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Abstract The comparative chromosomal locations of polymeric β-fructosidase SUC genes have been determined by Southern blot hybridization with the SUC2 probe in 91 different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Most of the strains exhibited a single SUC2 gene, but in some strains two or three SUC genes were found. All Suc strains carried a silent suc20 sequence. The accumulation of SUC genes was observed in populations derived from sources containing sucrose and seems to be absent in strains from sources promoting the MEL gene.  相似文献   
Crosslink repair depends on the Fanconi anemia pathway and translesion synthesis polymerases that replicate over unhooked crosslinks. Translesion synthesis is regulated via ubiquitination of PCNA, and independently via translesion synthesis polymerase REV1. The division of labor between PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 in interstrand crosslink repair is unclear. Inhibition of either of these pathways has been proposed as a strategy to increase cytotoxicity of platinating agents in cancer treatment. Here, we defined the importance of PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 for DNA in mammalian ICL repair. In mice, loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1, resulted in germ cell defects and hypersensitivity to cisplatin. Loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1 sensitized mammalian cancer cell lines to cisplatin. We identify polymerase Kappa as essential in tolerating DNA damage-induced lesions, in particular cisplatin lesions. Polk-deficient tumors were controlled by cisplatin treatment and it significantly delayed tumor outgrowth and increased overall survival of tumor bearing mice. Our results indicate that PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 play distinct roles in DNA damage tolerance. Moreover, our results highlight POLK as a critical TLS polymerase in tolerating multiple genotoxic lesions, including cisplatin lesions. The relative frequent loss of Polk in cancers indicates an exploitable vulnerability for precision cancer medicine.  相似文献   
Amrinone is a bipyridine compound with characteristic effects on the force-velocity relationship of fast skeletal muscle, including a reduction in the maximum shortening velocity and increased maximum isometric force. Here we performed experiments to elucidate the molecular mechanisms for these effects, with the additional aim to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship. In vitro motility assays established that amrinone reduces the sliding velocity of heavy meromyosin-propelled actin filaments by 30% at different ionic strengths of the assay solution. Stopped-flow studies of myofibrils, heavy meromyosin and myosin subfragment 1, showed that the effects on sliding speed were not because of a reduced rate of ATP-induced actomyosin dissociation because the rate of this process was increased by amrinone. Moreover, optical tweezers studies could not detect any amrinone-induced changes in the working stroke length. In contrast, the ADP affinity of acto-heavy meromyosin was increased about 2-fold by 1 mm amrinone. Similar effects were not observed for acto-subfragment 1. Together with the other findings, this suggests that the amrinone-induced reduction in sliding velocity is attributed to inhibition of a strain-dependent ADP release step. Modeling results show that such an effect may account for the amrinone-induced changes of the force-velocity relationship. The data emphasize the importance of the rate of a strain-dependent ADP release step in influencing the maximum sliding velocity in fast skeletal muscle. The data also lead us to discuss the possible importance of cooperative interactions between the two myosin heads in muscle contraction.Muscle contraction, as well as several other aspects of cell motility, results from cyclic interactions between myosin II motors and actin filaments. These force-generating interactions are driven by the hydrolysis of ATP at the myosin active site as outlined in Scheme 1 (13). In the absence of actin, the Pi and ADP release steps (k4 and k5) are rate-limiting for the entire cycle at high (>12 °C) and low temperatures, respectively (46). In the presence of actin, the rate of Pi release increases significantly, and the overall cycle is accelerated more than 2 orders of magnitude. The sliding velocity of myosin-propelled motors is generally believed to be rate-limited by actomyosin dissociation (rate constant k5, k6, or k2 in Scheme 1) (7). Alternatively, some studies (8, 9) have suggested that the sliding velocity is determined by the fraction of myosin heads in the weak-binding states, AM4 ATP and AM ADP Pi. However, it is worth emphasizing that KT is very low under physiological conditions (1, 3) with low population of these states. For the same reason, the rate of dissociation of the AM complex is governed by K1 and k2.Open in a separate windowSCHEME 1.Simplified kinetics scheme for MgATP turnover by myosin (lower row) and actomyosin (upper row). Inorganic phosphate is denoted by Pi; MgATP is denoted by ATP, and MgADP is denoted by ADP; myosin is denoted by M. The states AM*ADP and AM ADP correspond to myosin heads with their nucleotide binding pocket in a partially closed and open conformation, respectively (7, 52). Rate constants are indicated by lowercase letters (rightward transitions, k2k5 and k2k5, or leftward transitions, k−2k−5 and k−2k−5) and equilibrium constants by uppercase letters (K1, K1, KT, K3, K3, K6, k6, and KDP). The equilibrium constants are association constants except for simple bimolecular reactions where they are defined as ki/ki.For the study of contractile mechanisms in both muscle and other types of cells, drugs may be useful as pharmacological tools affecting