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Toxigenic fungi associated with stored corn   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 246 fungal isolates were obtained from 25 moldy corn samples collected in central Iowa. Either water or ether extracts of all corn samples except one exhibited some degree of toxicity in mice and/or ducklings. At least one toxigenic isolate was obtained from each corn sample. Extracts of cultures of 99 of the fungal isolates, involving 13 genera, produced death in one or more of the assay animals. The majority of the toxigenic isolates belonged to the generaAspergillus andPenicillium. Three isolates ofTrichothecium roseum were highly toxic to ducklings and mice. The ducklings exhibited a flaccid paralysis shortly after receiving an oral dose of extracts of these three isolates. Death frequently occurred following a second oral dose given 24 hr later. Mice given intraperitoneal injections of extracts ofT. roseum first exhibited lethargy and intermittent tremors, then hyperemotivity, roughening of the hair coat, abdominal respirations, incoordination, dyspnea and clonic convulsions with death occurring usually within 10 to 20 min.
Zusammenfassung Insgesamt sind 246 Pilzisolierungen von 25 verschimmelten Getreideproben, die in Zentral-Iowa gesammelt worden sind, erhalten worden. Sowohol Wasser- wie Aether-Extrakte von allen Getreideproben zeigten eine gewisse Toxizität in Mäusen als auch in Entchen außer einer einzigen Probe. Kulturextrakte von 99 der Pilzisolierungen, die 13 Gattungen umfaßten, verursachten den Tod in einem oder in mehreren Versuchstieren. Die Mehrheit der toxischen Isolierungen gehörte den GattungenAspergillus undPenicillium an. Drei Isolierungen vonTrichothecium roseum waren hoch toxisch für Entchen und Mäuse. Die Entchen zeigten eine schlaffe Paralyse kurz nachdem sie eine orale Dosis der Auszüge dieser drei Isolierungen erhalten hatten. Tod erfolgte häufig nach der zweiten oralen Dosis innerhalb 24 Stunden. Mäuse, die eine intraperitoneale Injektion der Auszüge vonT. roseum erhielten, zeigten erst eine Lethargie und einen intermittierenden Tremor, dann eine Hyperemotivität, aufgerauhte Haarbedeckung, abdominale Atmung, Inkoordination, Dyspnoe, klonische Zuckungen und Tod gewöhnlich innerhalb 10 bis 20 Minuten.
Résumé L'ultrastructure des éléments cytoplasmiques de deux Dinoflagellés a révélé des différences fondamentales directement liées à leur mode de vie.Chez Noctiluca (Dinoflagellé libre, incolore), les corps de Golgi jouent un rôle important dans la formation des sphères archoplasmiques au moment des divisions et lors de l'élaboration de l'endoglée. Les mitochondries de grande taille, parfois géantes, ont des crêtes nombreuses et une matrice réduite. Elles offrent souvent des relations de contiguïté avec les granulations lipidiques et l'enveloppe nucléaire; elles sont très abondantes dans le tentacule du trophozoïte. Il n'existe pas de plastes. Les inclusions lipidiques abondent ainsi que les trichocystes fibreux et les poches mucifères dont le contenu est polysaccharidique.Chez Blastodinium (Dinoflagellé parasite, coloré sauf une espèce), les corps de Golgi sont très réduits dans le trophocyte, assez rares mais de structure classique dans les sporocytes. Les mitochondries sont de petite taille, pauvres en crêtes et ont une matrice importante chez le trophocyte; elles sont plus grandes dans les sporocytes. Les plastes bien développés, périphériques, possèdent des lamelles stromatiques formées de trois thylakoïdes chez les sporocytes; par contre, chez l'individu végétatif, le plus souvent incolore et relativement protégé de la lumière par plusieurs rangées de sporocytes, les plastes, de grande taille ont un aspect dégénéré: lamelles stromatiques rares, thylakoïdes tassés et stroma important; ce sont des étioplastes. Le cas de Blastodinium contortum hyalinum toujours incolore, est particulier: les plastes existent encore mais sont totalement dégénérés. Il y a très peu de lipides dans le trophocyte, mais ils sont par contre abondants dans les sporocytes. Il existe des trichocystes fibreux et chez l'individu végétatif, des figures myéliniques.Ces importantes variations structurales illustrent parfaitement, dans l'échelle évolutive des Dinoflagellés, l'exemple de deux modes de vie très différents.
