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Key message

Apical and lateral growth are seasonal in a Cerrado species, and these events are related to each other and linked with climatic and environmental features.


In the Cerrado, a tropical ecosystem with seasonal rainfall, we investigated the timing of leaf production and cambial activity, and checked whether these features are related to each other and with climatic and environmental factors. Between September 2011 and December 2012, sampling of main stem and vegetative phenological observations of Kielmeyera grandiflora (Wawra) Saddi (Calophyllaceae) were done monthly to assess seasonality in leaf production and cambial activity, and to compare these features with each other. To check the relationship of bud opening and the onset of cambial activity with climatic and environmental features, the average temperature and day length, and the precipitation sum in a time window ranging from 1 to 30 days before the occurrence of these events were recorded, and the coefficient of variation was calculated. Leaf production and cambial activity were seasonal. Bud opening occurred in September 2011 and August 2012, during the dry season. The onset of cambial activity occurred in October both in 2011 and 2012, 1–2 months after bud opening, at the beginning of the rainy season. The cambium was dormant in May, during the rainy season. Photoperiod and temperature showed low coefficients of variation in the time window before bud opening and onset of cambial activity, while rainfall presented a high coefficient of variation. Thus, both apical and lateral growth are seasonal events in Cerrado species, and are related to each other. A set of climatic and environmental features is related with seasonal growth, among which photoperiod and temperature may be important in the regulation of these events.

Key message

This review gives a comprehensive overview of adaptations of mangrove root system to the adverse environmental conditions and summarizes the ecological importance of mangrove root to the ecosystem.


In plants, the first line of defense against abiotic stress is in their roots. If the soil surrounding the plant root is healthy and biologically diverse, the plant will have a higher chance to survive in stressful conditions. Different plant species have unique adaptations when exposed to a variety of abiotic stress conditions. None of the responses are identical, even though plants have become adapted to the exact same environment. Mangrove plants have developed complex morphological, anatomical, physiological, and molecular adaptations allowing survival and success in their high-stress habitat. This review briefly depicts adaptive strategies of mangrove roots with respect to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and also the major advances recently made at the genetic and genomic levels. Results drawn from the different studies on mangrove roots have further indicated that specific patterns of gene expression might contribute to adaptive evolution of mangroves under high salinity. We also review crucial ecological contributions provided by mangrove root communities to the ecosystem including marine fauna.

Key message

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community structure and potential exoenzymatic activity change after clearcut harvesting, but functional complementarity and redundancy among those ECM fungal species remaining support growth of regenerating seedlings.


Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community composition is altered by forest harvesting, but it is not clear if this shift in structure influences ECM fungal physiological function at the community level. In this study, we characterized activities of extracellular enzymes in the ectomycorrhizospheres of Picea engelmannii seedlings grown in forest and clearcut plots. These exoenzymes are critical for the breakdown of large organic molecules, from which nutrients are subsequently absorbed and translocated by ECM fungi to host plants. We found that ectomycorrhizae on seedlings planted in forests had different exoenzyme activity profiles than those on seedlings planted in clearcuts. Specifically, the activities of glucuronidase, laccase, and acid phosphatase were higher on forest seedlings (P ≤ 0.006). These differences may have been partly driven by soil properties. Total carbon, total nitrogen (N), extractable phosphorus, extractable ammonium-N, and mineralizable N were higher, while pH was lower in forest plots (P ≤ 0.01). However, we also found that enzyme activity only shifted where community composition also changed. Functional complementarity can be inferred within ECM fungal communities in both forests and clearcuts because ectomycorrhizae formed by different species in the same environment had distinct enzyme profiles (P < 0.0001). However, ectomycorrhizae of Thelephora terrestris exhibited high levels of N- and P-mobilizing exoenzyme activities. Seedling biomass did not differ between forest and clearcut environments, so the high abundance of T. terrestris ectomycorrhizae in the clearcuts may have sustained nutrient acquisition by clearcut seedlings even in soils with lower N and P and with reduced ECM fungal species richness.

Key message

Elevated CO 2 reduced fine root dynamics (production and turnover) of white birch seedlings, especially grown in volcanic ash soil compared with brown forest soil.


