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The NOD mouse is an important experimental model for human type 1 diabetes. T cells are central to NOD pathogenesis, and their function in the autoimmune process of diabetes has been well studied. In contrast, although recognized as important players in disease induction, the role of B cells is not clearly understood. In this study we characterize different subpopulations of B cells and demonstrate that marginal zone (MZ) B cells are expanded 2- to 3-fold in NOD mice compared with nondiabetic C57BL/6 (B6) mice. The NOD MZ B cells displayed a normal surface marker profile and localized to the MZ region in the NOD spleen. Moreover, the MZ B cell population developed early during the ontogeny of NOD mice. By 3 wk of age, around the time when autoreactive T cells are first activated, a significant MZ B cell population of adult phenotype was found in NOD, but not B6, mice. Using an F2(B6 x NOD) cross in a genome-wide scan, we map the control of this trait to a region on chromosome 4 (logarithm of odds score, 4.4) which includes the Idd11 and Idd9 diabetes susceptibility loci, supporting the hypothesis that this B cell trait is related to the development of diabetes in the NOD mouse.  相似文献   
Study of the dry weights of primate and non-primate masticatory musculature reveals a significant relationship between the Anterior Temporalis/Masseter ratio and the relative development of the anterior dentition. Available dietary information demonstrates that species emphasizing incisal preparation of food have a high AT/M index; species emphasizing molar occlusion have a low AT/M index. Utilizing this information, a model is presented of the origin of the anthropoid post-orbital septum. Frugivory or extensive incisal preparation of food is causally related to the development of the post-orbital septum, because diet can then create selection pressures for an increasingly tendinous and enlarging anterior segment of the temporalis muscle which requires additional bony areas of origin in the anterior temporal fossa. Cenozoic climatic oscillations leading to increasing seasonality may have been the triggering element in this model, because seasonality creates periods in which the availability of fruit is relatively predictable.  相似文献   
The efficacy of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) in the treatment of chronic aortic regurgitation (AR) is not well established and remains controversial. The mechanisms by which ACEIs may protect against left-ventricular (LV) volume overload are not well understood, and clinical trials performed until now have yielded conflicting results. This study was therefore performed to assess the effectiveness of two different doses of the ACEI captopril in a rat model of chronic AR. We compared the effects of a 6-month low-dose (LD) (25 mg/kg) or higher dose (HD) (75 mg/kg) treatment with captopril on LV function and hypertrophy in Wistar rats with severe AR. Untreated animals developed LV eccentric hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction. LD treatment did not prevent hypertrophy and provided modest protection against systolic dysfunction. HD treatment preserved LV systolic function and dimensions and tended to slow hypertrophy. The cardiac index remained high and similar among all AR groups, treated or not. Tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) analysis revealed that ACE activity was increased in the LVs of AR animals and that only HD treatment significantly decreased angiotensin II receptor mRNA levels. Fibronectin expression was increased in the LV or AR animals, but HD treatment almost completely reversed this increase. The ACE inhibitor captopril was effective at high doses in this model of severe AR. These effects might be related to the modulation of tissue RAS and the control of fibrosis.  相似文献   
We have characterized the modulation of cell-cell adhesion and the structure of adherens junctions in the human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line that differentiates into enterocytes after glucose substitution for galactose in the medium. We demonstrate that differentiated cells (HT-29 Gal) rapidly established E-cadherin-mediated interactions in aggregation assays. This effect is not due to an increase in E-cadherin expression during this early stage of cell differentiation, but rather results from the maturation of preexisting adherens junctions. These junctions are characterized by the redistribution of E-cadherin to the basolateral membrane and its co-localization with the actin cytoskeleton. Subcellular fractionation studies indicate that actin-associated E-cadherins bind beta-catenin and p120ctn. Furthermore, the p120ctn/E-cadherin association is upregulated. These data reveal a cooperative interaction between p120ctn and E-cadherin that corresponds to mature functional adherens junctions able to initiate tight cell-cell adhesion required for epithelium architecture and further affirm the gatekeeper role of p120ctn.  相似文献   
Studies on parasite species with a wide geographic and ecological range may be confounded by still equivocal taxonomic identification. Here, we investigated genetic polymorphism and behavioural changes induced in a common intermediate host, in two different forms of Pomphorhynchus laevis based on the morphology of the larval infective stage (cystacanth). A 'smooth type' (S) and a 'wrinkled type' (W) of cystacanth were distinguished based on their surface and shape. We analysed sequence divergence at both nuclear (ribosomal gene 18S rDNA, and ribosomal internal transcribed spacers, ITS1/ITS2) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) genes of P. laevis cystacanths and adults at various geographical scales. A high level of sequence divergence at ITS1, ITS2 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (11, 8 and 20%, respectively) was found between these two forms. The divergence pattern consistently discriminated two groups independently of geographic origin or host, and was congruent with larval morphology. The