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Bacterial chromosomes are organised as two replichores of opposite polarity that coincide with the replication arms from the ori to the ter region. Here, we investigated the effects of asymmetry in replichore organisation in Escherichia coli. We show that large chromosome inversions from the terminal junction of the replichores disturb the ongoing post-replicative events, resulting in inhibition of both cell division and cell elongation. This is accompanied by alterations of the segregation pattern of loci located at the inversion endpoints, particularly of the new replichore junction. None of these defects is suppressed by restoration of termination of replication opposite oriC, indicating that they are more likely due to the asymmetry of replichore polarity than to asymmetric replication. Strikingly, DNA translocation by FtsK, which processes the terminal junction of the replichores during cell division, becomes essential in inversion-carrying strains. Inactivation of the FtsK translocation activity leads to aberrant cell morphology, strongly suggesting that it controls membrane synthesis at the division septum. Our results reveal that FtsK mediates a reciprocal control between processing of the replichore polarity junction and cell division.  相似文献   
Biological invasions provide unique opportunities for studying life history trait changes over contemporary time scales. As spatial spread may be related to changes in parasite communities, several hypotheses (such as the evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) or EICA‐refined hypotheses) suggest immune changes in invasive species along invasion gradients. Although native hosts may be subject to similar changes in parasite selection pressures, their immune responses have been rarely investigated in invasion contexts. In this study, we evaluated immune variations for invasive house mice Mus musculus domesticus, invasive black rats Rattus rattus and native rodents Mastomys erythroleucus and Mastomys natalensis along well‐characterised invasion gradients in Senegal. We focused on antibody‐mediated (natural antibodies and complement) and inflammatory (haptoglobin) responses. One invasion route was considered for each invasive species, and environmental conditions were recorded. Natural‐antibody mediated responses increased between sites of long‐established invasion and recently invaded sites only in house mice. Both invasive species exhibited higher inflammatory responses at the invasion front than in sites of long‐established invasion. The immune responses of native species did not change with the presence of invasive species. These patterns of immune variations do not support the EICA and EICA refined hypotheses, and they rather suggest a higher risk of exposure to parasites on the invasion front. Altogether, these results provide a first basis to further assess the role of immune changes in invasion success.  相似文献   
We have investigated the molecular mechanisms whereby the I-II loop controls voltage-dependent inactivation in P/Q calcium channels. We demonstrate that the I-II loop is localized in a central position to control calcium channel activity through the interaction with several cytoplasmic sequences; including the III-IV loop. Several experiments reveal the crucial role of the interaction between the I-II loop and the III-IV loop in channel inactivation. First, point mutations of two amino acid residues of the I-II loop of Ca(v)2.1 (Arg-387 or Glu-388) facilitate voltage-dependent inactivation. Second, overexpression of the III-IV loop, or injection of a peptide derived from this loop, produces a similar inactivation behavior than the mutated channels. Third, the III-IV peptide has no effect on channels mutated in the I-II loop. Thus, both point mutations and overexpression of the III-IV loop appear to act similarly on inactivation, by competing off the native interaction between the I-II and the III-IV loops of Ca(v)2.1. As they are known to affect inactivation, we also analyzed the effects of beta subunits on these interactions. In experiments in which the beta(4) subunit is co-expressed, the III-IV peptide is no longer able to regulate channel inactivation. We conclude that (i) the contribution of the I-II loop to inactivation is partly mediated by an interaction with the III-IV loop and (ii) the beta subunits partially control inactivation by modifying this interaction. These data provide novel insights into the mechanisms whereby the beta subunit, the I-II loop, and the III-IV loop altogether can contribute to regulate inactivation in high voltage-activated calcium channels.  相似文献   
Catenation links between sister chromatids are formed progressively during DNA replication and are involved in the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Topo IV is a bacterial type II topoisomerase involved in the removal of catenation links both behind replication forks and after replication during the final separation of sister chromosomes. We have investigated the global DNA-binding and catalytic activity of Topo IV in E. coli using genomic and molecular biology approaches. ChIP-seq revealed that Topo IV interaction with the E. coli chromosome is controlled by DNA replication. During replication, Topo IV has access to most of the genome but only selects a few hundred specific sites for its activity. Local chromatin and gene expression context influence site selection. Moreover strong DNA-binding and catalytic activities are found at the chromosome dimer resolution site, dif, located opposite the origin of replication. We reveal a physical and functional interaction between Topo IV and the XerCD recombinases acting at the dif site. This interaction is modulated by MatP, a protein involved in the organization of the Ter macrodomain. These results show that Topo IV, XerCD/dif and MatP are part of a network dedicated to the final step of chromosome management during the cell cycle.  相似文献   
