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Immunofluorescence microscopy is a valuable tool for analyzing protein expression and localization at a subcellular level thus providing information regarding protein function, interaction partners and its role in cellular processes. When performing sample fixation, parameters such as difference in accessibility of proteins present in various cellular compartments as well as the chemical composition of the protein to be studied, needs to be taken into account. However, in systematic and proteome-wide efforts, a need exists for standard fixation protocol(s) that works well for the majority of all proteins independent of subcellular localization. Here, we report on a study with the goal to find a standardized protocol based on the analysis of 18 human proteins localized in 11 different organelles and subcellular structures. Six fixation protocols were tested based on either dehydration by alcohols (methanol, ethanol or iso-propanol) or cross-linking by paraformaldehyde followed by detergent permeabilization (Triton X-100 or saponin) in three human cell lines. Our results show that cross-linking is essential for proteome-wide localization studies and that cross-linking using paraformaldehyde followed by Triton X-100 permeabilization successfully can be used as a single fixation protocol for systematic studies.  相似文献   
The drug cisplatin is widely used to treat a number of tumor types. However, resistance to the drug, which remains poorly understood, limits its usefulness. Previous work using Dictyostelium discoideum as a model for studying drug resistance showed that mutants lacking sphingosine-1-phosphate (S-1-P) lyase, the enzyme that degrades S-1-P, had increased resistance to cisplatin, whereas mutants overexpressing the enzyme were more sensitive to the drug. S-1-P is synthesized from sphingosine and ATP by the enzyme sphingosine kinase. We have identified two sphingosine kinase genes in D. discoideum--sgkA and sgkB--that are homologous to those of other species. The biochemical properties of the SgkA and SgkB enzymes suggest that they are the equivalent of the human Sphk1 and Sphk2 enzymes, respectively. Disruption of the kinases by homologous recombination (both single and double mutants) or overexpression of the sgkA gene resulted in altered growth rates and altered response to cisplatin. The null mutants showed increased sensitivity to cisplatin, whereas mutants overexpressing the sphingosine kinase resulted in increased resistance compared to the parental cells. The results indicate that both the SgkA and the SgkB enzymes function in regulating cisplatin sensitivity. The increase in sensitivity of the sphingosine kinase-null mutants was reversed by the addition of S-1-P, and the increased resistance of the sphingosine kinase overexpressor mutant was reversed by the inhibitor N,N-dimethylsphingosine. Parallel changes in sensitivity of the null mutants are seen with the platinum-based drug carboplatin but not with doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, and etoposide. This pattern of specificity is similar to that observed with the S-1-P lyase mutants and should be useful in designing therapeutic schemes involving more than one drug. This study identifies the sphingosine kinases as new drug targets for modulating the sensitivity to platinum-based drugs.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to find out whether the changes in nutritional status induced by different litter size during early postnatal development can influence quantitative and qualitative protein remodeling and contractile performance of the myocardium. Male Wistar rats born at the same day were pooled together at 2 days postbirth and assigned by random selection to dams in groups of 4, 8 or 16 rats/litter. The animals were investigated at the age of 4 and 16 weeks. The results revealed that the early postnatal nutritional modification altered weight parameters: whereas lower heart weight persisted in slow-growing rats until 16 weeks, higher body weight of fast-growing rats returned to the control level at the age of 16 weeks. Altered nutritional status influenced also protein remodeling of the myocardium: the concentration of all noncollagenous proteins (fractions of metabolic and contractile proteins) significantly increased in slow-growing rats, on the other hand, the concentration of collagenous proteins (pepsin-soluble and -insoluble fractions) was higher in fast-growing animals. The changes were, however, only transitional: three months after the end of the weaning period most protein changes returned to the control level. However, higher concentration of total blood lipids and triglycerides in fast-growing rats persisted until adulthood. Nutritional changes had, however, only minor effect on ventricular performance. No differences among groups were observed in basal values of the left ventricular pressure, while the maximum pressure attained after an acute ventricular loading and the contractile reserve were significantly decreased in slowgrowing 4 week old rats. The functional consequence of altered nutritional status during weaning was only transitional, in agreement with the transient character of most structural and biochemical markers of myocardial remodeling.  相似文献   
