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This presentation highlights strengths and weaknesses of cervical cytology screening in Croatia, with particular reference to the opportunistic screening, the use of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) test and the analysis of some organizational, educational and performance issues that are associated with it. Its aim is to propose measures to improve the efficacy of cervical cytology screening in order to reduce cervical cancer mortality. Currently, in excess of 450,000 Pap tests/ year are examined at 35 laboratories scattered throughout the country. All of these laboratories use standard operating procedures including internal and external quality control. They employ a total of 68 cytologists and 91 cytotechnologists. The sensitivity of cervical screening in Croatia is 90.0%, specificity 98.6%, positive predictive value 92.3%, negative predictive value 98.1% and overall diagnostic accuracy 97.2%. The high diagnostic accuracy of cervical cytology is attributed to the long-standing tradition of education and training of cytologists (postgraduate MSc course since 1967, independent residency since 1974) and cytotechnologists (since 1968). This tradition spanning more than half a century means that today in Croatia there is a developed network of cytology laboratories staffed by highly competent cytologists and trained cytotechnologists. The high accuracy of cancer detection through Pap tests provides strong evidence in support of cervical cytology screening remaining the basic method of prevention for cervical carcinoma. However, some modifications to the current situation are needed. These relate primarily to opportunistic screening. The current screening coverage rate is 68%, although there is capacity, which would allow for all women at risk, i.e. those aged 25-64, to be screened once in three years. The screening coverage relates mainly to those women visiting gynecological out patient clinics for unrelated conditions. A properly organized and controlled national screening programme should replace this. This should be accompanied by the introduction of alternative, highly sensitive methods of sample collection and preparation, such as are available through the introduction of new technologies, e.g. liquid based cytology.  相似文献   
Cancer morbidity and mortality are on a steady increase in Croatia. Technologic possibilities for appropriate management are available for four cancer sites, i.e. cancer of the breast, cervix uteri, colorectum and prostate, and include cancer prevention and early detection in individuals yet free from manifest signs of the disease. The magnitude of the problem, the experience acquired to date, health care personnel available, and additional resources required to launch a systematic program of early detection of the disease are presented. The program should be initially launched in a county with greatest experience in early detection of cancer, where health care service is ready to immediately start its implementation. The role of family physician, gynecologic service at primary health care level, and polyclinic-consultation hospital service in program implementation is described. The following three possible options for early detection of cancer are analyzed and proposed: minimal program (early detection every 3 years), medium program (the same individuals examined every 2 years), and optimal program proposed by the American Cancer Society and other national and international organizations.  相似文献   
In a 62-year-old man with permanent atrial fibrillation and recurrent stroke, a large right atrial thrombus attached to a permanent pacemaker lead was incidentally identified by transesophageal echocardiography. Surgical treatment, recommended because of the large dimensions of the mass, was refused by the patient, and thrombus was successfully dissolved by anticoagulant treatment. Pathogenesis of pacemaker lead thrombosis, clinical implications, diagnostic and therapeutic options are discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to estimate the influence of war in Croatia on the frequency of gynecological cancer (cancer of corpus and cervix uteri and ovary) in the Clinical Hospital Osijek, particularly the relation between the pre-war and post-war period. We analyzed 1455 patients with corpus uteri and cervix uteri cancer and ovarian cancer treated in the Clinical Hospital Osijek in the period 1985-2002 (group I). Patients from Osjecko-Baranjska County were analyzed separately--1273 women, (group II) and in the group III there were 182 patients from other counties. The analyzed period was divided into: pre-war 1985-1990, war 1991-1993 and post-war period 1997-2002. In all three groups the number of patients treated for gynecological cancer was significantly larger in the post-war period (group I, N = 611, group II, N = 498, group III, N = 113) than in the pre-war period (group I, N = 457, group II, N = 433, group III, N = 24). The analysis of cancer frequency in relation to the site shows that a total number of patients treated for cervical cancer was larger in the post-war (N = 229) than in the pre-war period (N = 214), but the difference wasn't significant. However, the number of patients from Osjecko-baranjska County treated for cervical cancer was larger in the pre-war (N = 207) than in the post-war period (N = 178) but still, the difference wasn't significant. The number of patients treated for corpus uteri cancer and ovarian cancer was significantly larger for the I group in the post-war (N = 225 and N = 157 respectively) than in the pre-war period (N = 136, and N = 107 respectively). In the group II the number of patients treated for corpus uteri cancer and ovarian cancer was larger in the post-war (N = 196 and N = 124 respectively) than in the pre-war period (N = 130 and N = 96 respectively) but the difference was significant only for corpus uteri cancer. Significantly more women were treated for gynecological cancer in the post-war than in the pre-war period. However, the war had probably an indirect influence on the increased number of patients treated for gynecological cancer mainly because many more women arrived from other counties.  相似文献   
Starting from D-seco derivatives of 5-androstene 1-3, the D-homo lactones, 4 and 5, were synthesized. By the Oppenauer oxidation and/or by dehydration of 4 and 5 with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) or 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (chloranil), the corresponding D-lactones 6-12 were obtained. The structures of 6 and 10 were unambiguously proved by the appropriate X-ray structural analysis. Anti-aromatase assay showed that tested compounds possess inhibition potency, however, two to four times smaller (IC50 from 0.2 to 0.7 microM, respectively) in comparison to aminoglutethimide (AG).  相似文献   
