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Muscle immobilization leads to modification in its fast/slow contractile phenotype. Since the properties of voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(v)) are different between "fast" and "slow" muscles, we studied the effects of immobilization on the contractile properties and the Na(v) of rat peroneus longus (PL). The distal tendon of PL was cut and fixed to the adjacent bone at neutral muscle length. After 4 or 8 wk of immobilization, the contractile and the Na(v) properties were studied and compared with muscles from control animals (Student's t-test). After 4 wk of immobilization, PL showed a faster phenotype with a rightward shift of the force-frequency curve and a decrease in both the Burke's index of fatigability and the tetanus-to-twitch ratio. These parameters showed opposite changes between 4 and 8 wk of immobilization. The maximal sodium current in 4-wk immobilized fibers was higher compared with that of control fibers (11.5 ± 1.2 vs. 7.8 ± 0.8 nA, P = 0.008), with partial recovery to the control values in 8-wk immobilized fibers (8.6 ± 0.7 nA, P = 0.48). In the presence of tetrodotoxin, the maximal residual sodium current decreased continuously throughout immobilization. Using the Western blot analysis, Na(v)1.4 expression showed a transient increase in 4-wk muscle, whereas Na(v)1.5 expression decreased during immobilization. Our results indicate that a muscle immobilized at optimal functional length with the preservation of neural inputs exhibits a transient fast phenotype conversion. Na(v)1.4 expression and current are related to the contractile phenotype variation.  相似文献   
Inflammation is now recognized as a major factor contributing to type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, while the mechanisms and consequences associated with white adipose tissue inflammation are well described, very little is known concerning the situation in skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate, in vitro and in vivo, how skeletal muscle inflammation develops and how in turn it modulates local and systemic insulin sensitivity in different mice models of T2D and in humans, focusing on the role of the chemokine MCP1. Here, we found that skeletal muscle inflammation and macrophage markers are increased and associated with insulin resistance in mice models and humans. In addition, we demonstrated that intra-muscular TNFα expression is exclusively restricted to the population of intramuscular leukocytes and that the chemokine MCP1 was associated with skeletal muscle inflammatory markers in these models. Furthermore, we demonstrated that exposure of C2C12 myotubes to palmitate elevated the production of the chemokine MCP1 and that the muscle-specific overexpression of MCP1 in transgenic mice induced the local recruitment of macrophages and altered local insulin sensitivity. Overall our study demonstrates that skeletal muscle inflammation is clearly increased in the context of T2D in each one of the models we investigated, which is likely consecutive to the lipotoxic environment generated by peripheral insulin resistance, further increasing MCP1 expression in muscle. Consequently, our results suggest that MCP1-mediated skeletal muscle macrophages recruitment plays a role in the etiology of T2D.  相似文献   
In hermaphrodites, traits that influence the selfing rate can coevolve with inbreeding depression, leading to the emergence of evolutionary syndromes. Theory predicts a negative correlation between inbreeding depression and selfing rate across species. This prediction has only been examined and validated in vascular plants. Furthermore, selfing rates are often influenced by environmental conditions (e.g., lack of mates or pollinators), and species are predicted to evolve mechanisms to buffer this variation. We extend previous studies of mating-system syndromes in two ways. First, we assembled a new dataset on Basommatophoran snails (17 species, including new data on 12 species). Second, we measured how species responded to variation in mate availability. Specifically, we quantified the waiting time before selfing (i.e., how long the onset of reproduction is delayed in the absence of mates). Selfing rates were negatively correlated with both inbreeding depression and the waiting time. Species with stronger inbreeding depression exhibited longer waiting times. These patterns obtained on Basommatophorans still hold when including eight other hermaphroditic animals. Our results support the hypothesis that selection drives the evolution of mating-system syndromes in animals. The reaction norm of selfing rates to mate availability is a key target of natural selection in this context.  相似文献   
Repeated pesticide contaminations of lentic freshwater systems located within agricultural landscapes may affect population evolution in non-target organisms, especially in species with a fully aquatic life cycle and low dispersal ability. The issue of evolutionary impact of pollutants is therefore conceptually important for ecotoxicologists. The impact of historical exposure to pesticides on genetic divergence was investigated in the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis, using a set of 14 populations from contrasted environments in terms of pesticide and other anthropogenic pressures. The hypothesis of population adaptive divergence was tested on 11 life-history traits, using QST -FST comparisons. Despite strong neutral differentiation (mean FST = 0.291), five adult traits or parameters were found to be under divergent selection. Conversely, two early expressed traits showed a pattern consistent with uniform selection or trait canalization, and four adult traits appeared to evolve neutrally. Divergent selection patterns were mostly consistent with a habitat effect, opposing pond to ditch and channel populations. Comparatively, pesticide and other human pressures had little correspondence with evolutionary patterns, despite hatching rate impairment associated with global anthropogenic pressure. Globally, analyses revealed high genetic variation both at neutral markers and fitness-related traits in a species used as model in ecotoxicology, providing empirical support for the need to account for genetic and evolutionary components of population response in ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Seeds are involved in the transmission of microorganisms from one plant generation to another and consequently may act as the initial inoculum source for the plant microbiota. In this work, we assessed the structure and composition of the seed microbiota of radish (Raphanus sativus) across three successive plant generations.