different transitions or states in the force-generating cycle. Whereas the use of drugs as tools may be less specific than site-directed mutagenesis, it also has advantages. The motor protein function may be studied in vivo, with maintained ordering of the protein components, e.g. as in the muscle sarcomere, allowing more insight into the relationship between specific molecular events and contractile properties of muscle. A drug that has been used quite extensively in this context is butanedione monoxime. The usefulness of this drug is based on firm characterization of its effect on actomyosin function on the molecular level (3, 1013). More recently other drugs, like N-benzyl-p-toluene sulfonamide (14, 15) and blebbistatin (16), have been found to affect myosin function, and their effects at the molecular level have also been elucidated in some detail (14, 15, 17, 18). Both these drugs appear to affect the actomyosin interaction in a similar way as butanedione monoxime by inhibiting a step before (or very early in) the myosin power stroke, leading to the inhibition of actomyosin cross-bridge formation and force production.In contrast to the reduced isometric force, caused by the above mentioned drugs, the bipyridine compound amrinone (Fig. 1A) has been found to increase the isometric force production of fast intact skeletal muscles of the frog (19, 20) and mouse (21) and also of fast (but much less slow) skinned muscle fibers of the rat (22). In all the fast myosin preparations, the effect of about 1 mm amrinone on isometric force was associated with characteristic changes of the force-velocity relationship (Fig. 1B), including a reduced maximum velocity of shortening (1922) and a reduced curvature of the force-velocity relationship (1922). The latter effect was accompanied (20, 21) by a less pronounced deviation of the force-velocity relationship from the hyperbolic shape (23) at high loads. There have been different interpretations of the drug effects. It has been proposed (2022) that amrinone might competitively inhibit the MgATP binding by myosin. However, more recently, results from in vitro motility assay experiments (24) challenged this idea. These results showed that amrinone reduces the sliding velocity (Vmax) at saturating MgATP concentrations but not at MgATP concentrations close to, or below, the Km value for the hyperbolic relationship between MgATP concentration and sliding velocity. Such a combination of effects is consistent with a reduced MgADP release rate (24) but not with competitive inhibition of substrate binding. However, effects of amrinone on the MgADP release rate have not been directly demonstrated. Additionally, in view of the uncertainty about what step actually determines the sliding velocity at saturating [MgATP] (see above and Refs. 79), it is of interest to consider other possible drug effects that could account for the data of Klinth et al. (24). These include the following: 1) an increased drag force, e.g. because of enhancement of weak actomyosin interactions; 2) a reduced step length; and 3) effects of the drug on the rate of MgATP-induced dissociation of actomyosin.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, structure of amrinone. B, experimental force-velocity data obtained in the presence (filled symbols) and absence (open symbols) of 1.1 mm amrinone. The data, from intact single frog muscle fibers, were obtained at 2 °C and fitted by Hill''s (42) hyperbola (lines) for data truncated at 80% of the maximum isometric force. Filled line, equation fitted to control data, a/P0* = 0.185; P0*/P0 = 1.196. Dashed line, amrinone, a/P0* = 0.347; P0*/P0 = 1.009. Force-velocity data were obtained in collaboration with Professor K. A. P. Edman. Same data as in Fig. 8 of Ref. 20. Note a decrease in maximum sliding velocity and curvature of the force-velocity relationship at low force, in response to amrinone. Also note that amrinone caused increased isometric force and a reduced deviation of the force-velocity relationship from the Hill''s hyperbola at high force. All changes of the force-velocity relationship were statistically significant (20), and similar changes were later also observed in intact mouse muscle and skinned rat muscle fibers. Data in Fig. 1 are published by agreement with Professor K. A. P. Edman.To differentiate between these hypotheses for the amrinone effects, and to gain more general insight into fundamental aspects of muscle function (e.g. mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship), we here study the molecular effects of amrinone on fast skeletal muscle myosin preparations in the presence and absence of actin.In vitro motility assay studies at different ionic strengths suggest that drag forces, caused by increased fraction of myosin heads in weak binding states, are not important for the effect of amrinone on sliding velocity. Likewise, optical tweezers studies showed no effect of the drug on the myosin step length. Finally, ideas that amrinone should reduce sliding velocity by reduced rate of MgATP-induced dissociation could be discarded because the drug actually increased the rate of this process. Instead, we found an amrinone-induced increase in the MgADP affinity of heavy meromyosin (HMM) in the presence of actin. Interestingly, similar effects of amrinone were not observed using myosin S1. As discussed below, this result and other results point to an amrinone-induced reduction in the rate of a strain-dependent MgADP release step. Simulations, using a model modified from that of Edman et al. (25), support this proposed mechanism of action. The results are discussed in relation to fundamental mechanisms underlying the force-velocity relationship of fast skeletal muscle, including which step determines shortening velocity and the possible importance of inter-head cooperativity.  相似文献   


