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The possible involvement of polyamines during strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit development was investigated. Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine were identified in strawberry receptacles and achenes at all stages of development. Total (free) polyamine levels decreased from a maximum of 485 nmol g−1 fresh weight at pollination to a minimum of 55 nmol g−1 fresh weight in ripe receptacles. Total polyamine concentrations during corresponding stages of development were consistently higher in achenes than in receptacles, and ranged from 891 to 203 nmol g−1 fresh weight. Removal of achenes from the surface of developing receptacles 10 days after pollination reduced receptacle growth, and re-initiation of growth by application of 1 m M α-naphtaleneacetic acid (α-NAA) was accompanied by a rapid increase in polyamine concentrations 24 h after treatment. Polyamine content per receptacle increased >3-fold in normally developing receptacles and in de-achened, auxin-treated receptacles 10 days after removal of achenes, but did not increase during this period in de-achened receptacles not treated with exogenous auxin. α-NAA increased growth and polyamine levels to a greater extent than the structurally related, but less effective auxin, β-NAA. Polyamine concentrations in receptacles with intact achenes remained similar to those of auxin depleted (de-achened) receptacles, implying that the concentration of these compounds may not be limiting following achene removal.  相似文献   
Plant genomes are complex and contain large amounts of repetitive DNA including microsatellites that are distributed across entire genomes. Whole genome sequences of several monocot and dicot plants that are available in the public domain provide an opportunity to study the origin, distribution and evolution of microsatellites, and also facilitate the development of new molecular markers. In the present investigation, a genome-wide analysis of microsatellite distribution in monocots (Brachypodium, sorghum and rice) and dicots (Arabidopsis, Medicago and Populus) was performed. A total of 797,863 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were identified in the whole genome sequences of six plant species. Characterization of these SSRs revealed that mono-nucleotide repeats were the most abundant repeats, and that the frequency of repeats decreased with increase in motif length both in monocots and dicots. However, the frequency of SSRs was higher in dicots than in monocots both for nuclear and chloroplast genomes. Interestingly, GC-rich repeats were the dominant repeats only in monocots, with the majority of them being present in the coding region. These coding GC-rich repeats were found to be involved in different biological processes, predominantly binding activities. In addition, a set of 22,879 SSR markers that were validated by e-PCR were developed and mapped on different chromosomes in Brachypodium for the first time, with a frequency of 101 SSR markers per Mb. Experimental validation of 55 markers showed successful amplification of 80% SSR markers in 16 Brachypodium accessions. An online database 'BraMi' (Brachypodium microsatellite markers) of these genome-wide SSR markers was developed and made available in the public domain. The observed differential patterns of SSR marker distribution would be useful for studying microsatellite evolution in a monocot-dicot system. SSR markers developed in this study would be helpful for genomic studies in Brachypodium and related grass species, especially for the map based cloning of the candidate gene(s).  相似文献   
Summary The paper deals with three new species of Deuteromycetous fungi e.g.Diplodia acaciae, Cytospora acaciae, andFusicoccum indicum collected on dead stems ofAcacia arabica Linn.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships of 19 species of didelphid marsupials were studied using two nuclear markers, the non-coding transthyretin intron 1 (TTR) and the coding interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein exon 1 (IRBP), and two mitochondrial genes, the protein-coding cytochrome b (cyt-b) and the structural 12S ribosomal DNA (12S rDNA). Evolutionary dynamics of these four markers were compared to each other, revealing the appropriate properties presented by TTR intron 1 together with its well supported and resolved phylogenetic signal. Nuclear markers supported the monophyly of medium and large-sized opossums Metachirus+(Chironectes, Lutreolina, Didelphis, Philander), and the paraphyly of mouse-sized opossums, with the genera Gracilinanus, Thylamys, and Marmosops as a sister group to medium and large-sized didelphids. Conflicting branching patterns between mitochondrial and nuclear data involved the phylogenetic position of Marmosa-Micoureus-Monodelphis relative to other mouse-sized opossums. Nuclear phylogenetic inferences among genera were confirmed by the presence of synapomorphic indels observed in TTR intron 1. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock dating of didelphid evolution using nuclear markers estimated their origin in the Middle Eocene (39.8 million years ago), with subsequent diversification during the Oligocene (Deseadan) and Miocene.  相似文献   
Novel indoline ribonucleosides with the alpha-N-glycoside configuration are synthesized with very high regioselectivity in 90-96%yield, using TMS protected indolines and 2,3-O-(1-methylethylidene)-5-O-(triphenylmethyl)-alpha/beta-D-ribofuranose. The structures of these ribonucleosides were elucidated with X-ray crystallography as well as 2D (NOESY, COSY, and HMQC) NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
The feeding and swimming behaviors of Pseudorasbora parva and Rasbora daniconius (Cyprinidae) with two different prey types (Daphnia pulex and Artemia salina) at different densities (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 25 per l) were studied after 36 h of food deprivation. Full satiation was defined as the cumulative number of attacks performed until fish attain a constant attack rate which for P. parva was 425 and R. daniconius was 390 attacks. Initial feeding rates showed marked variation with prey availability. Feeding rates of fish in high prey concentrations were higher at the beginning of the experiment and decreased faster than in low prey densities. Decreases in the feeding rate at high prey densities were due to faster attainment of satiation. Feeding rates of fish across high prey densities reached a steady level after satiation. Swimming speeds of fish were inversely proportional to prey density. Moreover, the change in swimming speeds was directly related to the level of satiation. The ratios of the attack rate and the encounter rate against prey density of both fish reveal that the search for prey triggered swimming and thereby feeding during the transition from hungry to satiation. The findings of this study demonstrate that satiation plays an important role in fish foraging that should be considered a significant factor in foraging analysis.  相似文献   
Effects of satiation on feeding and swimming behaviour of planktivores   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Asaeda  Takashi  Priyadarshana  Tilak  Manatunge  Jagath 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):147-157
Hunger affects the feeding and swimming behaviour in fish. After 36 h of food deprivation, the feeding and swimming behaviour of Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) was studied under different prey densities (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 of Daphnia pulex per liter). The initial feeding rates showed marked variations in relation to prey availability. Under high prey densities, the initial feeding rate of fish was higher and subsequently decreased faster, when compared to those feeding under low prey densities. At higher prey densities, two factors were involved: that of higher prey encounter rates and also the attainment of food satiation at a faster rate. Across all prey densities, the feeding rates of fish reached a plateau after satiation. The swimming speed of fish was found to be negatively related to the prey density and a significant change in swimming speed was noted as being directly related to the level of satiation. It was found that the increasing satiation level greatly influenced the handling time and reactive volume of predator, which finally caused reduced feeding rates.  相似文献   
We describe a novel mutation in the coding region of theSRY gene in a 46, XY female with Swyer syndrome. Analysis ofSRY was carried out by direct sequencing of a 780-bp PCR product that included theSRY open reading frame (ORF). This revealed the presence of a point mutation, ins 108A, in the coding region 5’ to the HMG box which results in a frame shift and premature termination of the encoded protein. No other mutation was found in theSRY ORF. We infer that sex reversal in this individual is a result of this insertion. In none of the 13 other 46, XY females that were studied was a mutation detected inSRY, confirming earlier findings that most cases of XY femaleness are due to causes other than mutation inSRY. These observations and those of others are discussed in relation to the aetiology of XY sex reversal.  相似文献   
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