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We describe here the synthesis and activity of a new series of oxime reactivators of cholinesterases (ChEs) that contain tertiary amine or imidazole protonatable functional groups. Equilibration between the neutral and protonated species at physiological pH enables the reactivators to cross the blood-brain barrier and distribute in the CNS aqueous space as dictated by interstitial and cellular pH values. Our structure-activity analysis of 134 novel compounds considers primarily imidazole aldoximes and N-substituted 2-hydroxyiminoacetamides. Reactivation capacities of novel oximes are rank ordered by their relative reactivation rate constants at 0.67 mm compared with 2-pyridinealdoxime methiodide for reactivation of four organophosphate (sarin, cyclosarin, VX, and paraoxon) conjugates of human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE). Rank order of the rates differs for reactivation of human butyrylcholinesterase (hBChE) conjugates. The 10 best reactivating oximes, predominantly hydroxyimino acetamide derivatives (for hAChE) and imidazole-containing aldoximes (for hBChE) also exhibited reasonable activity in the reactivation of tabun conjugates. Reactivation kinetics of the lead hydroxyimino acetamide reactivator of hAChE, when analyzed in terms of apparent affinity (1/K(ox)) and maximum reactivation rate (k(2)), is superior to the reference uncharged reactivators monoisonitrosoacetone and 2,3-butanedione monoxime and shows potential for further refinement. The disparate pH dependences for reactivation of ChE and the general base-catalyzed oximolysis of acetylthiocholine reveal that distinct reactivator ionization states are involved in the reactivation of ChE conjugates and in conferring nucleophilic reactivity of the oxime group.  相似文献   
Ultrasound is an attractive modality for imaging muscle and tendon motion during dynamic tasks and can provide a complementary methodological approach for biomechanical studies in a clinical or laboratory setting. Towards this goal, methods for quantification of muscle kinematics from ultrasound imagery are being developed based on image processing. The temporal resolution of these methods is typically not sufficient for highly dynamic tasks, such as drop-landing. We propose a new approach that utilizes a Doppler method for quantifying muscle kinematics. We have developed a novel vector tissue Doppler imaging (vTDI) technique that can be used to measure musculoskeletal contraction velocity, strain and strain rate with sub-millisecond temporal resolution during dynamic activities using ultrasound. The goal of this preliminary study was to investigate the repeatability and potential applicability of the vTDI technique in measuring musculoskeletal velocities during a drop-landing task, in healthy subjects. The vTDI measurements can be performed concurrently with other biomechanical techniques, such as 3D motion capture for joint kinematics and kinetics, electromyography for timing of muscle activation and force plates for ground reaction force. Integration of these complementary techniques could lead to a better understanding of dynamic muscle function and dysfunction underlying the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of musculoskeletal disorders.  相似文献   
Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is the result of a dominant genetic defect and affects both the deciduous and permanent dentitions. It is characterized by opalescent teeth composed of irregularly formed and undemineralized dentin which obliterates pulp chamber and root canal. DI can appear as a separate disorder or with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The teeth with DI show a grayish-blue to brown hue with dislodged enamel, dysplastic dentine with irregular dentinal tubules and interglobular dentine, short roots and pulpal obliteration, which all may lead to rapid and extensive attrition which require adequate crown reconstruction. The aim of this study was to show a reconstruction of frontal teeth in upper jaw with direct composite veneers in young adult patient with DI.  相似文献   


Coordinated through a complex network of kinases and phosphatases, protein phosphorylation regulates essentially all cellular processes in eukaryotes. Recent advances in proteomics enable detection of thousands of phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) in single experiments. However, functionality of the vast majority of these sites remains unclear and we lack suitable approaches to evaluate functional relevance at a pace that matches their detection.


Here, we assess functionality of 26 phosphosites by introducing phosphodeletion and phosphomimic mutations in 25 metabolic enzymes and regulators from the TOR and HOG signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by phenotypic analysis and untargeted metabolomics. We show that metabolomics largely outperforms growth analysis and recovers 10 out of the 13 previously characterized phosphosites and suggests functionality for several novel sites, including S79 on the TOR regulatory protein Tip41. We analyze metabolic profiles to identify consequences underlying regulatory phosphorylation events and detecting glycerol metabolism to have a so far unknown influence on arginine metabolism via phosphoregulation of the glycerol dehydrogenases. Further, we also find S508 in the MAPKK Pbs2 as a potential link for cross-talking between HOG signaling and the cell wall integrity pathway.


