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We report a cladistic analysis of 77 butterfly species of the tribe Melitaeini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. We sequenced ca. 536 bp from the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and a 1422-bp sequence from the cytochrome oxidase I gene. Alignments are critical to statements of homology, especially when aligning rDNA sequences. We aligned the 16S sequences using conventional methods and direct optimization. We found that direct optimization of the sequences produced the best alignments and our preferred phylogenetic hypothesis. Our results suggest that many of the previously proposed genera are paraphyletic and we conclude that there are four monophyletic groups of species in our cladogram: the Euphydryas group, the Phyciodes group, the Chlosyne group, and the Melitaea group. The following genera are found to be paraphyletic: Castilia, Chlosyne, Didymaeformia, Eresia, Melitaea , and Thessalia . In addition, recognition of the monophyletic genera Cinclidia, Mellicta , and Telenassa would render other genera paraphyletic. Our phylogenetic hypothesis indicates that the melitaeines originated in the Nearctic and have colonized the Neotropics three times and the Palaearctic twice.  相似文献   
Human KIN17 is a 45-kDa eukaryotic DNA- and RNA-binding protein that plays an important role in nuclear metabolism and in particular in the general response to genotoxics. Its amino acids sequence contains a zinc finger motif (residues 28-50) within a 30-kDa N-terminal region conserved from yeast to human, and a 15-kDa C-terminal tandem of SH3-like subdomains (residues 268-393) only found in higher eukaryotes. Here we report the solution structure of the region 51-160 of human KIN17. We show that this fragment folds into a three-alpha-helix bundle packed against a three-stranded beta-sheet. It belongs to the winged helix (WH) family. Structural comparison with analogous WH domains reveals that KIN17 WH module presents an additional and highly conserved 3(10)-helix. Moreover, KIN17 WH helix H3 is not positively charged as in classical DNA-binding WH domains. Thus, human KIN17 region 51-160 might rather be involved in protein-protein interaction through its conserved surface centered on the 3(10)-helix.  相似文献   
Epicardial fat is a relatively neglected component of the heart and could be an important risk factor of cardiac disease. The objective of our study was to assess the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) extent, fat distribution, and coronaropathy in a group of adult victims of accidental or suspicious sudden death. In 56 cadavers, we performed 34 measurements of EAT from five computerized photographs of the heart (anterior and posterior faces, and three ventricle transversal slices) and analyzed their relationship with anthropometric markers of adiposity (BMI, waist and leg circumference, thickness of abdominal and thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)), with the presence and staging of coronary artery disease (CAD), and with markers of myocardial hypertrophy. Simple linear regressions showed that EAT measurements are highly intercorrelated (r from 0.4 to 0.6, P < 0.001), and correlate with age, waist circumference, and heart weight, and to a lesser extent, with BMI, abdominal SAT thickness, and leg SAT thickness. Multiple regression showed that age, waist circumference, and heart weight significantly and independently correlate with EAT (P < 0.0001). No other anthropometric measurement was found independently correlated with EAT. The EAT/myocardium ratios correlated positively with age and waist circumference. Anterior and posterior areas of EAT were found significantly increased in patients with CAD and correlated positively with CAD staging (P = 0.0034, r = 0.38). Anterior EAT surface was found positively associated with CAD (P = 0.01), independently of age and other adiposity measurements. Prospective studies are needed to assess the risk of occurrence/progression of CAD that relate to EAT excess.  相似文献   
Screening test on anti-oxidation activity using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) was performed for 99 ethanol extracts of 85 species of natural thalli of lichens in order to find novel anti-oxidation compounds.The 17 extracts of natural thalli showed high anti-oxidation activity.Among them,the activities of extracts from Hypogymnia vittata,Peltigera aphthosa,Nephromopsis ornata,Pseudevernia furfuracea,Cladonia vulcani and Peltigera elizabethae were higher.Extracts of Peltigera spp.showed higher activity than those of other genera.The ethanol extract of P.aphthosa had been separated into ethyl acetate-soluble and water-soluble fractions.Two anti-oxidative spots were found only in the water-soluble fractions by thin-layer chromatography.The compound in the lower spot had the same Rf value,UV spectrum,and color as authentic solorinine that was previously found as a unique quaternary ammonium compound from Peltigera spp.We now report that the hydrophilic lichen substance,solorinine showed a nearly same anti-oxidation activity(EC50=120?mol/Lol/L) as standard antioxidant Trolox(EC50=150?mol/L).  相似文献   
MicroRNA-122 (miR-122) is an abundant liver-specific miRNA, implicated in fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism as well as hepatitis C viral replication. Here, we report that a systemically administered 16-nt, unconjugated LNA (locked nucleic acid)-antimiR oligonucleotide complementary to the 5′ end of miR-122 leads to specific, dose-dependent silencing of miR-122 and shows no hepatotoxicity in mice. Antagonism of miR-122 is due to formation of stable heteroduplexes between the LNA-antimiR and miR-122 as detected by northern analysis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated uptake of the LNA-antimiR in mouse liver cells, which was accompanied by markedly reduced hybridization signals for mature miR-122 in treated mice. Functional antagonism of miR-122 was inferred from a low cholesterol phenotype and de-repression within 24 h of 199 liver mRNAs showing significant enrichment for miR-122 seed matches in their 3′ UTRs. Expression profiling extended to 3 weeks after the last LNA-antimiR dose revealed that most of the changes in liver gene expression were normalized to saline control levels coinciding with normalized miR-122 and plasma cholesterol levels. Combined, these data suggest that miRNA antagonists comprised of LNA are valuable tools for identifying miRNA targets in vivo and for studying the biological role of miRNAs and miRNA-associated gene-regulatory networks in a physiological context.