Increased atmospheric CO2 usually enhances photosynthetic ability and growth of trees. To understand how increased CO2 affects below-ground part of trees under varied soil condition, we investigated the responses of the fine root (diameter <2 mm) dynamics of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) which was planted in 2010. The three-year-old birch seedlings were grown in four experimental treatments comprising two levels of CO2, i.e., ambient: 380–390 and elevated: 500 μmol mol?1, in combination with two kinds of soil: brown forest (BF) soil and volcanic ash (VA) soil which has few nutrients. The growth and turnover of fine roots were measured for 3 years (2011–2013) using the Mini-rhizotron. In the first observation year, live fine root length (standing crop) in BF soil was not affected by CO2 treatment, but it was reduced by the elevated CO2 from the second observation year. In VA soil, live fine root length was reduced by elevated CO2 for all 3 years. Fine root turnover tended to decrease under elevated CO2 compared with ambient in both soil types during the first and second observation years. Turnover of fine root production and mortality was also affected by the two factors, elevated CO2 and different soil types. Median longevity of fine root increased under elevated CO2, especially in VA soil at the beginning, and a shorter fine root lifespan appeared after 2 years of observation (2011–2012). These results suggest that elevated CO2 does not consistently stimulate fine root turnover, particularly during the plant seedlings stage, as it may depend on the costs and benefits of constructing and retaining roots. Therefore, despite the other uncontrollable environment factors, carbon sequestration to the root system may be varied by CO2 treatment period, soil type and plant age.

Key message

Warmer summer conditions result in increased terpene emissions except under severe drought, in which case they strongly decrease.


Water stress results in a reduction of the metabolism of plants and in a reorganization of their use of resources geared to survival. In the Mediterranean region, periods of drought accompanied by high temperatures and high irradiance occur in summer. Plants have developed various mechanisms to survive in these conditions by resisting, tolerating or preventing stress. We used three typical Mediterranean tree species in Israel, Pinus halepensis L., Quercus calliprinos and Quercus ithaburensis Webb, as models for studying some of these adaptive mechanisms. We measured their photosynthetic rates (A), stomatal conductance (g s), and terpene emission rates during spring and summer in a geophysical gradient from extremely dry to mesic from Yatir (south, arid) to Birya (north, moist) with intermediate conditions in Solelim. A and g s of P. halepensis were threefold higher in Birya than in Yatir where they remained very low both seasons. Quercus species presented 2–3-fold higher A and g s but with much more variability between seasons, especially for Q. ithaburensis with A and g s that decreased 10–30-fold from spring to summer. Terpene emission rates for pine were not different regionally in spring but they were 5–8-fold higher in Birya than in Yatir in summer (P < 0.05). Higher emissions were also observed in Solelim for the drought resistant Q. ithaburensis (P < 0.001) but not for Q. calliprinos. α-Pinene followed by limonene and 3-carene were the dominant terpenes. Warmer summer conditions result in increased Terpene emission rates except under severe drought, in which case they strongly decrease.

Key message

Stem reorientation is critical to tree survival. With anatomical observation and strain measurement, the tension wood formation and biomechanical behavior were studied to gain insights into tree uprighting process.


Tension wood plays a role in maintaining the mechanical stability of angiosperm trees. Both biological and physical aspects of tension wood are essential in understanding the mechanism of trunk or branch reorientation. In this study, we worked on both tension wood formation and its biomechanical function in artificially inclined 2-year-old Koelreuteria henryi seedlings. The tension wood formation and reorientation process of the trunk last for about 3 months. With pinning method, we confirmed that at the beginning of inclination the cambial zone including the vascular cambium and the developing normal wood fibers on the upper side of the inclined trunk perceives the onset of mechanical change and starts to produce G-fibers that generate a strong contractile released growth strain (RGS) for gravitropic correction. Stronger contractile RGS and more tension wood were found at the trunk base than at the half-height, suggesting that the trunk base plays a key role in trunk uprighting of K. henryi seedlings. The eccentric cambial growth in the tension wood side increases the efficiency of gravitropic correction and the compressive strains measured in the opposite wood of some inclined seedlings also help the upright movement.

Key message

For long-term environmental investigations, tree-ring δ 15 N values are inappropriate proxies for foliar δ 15 N for both Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies under moderate N loads.


Currently it is unclear whether stable nitrogen isotope signals of tree-rings are related to those in foliage, and whether they can be used to infer tree responses to environmental changes. We studied foliar and tree-ring nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) from six long-term forest monitoring sites in Switzerland together with data on N deposition and soil N availability, as well as a drought response index over the last two decades. For both species, tree-ring δ15N and δ13C values were less negative compared to foliar δ15N and δ13C values, most likely due to recycling and reallocation of N within the tree and fractionation processes associated with the transport of sucrose and the formation of tree-rings, respectively. Temporal trends recorded in foliar δ15N were not reflected in tree-ring δ15N, with much higher variations in tree-rings compared to foliage. Soil N availability and N deposition were partially able to explain changes in foliar δ13C, while there were no significant correlations between environmental variables and either tree-ring or foliar δ15N. Our results suggest an uncoupling between the N isotopic composition of tree-rings and foliage. Consequently, tree-ring δ15N values are inappropriate proxies of foliar δ15N values under low-to-moderate N deposition loads. Furthermore, at such low levels of deposition, tree-ring δ15N values are not recommended as archives of tree responses to soil C/N or bulk N deposition.
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