Life cycle assessments (LCAs) that attempt to provide advice on treatment options for phosphorus (P) containing organic waste products encounter problems related to the quantification of mineral P fertilizer substitution, P loss and crop P uptake after land application. The purpose of this study was to develop a relatively easy to use life cycle inventory model, known as PLCI, that could be used to estimate these values.


A life cycle inventory model for P was developed, which estimates the effect of an application of organic waste followed by ordinary fertilizer management in the modeling period. This was compared with a simulation without the initial waste application. The difference in mineral P fertilizer application (substitution), P loss and crop P uptake was then calculated and expressed as a proportion of the amount of waste applied. As an example, the effect of an initial application of mineral fertilizer, sewage sludge and ash on two farm types was simulated. These results were applied in an LCA case study of different sewage sludge treatment options.

Results and discussion

Farm type influenced the P fertilizer substitution, loss and crop uptake factors. The application on an arable farm showed a substitution of 28 to 31%, relatively low P loss and a large spread in crop P uptake for the different P sources, compared with the pig farm. Application on a pig farm showed no mineral P substitution. For substitution, mineral fertilizer outperformed waste product fertilizer with a short modeling period, due to higher immediate P availability, which was not the case with a long period. The LCA case study showed that the P substitution factor had an influence on the environmental impact categories climate change and depletion of reserve-based abiotic resources while the P loss factor influenced freshwater eutrophication. Application of the P loss and substitution factors generated from the PLCI model resulted in higher environmental burdens and lower savings than using conventional factors.


The soil P status mainly affected P substitution and loss, with the fertilizer type only having a small influence when soils had a low P status. The PLCI model can facilitate more coherent and rigorous estimates of P substitution and loss to be used in LCA studies involving application of waste products on agricultural land. This is important since P substitution and loss can have an important influence on impact categories, such as freshwater eutrophication and resource depletion.


The composition of the diet is of increasing importance for the development and maturation of the ovarian follicles. In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) healthy dietary interventions improve the clinical spectrum. We hypothesized that dieting and diet inadequacy in the reproductive life course is associated with impaired programming of ovarian follicles and contributes to the severity of the PCOS phenotype.

