, where TSG-6 is expressed.  相似文献   
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