We demonstrate that metabolic profiles can be exploited for gaining insight into regulatory consequences and biological roles of phosphosites. Altogether, untargeted metabolomics is a fast, sensitive and informative approach appropriate for future large-scale functional analyses of phosphosites.
A series of 15-membered azalide urea and thiourea derivatives has been synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro antimalarial activity against chloroquine-sensitive (D6), chloroquine/pyremethamine resistant (W2) and multidrug resistant (TM91C235) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. We have developed an effective automated synthetic strategy for the rapid synthesis of urea/thiourea libraries of a macrolide scaffold. Compounds have been synthesized using a solution phase strategy with overall yields of 50-80%. Most of the synthesized compounds had inhibitory effects. The top 10 compounds were 30-65 times more potent than azithromycin, an azalide with antimalarial activity, against all three strains.  相似文献   
Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases. HPV is associated with a spectrum of diseases ranging from benign vulgar verrucae and condylomata accuminata to malignant cancers of the cervix, vulva, anus and penis. Genital HPV is in most cases transmitted sexually, but non-sexual routes of transmission, such as perinatal and autoinoculation, are possible. Men can be a reservoir of the virus that lives in latent or subclinical form on genital mucosa. Such an asymptomatic infection may be an oncogenic factor in the development of cervical cancer Colposcopic examination of the genitalia after the application of 3-5% acetic acid is a reliable method for the identification of subclinical HPV infection. Successful therapy of anogenital warts is characterized by their complete clearance, as well as by the lack of recurrence. Current treatments do not reliably eradicate HPV infections. The diagnosis and therapy of HPV infection in men is potentially beneficial because the eradication of penile HPV infection may decrease the reservoir of the virus.  相似文献   
We have studied two different beta-peptides in methanol using explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations and the GROMOS 53A6 force field: a heptapeptide (peptide 1) expected to form a left-handed 3(14)-helix, and a hexapeptide (peptide 2) expected to form a beta-hairpin in solution. Our analysis has focused on identifying and analyzing the stability of the dominant secondary structure conformations adopted by the peptides, as well as on comparing the experimental NOE distance upper bounds and 3J-coupling values with their counterparts calculated on the basis of the simulated ensembles. Moreover, we have critically compared the present results with the analogous results obtained with the GROMOS 45A3 (peptide 1) and 43A1 (peptide 2) force fields. We conclude that within the limits of conformational sampling employed here, the GROMOS 53A6 force field satisfactorily reproduces experimental findings regarding the behavior of short beta-peptides, with accuracy that is comparable to but not exceeding that of the previous versions of the force field. GCE legend Conformational clustering analysis of the simulated ensemble of a ss-hexapeptide with two different simulation setups (a and b). The central members of all of the clusters populating more than 5% of all of the structures are shown, together with the most dominant hydrogen bonds and the corresponding percentages of cluster members containing them.  相似文献   
β‐Peptides are analogs of natural α‐peptides and form a variety of remarkably stable structures. Having an additional carbon atom in the backbone of each residue, their folded conformation is not only influenced by the side‐chain sequence but also and foremost by their substitution pattern. The precise mechanism by which the side chains interact with the backbone is, however, hitherto not completely known. To unravel the various effects by which the side chains influence the backbone conformation, we quantify to which extent the dihedral angles of a β3‐substited peptide with an additional methyl group on the central Cα‐atom can be regarded as independent degrees of freedom and analyze the distributions of these dihedral angles. We also selectively capture the steric effect of substituents on the Cα‐ and Cβ‐atoms of the central residue by alchemically changing them into dummy atoms, which have no nonbonded interactions. We find that the folded state of the β3‐peptide is primarily stabilized by a steric exclusion of large parts of the unfolded state (entropic effect) and only subsequently by mutual dependence of the ψ‐dihedral angles (enthalpic effect). The folded state of β‐peptides is stabilized by a different mechanism than that of α‐peptides. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We have investigated changes in plasma-membrane fluidity in relation to NaCl concentrations in yeasts and yeast-like fungi that were isolated from either subglacial ice or hypersaline waters. In both of these natural environments, these organisms are exposed to low water activity, due to either high NaCl concentrations or low temperatures. Our data indicate that the fluidity of the plasma membrane can be used as an indicator of fitness for survival in extreme environments. Fungi that can survive in such extreme environments, such as Hortaea werneckii in the hypersaline waters of salterns, and Cryptococcus liquefaciens in subglacial environments, showed similar profiles of plasma-membrane fluidity in response to raised salinity. The same was seen for ubiquitous fungi, which are generally adapted for different types of stress, such as Aureobasidium pullulans and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Representatives of both of these groups modulated their plasma-membrane fluidity differently. When salinity exceeded their optimal range, the ubiquitous stress-tolerant species (A. pullulans, Rh. mucilaginosa) showed increased plasma-membrane fluidity, whereas in the dominant extremophiles (H. werneckii, Cr. liquefaciens), it decreased. On the other hand, the plasma membranes of the fungi with a narrow ecological amplitude (Arctic A. pullulans and Rhodosporium diobovatum) showed different responses.  相似文献   
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