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Phagocytosis is an important immune function to quantify. This immune response may be modulated by exposure to biological response modifiers or by exposure to pollutants. A new technique for quantifying nonspecific phagocytosis of alveolar and peritoneal macrophages in the same animal has been developed that utilizes fluorescent polystyrene beads. When incorporated into inhalation studies, this technique can be used to determine whether the toxic effect of an inhaled pollutant is local (effect on alveolar macrophages), systemic (effect on peritoneal macrophages), or both local and systemic. This method results in a determination of both the level of phagocytosis (the percentage of phagocytic macrophages) and the macrophage specific activity (the number of beads phagocytized per macrophage). This method also allows a determination of adherence by quantifying the number of particles in contact with, but not phagocytized by, the macrophage. Macrophage preparations were incubated with fluorescent beads for 2 hr and cyto-centrifuged onto a glass slide. Fluorescent beads present on the slide or cell-associated but not ingested by phagocytosis were removed by immersing the slide containing the macrophage preparation in methylene chloride for 15-30 sec. Fluorescent beads ingested by phagocytosis were then easily quantified with a fluorescence microscope. This technique was used to assess the baseline levels of phagocytosis for rat alveolar and peritoneal macrophages from the same animal and the kinetics and level of enhanced phagocytosis for alveolar and peritoneal macrophages after injection with the interferon inducer polyinosinate-polycytidylate (poly(I):poly(C)). The kinetics of enhanced alveolar and peritoneal macrophage phagocytosis by poly(I):poly(C) were similar; however, stimulated phagocytic levels of peritoneal macrophages never reached the phagocytic activity observed for the resident, highly phagocytic alveolar macrophages. This elevated phagocytic activity is most likely due to interferon stimulated by particulate matter in the large volume of air processed by the lungs and is important for host defense against a number of different inhaled microorganisms.  相似文献   
An evaluation of the recycling in measurements of photorespiration   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
All measurements of photorespiration and gross photosynthesis in leaves, whether using isotopes or not, are underestimated because of the recycling of O2 or CO2. On the basis of a simple diffusion model, we propose a method for the calculation of the recycling and the corresponding underestimation of the measurements. This procedure can be applied when the stomatal resistance is known, and allows for a correction of certain results in the literature. It is found that measurements of the photorespiratory CO2 release are usually underestimated by 20 to 100%, which sets the estimated rate of CO2 photorespired at 30 to 50% of the net photosynthesis in C3 plants under normal conditions. In water stress studies, the correction of the photorespiration is still more important (1.5-3.3) because the stomata are closed more. Analysis of the diffusion of O2 shows that its recycling is low and that the underestimation of photorespiration with 18O2 is negligible.  相似文献   
Intraarterial streptokinase was used in the treatment of leg vessel thrombosis following free-flap closure of a large, open wound. Attention is focused on the coagulation anomalies present in such cases and the successful use of local thrombolytic therapy to salvage the limb.  相似文献   
The pathway of a non-segmental sudomotor reflex was studied in rabbits (New Zealand white). By means of thermic stimulation (45 degrees during 30") at the lateral border of the foot, a sudoral response was evoked in a circumscribed area of the pinna. By sequential sections of different nerves and the nervous network around the saphenous and femoral vessels, it was possible to establish the following afferent pathways to the spinal cord: lateral plantar nerve, tibial nerve up to the tuber calcanei, saphenous perivascular network, femoral perivascular network and femoral nerve. The fibres responsible for the podo-auricular sudomotor reflex penetrate into the spinal cord above L4, because the spinal transection at this level does not alter the auricular response. Since the hemisection of the spinal cord at T6 suppresses this reflex in the pinna of the same side, it must be concluded that the spinal pathway is ipsilateral. The efferent pathway abandons the spinal cord beneath segment C6: in fact, the spinal transection at C6 does not alter the auricular response to plantar stimulation. Finally, the sudomotor impulses reach the pinna sweat glands with the auricular vessels.  相似文献   
The commissural component of the stria terminalis (S. T.) was studied in Equi-Thesin (92.7 mg/kg) anesthetized rats after their exposure in the caudothalamic surface of both hemispheres. Two types of connection between right and left S. T. across the anterior commissure are described: A "direct" connection set up by fibres that run through the S. T. and join the contralateral S. T., and another "indirect" component, formed by cell axons that receive excitatory synaptic contacts from fibres running in the S. T.  相似文献   