Structure of seed microbial communities were estimated on individual plants through amplification and sequencing of genes that are markers of taxonomic diversity for bacteria (gyrB) and fungi (ITS1). The relative contribution of dispersal and ecological drift in inter-individual fluctuations were estimated with a neutral community model.


Seed microbial communities of radish display a low heritability across plant generations. Fluctuations in microbial community profiles were related to changes in community membership and composition across plant generations, but also to variation between individual plants. Ecological drift was an important driver of the structure of seed bacterial communities, while dispersal was involved in the assembly of the fungal fraction of the seed microbiota.


These results provide a first glimpse of the governing processes driving the assembly of the seed microbiota.
This work presents the first detailed microscopic and functional analysis of the haemocytes of an abalone; the European Haliotis tuberculata. It is shown that in contrast to the situation in bivalves, only very few basophilic "granulocytes" could be found and exclusively with a histological stain. Neither flow cytometry, phase contrast observation nor transmission electron microscopy were able to detect any granular cells. The large majority of cells was constituted of "hyalinocytes", which could be sorted by flow cytometry, for the first time, into small (blast-like) and large cells. This permits a detailed analysis of haemocytes and especially of the lowly represented blast-like cells. The differences in haemolymph cell composition between bivalves and gastropods is reviewed in depth and discussed in view of the new data we present. Most of the abalone haemocytes analysed harbour many vacuoles, large glycogen deposits, lipid inclusions and acidic compartments. However, although the number of these "inclusions" was rather variable in between individual hyalinocytes, these experiments did not allow to discern subpopulations using these criteria, and the population appears more as a "differentiation continuum". Haemocytes adhere very rapidly and are immunologically active as they quickly phagocytose latex beads and zymozan particles. This study is the first step towards understanding the H. tuberculata immune system by adapting new tools to gastropods and in providing a first detailed morpho-functional study of their haemocytes.  相似文献   
Browsing by livestock has been identified as an important factor preventing tree regeneration in wooded pastures. Two field experiments were performed to investigate the effects of cattle browsing on tree sapling growth in a mountain-wooded pasture. Two size classes (ca. 12–17 cm and 41–59 cm) of each of 4 species (Picea abies, Abies alba, Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica) were exposed to zero, low and high grazing intensities. We measured the proportion of saplings browsed and the effect of browsing on growth. A mowing treatment within the zero grazing intensity treatment showed no significant effect on sapling growth. One percent of the large saplings but 25% of the small saplings escaped browsing. Saplings were better protected when surrounded by taller vegetation. The proportion of saplings browsed was not significantly different among species although evergreen tree saplings lost a larger proportion of biomass than deciduous species when browsed. Under grazing, average current-year shoot production and total aboveground biomass of all species were significantly reduced. Browsing effects tended to be smaller at the lower grazing intensity. Because the deciduous species were least reduced in aboveground growth, especially under the low grazing intensity, we conclude that at least in short-term, deciduous species are less affected by cattle browsing.  相似文献   
The fundamental unit of biological diversity is the species. However, a remarkable extent of intraspecies diversity in bacteria was discovered by genome sequencing, and it reveals the need to develop clear criteria to group strains within a species. Two main types of analyses used to quantify intraspecies variation at the genome level are the average nucleotide identity (ANI), which detects the DNA conservation of the core genome, and the DNA content, which calculates the proportion of DNA shared by two genomes. Both estimates are based on BLAST alignments for the definition of DNA sequences common to the genome pair. Interestingly, however, results using these methods on intraspecies pairs are not well correlated. This prompted us to develop a genomic-distance index taking into account both criteria of diversity, which are based on DNA maximal unique matches (MUM) shared by two genomes. The values, called MUMi, for MUM index, correlate better with the ANI than with the DNA content. Moreover, the MUMi groups strains in a way that is congruent with routinely used multilocus sequence-typing trees, as well as with ANI-based trees. We used the MUMi to determine the relatedness of all available genome pairs at the species and genus levels. Our analysis reveals a certain consistency in the current notion of bacterial species, in that the bulk of intraspecies and intragenus values are clearly separable. It also confirms that some species are much more diverse than most. As the MUMi is fast to calculate, it offers the possibility of measuring genome distances on the whole database of available genomes.  相似文献   
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