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Sulfate reduction and S-oxidation in a moorland pool sediment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In an oligotrophic moorland pool in The Netherlands, S cycling near the sediment/water boundary was investigated by measuring (1) SO4 2– reduction rates in the sediment, (2) depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water column and (3) release of35S from the sediment into the water column. Two locations differing in sediment type (highly organic and sandy) were compared, with respect to reduction rates and depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments of an oligotrophic moorland pool were estimated by diagenetic modelling and whole core35SO4 2– injection. Rates of SO4 2– consumption in the overlying water were estimated by changes in SO4 2– concentration over time in in situ enclosures. Reduction rates ranged from 0.27–11.2 mmol m–2 d–1. Rates of SO4 2– uptake from the enclosed water column varied from –0.5, –0.3 mmol m–2 d–1 (November) to 0.43–1.81 mmol m–2 d–1 (July, August and April). Maximum rates of oxidation to SO4 2– in July 1990 estimated by combination of SO4 2– reduction rates and rates of in situ SO4 2– uptake in the enclosed water column were 10.3 and 10.5 mmol m–2 d–1 at an organic rich and at a sandy site respectively.Experiments with35S2– and35SO4 2– tracer suggested (1) a rapid formation of organically bound S from dissimilatory reduced SO4 2– and (2) the presence of mainly non SO4 2–-S derived from reduced S transported from the sediment into the overlying water. A35S2– tracer experiment showed that about 7% of35S2– injected at 1 cm depth in a sediment core was recovered in the overlying water column.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments with higher volumetric mass fraction of organic matter did not significantly differ from those in sediments with a lower mass fraction of organic matter.Corresponding author  相似文献   
Multi-drug-resistant bacteria pose a significant threat to public health. The role of the environment in the overall rise in antibiotic-resistant infections and risk to humans is largely unknown. This study aimed to evaluate drivers of antibiotic-resistance levels across the River Thames catchment, model key biotic, spatial and chemical variables and produce predictive models for future risk assessment. Sediment samples from 13 sites across the River Thames basin were taken at four time points across 2011 and 2012. Samples were analysed for class 1 integron prevalence and enumeration of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant bacteria. Class 1 integron prevalence was validated as a molecular marker of antibiotic resistance; levels of resistance showed significant geospatial and temporal variation. The main explanatory variables of resistance levels at each sample site were the number, proximity, size and type of surrounding wastewater-treatment plants. Model 1 revealed treatment plants accounted for 49.5% of the variance in resistance levels. Other contributing factors were extent of different surrounding land cover types (for example, Neutral Grassland), temporal patterns and prior rainfall; when modelling all variables the resulting model (Model 2) could explain 82.9% of variations in resistance levels in the whole catchment. Chemical analyses correlated with key indicators of treatment plant effluent and a model (Model 3) was generated based on water quality parameters (contaminant and macro- and micro-nutrient levels). Model 2 was beta tested on independent sites and explained over 78% of the variation in integron prevalence showing a significant predictive ability. We believe all models in this study are highly useful tools for informing and prioritising mitigation strategies to reduce the environmental resistome.  相似文献   
目的建立心脏特异表达LMNAE82K转基因小鼠,为研究LMNAE82K与心肌病发病机制的关系提供工具动物。方法把LMNAE82K基因插入α-MHC启动子下游,构建转基因表达载体,显微注射法建立C57BL/6JLMNAE82K转基因小鼠,PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型,采用Western Blot鉴定LMNAE82K在心脏组织中的表达,H&E染色和超声检测转基因小鼠心脏的病理改变。结果建立了2个心脏组织特异表达LMNAE82K的转基因小鼠品系。超声检查显示转基因小鼠心室壁变薄,收缩期容积和舒张期容积增加,射血分数及短轴缩短率降低。结论LMNAE82K转基因小鼠具有LMNAE82K引起的家族性扩心病有类似的病理变化,为研究LMNAE82K与心肌病发病机制的关系的研究提供了有价值的疾病动物模型。  相似文献   
Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of drosophilid species   总被引:17,自引:15,他引:17  
The phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of 39 drosophilid species were studied by using the coding region of the Adh gene. Four genera--Scaptodrosophila, Zaprionus, Drosophila, and Scaptomyza (from Hawaii)--and three Drosophila subgenera--Drosophila, Engiscaptomyza, and Sophophora--were included. After conducting statistical analyses of the nucleotide sequences of the Adh, Adhr (Adh-related gene), and nuclear rRNA genes and a 905-bp segment of mitochondrial DNA, we used Scaptodrosophila as the outgroup. The phylogenetic tree obtained showed that the first major division of drosophilid species occurs between subgenus Sophophora (genus Drosophila) and the group including subgenera Drosophila and Engiscaptomyza plus the genera Zaprionus and Scaptomyza. Subgenus Sophophora is then divided into D. willistoni and the clade of D. obscura and D. melanogaster species groups. In the other major drosophilid group, Zaprionus first separates from the other species, and then D. immigrans leaves the remaining group of species. This remaining group then splits into the D. repleta group and the Hawaiian drosophilid cluster (Hawaiian Drosophila, Engiscaptomyza, and Scaptomyza). Engiscaptomyza and Scaptomyza are tightly clustered. Each of the D. repleta, D. obscura, and D. melanogaster groups is monophyletic. The splitting of subgenera Drosophila and Sophophora apparently occurred about 40 Mya, whereas the D. repleta group and the Hawaiian drosophilid cluster separated about 32 Mya. By contrast, the splitting of Engiscaptomyza and Scaptomyza occurred only about 11 Mya, suggesting that Scaptomyza experienced a rapid morphological evolution. The D. obscura and D. melanogaster groups apparently diverged about 25 Mya. Many of the D. repleta group species studied here have two functional Adh genes (Adh-1 and Adh-2), and these duplicated genes can be explained by two duplication events.   相似文献   
采用DNA-蛋白质体外吸附的方法研究伴刀豆球蛋白激活小鼠胸腺T淋巴细胞增殖过程中c-myc与核骨架蛋白的结合.实验结果显示,c-myc与核骨架蛋白的结合具有特异性,在淋巴细胞激活过程中c-myc与P34/P36核骨架蛋白及核纤层蛋白结合,并发生动态变化.  相似文献   
By using a Li-820 infra-red CO_2 gas analyzer, an in situ measurement of Schima super-ba stem CO_2 efflux was conducted for three consecutive days from 17 to 19 October 2008. In the meantime, the stem temperature, xylem sap efflux density, and xylem CO_2 concentration were measured. The stem CO_2 efflux had a diurnal variation of "S" pattern, and differed significantly with stem diameter. There was a significant exponential relationship between stem CO_2 efflux and stem temperature (0. 24 < R~2 < 0. 78). The temperature coefficient (b) and regression coeffi-cient (R~2) were higher at nighttime than at daytime, and the Q_(10) value ranged from 2. 01 to 2. 79. The stem CO_2 efflux correlated significantly with the xylem CO_2 concentration, and the best regression curve was cubic (R~2= 0. 48). Excluding the effects of stem temperature, the stem CO_2 efflux showed a significant negative correlation with xylem sap flux density (r =-0.462). Therefore, only using simple temperature function to estimate stem CO_2 efflux would yield a significant error, and xylem sap flux should be taken into consideration in the stem CO_2 emux estimation.  相似文献   
The pathogenetic role of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCLs) in patients with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) without cerebral infarcts remains elusive. Magnetization transfer imaging (MTI) has proved to be a sensitive tool for detecting diffuse microscopic brain damage in NPSLE patients. In this study we examined the correlation between grey and white matter magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) parameters and the presence of IgM and IgG aCLs and lupus anticoagulant in 18 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and a history of NPSLE but without cerebral infarcts on conventional magnetic resonance imaging. Lower grey matter mean MTR (P < 0.05), white matter mean MTR (P < 0.05), white matter peak location (P < 0.05) and grey matter peak location (trend toward statistical significance) were observed in IgM aCL-positive patients than in IgM aCL-negative patients. No significant differences were found in MTR histogram parameters with respect to IgG aCL and lupus anticoagulant status, nor with respect to anti-dsDNA or anti-ENA (extractable nuclear antigen) status. This is the first report of an association between the presence of aCLs and cerebral damage in grey and white matter in NPSLE. Our findings suggest that aCLs are associated with diffuse brain involvement in NPSLE patients.  相似文献   
目的:磷酸钙骨水泥(Calcium phosphate cement,CPC)以其诸多优点正得到了越来越多的应用,但其较差的力学性能表现也限制了它的使用范围。本研究目的在于改善磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能,同时评估改性后的磷酸钙骨水泥的其他性能。方法:通过丝素蛋白(Silk fibroin,SF)的矿化自组装方法制备丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物(silk fibroin/hydroxyapitite composite, SF/HA)。按照1%、2%、3%、4%的质量分数加入磷酸钙骨水泥中,与磷酸钙骨水泥组对比。比较内容包括力学强度、抗渍散性能及细胞毒性。结果:以丝素蛋白溶液为液相组的磷酸钙骨水泥强度大约为35MPa。随后随着添加丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物的质量分数从1%增至3%,磷酸钙骨水泥的强度逐渐增加(P〈0.05),最高约至45MPa。而当丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石的质量分数达到4%时,磷酸钙骨水泥的强度较质量分数3%组小幅度下降至43MPa(P〈0.05)。以丝素蛋白溶液作为液相时,磷酸钙骨水泥的抗溃散能力也得到了加强。在MTT法测定细胞活力的对照实验中,无论是加入丝素蛋白溶液或丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物,都未观察到细胞毒性。结论:在磷酸钙骨水泥中加入3%质量分数的丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物,能显著提高磷酸钙骨水泥的抗压强度。而丝素蛋白溶液作为液相可改善磷酸钙骨水泥的抗溃散能力。同时,丝素蛋白和丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物都不表现出细胞毒性。更理想的力学强度和更强的抗溃散能力,大大扩展了磷酸钙骨水泥的应用范围。  相似文献   
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