two forms also strongly differed in the intensity of behavioural change induced in their common intermediate host, Gammarus pulex, with the S-type parasite inducing a positive phototactism, whereas W-type infected gammarids were as photophylic as uninfected ones. Overall, our data strongly support the specific status of these two forms. We suggest that smooth cystacanths correspond to P. laevis, whereas wrinkled cystacanths might correspond to the previously described and poorly documented, Pomphorhynchus tereticollis, considered a synonym of P. laevis. This study also confirms the value of a joint analysis of internal transcribed spacers and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 genes to biogeographic studies on these species. Finally, we emphasize the importance of linking morphological and biological characteristics of acanthocephalan cystacanths to molecular data, in the study of the evolutionary ecology and systematics of this group.  相似文献   
Timely termination of the light response in retinal photoreceptors requires rapid inactivation of the G protein transducin. This is achieved through the stimulation of transducin GTPase activity by the complex of the ninth member of the regulator of G protein signaling protein family (RGS9) with type 5 G protein beta subunit (Gbeta5). RGS9.Gbeta5 is anchored to photoreceptor disc membranes by the transmembrane protein, R9AP. In this study, we analyzed visual signaling in the rods of R9AP knockout mice. We found that light responses from R9AP knockout rods were very slow to recover and were indistinguishable from those of RGS9 or Gbeta5 knockout rods. This effect was a consequence of the complete absence of any detectable RGS9 from the retinas of R9AP knockout mice. On the other hand, the level of RGS9 mRNA was not affected by the knockout. These data indicate that in photoreceptors R9AP determines the stability of the RGS9.Gbeta5 complex, and therefore all three proteins, RGS9, Gbeta5 , and R9AP, are obligate members of the regulatory complex that speeds the rate at which transducin hydrolyzes GTP.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that the activity of the interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) is required for nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced activation of NF-kappaB and cell survival ((2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 28010-28018). Herein we demonstrate that NGF induces co-association of IRAK with atypical protein kinase C iota (PKC) and that the iota PKC.IRAK complex is recruited to the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Recruitment of IRAK to the receptor was dependent upon the activity of the iota PKC. Moreover, transfection of kinase-dead iota PKC blocked both NGF- and IL-1-induced IRAK activation and the activity of NF-kappaB. Hence, iota PKC lies upstream of IRAK in the kappaB pathway. Examining the primary structure of IRAK, we identified three putative PKC phosphorylation sites; iota PKC selectively phosphorylated peptide 1 (RTAS) within the death domain domain at Thr66, which is highly conserved among all IRAK family members. Mutation of Thr66 to Ala impaired the autokinase activity of IRAK and reduced its association with iota PKC but not TRAF6, resulting in impaired NGF- as well as IL-1-induced NF-kappaB activation. These findings provide insight into the underlying mechanism whereby IRAK regulates the kappaB pathway and reveal that IRAK is a substrate of iota PKC.  相似文献   
Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is characterized by the accumulation of cholesterol and sphingolipids in the late endosomal/lysosomal compartment. The mechanism by which the concentration of sphingolipids such as glucosylceramide is increased in this disease is poorly understood. We have found that, in NPC fibroblasts, the cholesterol storage affects the stability of glucosylceramidase (GCase), decreasing its mass and activity; a reduction of cholesterol raises the level of GCase to nearly normal values. GCase is activated and stabilized by saposin C (Sap C) and anionic phospholipids. Here we show by immunofluorescence microscopy that in normal fibroblasts, GCase, Sap C, and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), the most abundant anionic phospholipid in the endolysosomal system, reside in the same intracellular vesicular structures. In contrast, the colocalization of GCase, Sap C, and LBPA is markedly impaired in NPC fibroblasts but can be re-established by cholesterol depletion. These data show for the first time that the level of cholesterol modulates the interaction of GCase with its protein and lipid activators, namely Sap C and LBPA, regulating the GCase activity and stability.  相似文献   
Aberrant mitosis occurs in many tauopathy-related neurodegenerative diseases and is believed to precede the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. In this study, we report for the first time that transient cerebral ischemia induces aberrant mitotic proteins and hyperphosphorylation of tau protein with neurofibrillary tangle-like conformational epitopes in adult female rat cortex. Following transient cerebral ischemia in rats, initiation of apoptosis precedes and is potentially integrated with subsequent aberrant mitosis and tau hyperphosphorylation. Furthermore, inhibition of mitosis-related cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) by roscovitine significantly reduced the hyperphosphorylation of tau. Administration of the female sex steroid and potent neuroprotective agent, 17beta-estradiol, reduced ischemia-reperfusion-induced cerebral damage and the subsequent aberrant mitosis and tauopathies. These results provide a neuropathological basis for the higher prevalence of dementia in stroke patients and support the hypothesis that apoptosis and aberrant mitosis are integrated pathological events in neurons that may play a critical role in the development of Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathy-related neuropathology.  相似文献   
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