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Many forest soils in the Mediterranean basin areshallow and contain high amounts of gravel in theorganic layers. Recent studies on soil organic matteraccumulation have shown high amounts of organic matteroccurring mainly in soils with high levels ofstoniness at the soil surface. The gravel layer mayaffect the microclimatic conditions of the soilsurface and probably the distribution and activity ofsoil fauna.In order to quantify the combined effects soil fauna(epigeic macrofauna and earthworms) and stoniness onthe release of soil CO2, we performed a threefactor field experiment by using a series ofreconstructed soil profiles. Factors 1 and 2 consistedof the exclusion/presence of soil epigeic macrofaunaand earthworms, and factor 3 of the presence/absenceof a gravel layer intermingled with the H horizon. Weincubated 14C straw in the H horizon and carriedout three 40 mm rainfall simulations.Soil respiration primarily depended on the season. Theeffects of soil fauna were generally small and did notcoincide with periods of high faunal activity. Thelargest effects of both earthworms and soil epigeicfauna were found after wetting the soil in summer. Theeffects of the earthworms were concentrated in themineral soil while the effects of the epigeic faunawere concentrated in the H horizon and mainly arosetowards the end of the experiment. This suggests thatthe effects of epigeic fauna may have beenunderestimated due to the length of the experiment.The gravel layer increased the effect of faunaprobably by creating more favorable microclimaticconditions. The accumulation of organic matter insoils with high levels of stoniness cannot beexplained by the effect of gravel on soil microclimatenor by its effect on the activity of soil fauna.  相似文献   
Filaments ejected by Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, organized in star-like structures, were observed and analyzed before and after their discharge from cells. Ultrastructural observations obtained after cryofixation and cryosubstitution led to a model for their storage within the cell and for their ejection from the cell. Electron diffraction analysis on the ejected filaments demonstrated their chitinous composition. This technique indicated without ambiguity that each filament was in fact a whisker-like α-chitin crystal, with the axes of the corresponding polymer chains aligned with the filament's axis. X-ray microanalysis of the mats of filaments indicated that the silica content suggested by earlier workers was an artifact resulting from the filtration procedure.  相似文献   
The complex formed between the Fab fragment of a murine monoclonal anti-hen egg lysozyme antibody F9.13.7 and the het-erologous antigen Guinea-fowl egg lysozyme has been crystallized by the hanging drop technique. The crystals, which diffract X-rays to 3 Å resolution, belong to the monoclinic space group P21, with a = 83.7 Å, b = 195.5 Å, c = 50.2 Å, β = 108.5° and have two molecules of the complex in the asymmetric unit The three-dimensional structure has been determined from a preliminary data set to 4 Å using molecular replacement techniques. The lysozyme–Fab complexes are arranged with their long molecular axes approximately parallel to the crystallo-graphic unique axis. Fab F9.13.7 binds an anti-genie determinant that partially overlaps the epitope recognized by antilysozyme antibody HyHEL10. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The inward rectifier K(+) channel Kir2.1 mediates the potassium I(K1) current in the heart. It is encoded by KCNJ2 gene that has been linked to Andersen's syndrome. Recently, strong evidences showed that Kir2.1 channels were associated with mouse atrial fibrillation (AF), therefore we hypothesized that KCNJ2 was associated with familial AF. Thirty Chinese AF kindreds were evaluated for mutations in KCNJ2 gene. A valine-to-isoleucine mutation at position 93 (V93I) of Kir2.1 was found in all affected members in one kindred. This valine and its flanking sequence is highly conserved in Kir2.1 proteins among different species. Functional analysis of the V93I mutant demonstrated a gain-of-function consequence on the Kir2.1 current. This effect is opposed to the loss-of-function effect of previously reported mutations in Andersen's syndrome. Kir2.1 V93I mutation may play a role in initiating and/or maintaining AF by increasing the activity of the inward rectifier K(+) channel.  相似文献   