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in the mechanism of photoaging and carcinogenesis. Skin is endowed with antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutases (SOD): cytosolic copper zinc SOD and mitochondrial manganese SOD. The aim of our study was to estimate the protective effect of manganese against oxidative injury on cultured human skin fibroblasts. Dithranol, hydrogen peroxide and UV-A radiation (375 nm) were employed as oxidative stressors. The supply of manganese chloride produced an increase in cellular content of this element up to 24 fold without concomitant elevation of MnSOD activity. Nevertheless, manganese protects cells against two of the three ROS generating systems assessed, namely hydrogen peroxyde and UV-A. This protective effect depends on the concentration of manganese in the medium, 0.1 mM and 0.2 mM protect against UVA cytotoxicity, only 0.2 mM protects against H2O2 cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
The exclusive use of characters coding for specific life stages may bias tree reconstruction. If characters from several life stages are coded, the type of coding becomes important. Here, we simulate the influence on tree reconstruction of morphological characters of Odonata larvae incorporated into a data matrix based on the adult body under different coding schemes. For testing purposes, our analysis is focused on a well‐supported hypothesis: the relationships of the suborders Zygoptera, ‘Anisozygoptera’, and Anisoptera. We studied the cephalic morphology of Epiophlebia, a key taxon among Odonata, and compared it with representatives of Zygoptera and Anisoptera in order to complement the data matrix. Odonate larvae are characterized by a peculiar morphology, such as the specific head form, mouthpart configuration, ridge configuration, cephalic musculature, and leg and gill morphology. Four coding strategies were used to incorporate the larval data: artificial coding (AC), treating larvae as independent terminal taxa; non‐multistate coding (NMC), preferring the adult life stage; multistate coding (MC); and coding larval and adult characters separately (SC) within the same taxon. As expected, larvae are ‘monophyletic’ in the AC strategy, but with anisopteran and zygopteran larvae as sister groups. Excluding larvae in the NMC approach leads to strong support for both monophyletic Odonata and Epiprocta, whereas MC erodes phylogenetic signal completely. This is an obvious result of the larval morphology leading to many multistate characters. SC results in the strongest support for Odonata, and Epiprocta receives the same support as with NMC. Our results show the deleterious effects of larval morphology on tree reconstruction when multistate coding is applied. Coding larval characters separately is still the best approach in a phylogenetic framework. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Aromatase is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of estrogen in gonads and brain. Teleost fish express aromatase (AroB) strongly in the brain facilitating its detailed examination. To understand the function of AroB in the brain, we generated transgenic zebrafish that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the brain aromatase cyp19a1b promoter. GFP was found in the radial glial cells of transgenic larvae and adult fish that overlap with AroB immunoreactivity in the correct temporal and spatial pattern. GFP was also coexpressed with radial cell marker BLBP, but was not in neurons. In addition, GFP expression in the radial glial cells was stimulated by estrogen, same as endogenous AroB expression. Thus, this transgenic line faithfully mimics the regulation of AroB expression in radial glial cells. It provides a powerful tool to further characterize progenitor radial cells in adult and developing fish and to evaluate estrogenic activities of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens. genesis 47:67–73, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are factors that promote osteoblastic cell differentiation and osteogenesis. It is unknown whether BMPs may act on human osteoblastic cells by increasing immature cell growth and/or differentiation. We investigated the short- and long-term effects of recombinant human (rh)BMP-2 on cell growth and osteoblast phenotype in a new model of human neonatal pre-osteoblastic calvaria cells (HNC). In short-term culture, rhBMP-2 (20-100 ng/ml) inhibited DNA synthesis and increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity without affecting osteocalcin (OC) production. When cultured for 3 weeks in the presence of ascorbic acid and inorganic phosphate to induce cell differentiation, HNC cells initially proliferated, type 1 collagen mRNA and protein levels rose, and then decreased, whereas OC mRNA and protein levels, and calcium accumulation into the extracellular matrix increased at 2 to 3 weeks. A transient treatment with rhBMP-2 (50 ng/ml) for 1 to 7 days which affected immature HNC cells, decreased cell growth, increased ALP activity and mRNA, and induced cells to express ALP, osteopontin, and OC at 7 days, as shown by immunocytochemistry. At 2 to 3 weeks, matrix mineralization was markedly increased despite cessation of treatment, and although OC and Col 1 mRNA and protein levels were not changed. A continuous treatment with rhBMP-2 for 3 weeks which affected immature and mature cells reduced cell growth, increased ALP activity and mRNA at 1 week and increased OC mRNA and protein levels and calcium content in the matrix at 3 weeks, indicating complete osteoblast differentiation. These results indicate that the differentiating effects of BMP-2 on human neonatal calvaria are dependent on duration of exposure. Although long-term exposure led to complete differentiation of OC-synthesizing osteoblasts, the primary effect of rhBMP-2 was to promote osteoblast marker expression in immature cells, which was sufficient to induce optimal matrix mineralization independently of cell growth and type 1 collagen expression.  相似文献   
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