In order to continue the molecular studies of D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH) undertaken in our laboratory for several years, we have initiated a genetic approach which consists in the BDH cDNA cloning from a rat liver cDNA library. The immunoscreening method allowed to isolate a clone which exhibits a DNA insert shorter than the expected full length BDH cDNA.  相似文献   
Summary Further data on the inheritance of seed peroxidases of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) have been obtained from the genetic analysis of several progenies of both species. Additional data on the inheritance and the chromosomal location and linkage have been obtained for peroxidases of wheat embryo and rye endosperm. The general presence of null alleles in peroxidase loci has been confirmed in both species. In addition to simple monogenic inheritance, epistatic segregations have been observed in both species. These epistatic segregations again suggest the presence of regulatory genes controlling the expression of individual peroxidases in both species and also the existence of several duplicate homoeologous genes in wheat. Known linkage relationships have been confirmed and new ones are indicated. Loci for embryo wheat peroxidases seem to be in chromosomes of the homoeology group 3. The rye endosperm ones should be in chromosome 7R, although it is hypothesized that a duplication of gene EPer1 is located in chromosomes 4R and 7R.  相似文献   
Racemic carbocyclic analogues of dTTP [(+/-)-C-dTTP] and its ribo counterpart, 5-methyl-UTP [(+/-)-C-m5UTP] were synthesized and examined, in comparison with dTTP and UTP (and m5UTP), as potential substrates of E. coli DNA and RNA polymerases, respectively. Unexpectedly, only a very low (terminal) incorporation of C-dTMP into DNAs of different structure was observed, C-dTTP did not serve as a substrate for chain elongation by the Klenow DNA polymerase. Inhibition of DNA replication was, however, observed in the presence of (+/-)-C-dTTP. The UTP analogue, (+/-)-C-m5UTP proved neither a substrate nor an inhibitor of the RNA polymerase enzyme.  相似文献   
Earlier the autophosphorylation of myosin and the labile phosphate (P) content of rabbit skeletal muscle was reported [6, 7, 9]. The present paper describes that the endogeneous preformed P level in fresh preparation of exercised muscle is higher than that of untrained control one. It was revealed that the presence of a significant amount of mitochondrial myosin (with much higher P content) in the well-trained human muscle preparations falsified the appreciation of myofibrillar myosin. Therefore, a reliable myofibrillar preparation with correct P content from exercised subjects was obtained only after the separation of mitochondrial fraction. The P content of fresh preparations can be increased by phosphorylation even in the exercised muscle myosins up to the most higher level in human samples. The phosphoryl group incorporation from [gamma-32P]ATP into the rabbit and hare myosins was checked by radioactive tracer technique, and confirmed by total P content determination performed parallel with molybdate test. It was stated that under present circumstances the labelled 32P incorporation was lower even at an optimal substrate concentration than that of P value obtained directly with molybdate method; because the total P content of preparations had not exchanged during 2 min incubation. So it has been concluded from [gamma-23P] phosphoryl group assayments that much higher amount of P was incorporated into P-Arg, N pi-P-His and fraction 2 as compared with unappreciated labelled P level of the inorganic P (P-Ser, P-Thr), P-Lys, N tau-P-His and minor fractions. From these observations it has been considered that the P-Arg, N pi-P-His and fraction 2 take part in the contraction mechanism and in the course of physical training.  相似文献   
A simple electrophoretic method is introduced allowing to isolate five fractions of skeletal muscle ST-system vesicles. In a previous study differences in lipid content, 3H-ouabain binding and in presence of triads in individual fractions (Lehotsky et. al. 1986) were analysed. In the present study biochemical characterization was extended, and (in accordance with previous results) major differences were observed to exist between fraction 1 and fractions 3 and 4. SDS-PAGE showed that fractions 3 and 4 were enriched in a protein with m.w. 100 kD, these fractions showing the highest specific activities of (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase and oxalate-supported Ca2+-uptake; activities of Mg2+-ATPase and surface membrane marker enzymes were the lowest in these fractions. On the other hand, in fraction 1 the highest activities of Mg2+-ATPase and marker enzymes of the surface membrane were observed together with a decreased content of the 100 kD protein and activities of Ca2+ transport. It could be concluded that the method is suitable to differentiate between relatively pure SR (fractions 3 and 4) and fractions rich in sarcolemma or T-tubules components (fractions 1 and 5).  相似文献   
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