Control of apolipoprotein E secretion in the human hepatoma cell line KYN-2   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Even though it is known that apolipoprotein E (apoE) is deeply involved in major age-related disorders such as atherosclerosis or Alzheimer's disease (AD), the control of cell-specific apoE expression is still poorly understood. We compared the apoE secretion as previously described in astrocytic cell17 to hepatic cell apoE secretion. We used the human hepatoma cell line KYN-2 to better delineate the characteristics of apoE secretion and to validate it with respect to the classical human hepatoma cell line HepG2. Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) significantly inhibited, while IL-2, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were inactive on apoE secretion by KYN-2 as well as HepG2 cells. Cholesterol and 25-OH cholesterol had no effect, while forskolin exerted a significant inhibitory effect, on apoE secretion in KYN-2 cells. Our results suggest that the KYN-2 cell line represents an appropriate cell model, and in any case an alternative model to the HepG2 cell line, to study the control of apoE secretion. The response of KYN-2 cells to both cytokines and cholesterol differs from that found in astrocytoma cells, suggesting that blood variations of apoE concentrations in AD may not reflect the dysregulations taking place in the brain.  相似文献   
The X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (X-PDAP) from Lactococcus lactis is a dimeric enzyme catalyzing the removal of Xaa-Pro dipeptides from the N terminus of peptides. The structure of the enzyme was solved at 2.2 A resolution and provides a model for the peptidase family S15. Each monomer is composed of four domains. The larger one presents an alpha/beta hydrolase fold and comprises the active site serine. The specificity pocket is mainly built by residues from a small helical domain which is, together with the N-terminal domain, essential for dimerization. A C-terminal moiety probably plays a role in the tropism of X-PDAP toward the cellular membrane. These results give new insights for further exploration of the role of the enzymes of the SC clan.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) are suspected to be involved in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). We detected the disease-specific, protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(bse)) in splenic DC purified by magnetic cell sorting 45 days after intraperitoneal inoculation of BSE prions in immunocompetent mice. We showed that bone marrow-derived DC (BMDC) from wild-type or PrP-null mice acquired both PrP(bse) and prion infectivity within 2 h of in vitro culture with a BSE inoculum. BMDC cleared PrP(bse) within 2 to 3 days of culture, while BMDC infectivity was only 10-fold diminished between days 1 and 6 of culture, suggesting that the infectious unit in BMDC is not removed at the same rate as PrP(bse) is removed from these cells. Bone marrow-derived plasmacytoid DC and bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) also acquired and degraded PrP(bse) when incubated with a BSE inoculum, with kinetics very similar to those of BMDC. PrP(bse) capture is probably specific to antigen-presenting cells since no uptake of PrP(bse) was observed when splenic B or T lymphocytes were incubated with a BSE inoculum in vitro. Lipopolysaccharide activation of BMDC or BMM prior to BSE infection resulted in an accelerated breakdown of PrP(bse). Injected by the intraperitoneal route, BMDC were not infectious for alymphoid recombination-activated gene 2(0)/common cytokine gamma chain-deficient mice, suggesting that these cells are not capable of directly propagating BSE infectivity to nerve endings.  相似文献   
Deficient debrisoquine/sparteine type oxidation is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Of all Caucasians, 5–10% are poor metabolisers, due to the absence of cytochrome P4502D6. Extensive metabolisers (EMs) exhibit highly variable metabolic activity. We investigated the relationship between CYP2D6 activity and genotypes of the CYP2D locus in a large set of French Caucasian families. Genotypes concern both common mutations affecting the enzyme activity and linkedBamHI polymorphisms of the locus. We found, like other authors, that in EMs part of the heterogeneity is explained by a subgroup of individuals heterozygous for a mutant allele. However, a second level of heterogeneity was detected among individuals not carrying mutations, and this was related to a polymorphicBamHI-defined DNA haplotype. Different combinations of haplotypes are associated with differences in CYP2D6 metabolic activity. This finding might help to clarify the conflicting data on the relation between CYP2D6 activity and susceptibility to lung cancer.  相似文献   
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