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The brown-midrib mutants of maize have a reddish-brown pigmentation of the leaf midrib and stalk pith, associated with lignified tissues. These mutants progressively became models for lignification genetics and biochemical studies in maize and grasses. Comparisons at silage maturity of bm1, bm2, bm3, bm4 plants highlighted their reduced lignin, but also illustrated the biochemical specificities of each mutant in p-coumarate, ferulate ester and etherified ferulate content, or syringyl/guaiacyl monomer ratio after thioacidolysis. Based on the current knowledge of the lignin pathway, and based on presently developed data and discussions, C3H and CCoAOMT activities are probably major hubs in controlling cell-wall lignification (and digestibility). It is also likely that ferulates arise via the CCoAOMT pathway.  相似文献   
Reis D  Vian B 《Comptes rendus biologies》2004,327(9-10):785-790
The helicoidal organization of secondary cell walls is overviewed from several examples. Both the plywood texture and the occurrence of characteristic defects strongly suggest that the wall ordering is relevant of a cholesteric liquid-crystal assembly that is rapidly and strongly consolidated by lignification. A preferential localization of glucuronoxylans, major matrix components, and in vitro re-association experiments emphasize their preeminent role: (1) during the construction of the composite as directing the cellulose microfibrils in a helicoidal array; (2) during the lignification of the composite as a host structure for lignin precursors.  相似文献   
The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is a commercially exploited decapod which is widely distributed throughout the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Ovigerous females originating from the Mediterranean and the Irish Seas were held in the laboratory until larvae hatched. Biomass and biochemical composition, as well as digestive gland structure, were examined in newly hatched larvae from these two regions. In addition, previously published data from a North Sea population were included in our comparison. Elemental analyses showed that the absolute quantities of dry mass (DM), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) (collectively referred to as CHN) per individual, and the C:N mass ratios, were significantly lower, while the relative CHN, protein and lipid values (in % of DM) were higher in samples from the Irish Sea compared to larvae originating from either the Mediterranean or the North Sea. As in CHN, the absolute level of protein per individual was higher in larvae from the Mediterranean, while no significant differences were observed in the individual lipid contents. Likewise, the digestive gland structure at hatching did not show any differences between study areas. Intraspecific variability in biomass and chemical composition of newly hatched larvae from different regions may be related to differential patterns of reproduction in regions with different climatic conditions. Lobster larvae hatch in the Mediterranean Sea predominantly in winter when both water temperature and planktonic food availability are at a minimum, while hatching in the Irish Sea occurs under more favourable conditions in spring. Hence, significantly higher wet mass, dry mass and protein values in Mediterranean larvae may represent adaptive traits allowing for early posthatching survival and development under food-limited conditions in an oligotrophic environment.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   
We investigated seasonal changes in the density of epiphytic cladocerans Alona spp. (Chydoridae, Anomopoda) in two habitats, emergent and submerged aquatic plants, in Lake Suwa, Japan, from April to August 1998 and from April to November 2000. Alona had a density peak in early June on reeds (emergent) and in late June on Potamogeton malaianus (submerged). In summer, Alona density remained low in both habitats. Although density was positively correlated with the abundance of epiphytic algae, the birth rate was constant and no correlation between algal abundance and clutch size was detected. In a field experiment using ropes as an artificial substrate covered with high and low densities of epiphytic algae as food, more Alona attached to the ropes with the high density of algae. These results suggest that Alona may select food-rich habitats and migrate seasonally, and that migration is an important factor in the population dynamics of epiphytic chydorid cladocerans such as Alona. In Lake Suwa, Alona may migrate from the reed zone to the submerged macrophyte zone in June.  相似文献   
The diversity of Archaea in anaerobic digesters was characterized by strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and the sequencing of 16S rDNA genes. The 44 digesters sampled, located in eight different countries, treated effluents from agriculture, the food processing and petro-chemical industries, pulp and paper plant, breweries, slaughterhouses and municipal waste. All the existing processes were represented among the samples (fixed-film, fluidized bed, stirred-tank, UASB, sequential batch reactor, lagoon). Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis targeting the V3 region of 16S rDNA revealed between four to six distinct archaeal peaks per digester. The diversity of dominant Archaea in the 44 digesters was estimated as 23 different 16S rDNA sequences. Cloning of archaeal 16S rRNA genes from 11 distinct total genomic DNA, screening of clones by SSCP and the sequencing of 170 of them made it possible to characterize these SSCP peaks. All the sequences retrieved were members of the Euryarchaeaota subdomain. Furthermore, most of the sequences retrieved were very close to already known and cultivated strains or to environmental clones. The most frequent archaeal sequences were close to Methanosaeta concilii and to a 16S rDNA clone vadinDC06 located in the Methanobacterium clade (84% and 73% of digesters respectively). The other sequences were members of the Methanobacteriales and the Methanomicrobiales families. Only one sequence was far from any sequence of the database and it could be grouped with several sequences of environmental clones. Each digester harboured between two to nine archaeal sequences with only one of them corresponding to a putative acetate-utilizing species. Furthermore, the process in the digesters appeared to play a part in the distribution of archaeal diversity.  相似文献   
The consumption of fructans as a low caloric food ingredient or dietary fibre is rapidly increasing due to health benefits. Presently, the most important fructan source is chicory, but these fructans have a simple linear structure and are prone to degradation. Additional sources of high-quality tailor-made fructans would provide novel opportunities for their use as food ingredients. Sugar beet is a highly productive crop that does not normally synthesize fructans. We have introduced specific onion fructosyltransferases into sugar beet. This resulted in an efficient conversion of sucrose into complex, onion-type fructans, without the loss of storage carbohydrate content.  相似文献   


Polymorphisms were investigated within the ZmPox3 maize peroxidase gene, possibly involved in lignin biosynthesis because of its colocalization with a cluster of QTL related to lignin content and cell wall digestibility. The purpose of this study was to identify, on the basis of 37 maize lines chosen for their varying degrees of cell wall digestibility and representative of temperate regions germplasm, ZmPox3 haplotypes or individual polymorphisms possibly associated with digestibility.  相似文献   


Seasonality of ovulatory activity is observed in European sheep and goat breeds, whereas tropical breeds show almost continuous ovulatory activity. It is not known if these tropical breeds are sensitive or not to temperate photoperiod. This study was therefore designed to determine whether tropical Creole goats and Black-Belly ewes are sensitive to temperate photoperiod. Two groups of adult females in each species, either progeny or directly born from imported embryos, were used and maintained in light-proof rooms under simulated temperate (8 to 16 h of light per day) or tropical (11 – 13 h) photoperiods. Ovulatory activity was determined by blood progesterone assays for more than two years. The experiment lasted 33 months in goats and 25 months in ewes.  相似文献   
Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of five selected factors on the selective H(2)SO(4) hydrolysis of waxy maize starch granules. These predictors were temperature, acid concentration, starch concentration, hydrolysis duration, and stirring speed. The goal of this study was to optimize the preparation of aqueous suspensions of starch nanocrystals, i.e., to determine the operative conditions leading to the smallest size of insoluble hydrolyzed residue within the shortest time and with the highest yield. Therefore empirical models were elaborated for the hydrolysis yield and the size of the insoluble residues using a central composite face design involving 31 trials. They allowed us to show that it was possible to obtain starch nanocrystals after only 5 days of H(2)SO(4) hydrolysis with a yield of 15 wt % and having the same shape as those obtained from the classical procedure after 40 days of HCl treatment, with a yield of 0.5 wt %.  相似文献   
Identification and characterization of anion channel genes in plants represent a goal for a better understanding of their central role in cell signaling, osmoregulation, nutrition, and metabolism. Though channel activities have been well characterized in plasma membrane by electrophysiology, the corresponding molecular entities are little documented. Indeed, the hydrophobic protein equipment of plant plasma membrane still remains largely unknown, though several proteomic approaches have been reported. To identify new putative transport systems, we developed a new proteomic strategy based on mass spectrometry analyses of a plasma membrane fraction enriched in hydrophobic proteins. We produced from Arabidopsis cell suspensions a highly purified plasma membrane fraction and characterized it in detail by immunological and enzymatic tests. Using complementary methods for the extraction of hydrophobic proteins and mass spectrometry analyses on mono-dimensional gels, about 100 proteins have been identified, 95% of which had never been found in previous proteomic studies. The inventory of the plasma membrane proteome generated by this approach contains numerous plasma membrane integral proteins, one-third displaying at least four transmembrane segments. The plasma membrane localization was confirmed for several proteins, therefore validating such proteomic strategy. An in silico analysis shows a correlation between the putative functions of the identified proteins and the expected roles for plasma membrane in transport, signaling, cellular traffic, and metabolism. This analysis also reveals 10 proteins that display structural properties compatible with transport functions and will constitute interesting targets for further functional studies.  相似文献   
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