Sphingolipids, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, and certain signaling molecules segregate from bulk membrane lipids into lateral domains termed lipid rafts, which are often isolated based on their insolubility in cold nonionic detergents. During immunohistological studies of gangliosides, major sphingolipids of the brain, we found that cold Triton X-100 solubility is bidirectional, leading to histological redistribution from gray to white matter. When brain sections were treated with > or =0.25% Triton X-100 at 4 degrees C, ganglioside GD1a, which is normally enriched in gray matter and depleted in white matter, redistributed into white matter tracts. Incubation of brain sections from knockout mice lacking GD1a with wild-type sections in the presence of cold Triton X-100 resulted in GD1a redistribution from wild-type gray matter to knockout white matter. GM1, which is normally enriched in white matter, remained in white matter after cold detergent treatment and did not migrate to knockout mouse brain sections. However, when gray matter gangliosides were enzymatically converted into GM1 in situ, the newly formed GM1 transmigrated to knockout mouse brain sections in the presence of cold detergent. When purified GD1a was added to knockout mouse brain sections in the presence of cold Triton X-100, it preferentially incorporated into white matter tracts. These data demonstrate that brain white matter is a sink for gangliosides, which redistribute from gray matter in the presence of low concentrations of cold Triton X-100. A GPI-anchored protein, Thy-1, also transmigrated from wild-type to Thy-1 knockout mouse brain sections in the presence of detergent at 4 degrees C, although less efficiently than did gangliosides. These data raise technical challenges for using nonionic detergents in certain histological protocols and for isolation of lipid rafts from brain tissue.  相似文献   
The activity of large dorsomedial protocerebral A2' neurosecretory neurons were investigated in late pupae of Tenebrio molitor L, which were exposed to a static magnetic field of 320 mT. Experimental groups were C: the control group which was kept at 5 meters from the magnet; CMF: pupae which were reared in control conditions and sacrificed on the eighth day of pupal stage (parents were kept in a magnetic field); and MF: pupae kept in a permanent magnetic field for eight days. Our results indicate the effects of a static magnetic field on the cytological characteristics and activity of large A2' neurosecretory neurons of Tenebrio molitor pupae.  相似文献   
Aging of the population is a growing problem in all developed societies. The older people need more health and social services, and their life quality in there is getting more and more important. The study aimed at determining the characteristics of non-verbal communication of the older people living in old people's homes (OPH). The sample consisted of 267 residents of the OPH, aged 65-96 years, and 267 caregivers from randomly selected twenty-seven OPH. Three types of non-verbal communication were observed and analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. In face expressions and head movements about 75% older people looked at the eyes of their caregivers, and about 60% were looking around, while laughing or pressing the lips together was rarely noticed. The differences between genders were not statistically significant while statistically significant differences among different age groups was observed in dropping the eyes (p = 0.004) and smiling (0.008). In hand gestures and trunk movements, majority of older people most often moved forwards and clenched fingers, while most rarely they stroked and caressed their caregivers. The differences between genders were statistically significant in leaning on the table (p = 0.001), and changing the position on the chair (0.013). Statistically significant differences among age groups were registered in leaning forwards (p = 0.006) and pointing to the others (p = 0.036). In different modes of speaking and paralinguistic signs almost 75% older people spoke normally, about 70% kept silent, while they rarely quarrelled. The differences between genders were not statistically significant while statistically significant differences among age groups was observed in persuasive speaking (p = 0.007). The present study showed that older people in OPH in Slovenia communicated significantly less frequently with hand gestures and trunk movements than with face expressions and head movements or different modes of speaking and paralinguistic signs. The caregivers should be aware of this and pay a lot of attention to these two groups of non-verbal expressions. Their importance should be constantly emphasized during the educational process of all kinds of health-care professionals as well.  相似文献   
We are presenting a case of isolated fulminant meningococcal sepsis with two and a half year old child. Initial symptoms were obscure and common to many medical conditions, but also previously described as symptoms of meningococcal sepsis. Unrecognizing the seriousness of the condition child died at home, within few hours after examination and discharge from the hospital. Autopsy and microbiological findings unquestionably proved that the child died from septic shock caused by fulminant meningococcal sepsis.  相似文献   
The role of macrophages acting as immunologic antitumor effectors and promoters of tumor growth are poorly understood as yet. We investigated the role of macrophage in model of concomitant immunity (CI), a phenomenon of secondary tumor rejection during the primary tumor growth. It has been shown that the period of CI weakening can coincide with appearance of tumor metastases. We used mammary carcinoma (MC) artificial lung metastases to evaluate the influence of macrophages from various period of CI on the development of metastases in mice. Our results indicated that macrophages are responsible for the late period of CI weakening and suppression. To investigate weather prostaglandins can mediate suppressive effect of macrophages we used experiments with indomethacin and we found that inhibition of prostaglandin E2 synthesis by indomethacin restored antimetastatic effect of concomitant immune macrophages.  相似文献   
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