The auxiliary beta subunit is essential for functional expression of high voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. This effect is partly mediated by a facilitation of the intracellular trafficking of alpha1 subunit toward the plasma membrane. Here, we demonstrate that the I-II loop of the alpha1 subunit contains an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal that severely restricts the plasma membrane incorporation of alpha1 subunit. Coimmunolabeling reveals that the I-II loop restricts expression of a chimera CD8-I-II protein to the ER. The beta subunit reverses the inhibition imposed by the retention signal. Extensive deletion of this retention signal in full-length alpha1 subunit facilitates the cell surface expression of the channel in the absence of beta subunit. Our data suggest that the beta subunit favors Ca2+ channel plasma membrane expression by inhibiting an expression brake contained in beta-binding alpha1 sequences.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests the involvement of phosphatidylcholine (PC) hydrolysis both in the control of normal cell growth and in transformation. We show here that the simple exogenous addition of Bacillus cereus PC-hydrolyzing phospholipase C (PC-PLC) is sufficient to elicit a potent mitogenic response in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts by a mechanism that is independent of protein kinase C. Our results on the additivity and synergism between B. cereus PC-PLC, PDGF, and insulin in the mitogenic response indicate that this novel phospholipid degradative pathway may be important in the mitogenic signaling cascade activated by PDGF.  相似文献   
The septum-located DNA translocase, FtsK, acts to co-ordinate the late steps of Escherichia coli chromosome segregation with cell division. The FtsK γ regulatory subdomain interacts with 8 bp KOPS DNA sequences, which are oriented from the replication origin to the terminus region ( ter ) in each arm of the chromosome. This interaction directs FtsK translocation towards ter where the final chromosome unlinking by decatenation and chromosome dimer resolution occurs. Chromosome dimer resolution requires FtsK translocation along DNA and its interaction with the XerCD recombinase bound to the recombination site, dif , located within ter . The frequency of chromosome dimer formation is ∼15% per generation in wild-type cells. Here we characterize FtsK alleles that no longer recognize KOPS, yet are proficient for translocation and chromosome dimer resolution. Non-directed FtsK translocation leads to a small reduction in fitness in otherwise normal cell populations, as a consequence of ∼70% of chromosome dimers being resolved to monomers. More serious consequences arise when chromosome dimer formation is increased, or their resolution efficiency is impaired because of defects in chromosome organization and processing. For example, when Cre– loxP recombination replaces XerCD– dif recombination in dimer resolution, when functional MukBEF is absent, or when replication terminates away from ter .  相似文献   
The light attenuation in a photobioreactor is determined using a fully predictive model. The optical properties were first calculated, using a data bank of the literature, from only the knowledge of pigments content, shape, and size distributions of cultivated cells which are a function of the physiology of the current species. The radiative properties of the biological turbid medium were then deduced using the exact Lorenz-Mie theory. This method is experimentally validated using a large-size integrating sphere photometer. The radiative properties are then used in a rectangular, one-dimensional two-flux model to predict radiant light attenuation in a photobioreactor, considering a quasi-collimated field of irradiance. Combination of this radiative model with the predictive determination of optical properties is finally validated by in situ measurement of attenuation profiles in a torus photobioreactor cultivating the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, after a complete and proper characterization of the incident light flux provided by the experimental set-up.  相似文献   
The influence of dexamethasone on rabbit bone marrow stromal cells differentiation was studied by screening the action of dexamethasone on gene expression. Using differential display, we observed some differential amplifications. The use of five of thirteen different primers combination allowed to identify one or more differential bands. One of them was identified as moesin gene. Real-time PCR confirmed a significant reduction of moesin gene expression following dexamethasone treatment. The decrease of expression for this protein, involved in cytoskeletal organization, could explain the effects of dexamethasone treatment on bone marrow stromal cells differentiation.  相似文献   
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