Fine structure of endoplasm and vacuoles in two types of dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca and Blastodinium
Summary The fine structure of cytoplasmic elements of two Dinoflagellates reveals fundamental differences directly linked to their way of life.In Noctiluca, free-living, colourless dinoflagellate, the Golgi bodies play an important role in the formation of archoplasmic spheres at the moment of division and when the endoglea is elaborated. The mitochondria of great size, sometimes giant, have very abundant cristae and a reduced matrix. They often show relations of contiguity with the lipid granules and the nuclear envelope; they are very abundant in the tentacle of the trophozoïd. There are no plastids. The lipid inclusions are very abundant and so are fibrous trichocysts and muciferous bags whose content is polysaccharidic.In Blastodinium, parasitic dinoflagellate, coloured except for one species, the Golgi bodies are much reduced in the trophocyte, rather rare but of classical structure in the sporocytes. The mitochondria are of small size, with rare cristae and have an enlarged matrix in the trophocyte; they are bigger in the sporocytes. The plastids are well developed, peripheral, and have stromatic lamellae formed of three thylakoïds in the sporocytes. On the other hand, in the vegetative individual, usually colourless since it is protected from the light by many rows of sporocytes, the large plastids have a degenerated aspect, rare stromatic lamellae, packed thylakoïds and enlarged stroma; they are etioplastids. The case of Blastodinium contortum hyalinum, always colourless, is special: the plastids still exist but are completely degenerated. There are very few lipids in the trophocyte but abundant ones in the sporocytes. Some fibrous trichocysts occur, and in the vegetative individual, some myelinic vacuoles.These important structural variations illustrate very well the example of two very different ways of life, in the evolutionary tree of dinoflagellates.
Cet article fait partie d'un travail d'ensemble constituant une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat intitulée: La cytologie et la division de deux types de Dinoflagellés: Noctiluca Suriray (genre libre) et Blastodinium Chatton (genre parasite).  相似文献   
The strainCandida utilis T 20 adapted to a high concentration of ethionine, excretes considerable amounts of methionine in a synthetic medium, about 40 times as much as the original non-adapted strain. At the same time, the amount of methionine in yeast cells incrncreased, predominantly in the pool (9 times as much as in the control). This ability to produce greater amounts of methionine in the pool or to excrete it into the medium is not permanent, since after 5 passages on agar with ut ethionine the amount of methionine was practically not increased as compared with the original non-adapted strain. An increase in free methionine and of methionine excreted into the medium was found on cultivating the strain in a molasses-containing medium, too.  相似文献   
Fifth (last) instar nymphs of th e tick Ornithodoros moubata convert ingested 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) to apolar conjugates AP2, which are then converted to th e more polar conjugates API. Only small quantities of free hormone were transferred to th e hemolymph and the carcass within t h e first 2 days after the blood meal. The proportion of radiolabel in these two compartments was highest at the time of the endogenous ecdysteroid peak; however, no traces of free [3H]20E were detected. The conversion probably occurs principally in the intestinal cells. Eleven days after ingestion, 84% of the radiolabel is located in the digestive tract, mainly in the form of API conjugates. API obtained in second instar nymphs fed with [3H]ecdysone ([3H]E) remain stable throughout the following nymphal instars. The ecdysteroid moiety of APT remained unchanged. The hydrolysis, although not complete, always yielded a peak comigrating with the reference E but never 20E or any other clearly distinct peaks that may have corresponded to metabolites of 20E. Less label per individual was present in adults, but its nature remained the same, viz., API mainly located in the digestive tract. In females, 2.5% of the label was transferred to the progeny during the first ovipositional cycle. Apolar products (mainly AP2) that accumulated in eggs of females injected with [3H]E or [3H]20E during vitellogenesis remained unchanged during the whole embryonic development. During the molting cycle of larvae, there was only a slight conversion of AP2 to API, but esterase hydrolysis of these products released the same percentages of E and 20E as in the freshly laid eggs. We conclude that in this tick species apolar conjugates of ecdysteroids are inactivation metabolites that are not reutilized during the development of the animal. These metabolites are mainly retained in the tick, probably because of its peculiar blocked midgut. Several studies have shown that in other arthropod species (ticks, spiders, and insects), these apolar metabolites are excreted in the feces.  相似文献   
Agonists modulation of Mg2+-dependent adenylate cyclase activity has been studied in guinea-pig superior cervical ganglion crude membrane preparations. In the absence of receptors ligands, Mg2+ stimulates the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. The dose-activation curve shows heterogeneity and two components with higher and lower apparent affinity states, are extrapolated. In the presence ofD-Ala2-met-enkephalinamide only one component is present and the apparent affinity of the ganglionic adenylate cyclase system for the divalent cation as well as Vmax are inhibited. On the contrary, prostaglandin E2 increases affinity and Vmax values of the lower and, to a lesser extent, of the higher Km component. When the two drugs are tested in combination, not only the inhibitory effect of the opiate is overcome, but a large increase of the apparent affinities and Vmax values for both components is obtained, suggesting the involvement of the Mg2+-regulated subunits of the adenylate cyclase system in the supra-additive stimulation mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The growth and development of plants is regulated by light viathe action of photoreceptors which are responsive to the red/far-red,blue and UV regions of the spectrum. Phytochrome B (the apoproteinof which is encoded by the PHYB gene) is one of the red/far-redabsorbing photoreceptors active in this process. In this paper,the