An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, esa1, that shows enhanced susceptibility to the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola, Botrytis cinerea and Plectosphaerella cucumerina, but has wild-type levels of resistance to the biotrophic pathogens Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Peronospora parasitica. The enhanced susceptibility towards necrotrophic pathogens correlated with a delayed induction of phytoalexin accumulation and delayed induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2 upon inoculation with pathogens. Two reactive oxygen generating compounds, paraquat and acifluorfen, were found to cause induction of both phytoalexin accumulation and PDF1.2 expression in wild-type plants, but this induction was almost completely abolished in esa1. This finding suggests that esa1 may somehow be involved in transduction of signals generated by reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   
Cloning technologies, including embryo splitting and nuclear transfer, were introduced into dairy cattle breeding in the early 1980s. With the recent worldwide attention on the cloning of sheep ("Dolly") and cows ("Gene"), the potential food safety concerns for food products derived from cloned animals needs to be addressed. There has been no study of the composition of milk produced by cloned cows. In this preliminary study, we evaluated the composition of milk from 15 lactating non-embryonic cell cloned cows and six non-cloned lactating cows over a single season. The cloned cows came from five unique genetic lines and three distinct breeds. Milk samples were analyzed for total solids, fat, fatty acid profile, lactose, protein and compared to non-cloned and literature values. Gross chemical composition of milk from cloned cows was similar to that of the non-cloned cows and literature values. Our results lead us to conclude that there are no obvious differences in milk composition produced from cloned cows compared to non-cloned cows.  相似文献   
We report a cladistic analysis of 77 butterfly species of the tribe Melitaeini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. We sequenced ca. 536 bp from the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and a 1422-bp sequence from the cytochrome oxidase I gene. Alignments are critical to statements of homology, especially when aligning rDNA sequences. We aligned the 16S sequences using conventional methods and direct optimization. We found that direct optimization of the sequences produced the best alignments and our preferred phylogenetic hypothesis. Our results suggest that many of the previously proposed genera are paraphyletic and we conclude that there are four monophyletic groups of species in our cladogram: the Euphydryas group, the Phyciodes group, the Chlosyne group, and the Melitaea group. The following genera are found to be paraphyletic: Castilia, Chlosyne, Didymaeformia, Eresia, Melitaea , and Thessalia . In addition, recognition of the monophyletic genera Cinclidia, Mellicta , and Telenassa would render other genera paraphyletic. Our phylogenetic hypothesis indicates that the melitaeines originated in the Nearctic and have colonized the Neotropics three times and the Palaearctic twice.  相似文献   
Human KIN17 is a 45-kDa eukaryotic DNA- and RNA-binding protein that plays an important role in nuclear metabolism and in particular in the general response to genotoxics. Its amino acids sequence contains a zinc finger motif (residues 28-50) within a 30-kDa N-terminal region conserved from yeast to human, and a 15-kDa C-terminal tandem of SH3-like subdomains (residues 268-393) only found in higher eukaryotes. Here we report the solution structure of the region 51-160 of human KIN17. We show that this fragment folds into a three-alpha-helix bundle packed against a three-stranded beta-sheet. It belongs to the winged helix (WH) family. Structural comparison with analogous WH domains reveals that KIN17 WH module presents an additional and highly conserved 3(10)-helix. Moreover, KIN17 WH helix H3 is not positively charged as in classical DNA-binding WH domains. Thus, human KIN17 region 51-160 might rather be involved in protein-protein interaction through its conserved surface centered on the 3(10)-helix.  相似文献   
Epicardial fat is a relatively neglected component of the heart and could be an important risk factor of cardiac disease. The objective of our study was to assess the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) extent, fat distribution, and coronaropathy in a group of adult victims of accidental or suspicious sudden death. In 56 cadavers, we performed 34 measurements of EAT from five computerized photographs of the heart (anterior and posterior faces, and three ventricle transversal slices) and analyzed their relationship with anthropometric markers of adiposity (BMI, waist and leg circumference, thickness of abdominal and thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)), with the presence and staging of coronary artery disease (CAD), and with markers of myocardial hypertrophy. Simple linear regressions showed that EAT measurements are highly intercorrelated (r from 0.4 to 0.6, P < 0.001), and correlate with age, waist circumference, and heart weight, and to a lesser extent, with BMI, abdominal SAT thickness, and leg SAT thickness. Multiple regression showed that age, waist circumference, and heart weight significantly and independently correlate with EAT (P < 0.0001). No other anthropometric measurement was found independently correlated with EAT. The EAT/myocardium ratios correlated positively with age and waist circumference. Anterior and posterior areas of EAT were found significantly increased in patients with CAD and correlated positively with CAD staging (P = 0.0034, r = 0.38). Anterior EAT surface was found positively associated with CAD (P = 0.01), independently of age and other adiposity measurements. Prospective studies are needed to assess the risk of occurrence/progression of CAD that relate to EAT excess.  相似文献   
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