Methods and Findings

To determine associations between the use of a self-initiated diet and diet inadequacy and the severity of the PCOS phenotype, we performed an explorative nested case control study embedded in a periconception cohort of 1,251 patients visiting the preconception outpatient clinic. 218 patients with PCOS and 799 subfertile controls were selected from the cohort and self-administered questionnaires, anthropometric measurements and blood samples were obtained. The Preconception Dietary Risk Score (PDR score), based on the Dutch dietary guidelines, was used to determine diet inadequacy in all women. The PDR score was negatively associated to cobalamin, serum and red blood cell folate and positively to tHcy. PCOS patients (19.9%), in particular the hyperandrogenic (HA) phenotype (22.5%) reported more often the use of a self-initiated diet than controls (13.1%; p = 0.023). The use of an inadequate diet was also significantly higher in PCOS than in controls (PDR score 3.7 vs 3.5; p = 0.017) and every point increase was associated with a more than 1.3 fold higher risk of the HA phenotype (adjusted OR 1.351, 95% CI 1.09–1.68). Diet inadequacy was independently associated with the anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) concentration (β 0.084; p = 0.044; 95% CI 0.002 to 0.165) and free androgen index (β 0.128; p = 0.013; 95% CI 0.028 to 0.229) in PCOS patients.


The use of a self-initiated diet and diet inadequacy is associated with PCOS, in particular with the severe HA phenotype. This novel finding substantiated by the association between diet inadequacy and AMH needs further investigation.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis is a human pathogen that can infect diverse sites within the human host. The major diseases caused by N. meningitidis are responsible for death and disability, especially in young infants. At the Netherlands Vaccine Institute (NVI) a vaccine against serogroup B organisms is currently being developed. This study describes the influence of the growth rate of N. meningitidis on its macro-molecular composition and its metabolic activity and was determined in chemostat cultures. In the applied range of growth rates, no significant changes in RNA content and protein content with growth rate were observed in N. meningitidis. The DNA content in N. meningitidis was somewhat higher at the highest applied growth rate. The phospholipid and lipopolysaccharide content in N. meningitidis changed with growth rate but no specific trends were observed. The cellular fatty acid composition and the amino acid composition did not change significantly with growth rate. Additionally, it was found that the PorA content in outer membrane vesicles was significantly lower at the highest growth rate. The metabolic fluxes at various growth rates were calculated using flux balance analysis. Errors in fluxes were calculated using Monte Carlo Simulation and the reliability of the calculated flux distribution could be indicated, which has not been reported for this type of analysis. The yield of biomass on substrate (Y(x/s)) and the maintenance coefficient (m(s)) were determined as 0.44 (+/-0.04) g g(-1) and 0.04 (+/-0.02) g g(-1) h(-1), respectively. The growth associated energy requirement (Y(x/ATP)) and the non-growth associated ATP requirement for maintenance (m(ATP)) were estimated as 0.13 (+/-0.04) mol mol(-1) and 0.43 (+/-0.14) mol mol(-1) h(-1), respectively. It was found that the split ratio between the Entner-Doudoroff and the pentose phosphate pathway, the sole glucose utilizing pathways in N. meningitidis, had a minor effect on ATP formation rate but a major effect on the fluxes going through for instance the citric-acid cycle. For this reason, we presented flux ranges for underdetermined parts of metabolic network rather than presenting single flux values, which is more commonly done in literature.  相似文献   
LFampin 265-284, derived from bovine lactoferrin, has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against the yeast Candida albicans and several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. A glycine substitution scan was used to identify residues that are important for its candidacidal activity. Each single substitution of a positively charged residue led to considerable reduction in candidacidal activity, for each residue to a different extent. Substitution within the helix-facilitating N-terminal sequence DLIW had less severe effect; substitution of Ile and Trp led to a somewhat reduced potency. No substantial effects were found on the propensity to adopt a helical structure or to bind to C. albicans cells.  相似文献   
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