isolation and characterization of three new EMS-inducedmutations of Arabidopsis which confer phytochrome B deficiencyare described. Complementation analysis showed that these mutations(phyB-101, phyB-102 and phyB-104) were allelic with PHYB. DNAsequence analysis showed that all three mutants contain nucleotidesubstitutions in the PHYB-101 gene sequence. phyB-101 carriesa nucleotide substitution within the second exon of the PHYBgene. This G-to-A substitution is a missense mutation that convertsa glutamate residue at position 812 of the phytochrome B apoproteinto a lysine residue. phyB-102, another missense mutant, carriesa C-to-T substitution which converts a serine residue at position349 of the phytochrome B apoprotein to a phenylalanine residue.phyB-104 carries a premature stop codon as a result of a G-to-Amutation 1190 bp down-stream of the ATG start codon of the PHYBsequence. The missense mutations in phyB-101 and phyB-102 causesignificant alterations in the predicted second ary structureof their respective mutant polypeptides, and identify aminoacid residues playing crucial roles in phytochrome B function,assembly or stability. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochromet, phyB mutants, missense mutations  相似文献   
The impact of low humidity in ambient air on water relations,nitrate uptake, and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogen,was investigated in 5-week-old tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill cv. Ailsa Craig) plants grown hydroponically in a completenutrient solution. Plants were subjected to dry air (relativehumidity 2–4% for 6 h. The transpiration rate increasedseveral-fold and the shoot water content decreased by almost20%, whereas root water content was unaffected. No effect onin vitro nitrate reductase (NR) activity was detected when usingan EDTA-contraining assay buffer. Replacement of EDTA with Mg2+revealed a significant decline in shoot NR activity, which suggestsphosphorylation of the enzyme during the stress treatment. Plantswere grown in a split-root system, in which one root half wasfed 15N-nitrate during the treatment, in order to determinenitrate uptake and translocation of recently absorbed nitrogenin the plants. Uptake of nitrate was substantially inhibited,but the proportion of absorbed 15N that was translocated tothe shoots was only slightly affected. In untreated plants,71% of the 15N recovered in roots had been retranslocated fromthe shoots, whereas in plants subjected to stress the deliveryof 15N from shoots to roots appeared to be completely inhibited.The data show that lowered humidity in air has significant effectson both uptake of nitrate as well as translocation of nitrogenwithin the plants. Some of these effects appear to be commonwith those observed in plants subjected to reduced water potentialsin the root environment and point to the possibility of theshoot water relations being highly influential on nitrogen uptakeand translocation. Key words: Air humidity, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase activity, nitrogen translocation, tomato, water stress  相似文献   
The hemochromatosis gene (HFE) maps to 6p21.3, in close linkage with the HLA Class I genes. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) studies were designed to narrow down the most likely candidate region for HFE, as an alternative to traditional linkage analysis. However, both the HLA-A and D6S105 subregions, which are situated 2–3 cM and approximately 3 Mb apart, have been suggested to contain HFE. The present report extends our previous study based upon the analysis of a large number of HFE and normal chromosomes from 66families of Breton ancestry. In addition to the previously used RFLP markers spanning the 400-kb surrounding HLA-A, we examined three microsatellites: D6S510, HLA-F, and D6S105. Our combined data not only confirm a peak of LD at D6S105, but also reveal a complex pattern of LD over the i82 to D6S105 interval. Within our ethnically well-defined population of Brittany, the association of HFE with D6S105 is as great as that with HLA-A, while the internal markers display a lower LD. Fine haplotype analysis enabled us to identify two categories of haplotypes segregating with HFE. In contrast to the vast majority of normal haplotypes, 50% of HFE haplotypes are completely conserved over the HLA-A to D6S105 interval. These haplotypes could have been conserved through recombination suppression, selective forces and/or other evolutionary factors. This particular haplotypic configuration might account for the apparent inconsistencies between genetic linkage and LD data, and additionally greatly complicates positional cloning of HFE through disequilibrium mapping.The authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Living yeast cells can be selectively stained with the lipophilic cationic cyanine dye DiOC6(3) in a mitochondrial membrane potential-dependent manner. Our study extends the use of flow cytometric analysis and sorting to DiOC6(3)-stained yeast cells. Experimental conditions were developed that prevented the toxic side effect of the probe and gave a quantitative correlation between fluorescence and mitochondrial membrane potential, without any staining of other membranes. The localization of the fluorochrome was checked by confocal microscopy and image cytometry. The mitochondrial membrane alterations were also tested through cardiolipin staining with nonyl acridine orange. Differences in light scattering and in fluorescence were detected in mutants (rho-, rho degrees, mit-, or pet-) and wild-type (rho+mit+) populations of yeast. The dye uptake of respiratory-deficient yeast strains was significantly reduced as compared to that of the wild-type. Application of an uncoupler (mCICCP), which collapsed the mitochondrial membrane potential (alphapsi(m)), led to a drastic reduction of the dye uptake. It was observed that a decrease in deltapsi(m), was usually correlated with a decrease in cardiolipin stainability by nonyl acridine orange (NAO). Quantitative flow cytometry is a fast and reproducible technique for rapid screening of yeast strains that might be suspected of respiratory dysfunction and/or mitochondrial structural changes. We give evidence that it is an adequate method to characterize and isolate respiratory mutants through sorting procedure, with selective enrichment of the population studied in respiring or non-respiring yeast cells. Confocal microscopy and image cytometry corroborate the flow cytometry results.  相似文献   
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